Form #2

Piedmont Psychiatric Clinic - Form #3-2/2019

Dave M. Davis, M.D., D.L.F.A.P.A., D.L.F.A.B.F.P.,D.L. F.A.B.P.N. Annie M. Cooper, M.D., D.A.B.P.N.


INSTRUCTIONS: This information is CONFIDENTIAL. The following information is very important to your health.  Please take the time to answer these questions fully and accurately.  If you do not wish to answer any questions, merely write “OMIT.” 


Last Name: ________________________First Name ___________________Middle Name___________  Age: ____ Sex: ________

Preferred or Nick Name that you would like to go by: _______________________________________________________________

Marital Status: ____married                ___ divorced  ___ separated          ___ common-law marriage

         ____living together  ___never married  ___spouse deceased  ___number of marriages 

Education level (highest grade you completed): __________ Occupation: _____________ Number of children: ________ 

Name of Referring Physician or Agency: _________________________________________________________________________

Name and Specialty of Physicians/other Healthcare Providers you see regularly: __________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________□Please check here if you need to write additional Specialist / Physicians on page #10.

List all Allergies and what type of reaction that you may have had to Medications or other Substances:

Medication Type of Reaction Age at time of Reaction

______________________ ________________________________ ____________________

______________________ ________________________________ ____________________

______________________ ________________________________ ____________________

Please list any medicines you are currently taking or have taken during the past six months (including aspirin, birth control pills, hormone replacements or any other medicines that were prescribed or taken over the counter): 

Name of Medicine(s)  Strength & Dosage    Purpose   Taken since (date) Prescribed by (how much do you take & how often do you take your medication(s)


Lipitor_________________ 20 MG-1 tablet - once a day Cholesterol____  April 2001____ Dr. Jones___

1.)________________________ _________________________ _______________  ______________  ____________

2.)________________________ _________________________ _______________  ______________  ____________

3.)________________________ _________________________ _______________  ______________  ____________

4.)________________________ _________________________ _______________  ______________  ____________

□Please check here if you need to write additional medications on page #10

2. DESCRIPTION OF PRESENTING PROBLEMS State in your own words the nature of your main problems (why you came to see us): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

On the scale below, please estimate the severity of your problem(s): 

Mildly Upsetting_____   Moderately Upsetting_____    Severe_______ Incapacitating______ 

When did your problems begin (give dates)? _______________________________________________________________ 

Please describe significant events occurring at that time, or since then, which may have contributed to the development or maintenance of your problems: ___________________________________________________________________________


What solutions to your problems have you tried? ____________________________________________________________


Have you been in therapy before or received any prior professional assistance for your problems? If yes, include marriage/sexual counseling, pastoral counseling, psychotherapy, and child/adolescent treatment, and / or family doctor:

Treating Professional   Profession   Purpose   Dates

___________________      ___________________      ________________________     ______________

___________________      ___________________      ________________________     ______________

___________________      ___________________      ________________________     ______________

□Please check here if you need to write additional Providers/Interventions, Etc. on page #10

List ALL psychiatric hospitalizations, residential, day care treatment or partial:

Hospital    Doctor  Purpose   Dates

___________________      ___________________      ________________________     ______________

___________________      ___________________      ________________________     ______________

___________________      ___________________      ________________________     ______________

□Please check here if you need to write additional Psychiatric/Providers/Interventions hospitalizations, Etc. on page #10


Date of Birth: ______________   Place of Birth: _________________________ Adopted: ____Yes ____No 

SIBLINGS (including 1/2 siblings and step siblings):

Number of brothers: __________   Name and Age of brothers: ________________________________________________________

Number of sisters: ____________   Name and Age of sisters: _________________________________________________________

FATHER:   Living? __________  If alive, give fathers’ present age: ___________________

If deceased, give his age at time of death: ____________

How old were you at the time of his death? ___________ Cause of death: _____________________________

His occupation(s) past or present: ______________________ Health: ____________________________________ 

MOTHER:   Living? __________ If alive, give mothers’ present age: _________________

If deceased, give her age at time of death: ____________

How old were you at the time of her death? ___________ Cause of death: _____________________________

Her Occupation(s) past or present: ______________ Health: ___________________________________________ 

How strong a force was religion in your family life as a child?  (Circle one)

Very-strong  Moderately-strong  Mild  Minimal   None

How strong a force is religion in your life now? (Circle one)

Very strong  Moderately-strong  Mild  Minimal   None

Circle any of the following that occurred during your childhood/adolescence. Then in the space provided, write your age at the time the event(s) occurred: 

___Parental neglect ___Lack of Love   ___Abandonment ___Financial Problems

___Happy Childhood   ___Legal Trouble   ___Physical Abuse ___Parental Remarriage

___Unhappy Childhood  ___School Problems  ___Medical Problems ___Frequent Moves

___Emotional/Behavior Problems  ___Family Problems  ___Parental Separation ___Parental Divorce

___Alcohol Abuse   ___Drug Abuse   ___Sexual Abuse   

___Raised by someone else other than parents ___Others (specify): ______________________________


What sort of work are you doing now? ______________________________________________________

Have you ever been fired from a job: _______Yes _______ No

What kinds of jobs have you held in the past? ________________________________________________


Does your present work satisfy you? _______Yes _______ No

If not, please explain: ___________________________________________________________________

Military Service: Did you serve in the military as □Active | □Reservist or □National Guard? _______Yes _______ No  

Which Branch? □Air Force | □Army | □Coast Guards | □Marines | □Navy What is or was your Rank? _____________

List the dates of service: ______(enlisted) to ______ (discharge) Type of Discharge: □Honorable | □Medical | □Dishonorable

Do you have other means of income such as alimony, pension, disability, etc.? _____________________

What is your height? _______ ft. _______ inches.  What is your weight? ______________ lbs.

Have you ever been hospitalized for psychological problems or addiction treatment? ______ Yes ______ No

If yes, when and where? _______________________________________________________________


Have you ever attempted suicide? _______Yes _______ No  

Have you ever had recurring thoughts of suicide? _______ Yes  _______ No

Is there any past or present history in your family (blood relatives) that suffer from alcoholism, depression, or anything else that might be considered a “mental disorder”? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Has any relative attempted or committed suicide? __________________________________________________________________ 


Father:  What was your father like to you? ________________________________________________________________________

How did he affect the way you felt about yourself? __________________________________________________________________

How is your relationship with your father now? ____________________________________________________________________ 


Mother: What was your mother like to you? ______________________________________________________________________  

How did she affect the way you felt about yourself? _________________________________________________________________

How is your relationship with your mother now? ___________________________________________________________________

How is your relationship with significant other figures (grandparents, step parents, etc.) in childhood? _______________________


Were you ever bullied or severely teased? ________________________________________________________________________

Rate the degree to which you generally feel comfortable and relaxed in social situations:

______Very relaxed    _______Relatively comfortable   _______Relatively uncomfortable   _______Very Anxious

Were you ever sexually, physically, verbally, or emotionally abused? _________________________________________________

Generally, do you express your feelings, opinions, and wishes to others openly? _______ Yes  _______ No

If we need someone, other than yourself, to give us history or background information on you, whom may we contact?

Name: __________________ Address: ___________________________ Phone number: Home)____________

Cell) _____________

5. MARRIAGE OR PARTNERSHIP -If in Partnership consider as Spouse

Number of Marriages ________ Divorces________  Death of Spouses ________

Current spouse’s / partner’s name: ________________________________

How long did you know your spouse before your engagement? _______ How long have you been married? _______

What is your spouse’s age? ______ What is your spouse’s occupation? ___________________________________________

Describe your spouse’s personality: ________________________________________________________

How would your spouse describe you? _____________________________________________________

In what areas are you compatible? _________________________________________________________

In what areas are you incompatible? ________________________________________________________

How do you get along with your in-laws (this includes brothers and sisters-in-law)? _________________

Number of children: ___________________  Number of pregnancies: _________________

Number of Abortions: ___________________  Number of Miscarriages: _________________

Do you think there was, or may have been, inappropriate sexual behavior initiated toward you as a child? _______ Yes _______No ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

MARRIAGE OR PARTNERSHIP -If in Partnership consider as Spouse (Continued.....)

Have there been sexual relationships which you feel were damaging to you? ____________________________________________

Are there concerns presently in your life that relate to your sexuality or your present sexual relationship? ______________________







Circle any of the following that often apply to you: 

Headaches  Stomach trouble   Flushes    Don’t like being touched

Dizziness  Tics/twitches   Skin problems   Excessive sweating

Palpitations  Fatigue    Dry mouth   Visual disturbances

Muscle spasms  Back pain   Chest pains   Hearing problems

Tension   Tremors   Burning/itchy skin  Hear things

Fainting spells  Rapid heartbeat   Tingling/Numbness  Sexual Problems

Blackouts  Chronic Pain Sexually Transmitted disease

Check any of the following stresses that have applied to you over the past 12 months: 

_______Divorce or separation   _______ Problems with Parents _______Problems with money  

_______Having to care for aging relatives _______ Problems with children _______Problems with spouse    

_______Death of a close family member _______Son or daughter leaving home _______Problems with neighbors

_______Personal illness or injury  _______Trouble with in-laws _______Problems with Co-workers

_______Marriage     _______Change in residence _______Change in eating habits

_______Changes in my work   _______Change in sleeping habits _______Problems with sex   

_______Other: _________________________________________________________________________________________


What do you consider to be your most irrational thought or idea? ______________________________________________________

Are you bothered by thoughts that occur over and over again? _______ Yes  _______ No ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Circle any that apply to you: 

Jailed Bankruptcy    Been sued  

IRS problems  Paternity suit    Filed lawsuit 

Juvenile Court       Arrests Workers Compensation   

Crime victim Disability  Victim of violent crime

Truancy DUI Suspended driver’s license  

Conviction Prison  Used illegal substance(s)    

Fired from job   Fighting  Carry a weapon 

Destroy property  Animal cruelty   Irresponsible parenting   

Child Abuse    Fire setting   Shoplifted/theft/stealing  

Rape  Sexual harassment Pay Garnished

Pornography Computer Addiction Excessive Phone/Text Use


Do you eat three well-balanced meals each day? _______Yes _______No

If not, please explain: __________________________________________________________________________________ 

Do you get regular physical exercise? _______Yes _______No If so, what type and how often? ________________

How much alcohol do you drink per week? ____________________________If you quit, when? ____________________________ 

How much tobacco do you use per week? _____________________________ If you quit, when? ___________________________ 

Do you use Energy Drinks or Stimulants? Yes _______   No _______ If you quit, when? ____________________________

Have you used recreation/illegal drugs? Yes _______   No _______ If yes, at what age(s)? ________________________

Describe ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you have quit, when? ________________________________________________________________________________________ 

HEALTH (Continued....)

Do you have any current concerns about your physical health? Please specify: _____________________________________



A.) Have you had a Colonoscopy? _______Yes _______No _______Date of the last screening?

B.) Have you had a Prostate Screening? _______Yes _______No _______Date of the last screening?

C.) Have you had a Mammogram? _______Yes _______No _______Date of the last screening?

Check your experience of the following: 

|  |Never |Rarely |Freq. |Often |

|Prescription drugs |  |  |  |  |

|Non-Prescription drugs |  |  |  |  |

|Alcohol |  |  |  |  |

|Coffee |  |  |  |  |

|Cigarettes |  |  |  |  |

|Diarrhea |  |  |  |  |

|Constipation |  |  |  |  |

|Allergies |  |  |  |  |

|High blood pressure |  |  |  |  |

|Heart problems |  |  |  |  |

|Vomiting |  |  |  |  |

|Insomnia |  |  |  |  |

|Headaches |  |  |  |  |

|Backache |  |  |  |  |

|Sleep difficulties |  |  |  |  |

|Problems with eating |  |  |  |  |


List all major illnesses you have had and dates: 





Are your menstrual periods regular? ________________________________________________________________________

Do you have pain? ________________________________________________________________________________________

Do your periods affect your mood? __________________________________________________________________________      

□Please check here if you need to write additional information on the reverse side of this page

HEALTH (Continued....)

Circle any of the following that apply to you: 

Thyroid disease   Infectious diseases  Prostate problems  Kidney disease Gastrointestinal disease  

Asthma    Cancer Epilepsy    Neurological disease  Blood disease

Diabetes  Glaucoma   Gynecological Lung disease Sexually transmitted disease

High Blood Pressure Other: ________________________________________________________________


List ALL medical/surgical hospitalization(s):


Name of Hospital & Location (City/State)    Reason for Hospitalization/Surgery     Doctor Date 







□Please check here if you need to write additional medical/surgical/hospitalizations on the reverse side of this page

Have you ever had any head injuries or loss of consciousness?  _______Yes _______No

Please give details: _________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Please describe any accidents or injuries you have suffered (give dates): _______________________________________________




Have you had a bad experience with a doctor or other healthcare person? _______Yes _______No

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________





The above information is true and correct. 

PATIENT’S SIGNATURE ____________________________________________    DATE ________________________

Use this space for additional comments and notes:















Signature and Date: __________________________________________     


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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