
Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments



RTPO Technical Committee


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

San Juan Fire Operations Center – 209 S. Oliver, Aztec, NM


|Local & Tribal Governments: | |

| | |

|Pueblo of Acoma | |

|Pueblo of Laguna |Dave Deutsawe |

|Pueblo of Zuni | |

|Navajo Nation |Larry Joe |

|Farmington MPO | |

|City of Grants | |

|City of Gallup | |

|Village of Milan |Andy Quintana, Vickie Gonzales |

|Cibola County |Anna Larson |

|McKinley County |Jeff Irving |

|San Juan County |TJ Richards |

| | |

|Technical Agencies: | |

|New Mexico Department of Transportation: |G-2-G Unit: Brian Degani |

| |DOT District 5: Chris Urioste |

| |DOT District 6: Brian Peters |

| |DOT Tribal Liaison: Ron Shutiva |

| |DOT – LTAP: |

| |DOT Admin: |

|Bureau of Indian Affairs |TTP: |

| | |

|NWNMCOG/NWRTPO Administration: | |

|Northwest Regional Planning Organization |Evan Williams |

| | |

|Guests : |None |

| | |

|TOTAL ATTENDANCE: |11 (5 members, 1 alternate members, 4 DOT, 1 RTPO, 0 guests) |

Call to Order and Introductions:

• Evan Williams (in lieu of Royce Gchachu and Stan Henderson) called the meeting to order at 10:15AM, welcomed those in attendance, and proceeded with introductions and approval of minutes.

• The meeting was hosted by San Juan County with lunch provided.

Approval and review of Minutes for April 9, 2014 Meeting:

• Motion to accept meeting minutes made by Jeff Irving, seconded by Anne Larson, all in favor, none opposed.

Distribution of Title VI & Public Participation Plan and Open Meetings Act Resolution for Policy Committee Approval. Evan Williams, RTPO staff distributed documents for review by Technical Committee, starting with Open Meeting Act Resolution. Brian Degani offered the background and requirement of the Title VI & Public Participation. The Public Participation Plan adheres to the Federal and State requirements including ADA, Civil Rights Act, Environmental Justice, etc. Mr. Degani noted that:

Need to be reviewed annually, available in hard copy, and posted to our RTPO website.

Follow-up on reporting and note any complaints or issues.

Need to also be signed and dated.

Evan Williams offered that we resend to RTPO members to review with governing body and policy officials, and bring back next meeting for action.

FY15-16 NWRTPO Annual Work Program. Evan Williams distributed and went through the draft regional annual work program (AWP). Brian Degani reviewed the due dates, as per the Planning Procedures Manual calendar, and relayed to the RTPO that:

June 1: Draft submitted to DOT Government to Government Unit;

• June 11: RTPO Meeting to review and finalize any recommendations or changes;

• June 15: Comments back to RTPO from G2G unit;

• July 1: Submit final AWP to G2G Unit;

ACTION: RTPO staff will formulate into new format with budget breakdown and staffing hours per function, and add the NM371 Corridor Study, Rail Feasibility Study to Farmington, and In-land Port Study into Function #6: Other Activities and Projects.

ACTION: TJ Richards made the motion to approve the draft and direct RTPO staff to submit to DOT for review by June 1st deadline. Jeff Irving seconded, and passed by consensus.

NWRTPO Long Range Transportation Plan Update / Legislative Capital Outlay Alternative Fiscal Agreement. Evan Williams presented that the COG has taking an active role as an alternative fiscal agent for several members due to the Executive Order 2013-006, and thanked D6 Anthony Griego for walking through agreements for the City of Gallup and McKinley County for 2013 Capital Outlay appropriations. Mr. Williams provided information and the need to update the 2007 Northwest NM Long-Range Transportation Plan. He expressed that one goal is to dovetail public input from the Statewide LRTP into our Regional Plan to maximize information and data already collected.

ACTION: Proposed and will be sent to all membership to hold the second NW Regional Working Group Meeting on June 19, either 10-12PM or 3-5PM in Aztec, NM.

ACTION: RTPO staff will provide a more concrete plan, timeline, deliverables, and approach to updating the NW Regional Long-Range Transportation Plan.

Reports on Statewide RTPO / MPO / DOT Activity:

• Long Range Transportation Plan: the Statewide Working Group met to review survey data, set goals and objectives, and work to draft the vision at a recent meeting at MRCOG. All upcoming events are listed at

o February 26 – NW Regional Working Group had our first meeting at the Chamber of Commerce in Gallup – with broad representation from many stakeholder sectors. Bob K. emailed the report and distributed hard copies at today’s meeting.

o June 19: Proposed next meeting of the NW Regional Working Group, 3-5PM in Aztec, NM.

• Freight Plan: met Feb. 7 at NMDOT Dist. 3 in Albuquerque – Jeff Kiely attended; Bob K distributed hardcopies of the report from this meeting.

• Rail Plan: no new news

• Safety Plan: no new news

• Functional Classification:

o Bob K emailed the Functional Classification Guidance Manual to members in February

o There were no upgrade recommendations from RTPO members – Mr. Kuipers has learned from the District 6 staff that NM-118 east of Gallup to Iyanbito is already listed as a principal arterial – this is the highest citation the road can possibly achieve.

• Tribal/Local Government Handbook: this document is a must for all RTPO members and their associates. It has been updated and is now available for use, available on the new Statewide RTPO website created by NCEDD:

• Transportation Alternatives Program Process Improvement: DOT met with stakeholders to address suggestions on improving the TAP program moving forward into FY15/16 cycle. Items that come up as suggestions were:

o Fully utilize and require the Project Feasibility Form and DOT/RTPO consultation process to vet project ideas, and move this process up in the timeline.

o Address who makes up the scoring committee (RPTO, DOT, Tribal, etc.) and the process for the RTPO review and ranking process.

o Must have completely complete applications.

• Public Involvement Plan: DOT is addressing comments and will be finalizing.

• Planning Procedures Manual: This document is being reviewed and should be approved soon by FHWA, and will then be available as an interactive .pdf document with embedded links.

• DOT Agreements & Control Numbers: DOT has changed its internal policy and will now require separate agreements and control numbers for each phase (e.g. Design Phase, Construction Phase).

Reports, Updates, & Announcements:

A) Training Opportunities:

o Tribal/Local Public Agency: “Cradle to Grave” Training, UNM-Gallup June 24 & 25

This training was really stressed to all membership, grant management and finance folks, and policy officials to attend.

B) Other News / Regional Projects:

Member appointments and alternatives forms. Evan Williams discussed each member status and the process for submitting these forms. Village of Milan turned these in at the meeting. These appointment forms are now due for: San Juan County, Laguna, Acoma, and Zuni. RTPO staff will follow-up directly.

Member Govt. RTPO Orientations: Orientations are now complete for NWRTPO member governments. However, any member govt. can request an orientation at any time, related to department and elected leader turnover.

• Statewide RTPO / MPO Roundtable: RTPO staff attended the statewide RTPO / MPO Roundtable in Albuquerque on April 16.

• DOT Quality Assurance Review – April 18: The NWRTPO successfully completed its annual audit review from the DOT Planning Department on April 18.


• Livability / Sustainability Tools – emailed April 29

• N.M. Tribal GIS Meeting – May 7, SIPI – Albuquerque – emailed April 29

• FHWA / FTA National Dialogue on Environmental Reviews – emailed April 29

• April 14 Govt. to Govt. Update – emailed April 29

• NADO webinar on FHWA Safety & Performance Regulation – emailed April 29

• April 18 AASHTO Journal (thanks Royce!) – emailed April 29

• April 21 Govt. to Govt. Update – emailed April 29

• Transportation Performance Mgmt. Digest – emailed April 29

• Rural Transportation Newsletter – FHWA Safety & Performance Regulation – emailed April 29

• LTAP Program Evaluation Training – May 8-9 Northern NM College – Espanola – emailed April 29

• New Transportation Bill “Grow America Act” (thanks, Royce) – emailed April 29

• New Transportation Bill – emailed April 29

• New Transportation Bill (thanks, Royce) – emailed May 1

• Every Day Counts Newsletter – emailed May 2

C) Local Member Issues, Reports & Updates:

Pueblo of Zuni:

• No report this meeting

McKinley County:

• Finishing the Sundance Road – including re-chipping ½ mile and another 1.5 miles to the school bus turnaround

• Working on ROW issues for Manuelito Canyon Bridge and road and seeking funding from DOT /FHWA

• Working on gravel and chipseal for the Tsayatoh west Chapter access road (COG alternative fiscal agent and D6 provided executed grant agreements)

• Working Navajo DOT for improvements to N37 and Coyote Canyon (4 miles of gravel and drainage improvements)

• Working with Joann Garcia (D6) on auditing and closing out previous local government road fund projects and looking at new projects, which will be a lot of rehabilitation and gravel projects.

• Need to research all HSIP funding and pending agreements with Pearl Reed including CR1 and CR19, and the project that Brian Peters brought up ($59,000 for frontage road improvements).

Cibola County:

• County Road 42: the Park Service does not want the road paved – it would require some explosives, which could damage lava tunnels – they prefer just improving the road with gravel and culverts. The Park Service can contribute toward the first 4.5 miles up to the main park facility for gravel

• CR-1 Seboyeta to Marquez: considering developing solar and bio-mass facilities; anticipate around $140 – 170 K for culvert repairs

City of Gallup:

• Continuing to deal with “paper demands” from the state and the federal govt.

• The Gallup City Council approved a $1.5 million match for the Allison corridor project

San Juan County:

• County Road 7150: working on replacing military bridge which dramatically will reduce operations and maintenance costs.

• The County is scheduled to chipseal 24 miles of roadways, which is about half of typical yearly work program due to funding constraints.

• County Road 7500: working with State Land to address ROW concern and then improve Phase I from US550 (7 miles).

• County Road 3900: finalizing appraisal with City of Farmington on Pinon Hills bypass.

Eastern / Northern Navajo:

• Working to finalize an inter-governmental agreement with San Juan County to provide heavy maintenance/graveling on 13 road projects throughout the area (20 miles), using Navajo Fuel Excise Tax funding.

Ramah Navajo:

• No report this meeting

Pueblo of Acoma:

• No report this meeting

Pueblo of Laguna:

• L22 (NM23) in redesign at 80% from Paraje to Dancing Eagle (slight delay from cultural site – adding bike and pedestrian amenities.

• L55 is now in construction, surveying issues have caused a small delay, but worked out positively in Laguna’s benefit. Delay does impact school access.

• NM56 corridor study is now completed.

• Bridges 108, 137, and Casa Blanca are in design at 75%.

• Working on $2.5M application for bridge construction.

• #137 Traffic Analysis study is in final draft report for access to Laguna subdivision with 120 homes - have 6 alternates, picked 3-non permanent; one option is a new interchange and frontage road across Rio San Jose – need to replace old deteriorated bridge. Needed for alternative access

• NM124 & Schoolhouse road roundabout intersection is in final design.

• Major flooding issues on Federal and tribal lands. Damage & Materials report (DMRs) be completed to access and work with FEMA and Emergency Relief for Federally Owned Roads (ERFO). FEMA has 49 projects to address, with 40 currently assessed at an estimate of $625,000 for repairs. Laguna is working on 15 more project worksheets to complete, close to $300,000 additional funding pending.

Village of Milan:

o Motel Drive improvements are being constructed using MAP funding;

o NM-122 Improvement Project held its meeting on PS&E;

o Uranium Phase IV is in final design.

City of Grants:

• No report this meeting

Farmington MPO:

• No report this meeting

State Department of Transportation (DOT) Updates:

Planning/Government-to-Government Unit: (Brian Degani)

• July 1: RTPO Roundtable Meeting scheduled for Roswell

• Northwest NM Long-Range Transportation Plan: need to align with MAP-21 and its performance measures. Update on timeline from DOT forthcoming.

• Discussion around Project Inactivity Reports and making sure to comply with control numbers, etc.

• Grow America Act is something to keep track and if or how it will dovetail with MAP-21.

DOT Tribal Liaison: (Ron Shutiva)

• Discussion around Navajo Chapter road projects and capital outlay funding and fiscal agency issues, including discussion around the possibility of establishing a NM Area Office for Navajo Nation Capital Outlay Projects and utilized certified Chapters as alternative fiscal agents. Specific meetings included:

o Sanostee Chapter (US491 and N-34 Intersection)

o Twin Lakes Chapter (Johnson Rd)

• Navajo Nation Aviation Plan (Arlando Teller): meet with FAA officials to visit the Shiprock and Crownpoint airstrips, and working on a comprehensive plan to review standards and take core samples to weigh rehab and other improvement options.

• Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan: redefining the role and function of the Tribal Coordinating Committee, possibly as another working group. Next meeting proposed on June 12th.

• Working still on developing a pilot project for tribal communities on addressing functional classification with FHWA.

• Weighing in on the State Freight Plan and tribal concerns around wide loads turning, permitting, and weigh stations to monitor use of roadways.

• Easement Amnesty Program: Jeff Irving mentioned that he is looking to work with Navajo Land Office on the possibility of grandfathering existing roads/routes over tribal trust land, in terms of, 60-100 foot rights-of-way (ROW).

District 5: (Chris Urioste)

• US64 Improvement Project (Shiprock to Beclabito): currently 70% complete with Phase 1 of 4, and hoping to find funding to continue work in August 2014;

• NM371 and N-36 Intersection: currently 70% complete with Phase 1 to add a flashing beacon and address increased traffic to Northern Edge Casino.

District 6: (Brian Peters)

• Reported information in previous sections and discussions.

DOT Administration:

• No report this meeting

BIA – Southwest Office TTP:

• No report this meeting

IX. New Business/Open Floor: Members & Guests

Evan Williams covered several other items left out during the reporting session, including:

• Scenic Byway: a grant for the “Trail of the Ancients” byway ($15,000) for interpretative kiosks was reverted due to inactivity. If in the future there is interest from members, this could be revisited as a TAP project/application.

• 2nd Street Project: DOT is hosting another public input session to revisit their plans on 2nd Street in Gallup including the displacement of COG headquarters.

• District 6 Visit: the COG is planning on setting up a staff retreat that will include meeting with District 6 personnel to understand who they are?, and what they do? RTPO members will be informed and invited to participate if so desired.

• Economic and Traffic Impact Study: a request from the Greater Gallup Economic Development Corporation for the RTPO to study the impact on US491 and access roads into a new Industrial Park with Rail Service. It was recommended to send a special request for this study to Michael Sandoval, DOT Planning Division.

Review Calendar & Announce/Project Events of Interest

• Calendar reminders:

o NM Transportation Commission meets: 5/15 – Ruidoso, 6/19 – Cimarron, 7/17 – Gallup, 8/21 – Farmington, 9/18 – Raton, 10/16 – Fort Sumner, 12/4 – Las Cruces

o It was noted that the Gallup and Farmington meetings may flip-flop to accommodate a US491 groundbreaking.

Next Meetings:

o June 11 – McKinley North Fire Dept., 413 Bataan Memorial Dr., Gallup

o July 9 – Laguna Public Works Dept., I-40 exit 114 – NM124 to Indian Service Rt. 55, Pueblo of Laguna

Evan Williams asked RTPO members to look into hosting starting with the August meeting, and for several months to coordinate and develop a schedule per our Public Participation Plan.

X. Adjournment: At 1:05 pm; Meeting was adjourned by consensus, none opposed.[pic]



RTPO Members -

• Open Meetings Act Resolution: Review with governing body and be prepared to act on this item at the June 11th RTPO meeting in Gallup. Communicate any concerns or comments to Evan Williams, ewilliams@ by June 1st.

• Title VI & Public Participation Plan: Review with governing body and be prepared to act on this item at the June 11th RTPO meeting in Gallup. Communicate any concerns or comments to Evan Williams, ewilliams@ by June 1st.

• NWRTPO Annual Work Program: Review with governing body and be prepared to act on this item at the June 11th RTPO meeting in Gallup. Communicate any concerns or comments to Evan Williams, ewilliams@ by May 28th.

• RTPO Program Manager: Please spread the word on the COG’s job vacancy announcement to replace the RTPO Program Manager position.

• RTPO Membership Appointment Forms: Need updated forms from San Juan County, Laguna, Acoma, and Zuni.

Staff -

• Finalize for Approval: Open Meetings Act Resolution, Title VI & Public Participation Plan, and NWRTPO Annual Work Program.

• Finalize for Discussion: NWRTPO Plan to update our Regional Long-Range Transportation Plan, including the concept of continuing our NWNM SLRP Regional Working Group and holding joint sessions following but in connection with monthly RTPO meetings.

• NWRTPO Annual Work Program: RTPO staff will formulate into new format with budget breakdown and staffing hours per function, and add the NM371 Corridor Study, Rail Feasibility Study to Farmington, and In-land Port Study into Function #6: Other Activities and Projects. Submit draft to Brian Degani by June 1st.

• RTPO Email List: Make sure roster and contact information is up-to-date and tracks with the RTPO membership appointment forms. Add Eric Hamilton, Wilson & Company.

• TAP Implementation: Weekly coordination with lead local entities to make sure we are meeting design deadlines.

• Distribute “Tribal/Local Public Agency: Cradle to Grave Training Flyer and Handbook”

• Poll membership for a time to hold the June 19th NW Regional Working Group (for Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan)

Important Meetings:

Next NWRTPO Meeting: June 11th, 10AM

Location: McKinley North Fire Department

413 Bataan Memorial Drive, Gallup, NM 87301

Next NW SLRP Regional Working Group:

Proposed: June 19th, 10AM-12PM or 3-5PM

San Juan Commission Room, Aztec, NM

[TJ Richards to work on location]

Make teleconferencing an option


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