
NAVY MEDICINE LEADERSHIP COURSE OFFERINGSFY18Table of ContentsNavy Medicine Professional Development Center Courses 3Basic Medical Department Officer Course (BMDOC)3Advanced Medical Department Officer Course (AMDOC)4TRICARE Financial Management Executive’s Program (TFMEP)5Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executives (IFFHCE)6Clinic Management Course (CMC)7Navy Leadership and Ethics Center……………………………………………………………………...8 Intermediate Leadership Course…………………………………………………………………………8Navy Postgraduate School – Center of Executive Education Course9Navy Senior Leader Seminar (NSLS)9Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute Courses.....................................................................................11MHS Medical Executive Skills Capstone Course11Healthcare Management Course12JMESI Distance Learning Program13Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Course14MedXellence14Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute Courses15Joint Medical Operations Course (JMOC)15Joint Senior Medical Leader Course (JSMLC)16Other Defense Medical Readiness Institute Courses16Naval Justice School Senior Officer Legal Course17Non-Residence Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) Phase I - Navy19 Naval War College Fleet Seminar Program………………………………………………………….....19 Web-Enabled Program………………….………………………………………………………………20 CD-ROM Program……………………………………………………………………………………...21Non-Residence JPME Phase I - Air Force21Command and Staff College – Marine Corps22Naval War College23Navy Medicine Professional Development Center (NMPDC) Courses Basic Medical Department Officer Course (BMDOC)Course Offering: This course is an online course that can be completed at the officer’s convenience.Course Description:The BMDOC is a three unit course in the Medical Department Officer’s Learning Continuum. The course is designed to introduce medical department officers to the organization, structure, business practices and operational policies of the Naval Medical Department. This is the first course in the Medical Department Officer’s Learning Continuum, and all three units must be completed to earn credit for course completion. The course is designed for Officers who are O-1 to O-3. Funding: There is no cost for this online course.Process:Available online directly through this link: to Navy E-Learning > Online courses [now NETC Learning Mgmt System]Select tab “Course Catalog”Under Learning Category select “Department of the Navy (DON) Training”Scroll down to select “Navy Medical Education and Training” in right columnSelect “Basic Medical Department Officers Curriculum (BMDOC)”Scroll down to see Active learning modulesSelect ENROLL for each unit and add to Learning PlanReturn to tab My Learning and LAUNCH CourseQuota: UnlimitedCourse POC:Mr. Clinton A. Garrett Sr.Clinton.A.Garrett.civ@mail.mil Education SpecialistNavy Medicine Professional Development Center, Bethesda, MDOffice: 301-295-6088Advanced Medical Department Officer Course (AMDOC)Advanced Medical Department Officers Course (AMDOC)Course TitleCourse Number/ LocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date AMDOC18-10 / WRNNMC23 Oct 1703 Nov 1704 Sep 17AMDOC18-20 / WRNNMC22 Jan 1702 Feb 1704 Dec 17AMDOC18-30 / WRNNMC19 Mar 1730 Mar 1729 Jan 18AMDOC18-40 / WRNNMC23 Apr 1804 May 1805 May 18AMDOC18-50 / WRNNMC18 Jun 1829 Jun 1806 Mar 17AMDOC18-60 / WRNNMC20 Aug 1831 Aug 1802 Jul 18AMDOC18-70 / WRNNMC17 Sep 1828 Sep 1830 Jul 18Course Description:The Advanced Medical Department Officer Course is the second course in the Medical Department Officer’s Learning Continuum. The course is designed to prepare medical department officers O-4 to O-5 and senior civilians for increased responsibilities as senior officers and leaders who understand the "practice and business" of Navy Medicine in both operational and MTF settings. AMDOC is an important point along the Officer Learning Continuum and a natural progression from BMDOC.Funding: NMPDC provides full funding for active duty. NMPDC is not authorized to fund rental cars. Active duty billeting is at contract hotel with reservations made by NMPDC.Process: Potential attendees need to access NMPDC's electronic nomination site at. Scroll down the page and click on “Active Duty or Civilian – Nomination Submission Click Here.” Once the nomination deadline has passed the names will be compiled by NMPDC staff and sent to the Medical Corps Career Planner for review and selection. NMPDC will handle the administrative planning once the participant select list has been forwarded to NMPDC.Quota: 9-12 Medical Corps Officers per classCourse POC:Mr. Glenn SmithGlenn.A.Smith62.civ@mail.mil Director, Academic Programs, Navy Medicine Professional Development CenterBethesda, MD Office: 301-295-2152Edna SmithEdna.E.Smith4.civ@mail.mil Student Administration/Training Specialist/Course AdministrationBethesda, MD Office: 301-319-4501TRICARE Financial Management Executive Program (TFMEP)Tricare Financial Management Executive Program (TFMEP)Course TitleCourse Number/LocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date TFMEP18-10 / NMC Portsmouth13 Feb 1815 Feb 1823 Dec 17TFMEP18-20 / Bethesda, MD15 May 1817 May 1824 Mar 18TFMEP18-30 /NMC San Diego, CA12 Jun 1814 June 1823 Apr 18Course Description:The TFMEP offers updates and background information on financial management topics specifically requested for an MHS executive to embrace the next generation of TRICARE contracts new business environment. Target audiences are senior leaders in the grades of O-5 to O-6 holding key leadership roles within MTF, Surgeon General’s offices, Lead Agent offices, TRICARE regional offices, Defense Health Agency environments or intermediate commands. Classes are limited in size to facilitate open discussions.It is a fast-paced, 50,000 foot level view of the finance and business side of the MHS. It is the only course of its kind available for senior officers.Funding: Since FY15, NMPDC has not funded attendees from out of the area of the host MTF.The strategy is to rotate the course among MTFs. Process:Potential attendees need to access NMPDC's electronic nomination site at . Scroll down the page and under Send Nominations to: click on “Student Administration Department” and send your contact information and the course you’d like to attend. Once the nomination deadline has passed the names will be compiled by NMPDC staff and sent to the Medical Corps Career Planner for review and selection. NMPDC will handle the administrative planning once the participant select list has been forwarded to NMPDC.Quota: 3-4 Medical Corps Officers per classCourse POC:Course Director: LCDR Kathleen ColterHM1 Abiola AyegunleKathleen.A.Colter.mil@mail.mil Abiola.Ayegunle@med.navy.mil Navy Medicine Professional Development Center Student AdministrationBethesda, MD Office: 301-295-2033Office: 301-319-8054 Interagency Institute For Federal Health Care ExecutivesINTERAGENCY (IAFHCE)Course TitleCourse Number/ LocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date (Approx)130th InstituteFort Myers, VAApr 2018*Apr 2018*Feb 2018131th InstituteFort Myers, VASept 2018*Sept 2018*July 2018 * More specifics on exact dates in April and September 2017 will become available in the new FY.Course Description: The purpose of the Interagency Institute for Healthcare Executives is to provide an opportunity for the seasoned, practicing federal health care executive to examine some of the current issues in health care policy and management and to explore their potential impact on the federal health care system. The faculty maximizes the learning experience by presenting new materials resulting from research and experience, as well as examples and case studies from the contemporary national health policy decision-making process. Faculty members also seek involvement and interaction by the participants to stimulate understanding and communication across traditional agency boundaries.Funding: The Uniformed Services University anticipates central funding will cover the overhead and registration costs of conducting this Institute. Typically, NMPDC will provide lodging, per diem, and travel funds for the individual participants as funds are available. On rare occasions, NMPDC is not able to fund a particular course and that portion of funding will have to be done by the member’s command. Process: The Medical Corps Career Planner will send out an announcement soliciting nominations via the Medical Corps Specialty Leaders. The Career Planner maintains a list of all nominations from specialty leaders, commands, and individuals self-nominating and uses this list to fill quotas.Quota: 3 or 4 Medical Corps Officers per class.Course POC: Ms. Sarah PrescottSarah.Prescott.civ@mail.mil Administrative SpecialistNavy Medicine Professional Development CenterBethesda, MD Office: 301-295-2355Clinic Management Course (CMC)Clinic Management Course (CMC)Course TitleCourse Number/LocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date CMC18-10 / USNH Guam14 Nov 1717 Nov 1722 Sep 17CMC18-20 / NHC Corpus Christi12 Dec 1715 Dec 1703 Oct 17CMC18-30 / NMC Camp Lejuene16 Jan 1819 Jan 1807 Nov 17CMC18-40 / NMC San Diego13 Feb 1816 Feb 1815 Dec 17CMC18-50 / NH 29 Palms13 Mar 1816 Mar 1819 Jan 18CMC18-60 / USNH Naples10 Apr 1813 Apr 1816 Feb 18CMC18-70 / NHC New England15 May 1818 May 1816 Mar 18CMC18-80 / NH Oak Harbor12 Jun 1815 Jun 1813 Apr 18CMC18-90 / NMC Portsmouth10 Jul 1813 Jul 1818 May 18CMC18-100 / Navy Mid-Atlantic Clinics (Bethesda)07 Aug 1810 Aug 1818 Jun 18Course Description: Objective: To provide clinical teams and staff the skills, knowledge and tools necessary to successfully integrate MHS and BUMED Strategic Goals into their daily practices as a high reliability organization in a variety of health care settings.Target Audience: This course was developed as a “team” concept. As you determine your nominations please keep this in mind. Teams are defined as three to four members who are the leaders and decision makers within the clinic. Minimum eligibility requires (1) Provider, preferably the Department Head or Senior Medical Officer in the clinic, (2) Division Officer / Clinic or Business Manager / Senior Nurse, (3) SEL/ LCPO/ LPO/ALPO, (4) Clinic / Administrative Support Personnel. Funding: NMPDC provides full funding for selected clinic teams. The team is authorized one rental car for commuting to and from the airport and daily to the course. Process:Team will go to the NMPDC website, , and click on the “CMC Team Nomination template.doc” in the upper right hand corner. Fill out registration form and submit directly to the course director. NMPDC selects the teams. The Career Planner is not involved in the selection process.Quota: 1-2 TeamsCourse POC:LCDR Clemia AndersonClemia.Anderson.mil@mail.mil Course DirectorNavy Medicine Professional Development Center, Bethesda, MD Office: 301-295-4718HM2 Thomas Mersereau thomas.c.mersereau.mil@mail.mil Course AdministrationNavy Medicine Professional Development CenterBethesda, MD Office: 301-319-4507Naval Leadership and Ethics CenterIntermediate Leadership CourseIntermediate Leadership Course (ILC)Course TitleCourse Number/LocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date Bethesda (MTT)02 Oct 1706 Oct 175 weeks prior to startILCDam Neck ILC16 Oct 1720 Oct 1755562538735ILCSan Diego ILC13 Nov 1717 Nov 17ILCSan Diego ILC11 Dec 1715 Dec 17Pax River (MTT)08 Jan 1812 Jan 18San Diego ILC22 Jan 1826 Jan 18Dam Neck ILC22 Jan 1826 Jan 18San Diego ILC26 Feb 1802 Mar 18Dam Neck ILC12 Mar 1816 Mar18NCR (Mobile Training Team)26 Mar 1830 Mar 18Dam Neck ILC09 Apr 1813 Apr 18San Diego ILC23 Apr 1827 Apr 18Dam Neck ILC07 May 1811 May 18San Diego ILC21 May 1825 May 18Dam Neck ILC11 Jun 1815 Jun 18Dam Neck ILC09 Jul 1813 Jul 18San Diego ILC23 Jul 1827 Jul 18San Diego ILC20 Aug 1824 Aug 18Dam Neck ILC10 Sep 1814 Sep 18Course Description: The purpose of this class is to lead you through the transition from DIVO to Department Head and prepare you for roles beyond. As you advance in your career, you will see your focus shift from being your own leader, striving to do your personal best to being a leader of others, focused more and more on their success and professional development. The week is structured to start you on that transitional path – beginning Monday and Tuesday with AWARENESS. Self-awareness of your personal styles and leadership approach as well as awareness of others’ styles. As the week progresses we will focus more on becoming part of a successful leadership team, supporting the success of the command triad in accomplishment of the mission.Funding: Participant’s command.Process: For the open classes training officers / placement officers can use CeTARS / eNTRS to reserve quotas. The class CIN is H-7C-0104, the Dam Neck General class CDP is 17ZP, the San Diego General class CDP is 17ZM. Students need to be signed for classes at least 5 weeks prior. We send a welcome email with prerequisite reading and online MBTI questionnaires 4 weeks prior to class convening. Quota: 8 minimum, 24 maximumNavy Postgraduate School – Center of Executive Education (CEE) Course (1) Navy Senior Leader Seminar (NSLS)Navy Senior Leader Seminar (NSLS)Course TitleLocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date NSLSNPS Monterey, CA05 Dec 1714 Dec 1710 Oct 17NSLSNPS Monterey, CA23 Jan 1801 Feb 1828 Nov 17NSLSNPS Monterey, CA27 Feb 1808 Mar 1802 Jan 18NSLSNPS Monterey, CA10 Apr 1819 Apr 1813 Feb 18NSLSNPS Monterey, CA05 Jun 1 14 Jun 1810 Apr 18NSLSNPS Monterey, CA10 Jul 1819 Jul 1815 May 18NSLSNPS Monterey, CA14 Aug 18 23 Aug 1819 June 18Course Description: The NSLS provides senior leaders with an intensive eight and a half day executive education program that introduces current practices in financial management, strategic planning, strategic communication, strategic negotiations, effects-based thinking, metrics development, risk management, personalized wellness, and a number of executive leadership assessments and tools. The program is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to more effectively manage and lead increasingly complex organizations. Learning is enhanced by the use of case studies, seminar-style discussions, small-team exercises, practical applications, and peer-learning among participants. Participants will be introduced to subject matter experts within DoD and industry, to include insights from senior Navy leaderships and academic researchers. The course is designed to prepare participants to meet organizational challenges in their current and future assignments, and to empower them to become more effective change agents and better informed stewards of the Navy’s resources. Funding: Participant’s command.Process: Target audience is Medical Corps officers in the grades of O-6 and O-6-select tracking for executive medicine. The Medical Corps Career Planner will send out an announcement soliciting nominations via the Medical Corps Specialty Leaders. The Career Planner maintains a list of all senior O5-O6 nominees and uses this list to fill quotas. CEE will handle the administrative planning portion once the participant list has been forwarded to CEE.Quota: 2 Officers from all Corps (DC, MC, MSC, NC). Course POC: Ben QuismundoNEDPRegistrar@nps.edu Program CoordinatorCenter for Executive EducationNaval Postgraduate SchoolOffice: 831-656-3334Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI) – Courses MHS Medical Executive Skills Capstone MHS Medical Executive Skills Capstone CourseCourse TitleLocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date (Approx)Capstone - 57National Capital Area13 Nov 1717 Nov 1715 Aug 17Capstone – 58National Capital Area05 Mar 1809 Mar 1815 Dec 17Capstone -59National Capital Area16 Jul 1820 Jul 1815 Apr 18Capstone – 60National Capital Area05 Nov 1809 Nov 1815 Aug 18Course Description:The Capstone course is a pinnacle educational event for senior leaders in the MHS. Speakers include the Service Surgeon Generals, senior leaders and staff from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Director DHA, the Surgeon General of the U.S., and the Department of Veterans Affairs. They present the most current information on hot topic health issues, HRO, TRICARE, military transformation, policy, and legislation. The course is held three times a year in the National Capital Region The Capstone objectives include networking, sharing unique ways of dealing with human relations, patient safety, Homeland Security, understanding policy making and policies that shape the delivery of DoD healthcare, indicating importance and applicability to the MTF commander. With the smaller class size, direct interaction with policy makers and military healthcare leaders and its joint audience, the Capstone Course has come to provide first hand, real world, applicable knowledge / information for the attendees to incorporate into their day to day and future work in the MHS.Funding: JMESI provides funding. Process: The Medical Corps Career Planner will send out an announcement soliciting nominations via the Medical Corps Specialty Leaders. The Career Planner maintains a list of all nominees and uses this list to fill quotas. JMESI will handle the administrative planning portion once the participant select list has been forwarded to the JMESI.Quota: 1-2 Medical Corps Officers per class.Course POC: Ms. Judy GomezJudy.A.Gomez.Civ@mail.mil Education TechnicianJoint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI)Fort Sam Houston, TX Office: 210- 295-0453 Healthcare Management Course (HMC) Healthcare Management CourseCourse TitleLocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date (Approx)HMCSan Antonio, TX22 Jan 1826 Jan 1811 Oct 17HMC San Antonio, TX07 May 1811 May 1805 Feb 18HMCSan Antonio, TX13 Aug 1817 Aug 1814 May 18Course Description:This course is a Tri-Service event designed for first time clinical supervisors in the grade of O-3 to O-4. The course provides the administrative tools to successfully manage their clinical areas. Topics discussed include: Civilian Personnel, Contracting, Budgeting, Quality Management, tools available through the TRICARE Operations Center, Efficient Scheduling and Utilization Management, and more. One of the additional benefits to the attendees is the interaction that takes place among the group. Panel discussions allow the clinicians to ask direct questions and receive first-hand answers regarding management tools and practices that are or have the potential to impact the military healthcare management arena.Funding: Funding varies. JMESI funded attendees early in the year but did not fund attendees towards the end of the fiscal year. The final course may be delivered via Video Tele Training at sites other than San Antonio.Process: The Medical Corps Career Planner will send out an announcement through the Medical Corps Specialty Leaders to solicit nominations. List of interested participants will be compiled for review and selection by the Career Planner. JMESI will handle the administrative planning portion once the participant select list has been forwarded to the JMESI. Quota: 1-2 Medical Corps Officers per class. Training Specialist:Ms. Judy GomezJudy.A.Gomez.Civ@mail.mil Education TechnicianJoint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI)Fort Sam Houston, TX Office: 210- 295-0453 JMESI Distance Learning ProgramCourse Description & Offering: In 1992, Congress funded a project to educate military treatment facility (MTF) commanders for the administrative requirement of command. Under guidance from the Department of Defense (DoD), there were a series of studies and a joint service core curriculum was developed. It is used as a guide for curriculum developers and planners to assure the original congressional intent is satisfied. JMESI administers the program. JMESI mission is to provide military healthcare leaders with executive management and professional administrative skills through educational programs, products and services.Distance-Learning provides a means to address the challenges of achieving and maintaining competency by Military Health System (MHS) leaders. It has the potential to supplement and/or support training in some or all of the Executive Skills Core Curriculum by overcoming some of the obstacles presented at formalized in class training or other venues, namely: geographic constraints; availability of instructors; available student time; budget; and other factors.Funding: No cost associated with taking the various on-line modules.Process: Go to: . Under Training Opportunities, click on Distance Learning Modules. There is a step by step instruction guide available. Once ready, click on “Access the Online DHA Education and Training Site.” Quota: Unlimited.Training Specialist: Ms. Judy GomezJudy.A.Gomez.Civ@mail.mil Education TechnicianJoint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI)Fort Sam Houston, TX Office: 210- 295-0453 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences MedXellenceMedXellenceCourse TitleLocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date (Approx)MedXellenceSan Antonio, TX15 Oct 201720 Oct 17Complete OnlineMedXellenceHonolulu, Hawaii07 Jan 18 12 Jan 18MedXellenceBethesda, MD11 Mar 1816 Mar 18MedXellenceTBDTBDTBDMedXellenceTBDTBDTBDCourse Description: Intended for senior MHS executives O-4 to O-6. The Uniformed Services University’s Executive Education program, MedXellence, educates MHS leaders on concepts and skills that are needed to make complex, multi-faceted decisions that create maximum value for the enterprise. The University’s learning model immerses MHS leaders in a week-long transformational experience that fosters professional, intellectual, and personal development. MedXellence challenges tri-Service MHS executives to think and lead more effectively in an evolving environment.Funding: There is no tuition fee for MedXellence attendance; however, your command must fund travel and per-diem related expenses.Process: Prospective students may be nominated by their supervisor, or they may self-nominate. In order to achieve a balanced student body, the MedXellence staff selects nominees based on service, rank, corps, and job title. Additionally, officers must have at least two (2) years of service left in order to be considered for selection. To apply for a course, please visit . Click on the course that you are interested in attending. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Register.Quota: 48 students per class. Seek to achieve a balanced student body. No specific quota of Medical Corps Officers. Course POC: Ms. Sandra Elliott Sandra.Elliottt@usuhs.edu Office: 301-295-3830 Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute (DMRTI)(1) Joint Medical Operations Course (JMOC)?Joint Medical Operations Course (JMOC)Course TitleLocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date (Approx)JMOCJBSA Ft Sam Houston, TX27 Nov 1701 Dec 1710 Oct 17JMOCDHHQ, Falls Church, VA05 Mar 1809 Mar 1816 Jan 18JMOCJBSA Ft Sam Houston30 Apr 1814 May 1820 Mar 18JMOCDHHQ, Falls Church, VA09 Jul 1813 Jul 1815 May 18Course Description:This five-day course provides training in joint and combined operational and medical planning that will span the operational environment from point of injury/illness to the appropriate capability of care across the full spectrum of military operations. JMOC familiarizes students with the Joint Operational Planning and medical planning process. Goal is to provide the students the skills needed to provide doctrinally sound, operationally integrated leadership in Joint Health Service Support operations while meeting current mission requirements. Target audience is DoD medical department personnel assigned to Combatant Commanders, Service Headquarters, Joint Task Forces and joint organizations.Funding:Attendees will be funded by their respective commands.Process:Personnel interested are required to submit a “Nomination Request Form” to DMRTI no later than eight (8) weeks prior to course convening dates. Submit completed forms to DMRTI by email usarmy.jbsa.medcom-ameddcs.list.dmrti-jommc@mail.mil or fax to 210-221-0205. Five courses have been identified as pre-requisite training requirements and must be completed prior to the JMOC course (). Click on the JMOC Tab for further information.Course Point of Contact: Joint Operations Programs Officeusarmy.jbsa.medcom-ameddcs.list.dmrti-jommc@mail.mil Defense Health Agency, E&T Directorate - DMRTIFt Sam Houston, TX 78234Ph: 210-221-9570/2652 DSN: 471Joint Senior Medical Leader Course (JSMLC)Joint Senior Medical Leader Course (JSMLC)Course TitleLocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateNom Due Date (Approx)JSMLCDHHQ, Falls Church, VA12 Mar 1816 Mar 1823 Jan 18JSMLCDHHQ, Falls Church, VA16 Jul 1820 Jul 1822 May 18Course Description:The course is designed to enhance the preparation of Medical leaders, senior O-5 to O-6, who have a high probability of being nominated as a JTF Surgeon, JTF Senior medical leader, or occupy a senior medical planning position in a joint environment. In addition, the course would be valuable for those serving in senior service departments training and preparing forces for Joint operations and deployment.JSMLC is a demanding, fast paced and interactive program. Speakers will include former JTF Commanders, JTF Surgeons, subject matter experts in major Contingency and stability operations, interagency operations, and representatives of Joint Staff Directorates responsibility for policy development at the highest levels in DOD. Funding: Attendees will be funded by their respective commands.Process:The Medical Corps Career Planner will send out an announcement soliciting nominations via the Medical Corps Specialty Leaders. List of interested officers along with a CV will be compiled and returned to the Corps Chiefs’ office for review and selection. Course attendees will then be screened by the Joint Staff prior to being offered a seat.Quota: 1-2 Medical Corps Officers per class.Course POC: Joint Operations Programs Officeusarmy.jbsa.medcom-ameddcs.list.dmrti-jommc@mail.mil Defense Health Agency, E&T Directorate - DMRTIFt Sam Houston, TX 78234Ph: 210-221-9570/2652 DSN: 471Other DMRTI CoursesDMRTI is a Tri-service organization staffed by professionals from the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force. The command is located at Fort Sam Houston, TX and offers both resident and non-resident joint medical readiness training courses as well as professional medical programs. In addition to JMOC and JSMLC, courses include Advanced Burn Life Support, Combat Casualty Care Course, and the Public Health Emergency Management Course. See their website (above) for information on course dates, eligibility, funding, and enrollment requirementsNaval Justice SchoolSenior Officer Legal Course (SOLC) Senior Officer Legal CourseCourse TitleCourse Number/LocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateSOLC18010A or B/Newport11 Oct 1713 Oct 17SOLC18020A or B/Newport01 Nov 1703 Nov 17SOLC18010/San Diego06 Nov 1708 Nov 17SOLC18030A or B/Newport29 Nov 1701 Dec 18SOLC18040A or B/Newport17 Jan 1819 Jan 18SOLC18050A or B/Newport05 Feb 1807 Feb 18SOLC18010/Norfolk13 Feb 1815 Feb 18SOLC18060A or B/Newport21 Feb 1823 Feb 18SOLC18070A or B/Newport12 Mar 1814 Mar 18SOLC18080A or B/Newport03 Apr 1805 Apr 18SOLC18090A or B/Newport23 Apr 1825 Apr 18SOLC18100A or B/Newport14 May 1816 May 18SOLC18110A or B/Newport30 May 181 Jun 18SOLC18120A or B/Newport13 Jun 1815 Jun 18SOLC18130A or B/Newport20 Jun 18 22 Jun 18SOLC18140A or B/Newport23 Jul 1825 Jul 18SOLC18020/San Diego31 Jul 1802 Aug 18SOLC18150A or B/Newport13 Aug 1815 Aug 18Course TitleLocationCourse Start DateCourse End DateSOLC18160A or B/Newport05 Sep 1807 Sept 18SOLC18020/Norfolk18 Sep 1820 Sep 18SOLC18170A or B/Newport24 Sep 1826 Sep 18Course Description:This three-day course is offered at a variety of locations: Newport, RI, Norfolk, VA, and San Diego, CA. Commanding officers, executive officers and officers in charge are encouraged to attend at their earliest opportunity. Other officers in paygrade O-4 and above who have a mission-essential need for this training may attend on a space-available basis. The course curriculum is based on familiarization with the Uniform Code of Military Justice, administrative fact-finding bodies, administrative separation procedures, the court-martial process, and various other policies relating to command administration of legal matters. Funding: Attendees will be funded by their respective commands.Process:Detailers will contact regional POC directly to register incoming commanding officers and executive officers. Quota requests can be made via the Enterprise Naval Training Reservation System (ENTRS) website at . Select “request access” from the initial login screen and complete the application. A web guide and user manual are available on the site. Quota: Varies from class to class.Course POC: Mr. Jerry GallantGerald.Gallant@navy.milNewport, RI401-841-3800 ext. 131 Mr. Yniol CruzYniol.Cruz@navy.mil San Diego, CA619-556-8380 Ext 1Ms. Laurinda ReeseLaurinda.Williams@navy.mil Norfolk, VA757-444-5641Non-Residence Joint Professional Military Education (JPME I)Navy The Naval War College Fleet Seminar ProgramCourse Description: The Naval War College Fleet Seminar Program consists of three courses – Theater Security Decision Making (TSDM), Strategy and War (S&W), and Joint Maritime Operations (JMO). The Fleet Seminar Program is offered on an academic year basis, commencing in early September and ending in early May. ?Seminars meet one evening per week (34 times per year) for 3 hours per night under the direction of a Naval War College adjunct faculty member. Not all courses are offered at all locations every year. The seminars are conducted at the graduate level and require appropriate initiative, research, writing and oral commentary on the part of each student. Open to O-3 and above. CA - Port Hueneme – TSDMCA - San Diego – All 3Washington, DC – All 3FL - Jacksonville TSDM/JMOFL - Mayport – S&WFL - Pensacola – JMOHawaii - Pearl Harbor – All 3IL - Great Lakes - TSDMLA - New Orleans - JMOMD - Annapolis – All 3MD - Pax River - TSDMRI - Newport – All 3TN – Millington – S&WTX - Fort Worth – S&WVA – Dahlgren - JMOVA – Norfolk – All 3WA - Bangor – TSDMWA – Everett – S&WWA – Whidbey Island – JMOFunding: The Naval War College provides all study materials to the student on a loan basis. Process: The application process opens on 1 April 2018 and closes on 30 June 2018 for classes that begin the first week of September 2018. Enrollment selection notifications will be made in August. Each academic year is a separate enrollment event and continuing students must apply for enrollment in subsequent courses.Quota: Applicants are enrolled in seminars consisting of no more than 18 students.Questions/Additional Information:Office: 401-841-6519/20Email: fsp@usnwc.edu (2) Web-Enabled ProgramCourse Description: The Web-Enabled Program is offered to eligible students located throughout the world. The program is closely aligned with the College of Naval Command and Staff curriculum and the Fleet Seminar Program. The diploma program is designed to be completed in about 18-24 months. Because of the substantial amount of time required for each course, a request for enrollment constitutes the commitment on the part of the student of a minimum of eight or more hours each week of reading and study and about 30 minutes per week of online work. Eligibility requirements are: All O-3 to O-6 Sea Service Officers, Active and Reserve, and?Defense-related civilians (i.e.?DoD, DoS, DHS,?etc.)?in the grade of GS-11 or above. Army and Air Force Officers O-4 and above are also eligible. In order to be eligible for the College’s June graduation, students must complete all requirements by 30 April in the year they wish to be listed in the graduation literature.Course TitleCreditsLength (Weeks)Months OfferedStrategy and War417JANAPRJULOCTJoint Military Operations434FEBMAYAUGNOVTheater Security Decision Making421FEBMAYAUGNOVIn addition to these core courses, a variety of Electives are offered.Process:An initial online application (CDE - Web-Enabled Program Application) must be submitted to enroll in the Web-Enabled Program. Following acceptance into the program a student must place themselves into ONE course queue of their choosing to be considered for that course. Continuing students will have a higher priority for actually receiving a seat than first time students. The first course usually takes 5-7 months of wait list time. All applications must be filled out accurately and completely, at least eight weeks prior to the course scheduled start date, for proper consideration.Questions/Additional Information:Office: 401-841-4397Website: usnwc.edu/Academics/College-of-Distance-Education/RightsideLinks/JPME-1-Opportunities.aspx(3) CD-ROM ProgramThe CDROM-based Program is open only to applicants on sea duty or at remote duty stations with no internet access. Those who have internet access must apply to the Web-Enabled Program. Questions/Additional Information:Email: CDROM@usnwc.eduOffice: 401-841-4688DSN: 841-4688Website: usnwc.edu/Academics/College-of-Distance-Education/RightsideLinks/JPME-1-Opportunities.aspxNon-Residence Joint Professional Military Education (JPME I)Air ForceCourse Description: The Air Command and Staff College Distance Learning Program (ACSC-DL 6.0) is available completely online. This program gives students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of course concepts and build critical thinking skills through online, peer-to-peer and faculty interaction. Online content allows for curriculum delivery and update at a much faster pace than previous book-based content. The new program offers a completely different learning experience in that students are able to more actively engage with the material. In addition to lesson narratives, reading materials and lesson progress checks, students encounter videos, computer-based interactive learning activities and “game-like” exercises all available in an online environment. Self-paced learning is enhanced by collaborative, online facilitated courses that enable students to engage in course concepts via faculty-guided, peer-to-peer interactions. The curriculum consists of eight self-paced courses and four applied courses to be completed in the following order: Orientation and Introduction (ORIN), Leadership and Command (LC), Applied Leadership and Command (ALC), National Security (NS), Applied National Security (ANS), Warfare Studies (WS), Airpower Studies (AP), Applied Warfare (AW), Joint Forces (JF), Joint Planning (JP), Joint Air Operations (JA), and Applied Joint Warfare (AJW). All ACSC graduates receive joint professional military education (JPME) phase I credit.Eligibility: O-4 selects and above on active duty, non-extended active duty, Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard; sister-service active duty, Guard, and Reserve O-4s and above; and Civil Air Patrol. Funding: The entire course is online administered through a learning management system. No cost to officer enrolled.Process: Go to . In the upper left hand corner, click on ACSC Login Guide. You will be enrolled in ACSC upon verification of your identity in the Air University Information System (AUSIS). You will remain enrolled through completion, provided you stay in good standing. Quota: Unlimited.Course POC:Acscdl@maxwell.af.milStudent Services: 334-953-7901Command and Staff College Resident (JPME I)Marine Corps Course Description: The Marine Corps Command and Staff College provides graduate level education and training held at the Marine Corps University, Quantico, VA, in order to develop critical thinkers, innovative problem solvers, and ethical leaders who will serve as commanders and staff officers in service, joint, interagency, and multinational organizations confronting complex and uncertain security environments. The Command and Staff College is a ten-month program for O-4 that fulfills Joint Professional Military Education Phase I requirements. Students have the option of completing the requirements for a Master of Military Studies (MMS) degree. Process: If interested in attending, please contact the Head, Medical Corps Assignments at Navy Personnel Command. A list will be compiled and maintained. When an opportunity arises, the Medical Corps detailer will reach out to interested participants and a selection will be made. Quota: Varies by class. Contact your detailer for more information.Course POC: Command and Staff Office: 703-784-3515Naval War College Course Description:The United States Naval War College (USNWC) in Newport, RI, is an accredited 10-month post graduate course of study in the joint service, interagency, and international environment. Professional military education programs are rigorous and designed to prepare the O-5 to O-6 U.S. Naval Officer to develop strategic solutions to complex problems in the current and future National Security environment. The resident War College experience builds a cohesive group of professionals engendering trust and confidence in each other creating a lifelong network of expertise. The leaders are a cross-section of operationally savvy warfighters from all services, U.S. agency professionals, to include the State Department, Homeland Security, CIA, and international officers from over 60 nations. The curriculum is comprised of three core courses of study: Strategy and Policy, National Security Decision Making, and Joint Military Operations. Electives are pursued during each trimester customizing your area of focus. The USNWC awards a Master’s degree in National Security and Strategic Studies. JPME1 completion is a prerequisite.Process:Head, Medical Corps Assignments will send out announcement through the Medical Corps Chief’s Office. If interested in attending, please contact the Medical Corps detailer at Navy Personnel Command. A list will be compiled and maintained. When an opportunity arises, the Medical Corps detailer will reach out to interested participants and a selection will be made. Quota: Varies by class. Contact your detailer for more information. ................

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