Jay School Corporation Music Curriculum Guide

Jay County High School

Business Curriculum Guide

Desktop Publishing

Grades 9 – 12


|DTP 1.1 Content Standard: Students evaluate the purposes, functions and features of |

|desktop publishing software |

|Business Academic Standard |Literacy Embedded Standard |Mathematics Embedded Standard |Learning Activities |Assessment(s) |

|DTP 1.1.1 Define terms related to desktop |10.1.1 Understand technical vocabulary in | |Define and establish the purpose of |Quiz or test over terminology |

|publishing. |subject area reading. | |Desktop Publishing. | |

| |10.1.2 Distinguish between what words mean | | | |

| |literally and what they imply, and | | | |

| |interpret what words imply. | | | |

|DTP 1.1.2 Describe the hardware components used| | |Discuss and Demonstrate: the need and |Label and identify the hardware components |

|in desktop publishing. | | |language for desktop publishing. |used in class |

|DTP 1.1.3 Compare and contrast software used |11.2.2 Analyze the way in which clarity of | |Have students bring in examples of |Compare and contrast paper |

|for desktop publishing. |meaning is affected by the patterns of | |various desktop publications. | |

| |organization, repetition of the main ideas,| | | |

| |organization of language, and word choice | |Show examples of various desktop | |

| |in the text. | |publications (i.e. newsletter, magazines,| |

| |11.2.6 Critique the power, validity, and | |newspapers, sales brochure, name tags, | |

| |truthfulness of arguments set forth in | |business cards, etc.) | |

| |public documents; their appeal to both | | | |

| |friendly and hostile audiences; and the | |Compare and discuss operating systems and| |

| |extent to which the arguments anticipate | |hardware requirements for desktop | |

| |and address reader concerns and | |publications. | |

| |counterclaims. | |Discuss different software programs | |

| |12.2.2 Analyze the way in which clarity of | |available for desktop publishing and | |

| |meaning is affected by the patterns of | |photo editing. | |

| |organization, repetition of the main ideas,| | | |

| |organization of language, and word choice | |Have students determine the best program | |

| |in the text. | |for specific assignments. | |

| |12.2.6 Critique the power, validity, and | | | |

| |truthfulness of arguments set forth in | | | |

| |public documents; their appeal to both | | | |

| |friendly and hostile audiences; and the | | | |

| |extent to which the arguments anticipate | | | |

| |and address reader concerns and | | | |

| |counterclaims. | | | |

|DTP 1.1.4 Identify tools in toolbars and | | |Label screen parts, toolbox, and |Label and identify the desktop software |

|palettes. | | |palettes. |window, toolbars, and palettes |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Tests and quizzes |

|DTP 1.1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of measurement | |A1.2.1 Solve linear equations. |Complete worksheets. |Label ruler |

|tools. | |A1.2.2 Solve equations and formulas | | |

| | |for a specified variable |Draw using the tools available. |Quiz over ruler measurements |

| | |A1.2.6 Solve word problems that | | |

| | |involve linear equations, formulas, |Design a personal logo using the tools. |Evaluate logo design using Desktop Publishing |

| | |and inequalities. | |Project Assessment Form |

| | |A1.3.1 Sketch a reasonable graph for a|Worksheet on measurements—how to read a | |

| | |given relationship. |ruler. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Review the rulers in different views. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Measure in picas and measure in inches. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Learn and use ruler guides and “snap to” | |

| | | |options. | |

| | | | | |

|DTP 1.1.6 Discover effective color |10.3.11 Evaluate the aesthetic qualities of| |Discover and discuss the color wheel for |Tests and quizzes |

|utilizations. |style, including the impact of diction and | |both print and Web publications. | |

| |figurative | | |Prepare a PowerPoint indicating the meanings |

| |language on tone, mood, and theme. | | |of the various colors |

|DTP 1.1.7 Explore Web features of desktop | | |Guest speaker from advertising agency to |Classify color usages |

|publishing software. | | |discuss color. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Compare and contrast different colors | |

| | | |models and libraries (Grayscale, CMYK, | |

| | | |RGB, Web, etc.). | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Samples of good color use and bad color | |

| | | |use. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discover Web components. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |List Web publications such as e-mail | |

| | | |letter, Web form, product list, etc. | |

|DTP 2.1 Content Standard: Students develop and demonstrate desktop publishing |

|software skills. |

|Business Academic Standard |Literacy Embedded Standard |Mathematics Embedded Standard |Learning Activities |Assessment(s) |

|DTP 2.1.1 Use editing techniques. | | |Discuss editing features: |On-screen evaluations to determine use of|

| | | | |the editing features |

| | | |Search and replace | |

| | | |Cut, copy, and paste |Rubric or checklist for projects |

| | | |Select all and deselect |incorporating the techniques |

| | | |Page breaks | |

| | | |Grouping |Peer evaluation of projects |

| | | |Arrange | |

| | | |Cropping |Proofreading quizzes |

| | | |Rotating | |

| | | |Text wrapping | |

| | | |Flip | |

| | | |Web page navigation | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Demonstrate and utilize spell check, grammar| |

| | | |check, and design check features. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Give students a document to proofread and | |

| | | |edit. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Create a table and use table formatting | |

| | | |features. | |

|DTP 2.1.2 Access available resources for software |11.4.1 Discuss ideas for writing with | |Show students how to use the Help tab for |Complete instructions verbatim to |

|assistance. |classmates, teachers, and other writers. | |assistance. |evaluate process |

| |11.4.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the | | | |

| |elements of discourse, such as purpose, | |Research the Internet for software |Observation evaluation |

| |speaker, audience, and form, when completing | |assistance. | |

| |narrative, expository, persuasive, or | | | |

| |descriptive writing assignments. | |Utilize reference materials available: | |

| |11.4.5 Enhance meaning using rhetorical | | | |

| |devices, including the extended use of | |Reference manuals | |

| |parallelism, repetition, and analogy and the | |On-line resources | |

| |issuance of a call for action. | |Tutorials | |

| |11.4.6 Use language in creative and vivid ways| | | |

| |to establish a specific tone. | |Create technical instructions on how to | |

| |12.4.1 Engage in conversations with peers and | |solve a problem utilizing resources to | |

| |the teacher to plan writing, to evaluate how | |answer questions. | |

| |well writing achieves its purposes, and to | | | |

| |explain personal reaction to the task. | | | |

| |12.4.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the | | | |

| |elements of discourse, such as purpose, | | | |

| |speaker, audience, and form, when completing | | | |

| |narrative, expository, persuasive, or | | | |

| |descriptive writing assignments. | | | |

| |12.4.3 Use point of view, characterization, | | | |

| |style, and related elements for specific | | | |

| |narrative and aesthetic (artistic) purposes. | | | |

| |12.4.4 Structure ideas and arguments in a | | | |

| |sustained and persuasive way and support them | | | |

| |with precise and relevant examples. | | | |

| |12.4.5 Enhance meaning using rhetorical | | | |

| |devices, including the extended use of | | | |

| |parallelism, repetition, and analogy and the | | | |

| |issuance of a call for action. | | | |

| |12.4.6 Use language in creative and vivid ways| | | |

| |to establish a specific tone. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|DTP 2.1.3 Modify document setup default. |11.4.10 Review, evaluate, and revise writing | |Work with an existing publication and give |Give the students a document that they |

| |for meaning, clarity, achievement of purpose, | |students different setup requirements. |need to modify correctly. |

| |and mechanics. | | | |

| |11.4.11 Edit and proofread one’s own writing, | |Redo a preprinted brochure. |Peer evaluation |

| |as well as that of others, using an editing | | | |

| |checklist. | | | |

| |11.4.12 Revise text to highlight the | | | |

| |individual voice, improve sentence variety and| | | |

| |style, and enhance subtlety of meaning and | | | |

| |tone in ways that are consistent with the | | | |

| |purpose, audience, and form of writing. | | | |

| |12.4.10 Accumulate, review, and evaluate | | | |

| |written work to determine its strengths and | | | |

| |weaknesses and to set goals as a writer. | | | |

| |12.4.11 Revise, edit, and proofread one’s own | | | |

| |writing, as well as that of others, using an | | | |

| |editing checklist. | | | |

| |12.4.12 Further develop unique writing style | | | |

| |and voice, improve sentence variety, and | | | |

| |enhance | | | |

| |subtlety of meaning and tone in ways that are | | | |

| |consistent with the purpose, audience, | | | |

| |and form of writing. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|DTP 2.1.4 Create master pages. |11.4.3 Use point of view, characterization, | |Discuss master page layouts and the purposes|Quiz |

| |style, and related elements for specific | |for them. | |

| |narrative and aesthetic (artistic) purposes. | | |Master page checklist |

| |11.4.4 Structure ideas and arguments in a | |Discover master pages in printed documents | |

| |sustained and persuasive way and support them | |like newspapers and magazines. Bring in | |

| |with precise and relevant examples. | |examples. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Design a certificate of achievement using a | |

| | | |master page. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Create headers and footers. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Design a logo for a company to be used as a | |

| | | |master page. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Design a letterhead for a company to be used| |

| | | |as a master page. | |

|DTP 2.1.5 Apply knowledge of printing procedures. | |A1.9.1 Use a variety of |Discuss printing requirements. |Desktop Publishing Project Assessment |

| | |problem-solving strategies, | |Form |

| | |such as drawing a diagram, |Discuss printable Web components. | |

| | |making a chart, | |Write a compare and contrast paper on |

| | |guess-and-check, solving a |Show examples of different print qualities. |different printing options. |

| | |simpler problem, writing an | | |

| | |equation, and working |Research and discuss the options of |Create a rating chart for printers based |

| | |backwards. |printers: pricing, quality, ink jet vs. |on research. |

| | | |laser jet. | |

| | |A1.9.2 Decide whether a | | |

| | |solution is reasonable in the |Give an assignment that has the students | |

| | |context of the original |determine the best printing options. | |

| | |situation. | | |

| | | |Demonstrate color separations. | |

| | |A1.9.6 Distinguish between | | |

| | |inductive and deductive |Create a table to determine the following: | |

| | |reasoning, identifying and | | |

| | |providing examples of each. |Number of copies | |

| | | |Printing source | |

| | |A2.6.2 Add, subtract, multiply,|Paper quality | |

| | |divide, and simplify algebraic |Shelf life | |

| | |fractions. |Color | |

| | | |Turnaround time | |

| | |A2.6.5 Solve word problems |Cost | |

| | |involving fractional equations.|Convenience | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Visit a local print shop and investigate | |

| | | |printing your publication. | |

|DTP 2.1.6 Utilize pasteboard. | | |Demonstrate the concept of why you would use|Teacher observation |

| | | |the pasteboard. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Give students all of the files on disk and | |

| | | |have them put the publication together using| |

| | | |the pasteboard. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Edit graphics utilizing the pasteboard. | |

|DTP 2.1.7 Modify templates. | | |Input text and graphics into templates. |Checklist for assessment |

|DTP 2.1.8 Create templates. | | |Design and develop a new template for a |Rubric or checklist for projects |

| | | |magazine or CD cover. |incorporating the techniques |

| | | | | |

| | | |Design templates for various publications. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Design and develop a new template for a Web | |

| | | |page. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Use common Web components such as navigation| |

| | | |bar, Web masthead, hotspots, form controls, | |

| | | |etc. | |

|DTP 2.1.9 Use special format features. | | |Demonstrate appropriate use of leading, |Create a newsletter using leading, |

| | | |kerning, tracking, text formats, and |kerning, tracking, text formats, and |

| | | |alignment. |alignment. Use an assessment checklist. |

|DTP 2.1.10 Use advanced special features. | | |Demonstrate how to set Web control |On-screen evaluation of features |

| | | |properties using desktop publishing software| |

| | | | |Rubric for project evaluation |

| | | |Demonstrate navigation bar features of | |

| | | |desktop publishing software. |Assign projects to focus on specific |

| | | | |special features |

| | | |Incorporate HTML code fragments in a Web | |

| | | |publication. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Apply Web page options (title bar, metatags,| |

| | | |search engine keywords, page naming, etc.) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Bring in examples and discuss use of | |

| | | |sidebars and pull quotes. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Create a multiple page publication | |

| | | |incorporating pagination, table of contents | |

| | | |and indexing features. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|DTP 2.1.11 Create and adjust text block | | |Work with the flow of text blocks and |Give an assignment where there is too |

|attributes. | | |continuation lines. |much text for the page, but all text must|

| | | | |be on the page. |

| | | |Discuss the various alignments, colors, | |

| | | |fills, textures, patterns, and gradients. | |

|DTP 2.1.12 Apply layering techniques. | | |Utilize layering or ordering feature. Show |On-screen evaluations to determine use of|

| | | |and hide different layers. |layers |

| | | | | |

| | | |Create a publication with at least three |Rubric or checklist for projects |

| | | |different layers. |incorporating the techniques |

| | | | | |

| | | |Design a front-to-back flyer of an open |Peer evaluation of projects |

| | | |house using autoshapes and layering. | |

| | | | |Proofreading quizzes |

| | | |Take an existing publication and break the | |

| | | |elements into different layers. | |

|DTP 2.1.13 Demonstrate understanding of file | | |Create a list of formats accepted by |Graphic file formats checklist |

|formats. | | |application program. | |

| | | | |Create a table listing various file |

| | | |Explain the differences among file formats |formats, corresponding software, and |

| | | |(.doc, .pub, .pdf, .txt, .wps, .indd, .rtf, |advantages |

| | | |.html, etc.) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss why all formats do not work. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Import and export different file types. | |

|DTP 2.1.14 Create and discuss sample publications |10.3.2 Compare and contrast the presentation | |Create one of each of the following |Complete instructions verbatim to |

|both print and Web. |of a similar theme or topic across genres | |publications: |evaluate process |

| |(different types of writing) to explain how | | | |

| |each genre shapes the author’s presentation of| |Flyer or Poster |Observation evaluation |

| |the theme or topic. | |Newsletter | |

| |10.3.5 Compare works that express a universal | |Brochure |Design a table listing the benefits and |

| |theme and provide evidence to support the | |E-mail Letter |advantages for each medium |

| |views expressed in each work. | |Merge Letter | |

| |10.5.6 Write technical documents, such as a | |Letterhead | |

| |manual on rules of behavior for conflict | |Envelope | |

| |resolution, procedures for conducting a | |Label | |

| |meeting, or minutes of a meeting that: | |Greeting Card | |

| |Report information and express ideas logically| |Calendar | |

| |and correctly. | |Business Form | |

| |Offer detailed and accurate specifications. | |Web Page | |

| |Include scenarios, definitions, and examples | |Coupon | |

| |to aid comprehension. | |Advertisement | |

| |Anticipate readers’ problems, mistakes, and | |Gift Certificate | |

| |misunderstandings. | |E-commerce Site | |

| |10.5.7 Use varied and expanded vocabulary, | | | |

| |appropriate for specific forms and topics. | |Correctly use Object Linking and Embedding | |

| |10.5.8 Write for different purposes and | |(OLE). | |

| |audiences, adjusting tone, style, and voice as| | |Teacher observation of students taking |

| |appropriate. | |Invite a physical therapist to give |notes. Design a safety manual to be used|

| |10.6.1 Identify and correctly use clauses, | |instructions on the proper way to lift, |in a job setting or classroom. |

| |both main and subordinate; phrases, including | |carry, or move large objects. | |

| |gerund, infinitive, and participial; and the | | | |

| |mechanics of punctuation, such as semicolons, | | | |

| |colons, ellipses, and hyphens. | | | |

| |10.6.2 Demonstrate an understanding of | | | |

| |sentence construction, including parallel | | | |

| |structure, subordination, and the proper | | | |

| |placement of modifiers, and proper English | | | |

| |usage, including the use of consistent verb | | | |

| |tenses. | | | |

| |11.5.6 Use varied and extended vocabulary, | | | |

| |appropriate for specific forms and topics. | | | |

| |11.5.7 Use precise technical or scientific | | | |

| |language when appropriate for topic and | | | |

| |audience. | | | |

| |12.4.9 Use technology for all aspects of | | | |

| |creating, revising, editing, and publishing. | | | |

| |12.5.2 Write responses to literature that: | | | |

| |Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of | | | |

| |the significant ideas in works or passages. | | | |

| |Analyze the use of imagery, language, | | | |

| |universal themes, and unique aspects of the | | | |

| |text. | | | |

| |Support important ideas and viewpoints through| | | |

| |accurate and detailed references to the text | | | |

| |and to other works. | | | |

| |Demonstrate an understanding of the author’s | | | |

| |style and an appreciation of the effects | | | |

| |created. | | | |

| |Identify and assess the impact of perceived | | | |

| |ambiguities, nuances, and complexities within | | | |

| |the text. | | | |

| |12.5.6 Use varied and extended vocabulary, | | | |

| |appropriate for specific forms and topics. | | | |

| |12.5.7 Use precise technical or scientific | | | |

| |language when appropriate for topic and | | | |

| |audience. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|DTP 2.1.15 Incorporate database features in |10.5.5 Write business letters that: | |Create a merge letter and database. |Create, merge, and send invoices to a |

|desktop publishing. |Provide clear and purposeful information and | | |customer list |

| |address the intended audience appropriately. | |Use stored information data fields. | |

| |Show appropriate use of vocabulary, tone, and | | |Write a letter of support or of complaint|

| |style that takes into account the intended | |Explore advanced skills such as the creation|in response to service that you received |

| |audience’s knowledge about and interest in the| |of message boxes, interactive calendars, VBA|at a store or restaurant. Address the |

| |topic and the nature of the audience’s | |script, HTML script, integration with other |letter to the manager, including a clear |

| |relationship to the writer. | |applications, creating a database using |account of the incident and requesting |

| |Emphasize main ideas or images. | |desktop publishing software. |that he or she take appropriate action in|

| |Follow a conventional style with page formats,| | |response. |

| |fonts (typeface), and spacing that contribute | | | |

| |to the documents’ readability and impact. | | | |

| |11.6.1 Demonstrate control of grammar, | | | |

| |diction, paragraph and sentence structure, and| | | |

| |an understanding of English usage. | | | |

| |11.6.2 Produce writing that shows accurate | | | |

| |spelling and correct punctuation and | | | |

| |capitalization. | | | |

| |11.6.3 Apply appropriate manuscript | | | |

| |conventions in writing — including title page | | | |

| |presentation, pagination, spacing, and margins| | | |

| |— and integration of source and support | | | |

| |material by citing sources within the text, | | | |

| |using direct quotations, and | | | |

| |paraphrasing. | | | |

| |12.6.1 Demonstrate control of grammar, | | | |

| |diction, paragraph and sentence structure, and| | | |

| |an understanding of English usage. | | | |

| |12.6.2 Produce writing that shows accurate | | | |

| |spelling and correct punctuation and | | | |

| |capitalization. | | | |

| |12.6.3 Apply appropriate manuscript | | | |

| |conventions in writing — including title page | | | |

| |presentation, pagination, spacing, and margins| | | |

| |— and integration of source and support | | | |

| |material by citing sources within the text, | | | |

| |using direct quotations, and | | | |

| |paraphrasing. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|DTP 3.1 Content Standard: Students import, manipulate and integrate data and graphic |

|images. |

|Business Academic Standard |Literacy Embedded Standard |Mathematics Embedded Standard |Learning Activities |Assessment(s) |

|DTP 3.1.1 Incorporate text files and word |10.2.1 Analyze the structure and format of| |Place a text document into a publication. |Checklists |

|processing documents into publications. |various informational documents and | | | |

| |explain how authors use the features to | |Obtain text files from various storage |Tests and quizzes |

| |achieve their purposes. | |media (CD’s, jump drives, ect.) and place | |

| | | |them into a publication. |Production tests |

| | | | | |

| | | |Work with the Chamber of Commerce to get |Create a table listing various graphic |

| | | |permission for logo use, import the logos |file formats, corresponding software and |

| | | |into the publication. |advantages |

| | | | | |

| | | |Incorporate spreadsheets, charts, and | |

| | | |graphs into the publication. | |

|DTP 3.1.2 Insert graphics from various |10.2.3 Demonstrate use of sophisticated | |Determine graphic size and attributes |Write a paragraph about when to use |

|sources. |technology by following technical | |before placements. |photographs vs. images |

| |directions. | | | |

| | | |Practice manipulating graphics in the |Teacher observation |

| | | |publications by cropping, grouping, | |

| | | |resizing, rotating, and flipping. |Checklists to verify techniques have been |

| | | | |done |

| | | |Explain the differences among graphic file| |

| | | |formats for both print and web | |

| | | |publications (.jpg, .gif, .tif, .bmp, | |

| | | |.eps, etc.) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Explore animated graphics and audio for | |

| | | |web publications (.gif, .png, .wav, etc.) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Create and format lines and shapes. | |

|DTP 3.1.3 Utilize scanner and digital | | |Scan a picture at three different |Observation evaluation of equipment use |

|camera. | | |resolutions and print it out to see the | |

| | | |differences (refer to scanner software and|Checklists for graphic attributes |

| | | |printer manuals for options). | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Demonstrate digital cameras by actually | |

| | | |taking pictures. Adjust the camera | |

| | | |settings to show different outputs. | |

|DTP 3.1.4 Use Optical Character | | |Scan a college application using OCR |Production quiz or test |

|Recognition software. | | |software. Place the application into a | |

| | | |publication and complete the application. | |

|DTP 3.1.5 Generate text and graphic files.|10.3.6 Evaluate an author’s development of| |Type a word processing document and save |Production Test |

| |time and sequence, including the use of | |it in proper format to be placed in a | |

| |complex | |publication. | |

| |literary devices, such as foreshadowing | | | |

| |(providing clues to future events) or | |Create a PDF or EPS file from an existing | |

| |flashbacks | |publication. | |

| |(interrupting the sequence of events to | | | |

| |include information about an event that | |Introduce and utilize a photo editing | |

| |happened in the past). | |and/or a drawing program to create a small| |

| | | |graphic and save it in proper format to be| |

| | | |placed in a publication. | |

|DTP 3.1.6 Modify text and graphic files. |10.3.8 Interpret and evaluate the impact | |Make changes to previously generated text |Checklist for graphic editing |

| |of ambiguities, subtleties, | |or graphics. | |

| |contradictions, ironies, and | | |Teacher observation |

| |inconsistencies in a text. | |Change colors of graphics. | |

| | | | |Peer evaluation |

| | | |Change font attributes to previously | |

| | | |generated text. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Use packaging capabilities of the software| |

| | | |to transfer files with embedded fonts, | |

| | | |graphics, and colors. | |

|DTP 3.1.7 Export files. | | |Utilize exporting features of the software|Peer evaluation |

| | | |feature including Send As. | |

|DTP 4.1 Content Standard: Students apply principles and techniques of publication design |

|and layout. |

|Business Academic Standard |Literacy Embedded Standard |Mathematics Embedded Standard |Learning Activities |Assessment(s) |

|DTP 4.1.1 Determine the target audience |10.2.4 Evaluate an author’s argument or | |Discuss the following: |Desktop Publishing Project Assessment Form|

|and purpose of the publication. |defense of a claim by examining the | | | |

| |relationship between generalizations and | |Who will be using the publication? |Production test |

| |evidence, the comprehensiveness of | |How often it will be used. | |

| |evidence, and the way in which the | |Why you need the publication. |Peer evaluation |

| |author’s intent affects the structure and | |Duration of the publication. | |

| |tone of the text. | | |Observation evaluation |

| | | |Show examples and have students determine | |

| | | |the audience and purpose of the |Checklists/Rubrics |

| | | |publication. | |

| | | | |Post a publication to the Internet or on a|

| | | |Invite a guest speaker in to share ideas |web bulletin board (ftp, web folder, |

| | | |of different publications. |etc.). |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|DTP 4.1.2 Create an effective focal point.| | |Explain what a focal point is. |Peer evaluation |

| | | | | |

| | | |Have students bring in examples of |Checklists |

| | | |effective and ineffective use of focal | |

| | | |points. Discuss all of the different |Desktop Publishing Project Assessment Form|

| | | |focal points. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Use different formats for focal point: | |

| | | |text, pictures, shapes, color, lines, | |

| | | |texture, patterns, and headlines. | |

|DTP 4.1.3 Determine and adjust type | | |Discuss typography, fonts (serif, sans |Rubric and checklists |

|attributes. | | |serif, script, and novelty), typefaces, | |

| | | |styles, and history of printing. |Write a document on history or styles |

| | | | | |

| | | |Develop and complete a worksheet on fonts.|Production tests |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss: |Create a Webquest |

| | | |Keep it legible. | |

| | | |Reverse text. |Peer evaluation |

| | | | | |

| | | |Explain printer fonts and screen fonts. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss history of fonts and typeface and | |

| | | |the development of fonts and typeface. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss consistency and why it is | |

| | | |important. | |

|DTP 4.1.4 Determine and apply character | | |Use tabs and indents with leaders and |Rubrics |

|and paragraph attributes. | | |adjust alignments. | |

| | | | |Checklists |

| | | |Create styles for headlines, text, and | |

| | | |captions. |Teacher Observation |

| | | | | |

| | | |Utilize bulleted lists and numbered lists.| |

| | | | | |

| | | |Incorporate hyphenation and widow/orphan | |

| | | |control. | |

|DTP 4.1.5 Adjust or change color | | |Discuss the color wheel and what colors go|Have a professional come in and critique |

|combinations. | | |together. Warm colors, cool colors, |students’ work |

| | | |analogous, monochromatic, complementary | |

| | | |and triadic. |Have students critique an example |

| | | | | |

| | | |Define Pantone colors (exact color |Peer review and critique |

| | | |management). | |

| | | | |Tests and quizzes |

| | | |Design logos where you use only text, | |

| | | |shapes, and color. Discuss the emphasis |Checklists/rubrics |

| | | |of the color. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Discuss color models and libraries—CMYK, | |

| | | |RGB, HLS, spot colors, and process colors.| |

| | | | | |

| | | |Create a new color in each model for use | |

| | | |in a publication. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|DTP 4.1.6 Use white space effectively. | | |Define white space. Explain that white |Give students a cluttered publication and |

| | | |space is not a bad thing when used |have them incorporate white space. |

| | | |effectively. Show examples with white | |

| | | |space—good and bad. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Create publications and evaluate the use | |

| | | |of white space. | |

|DTP 4.1.7 Evaluate readability and | | |Show examples of good and bad readability |Peer edit publications from the class |

|attractiveness of publication. | | |and discuss the various components: | |

| | | | |Production evaluation |

| | | |Too much text. | |

| | | |Too many graphics. |Checklists/Rubrics |

| | | |Use of fonts. | |

| | | |Inappropriate graphics size. | |

| | | |Pictures pixilated. | |

| | | |Unoriginal and not creative. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Have students find and discuss examples of| |

| | | |effective and ineffective Web | |

| | | |publications. | |

|DTP 4.1.8 Incorporate proper design and | | |Create publications that meet industry |Peer evaluation. |

|layout in a complete publication. | | |standards. Refer to an industry | |

| | | |checklist. |Rubrics/checklists. |

| | | | | |

| | | |Decide what is attractive and what is not | |

| | | |and make appropriate design choices | |

| | | |(buttons, backgrounds, readability, | |

| | | |textures, graphics, etc.). | |

| | | | |Create a complete e-commerce CD |

| | | |Create an e-commerce solution using: |deliverable to a local not-for-profit |

| | | | |agency. |

| | | |Home page | |

| | | |Form controls | |

| | | |Web site submission button | |

| | | |Shopping cart technology | |

| | | |Product lists | |

| | | |Hyperlinks | |

| | | |Supporting print publications | |

|DTP 5.1 Content Standard: Students demonstrate organizational and professional skills. |

|Business Academic Standard |Literacy Embedded Standard |Mathematics Embedded Standard |Learning Activities |Assessment(s) |

|DTP 5.1.1 Explain and comply with |10.4.1 Discuss ideas for writing with classmates, | |Define copyright, trademark, and licensing|Write a paper comparing and contrasting |

|copyright and licensing issues. |teachers, and other writers and develop drafts | |terminology. |ethical and legal issues |

| |alone and collaboratively. | | | |

| |10.4.4 Use clear research questions and suitable | |Give examples of inappropriate use of |Tests and quizzes |

| |research methods, including texts, electronic | |software, graphics, and text of both print| |

| |resources, and personal interviews, to compile and | |and Web publications. |Checklists/rubrics |

| |present evidence from primary and secondary print | | | |

| |or Internet sources. | |Demonstrate the accurate way to cite a |Have students create a brochure on the |

| |10.6.3 Produce legible work that shows accurate | |resource. |copyright regulations. |

| |spelling and correct use of the conventions | | | |

| |of punctuation and capitalization. | |Obtain a copy of the copyright laws. | |

| |10.6.4 Apply appropriate manuscript conventions — | | | |

| |including title page presentation, | |Discuss legal and illegal use of licensed | |

| |pagination, spacing, and margins — and integration | |graphics or scanned images. | |

| |of source and support material by citing sources | | | |

| |within the text, using direct quotations, and | |Discuss courtesy permission: | |

| |paraphrasing. | |For use of pictures. | |

| | | |For quotations. | |

| | | |For use of internet images. | |

|DTP 5.1.2 Discuss and incorporate ethical |10.4.2 Establish a coherent thesis that conveys a | |Distinguish between ethical and unethical |Have students create a flyer about secure |

|and legal standards. |clear perspective on the subject and maintain a | |content. Nothing slanderous or |vs. non-secure Websites. |

| |consistent tone and focus throughout the piece of | |inflammatory. | |

| |writing. | | |Have students create a PowerPoint on the |

| |10.4.3 Use precise language, action verbs, sensory | |Discuss American Disability Act |American Disability Act. |

| |details, appropriate modifiers, and the | |compliance. | |

| |active (I will always remember my first trip to the| | |Write a compare/contrast paper over any of |

| |city) rather than the passive voice (My first trip | |Discuss privacy and security issues |these issues. |

| |to the city will always be remembered). | |related to publications and password | |

| |10.4.5 Develop main ideas within the body of the | |protection. | |

| |composition through supporting evidence, such as | | | |

| |scenarios, commonly held beliefs, hypotheses, and | |Compare and contrast secure versus | |

| |definitions. | |non-secure Websites. | |

| |10.4.7 Integrate quotations and citations into a | | | |

| |written text while maintaining the flow of ideas. | | | |

| |10.4.8 Use appropriate conventions for | | | |

| |documentation in text, notes, and bibliographies | | | |

| |following the formats in different style manuals. | | | |

| |10.7.1 Summarize a speaker’s purpose and point of | | | |

| |view and ask questions concerning the | | | |

| |speaker’s content, delivery, and attitude toward | | | |

| |the subject. | | | |

| |10.7.4 Use props, visual aids, graphs, and | | | |

| |electronic media to enhance the appeal and | | | |

| |accuracy of presentations. | | | |

| |10.7.6 Analyze the occasion and the interests of | | | |

| |the audience and choose effective verbal and | | | |

| |nonverbal techniques (including voice, gestures, | | | |

| |and eye contact) for presentations. | | | |

| |10.7.7 Make judgments about the ideas under | | | |

| |discussion and support those judgments with | | | |

| |convincing evidence. | | | |

| |10.7.8 Compare and contrast the ways in which media| | | |

| |genres (including televised news, news magazines, | | | |

| |documentaries, and online information) cover the | | | |

| |same event. | | | |

| |10.7.10 Assess how language and delivery affect the| | | |

| |mood and tone of the oral communication and make an| | | |

| |impact on the audience. | | | |

| |10.7.11 Evaluate the clarity, quality, | | | |

| |effectiveness, and general coherence of a speaker’s| | | |

| |important points, arguments, evidence, organization| | | |

| |of ideas, delivery, choice of words, and use of | | | |

| |language. | | | |

| |10.7.15 Deliver expository (informational) | | | |

| |presentations that: | | | |

| |Provide evidence in support of a thesis and related| | | |

| |claims, including information on all relevant | | | |

| |perspectives. | | | |

| |Convey information and ideas from primary and | | | |

| |secondary sources accurately and | | | |

| |coherently. | | | |

| |Make distinctions between the relative value and | | | |

| |significance of specific data, | | | |

| |facts, and ideas. | | | |

| |Include visual aids by employing appropriate | | | |

| |technology to organize and display | | | |

| |information on charts, maps, and graphs. | | | |

| |anticipate and address the listeners’ potential | | | |

| |misunderstandings, biases, and | | | |

| |expectations. | | | |

| |use technical terms and notations correctly. | | | |

| |10.7.19 Deliver descriptive presentations that: | | | |

| |Establish a clear point of view on the subject of | | | |

| |the presentation. | | | |

| |Establish the relationship with the subject of the | | | |

| |presentation (whether the presentation is made as | | | |

| |an uninvolved observer or by someone who is | | | |

| |personally involved). | | | |

| |Contain effective, factual descriptions of | | | |

| |appearance, concrete images, shifting | | | |

| |perspectives, and sensory details. | | | |

| |11.5.8 Deliver multimedia presentations that: | | | |

| |Combine text, images, and sound and draw | | | |

| |information from many sources, | | | |

| |including television broadcasts, videos, films, | | | |

| |newspapers, magazines, CD-ROMs, | | | |

| |the Internet, and electronic media-generated | | | |

| |images. | | | |

| |Select an appropriate medium for each element of | | | |

| |the presentation. | | | |

| |Use the selected media skillfully, editing | | | |

| |appropriately, and monitoring for quality. | | | |

| |Test the audience’s response and revise the | | | |

| |presentation accordingly. | | | |

| |11.7.1 Summarize a speaker’s purpose and point of | | | |

| |view and ask questions to draw | | | |

| |interpretations of the speaker’s content and | | | |

| |attitude toward the subject. | | | |

| |11.7.4 Use logical, ethical, and emotional appeals | | | |

| |that enhance a specific tone and purpose. | | | |

| |11.7.5 Use appropriate rehearsal strategies to pay | | | |

| |attention to performance details, achieve | | | |

| |command of the text, and create skillful artistic | | | |

| |staging. | | | |

| |11.7.6 Use effective and interesting language, | | | |

| |including informal expressions for effect, | | | |

| |Standard English for clarity, and technical | | | |

| |language for specificity. | | | |

| |11.7.8 Evaluate when to use different kinds of | | | |

| |effects (including visuals, music, sound, and | | | |

| |graphics) to create effective productions. | | | |

| |11.7.9 Analyze strategies used by the media to | | | |

| |inform, persuade, entertain, and transmit | | | |

| |culture (including advertising; perpetuating of | | | |

| |stereotypes; and using visual representations, | | | |

| |special effects, and language). | | | |

| |11.7.11 Interpret and evaluate the various ways in | | | |

| |which events are presented and information | | | |

| |is communicated by visual image-makers (such as | | | |

| |graphic artists, documentary filmmakers, | | | |

| |illustrators, and news photographers). | | | |

| |11.7.12 Critique a speaker’s use of words and | | | |

| |language in relation to the purpose of an oral | | | |

| |communication and the impact the words may have on | | | |

| |the audience. | | | |

| |11.7.15 Analyze the techniques used in media | | | |

| |messages for a particular audience and | | | |

| |evaluate their effectiveness. | | | |

| |11.7.19 Deliver multimedia presentations that: | | | |

| |Combine text, images, and sound by incorporating | | | |

| |information from a wide range of | | | |

| |media, including films, newspapers, magazines, | | | |

| |CD-ROMs, online information, | | | |

| |television, videos, and electronic media-generated | | | |

| |images. | | | |

| |Select an appropriate medium for each element of | | | |

| |the presentation. | | | |

| |Use the selected media skillfully, editing | | | |

| |appropriately and monitoring for quality. | | | |

| |Test the audience’s response and revise the | | | |

| |presentation accordingly. | | | |

| |12.5.8 Deliver multimedia presentations that: | | | |

| |Combine text, images, and sound and draw | | | |

| |information from many sources, | | | |

| |including television broadcasts, videos, films, | | | |

| |newspapers, magazines, CD-ROMs, | | | |

| |the Internet, and electronic media-generated | | | |

| |images. | | | |

| |Select an appropriate medium for each element of | | | |

| |the presentation. | | | |

| |Use the selected media skillfully, editing | | | |

| |appropriately, and monitoring for quality. | | | |

| |Test the audience’s response and revise the | | | |

| |presentation accordingly. | | | |

| |12.7.1 Summarize a speaker’s purpose and point of | | | |

| |view and ask questions to draw | | | |

| |interpretations of the speaker’s content and | | | |

| |attitude toward the subject. | | | |

| |12.7.4 Use logical, ethical, and emotional appeals | | | |

| |that enhance a specific tone and purpose. | | | |

| |12.7.5 Use appropriate rehearsal strategies to pay | | | |

| |attention to performance details, achieve | | | |

| |command of the text, and create skillful artistic | | | |

| |staging. | | | |

| |12.7.6 Use effective and interesting language, | | | |

| |including informal expressions for effect, | | | |

| |Standard English for clarity, and technical | | | |

| |language for specificity. | | | |

| |12.7.8 Evaluate when to use different kinds of | | | |

| |effects (including visuals, music, sound, and | | | |

| |graphics) to create effective productions. | | | |

| |12.7.9 Analyze strategies used by the media to | | | |

| |inform, persuade, entertain, and transmit | | | |

| |culture (including advertising; perpetuating of | | | |

| |stereotypes; and using visual representations, | | | |

| |special effects, and language). | | | |

| |12.7.11 Interpret and evaluate the various ways in | | | |

| |which events are presented and information | | | |

| |is communicated by visual image-makers (such as | | | |

| |graphic artists, documentary filmmakers, | | | |

| |illustrators, and news photographers). | | | |

| |12.7.12 Critique a speaker’s use of words and | | | |

| |language in relation to the purpose of an oral | | | |

| |communication and the impact the words may have on | | | |

| |the audience. | | | |

| |12.7.15 Analyze the techniques used in media | | | |

| |messages for a particular audience and | | | |

| |evaluate their effectiveness. | | | |

| |12.7.19 Deliver multimedia presentations that: | | | |

| |Combine text, images, and sound by incorporating | | | |

| |information from a wide range of | | | |

| |media, including films, newspapers, magazines, | | | |

| |CD-ROMs, online information, | | | |

| |television, videos, and electronic media-generated | | | |

| | | | | |

| |images. | | | |

| |Select an appropriate medium for each element of | | | |

| |the presentation. | | | |

| |Use the selected media skillfully, editing | | | |

| |appropriately and monitoring for quality. | | | |

| |Test the audience’s response and revise the | | | |

| |presentation accordingly. | | | |

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|DTP 5.1.3 Explore careers in desktop |10.4.9 Use a computer to design and publish | |Introduce different areas that incorporate|Rubrics and checklists |

|publishing. |documents by using advanced publishing software and| |desktop publishing: | |

| |graphic programs. | | |Professional and peer evaluation |

| |10.4.10 Review, evaluate, revise, edit, and | |Newspapers | |

| |proofread writing using an editing checklist. | |Magazines |Have industry guest speakers come in and |

| |10.4.11 Apply criteria developed by self and others| |Printers |evaluate the students’ work. |

| |to evaluate the mechanics and content of writing. | |Ad agencies | |

| |10.4.12 Provide constructive criticism to other | |Web design companies |Interview a Web master about how he/she |

| |writers with suggestions for improving | | |uses Web publications and write a report. |

| |organization, tone, style, clarity, and focus; edit| |Research a career in desktop publishing | |

| |and revise in response to peer reviews | |and create a brochure, flyer, or | |

| |of own work. | |newsletter about the career utilizing | |

| |11.5.5 Write job applications and résumés that: | |desktop publishing skills. | |

| |Provide clear and purposeful information and | | | |

| |address the intended audience | | | |

| |appropriately. | | | |

| |Use varied levels, patterns, and types of language | | | |

| |to achieve intended effects and | | | |

| |aid comprehension. | | | |

| |Modify the tone to fit the purpose and audience. | | | |

| |Follow the conventional style for that type of | | | |

| |document (a résumé or cover letter of | | | |

| |application) and use page formats, fonts | | | |

| |(typeface), and spacing that contribute to | | | |

| |the readability and impact of the document. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|DTP 5.1.4 Participate in a team project. |10.5.1 Write biographical or autobiographical | |Determine what each member of the team |Create a poster or display. |

| |narratives or short stories that: | |needs to do. | |

| |Describe a sequence of events and communicate the | | |Peer evaluation. |

| |significance of the events to the audience. | |Introduce brainstorming ideas and group | |

| |Locate scenes and incidents in specific places. | |activities. |Checklists/rubrics. |

| |Describe with specific details the sights, sounds, | | | |

| |and smells of a scene and the specific actions, | |Incorporate cost and budget restraints. |Professional evaluation. |

| |movements, gestures, and feelings of the | | | |

| |characters; in the case of short stories or | |Discuss skills on presenting final project|Desktop Publishing Project Assessment Form.|

| |autobiographical narratives, use interior monologue| |to end-user. | |

| |(what the | | |Observation/evaluation of group work. |

| |Character says silently to self) to show the | | | |

| |character’s feelings. | | | |

| |Pace the presentation of actions to accommodate | | | |

| |changes in time and mood. | | | |

| | | | | |

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|DTP 5.1.5 Prioritize project components. |10.5.3 Write expository compositions, including | |Determine what needs to be completed and |Checklists/rubrics. |

| |analytical essays and research reports that: | |create a flow chart for the publications. | |

| |Gather evidence in support of a thesis (position on| | | |

| |the topic), including information | |Create mock layouts/storyboards and | |

| |on all relevant perspectives. | |establish a timeline. | |

| |Communicate information and ideas from primary and | | | |

| |secondary sources | |Have students gather ALL components before| |

| |accurately and coherently. | |designing the publication. | |

| |Make distinctions between the relative value and | | | |

| |significance of specific data, | | | |

| |acts, and ideas. | | | |

| |Use a variety of reference sources, including word,| | | |

| |pictorial, audio, and internet sources to locate | | | |

| |information in support of a topic. | | | |

| |Include visual aids by using technology to organize| | | |

| |and record information on | | | |

| |charts, maps, and graphs. | | | |

| |Anticipate and address readers’ potential | | | |

| |misunderstandings, biases, and | | | |

| |expectations. | | | |

| |Use technical terms and notations correctly. | | | |

| |11.5.1 Write fictional, autobiographical, or | | | |

| |biographical narratives that: | | | |

| |Narrate a sequence of events and communicate their | | | |

| |significance to the audience. | | | |

| |Locate scenes and incidents in specific places. | | | |

| |Describe with specific details the sights, sounds, | | | |

| |and smells of a scene and the | | | |

| |specific actions, movements, gestures, and feelings| | | |

| |of the characters; in the case | | | |

| |of autobiography or fiction, use interior monologue| | | |

| |(what the character says silently | | | |

| |to self) to show the character’s feelings. | | | |

| |Pace the presentation of actions to accommodate | | | |

| |changes in time and mood. | | | |

| |12.5.1 Write fictional, autobiographical, or | | | |

| |biographical narratives that: | | | |

| |Narrate a sequence of events and communicate their | | | |

| |significance to the audience. | | | |

| |Locate scenes and incidents in specific places. | | | |

| |Describe with specific details the sights, sounds, | | | |

| |and smells of a scene and the | | | |

| |specific actions, movements, gestures, and feelings| | | |

| |of the characters; in the case | | | |

| |of autobiography or fiction, use interior monologue| | | |

| |(what the character says silently | | | |

| |to self) to show the character’s feelings. | | | |

| |Pace the presentation of actions to accommodate | | | |

| |changes in time and mood. | | | |

| | | | | |

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|DTP 5.1.6 Present an accurate and complete|10.5.4 Write persuasive compositions that: | |Create a course outline/syllabus for |Observation/evaluation of group work |

|project to the end-user. |Organize ideas and appeals in a sustained and | |students in brochure format for the first | |

| |effective fashion with the strongest | |day of school. |Peer evaluation |

| |emotional appeal first and the least powerful one | | | |

| |last. | | |Professional evaluation |

| |Use specific rhetorical (communication) devices to | | | |

| |support assertions, such as | | | |

| |Clarify and defend positions with precise and | | | |

| |relevant evidence, including facts, | | | |

| |expert opinions, quotations, expressions of | | | |

| |commonly accepted beliefs, and logical | | | |

| |reasoning. | | | |

| |Address readers’ concerns, counterclaims, biases, | | | |

| |and expectations. | | | |


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