Advice from William H McRaven- Navy Seal AdmiralIdeas from Mr. McRavenWhat starts here changes the world- University of Texas SloganAverage American will meet 10,000 people in their lifetime.If you help change the lives of 10 people and they do the same and those do the same then in 5 generations 800 million peoples lives have been changes for the better. Generations can be saved by one great decision. What will the world look like after you change it? Everybody leaves a mark on this world, what will your mark be? It does not matter how rich you are, how popular you are, your sex, your ethnicity. The only thing that truly matters is are you willing and eager to help others. 10 Lessons of Basic Seal Training he learned:1. Every morning make your bed- Accomplish first task of the day. Reinforces doing the little things right. If you cant do them right you wont be able to do the big things right. 2. Find someone to help you paddle. You can’t do it alone. Everyone must paddle. 3. Measure a person by the size of their heart not by the size of the flippers. The only thing that matters is the burning desire to succeed and help others. 4. Get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward. 5. You will fail, LEARN from your failures. They are not there to break you. They happen to make you stronger. 6. Sometimes you have to slide down the obstacles head first. When you don’t have time to analyze sometimes you just have to do it. 7. When a shark circles your position do not Swim away. Do not act afraid, stand your ground. If the shark attacks, punch him directly in the snout and he will swim away. There are a lot of sharks in the world, you will have to learn how to deal with them. Don’t back down from the sharks. 8. When it is the darkest, you must be at your very best. 9. There is power in Hope and it can start with one person- mandela, King, Lincoln, Kennedy…Start singing when you are up to your neck. 10. Don’t ever give up. Be our best. Dream, Work, Care, Grow, Believe. Your journey will not be easy. Start each day with a task completed. Find someone to help you through life. Respect everyone. Know that life is not fair and that you will fail often. But if you take risks, step up when the times are toughest, Face down the bullies, lift up the down trodden, and never ever give up, If you do these things the next generation will live in a world that is far greater than the one we have been privileged enough to live in. ................

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