
Quick-Links Starter

Handbook For The

Open Source Analyst

Table Of Contents

Foreword 6


911 Final Report 8

Acquisition 8

Agriculture 8

Area Codes 8

Aviation 8

Banking & Finance 9

Blogs 9

Bridges 9

Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) 9

CAMS Around the World 9

Chemical/Biological/Radiological 10

China 10

Country Links 10

Crime & Justice 11

Cryptome (controversial site but has good information) 11

Cultural Intelligence 11

Cyber & Information Warfare 12

Databases (Some Searchable) 12

Defense 13

Demographics & Religion 13

Denial & Deception 14

Department of Homeland Security 14

Department of The Treasury 14

Directories of the World 14

Domain Name Servers 15

Drugs and Terrorism 15

Drug War 15

E-Mail Lookups 15

Embassies of the World 16

Energy 16

Experts On Demand 16

Foreign Broadcast Information Service (now known as the Open Source Center) 17

Federal Government 17

Gangs 18

Global Threats 18

Google 18

Homeland Security 19

Human Trafficking 19

Image, Audio, VideoFinder 19

Improvised Explosive Devices 20

Intelligence 20

International Intelligence Agencies 20

Internet Privacy and Security 20

Iranian Military 21

Iraq 21

Islamic Web Sites 21

Library Resources 21

Liquified Natural Gas Facilities 22

Logistics 22

Mapping and Related Material 22

Medical Intelligence 23

Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) 23

Missile Threat 23

Muslim Brotherhood 23

National/International Most Wanted WEB Sites 24

Newspapers Around The World 24

North Korean Military 24

Nuclear Reactors and Storage 24

Nuclear Terrorism 25

Oil 25

Online Links 25

Organized Crime 26

Ports Worldwide 26

Propaganda (anti-U.S.). You may feel discomfort reading some articles. 26

Public Data On Sex Offenders 26

Rail 26

References 27

Satellite and Space Views (real time) 27

Search Engine Report and Search Engines 27

Secret Armies 27

Secure Email 27

Shopping Malls 28

Steganography and Terrorists 28

Terrorism 28

Terrorist Targets 29

Terrorist Websites 29

Tracerouting 30

Translations Online 30

Transportation 30

Tunnels 30

Water Conflict 30

Weapons Around The Globe 31

Weapons of Mass Destruction 31

Weather 31

World News Network Sitemap (make this your first stop) 32

A Research Guide For Students 32

Open Source Intelligence Cycle Idea 33

This is a starter handbook for your use. It is not complete by any stretch of the imagination and is intended to help you get started building your own handbook. You can add and delete as you wish. The idea is to get you started on something you can continue to build on and share with others. Hopefully at some future date all can be brought together for the benefit of all who use this handbook.


How many times have you selected your favorite search engine and typed in a search parameter only to have 50,000 or more hits? What to do? Obviously you cannot read each hit, and trying to make sense of the boolean logic and other advanced search techniques just doesn’t seem to produce results in this fast paced intelligence environment where quality rather than quantity is the target. Not an easy task. For this reason I have put together what I would like to think is an answer to your dilemma.

This guide tries to keep you on track and away from the surfing we generally end up doing. Very easy to get distracted when doing a search and curious/eye-catching links take us away from our primary objective. Before you know it, you are in South America, Israel, Belarus or some other exotic place and you forget what you started out to do. As you know, borders do not exist on the internet and you can wind up anywhere if you’re not careful.

This guide contains links to get you the information you require in as short a time as possible and is especially helpful to the MI soldier. The intent is to keep you as focused as possible. This is not to say that search engines are no longer needed, they are indeed. But maybe, just maybe, this guide will help you conduct searches without the distractions.

I also would like to point out that everything in this handout is available to anybody anywhere. This includes criminals and terrorists. But while they may use it for illegal activities we can use it to counter those activities.

Serious people mine the WEB, others surf.

The following is taken from the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center that sponsors open source training. The handout is titled Open Source Exploitation: A Guide for Intelligence Analysts.

Recently, the total quantity of data available on the Internet was estimated to be 7,500 terabytes total, with only 25 to 50 terabytes indexed by search engines (one terabyte = 1,000 gigabytes). While that may seem to be a tremendous amount of data, the United States Library of Congress has more than 100 million publications in its collection, or roughly 100 terabytes of textual information. So, while data on the Internet can be searched quickly, it represents only one of many forms of open source information.

It is also important to understand the volatility of Internet data. A 2000 University of California at Berkeley study estimated the average life of an Internet document was 44 days. Whole Internet sites appear and disappear frequently and without notice. For the open source analyst, this means that any attempts to catalog Internet sites will be difficult and require continuous maintenance to stay current. In short, it may not be enough to simply bookmark Web resources in a browser. Effective open source exploitation may require actual archiving of Internet sites.

The first mistake one makes when doing research is to just insert words into the search engine without really having a plan for what is needed.

What is your objective? That is, what exactly are you researching? Once you have determined this, then you must take the time to write down key words and not hit the search engine until you are satisfied with your listing. I know it’s hard to do this, but you must take the time, or else you’ll be searching longer than required. If you haven’t found what you’re looking for within the first 20 minutes, then you haven’t mapped out a strategy. However, if after mapping out a strategy you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, then the local library or university should be your next option. Remember, there are vast amounts of information still to be digitized and sad to say only about 20% exists on the Web. Now is the time to visit the subject matter experts in the library. These individuals (librarians) are extremely intelligent and know where to find the information you’re looking for. If they don’t know, they probably know someone who does.

While I have tried to get you to your objective as quickly as possible, there is still no substitute for effective searching techniques. I strongly recommend looking over this very basic WEB searching techniques site and download the tutorial with powerpoint slides and handouts. I think you’ll be impressed with it and it doesn’t take long to complete.

There are two areas one cannot get away from on the WEB, pornography and political agendas. I have definitely made sure that none of the links end up with the former, but the latter cannot be avoided.

WEB Favorites

NOTE: Links with require password access to the open source information system. Personnel will not have any problems if they are on a .mil server and have an AKO account. However, there will be occasions when you may not have access to a .mil server because of maintenance or other problems.

911 Final Report

911 Commission Final Report


Defense Acquisition University

Office Of Naval Research

Office Of The Under Secrertary Of Defense

Defense Procurement And Acquisition Policy

DoD Acquisition Information


Agricultural Terrorism

Economic Research Service

Economic Research Service

Economic Research Service

Area/International Codes

Area Code Listing by Number

All Area Codes

Canadian Code Availability

Geographic Areas

U.S. Area Codes and Time Zones

Area Codes Map

International Dialing Codes


Airport directory, flight planning, weather

US military bases (Air Force Bases, Navy Bases, Marines Bases, Coast Guard Air Stations and

Army Air Fields) all over the world.

Airport Search

Airport Information

Airport hotels, limo, quick aids

Flight planning & aviation weather

Air traffic publications library

Aviation crime prevention

Aviation weather at BASEOPS

Defense Internet NOTAM Service

Regulatory Support Division

National Aviation Safety Data Analysis Center

Interagency Airspace Coordination

National Air Traffic Controllers Association

National Transportation Safety Board

U.S. Military Aviation

World Aeronautical Database

Airports Quick Aid

Airports Serving Mexican Border Region

Pilot Getaways

FAA Notices To Airmen

Airport Taxi Diagrams

Banking & Finance

Banking & Financial Crimes

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

Financial Scandals

Countering Financial Crime Risks in Information Security

Money Laundering and Financial Crimes

Money Laundering, Terrorism and Financial Institutions

Money Laundering

Transnational Threats

United States Secret Service


Fresh brewed news plus stewing views

Global Politics, Economics & Ideas


Top ten links to bridges

Bridges of the world

Famous bridges of the world

Bridge technology

Steel bridges in the world

Bridges in 3D

Bridges in the United States

Timber bridges in the U.S.

Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL)


CAMS Around the World

Live weather images

Worldwide WEB Cams


US/Worldwide Airport WEB Cams



WEBCAM Directory

Railroad Cams

WEB Cam Directories


Chemical and Biological Defense

GLADBAD – A searchable database of databases

Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Plan

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Biological and Chemical Terrorism


Chemical Terrorism

Chemical Agents

Responding to Chemical Terrorism

Chemical and Biological Weapons Resource Page

The most dangerous U.S. chemical facilities

Biological Agents

Radiological Materials and Nuclear Weapons


Maps of China

The China Post News

Country Links (link this to the drive where you stored the country files

provided to you)

Lonely Planet Guide

About Countries

Country Facts

World Facts

International Crisis Group

Country Profiles

World Of Facts

Ethnologue: Languages Of The World

Crime & Justice

International Justice Statistics

Criminal Justice Resources

National Alliance of Gang Investigators Associations

Mara Salvatrucha Street Gang (Al Queda's Friends)

Crime and Justice

National Statistics

National Criminal Justice Reference Service

Open Directory for Crime & Justice

True Crime & Justice

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Center for Crime & Justice Studies

Crime Spider

Crime and Criminal Justice Web Links

Missing Children WEB Sites


Cryptome (controversial site but has good information)

Eyeball Series

Cultural Intelligence

A Defence of Cultural Intelligence

Cultural Awareness

A Guide to Working with People from Other Cultures

Cultural Intelligence

Cultural Intelligence and Modern Management

Avoiding a Napoleonic Ulcer: Bridging the Gap of Cultural Intelligence (Or, Have We Focused on

the Wrong Transformation?)

Culture and Technologies of Control

University of Military Intelligence

Religion and Beliefs

Cultural Studies

Iraqi Culture Smart Card (printable version)

(printable versions)

Small Wars Journal (material on cultural intelligence)

Pew Global Attitudes Project (a series of worldwide public opinion surveys)


Cyber & Information Warfare

CERT Coordination Center

Information Operations

Information Operations URLography

Information Warfare and Information Security on the WEB

Institute for the Advanced Study of Information Warfare

iIfowar: Term Contexts For 'weapon'

The Information Warfare Site

Ms. Guidance: Cyber War

Cyber Warfare and Information Security

The Security Portal for Information System Security Professionals

Georgetown Essays on Information Warfare

Books on subject

Databases (Some Searchable)

World Basic Information Library

Digital National Security Archive


American Religion Data Archive

Army Libraries Directory


Early Bird


Databases and Electronic Resources

Databases in Military Science

EBSCO Support

Britannica Online

Federal Government Resources on the WEB ?

Google’s Uncle Sam

Government Search

Libraries on the WEB


Jane’s Online Research

The Educator’s Reference Desk

Pro Fusion


Government Databases

Government Printing Office

Search Systems

U.S. National Archjives and Records Administration

National Inventory of Dams

Navigating the Military Internet

Naval War College Library

Pentagon Library



Reference Desk

Organized Crime and Corruption Bibliographic Database Search

DOD and Military Electronic Journals

The Wednesday Report - Canada's Aerospace and Defence Weekly

Direct Search

The Invisible WEB

Complete Planet

U.S. Federal Government Agencies Database

The Academic Web Link Database Project

Patent Searching

Databases On The World Wide WEB

Federal Bulletin Board GPO Access

GPO Access Online

Google Scholar

Cold War Black Projects

Find Databases

Those Dark Hiding Places

Georgetown University Library


Air Force Research Link

Airport Search

Association of the United States Army (AUSA)


Center for Defense Information

Defense Technical Information Center

Defense Link

Defense News

DoD Almanac

Military Resources

Global Security

Military Equipment

Lessons Learned

Coast Guard

Demographics & Religion

Religion by Location and Name

Religions of the World

U.S. Census Bureau

American Religion Data Archive

Hartford Institute for Religion Research

Western Religions

Religion Links

Major World Religions

A Comparative Analysis of The Major World Religions

The Religion of The Taliban

Holy Qur'an Resources on the Internet

A Brief Guide to Understanding Islam

Salam Iran

Understanding Islam and Muslims

Denial and Deception

Background Briefing on Enemy Denial and Deception

Denial and Deception Strategy

The Security Situation in the Taiwan Strait

Department of Homeland Security

Vehicle Guideleine

Surveillance Truck

Department of The Treasury

Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons

Directories of the World

Webmaster World


International White and Yellow Pages

Iran Online Yellow Pages

Links to the World Directories


The Global Yellow Pages

World Business Directories

Worldwide Yellow Pages

Domain Name Servers

All Domains

WHOIS Database Search

Host Name to IP Address

Internet Query Tools

DNS Lookup

DNS Stuff

Search and Register Domain Names

Domain Name Search

Domain Surfer




Multiple DNS Lookup

Webserver Search

Query the APNIC Whois Database

RIPE Whois Search

Check Domain

Super DNS Lookup

Network Administrators Guide

Query Tools

Internet Tools

Drugs and Terrorism

Drugs and Terrorism: A New Perspective (dated but useful)

How Drug Prohibition Finances and Otherwise Enables Terrorism

How the Drug War in Afghanistan Undermines America’s War on Terror

The Links Between Drug Prohibition and Terrorism

Useful Sites

Afghanistan Drugs and Terrorism

Crime, Drug Prohibition and Terrorism: An Inevitable Convergence

Mini Submarine

Drug War

Common Sense for Drug Policy

The Real Drug Lords

Drug Cartels and Other Organized Crime Groups

Mexico Fights US Drug War

The Globalization Of The Drug Trade

E-Mail Lookups

411 Locate


Search Detective


Email Address Links

Reverse Lookup and Email Search



The Ultimate Email Directory

World Email

Embassies of the World

Directory of Arab embassies and consulates in London

World Embassy Database

Embassy of the Republic of Armenia

Websites of U.S. Embassies and Consulates

Turkish Embassies in America and World

Index of Foreign Embassies in Australia

Embassy Search

Embassies of the World


Embassies and Consulates

Foreign Embassies of Washington, D.C.

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments

Foreign Governments


Global Energy Network Institute

Center for Global Energy Studies

Energy Central

Energy Intelligence

Electric Power Research Institute

Energy Market Maps

California On-Line Energy Maps

Department of Nuclear Energy

Databases and Directories

Renewable Energy Projects

The Coming Global Energy Crisis

U.S. Department of Energy

World Energy Council

Energy Review

Experts On Demand

Foreign Broadcast Information Service

Log-In (requires registration)

Federal Government

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Department of Agriculture

Department of Defense

Department of Commerce

Department of Education

Department of Emergency Management

Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Labor

Department of State

Department of the Treasury

Department of Veterans Affairs

Department of Homeland Security

Department of the Interior

Department of Justice

Department of Transportation

Energy Information Agency

Department of Energy

Food and Drug Administration

Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Emergency Management Agency

White House

Links to Government WEB Sites

Minerals Management Service

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Government Search

The Federal WEB Locator

Citizenship and Immigration Services

Office of Management and Budget

Government Executive


Know Gangs

All Crip Gangs in Los Angeles County

Organized Crime Web Links

Gangs 101

Gangs Or Us


Gang Intelligence Unit

Motorcycle Gangs Or Mafia

Organized Crime And Political Corruption

Gangs Before Thrasher

Gang Research

Gangs Around The World

Identifying Gang Members

Gang Symbols/Signs

Gang Awareness

Gang Handbook

Gangs In Texas

Global Threats

Exploring Global Conflict

Global Threats and Challenges

Global Trends 2015

Identity Fraud: A Critical National and Global Threat

Threat Assessments

National Threat Assessment Center

World Threats


Google Alerts (Receive news and search results via email)

Google Answers (Ask a question, set a price get an answer)

Catalogs (Search and browse mail-order catalogs)

Directories (Browse the web by topic)

Froogle (Shop smarter with Google)

Groups (Create mailing lists and discussion groups)

Images (Search for images on the web)

Labs (Try out new Google products)

Local (Find local businesses and services)

Maps (View maps and get directions)

News (Search thousands of news stories)

Print (Search the full text of books)

Scholar (Search scholarly papers)

Special Searches (Search within specific topics)

University Search (Search a specific school's website)

WEB Search Features (Do more with search)

A 3D interface to the planet

Blog Search

Homeland Security

Gateway to Homeland Security

Brookings Institution Project on Homeland Security

Center for State Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security

Are You Ready?

GAO Homeland Security

Homeland Security Monitor

State Homeland Security WEB Sites

Homeland Security Guidelines

Homeland Security Weekly

National Homeland Security Knowledge Bas

The Heritage Foundation

Online References and Resources

Department of Homeland Security Spy Vehicle

Human Trafficking

Trafficking Protection Act of 2000

Campaign Against the Trafficking of Women and Girls

Criminal Justice Resources

Facts About Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery

A WEB Source for Combating Human Trafficking

Children and Human Trafficking

United Nations: Trafficking

Responses to Human Trafficking

Trafficking Links

Interactive Map: Human Trafficking Worldwide

People Smuggling

Image, Audio, VideoFinder


Image Seeker

Google Image Search



Jupiter Images

Singing Fish

Improvised Explosive Devices

General Information

IEDs and Convoy Protection

IED: A weapons Profile

Miscellaneous Explosives used as IEDs

Overseas Bomb Threat Awareness

Potential Indicators of Threats Involving Vehicle Borne IEDs

The Mechanics of a Living Bomb

Threat Resolution

Security Advice

Potential Indicators

Terrorist IED Handbook

Tanks Take A Beating



National Intelligence Council

U.S. Intelligence Community


National Security Links

Research and Intelligence

Worldwide Intelligence Agencies

National Drug Intelligence Center

Gateway to Intelligence

Strategic Intelligence Links

Gathering and Exposing Intelligence Online

Nation Master: Where Statistics Come Alive (build your own charts)

Intelligence Resources

Your Comprehensive Source for OSINT & SIGINT 24/7

International Intelligence Agencies

International Government Intelligence Agencies

International Links

MILNET: Intelligence Agencies by Function

World Intelligence and Security Agencies

Internet Privacy and Security






Hacker and Spyware Protection

Email Security and Privacy

Home Network Security

Privacy and Security


Leak Test

Setting up Security Zones

Shields Up

Anti Spyware Tools

Spyware Reviews

Guide to Online Privacy

Virus List



Security Advisers

Spyware and Adware Removal

Iranian Military

Imperial Iranian Ground Forces

Iranian Army

Iranian Army Order Of Battle


Iran Nuclear Resources

Iran’s Ballistic Missiles (interactive)

Iranian Military


Iraqi Airfields

Iraq’s 55 Most Wanted

Target Iraq

The Iraqi Resistance (very controversial sites, you may be offended)

Iraq Daili

Islamic Websites

Links For Muslim Children

Radical Islamic Sites

General Islamic Sites

Sites Of Interest

Library Resources

American Library Association

Virtual Law Library

The Library Index Worldwide

Libraries and Catalogs Worldwide

Libraries Around the World

Library Servers

Virtual Library

Museums Around the World

Virtual Library Museum Pages

MI Library

New York Public Library Digital Gallery

Awesome Library

Liquified Natural Gas Facilities

Liquified Natural Gas Facilities


Mapping and Related Material

Maps and Driving Directions

Maps and References

CIA World Fact Book

Leading source of land information. Note: Learn to use this one and you’ll be quite impressed.

Free Aerial Maps. Note: Learn to use and you’ll get great results.

Free GIS

GIS in the Earth Sciences & Map Library

Latitude/Longitude Distance Calculation

Latitude-Longitude of US Cities

Maps of Countries and Territories

The Map Library

What do Map Scales Represent



Map Resources

Maps Around the World

All The Worlds Maps

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collectionh


Mileage Calculator

Online Maps to Everywhere

Quick Maps

Map Centre


Spot Image


United Nations cartographic Section


World Atlas

What’s Your Latitude/Longitude

3D Contour Maps

Links to Map Resources (no longer updated but still useful)

Google Maps



Space Imaging

The World Of Maps

Tha National Map Viewer


Earth Up Close

GIS Software

Superpages ?



Comet Web Search

Traffic Reports For 60 Cities

Earth Satellite Corporation

National Geographic Map Machine

Windows Live Local

Online Map Creation

Planiglobe Beta

Mapquest Complete List Of Maps


Medical Intelligence

Common Infectious Diseases Worldwide

Travelers’ Health

Third World Traveler

Health Informatics World Wide

Medical World Search

Virtual Naval Hospital

World Health Organization

Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC)

Global Health Facts

Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT)

Center For Army Lessons Learned

Close Combat in The Urban Environment

Military Operations In Urban Terrain

The MOUT Homepage

Theater of Urban Warfare

Urban Operations: A Historical Casebook

Urban Battle Fields of South Asia Lessons Learned from Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan

Small Wars Journal (lots of reference material on MOUT)

Missile Threat

Missile Proliferation

Missile Threat

Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood in Syria: 

Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan: 

Muslim Brotherhood Unspec:  mac/ikhwan/

Muslim Brotherhood discussion forum Unspec:

Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo:

Muslim Brotherhood Unspec: 

Muslim Brotherhood in English: 

Libyan site affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood: 

Word Worker’s Organization (global communist group),

National/International Most Wanted WEB Sites

Active Most Wanted

Most Wanted Criminal

America’s Most Wanted

Criminal Justice Resources


Interpol National Wanted WEB Site

Most Wanted Links

Most Wanted and Crime Stoppers

The Worlds Most Wanted

Newspapers Around The World

The Internet Public Library

Newspapers of the World

Newspapers on the Worldwide WEB

USA and Worldwide


Online Newspapers

World Newspapers


North Korean Military

Capability Analysis of North Korean Special Forces

Korean Peninsula

North Korean Tactics

North Korean Special Weapons Guide

North Korean Special Forces

North Korean Special Forces Organization

Military of North Korea

Nuclear Reactors and Storage

Barksdale Air Force Base Nuclear Weapons Storage Area

63 US Nuclear Power Plants

Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station

Pantex Plant

Barksdale Air Force Base WSA

Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant

Defense Nuclear Weapons School (DNWS)

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

Gray Air Force Base Storage

Hanford Nuclear Material Processing

Kirtland Underground Storage

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Millstone Nuclear Power Plant

Nellis Air Force Base

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant

Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant

US Nuclear Weapons Storage in Britain


International Nuclear Safety Center

Virtual Nuclear Tourist

List of Power Reactor Units

Nuclear Guide

US Nuclear Reactors

Dresden Nuclear Power Plant

Braidwood Nuclear Power Plant

Salem-Hope Creek Nuclear Power Plant

Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Station

McGuire Nuclear Power Station

Braidwood Generating Station

Selected US Nuclear Power Plants and Facilities

Kirtland Nuclear Storage

Perry Nuclear Power Plant

Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station

Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant

Nuclear Terrorism

Create your own blast map by simply entering a zip code

Video footage of nuclear explosions


Nuclear Weapon Effects Calculator


Bibliography for the Study of Oil and War

World Oil Market and Oil Price Chronologies: 1970 – 2003

Oil Demand

Energy Review

Oil Wars



The Oil Wars: Parts 1 and 2

World Energy "Areas To Watch"

Online Links

Foreign Military Studies Office

Naval Open Source Intelligence

Open Source Intelligence

Open Source Research Forum

Expanding Open Source Intelligence

Open–Source Intelligence From the Airwaves

Open Source Collection

Carnegie Endowment

Small Wars Journal (lots of reference material and the site is created on-the-fly daily)

World Facts

Power and Interest News Report (independent organization that utilizes open source intelligence

to provide conflict analysis services in the context of international relations)

Center for Media and DemocracyCenter for Media and Democracy

Strategy Page



Global Challenges Research

Global Research

Defence News (World News Network)

Organized Crime

Criminal Justice Resources

Organized Crime Web Links

Organized Crime Database Search

Organized Crime Selected Resources

Ports Worldwide

Directory of Worldwide Ports

Port Guide

International Ports

Port Index

Links to Worldwide Cargo Ports

Ports Worldwide

Cargo Port Links

Propaganda (anti-U.S.). You will not feel comfortable reading some articles.

The Witness

Public Data

Sex Offenders

National Sex Offender Public Registry



Federal Railroad Administration

Freight World

Metra Rail

Military Rails

New York City Transit

North American Passenger and Urban Transit

Freight Product Information by State

Short Line Railroads

Railroads Page

Rail Industry Links


Dictionary for translations





Online Encyclopedia

Fast Facts

Foreign Words

Librarians Index to the Internet

One Look Dictionary Search

WEB Translation


Translating Dictionaries

Word Reference

World Fact Book

Your Dictionary

Encyclopedia Of The Orient

Satellite and Space Views (real time)

Satellite and Space Views

Space Imaging

Search Engine Report & Search Engines

Search Engine Watch (tips on conducting good searches)

International Search Engines

Search Engine Listing

Secret Armies

Secret Armies

Secret armies of the CIA

Secure Email

Perfectly Private

Hush Mail


Crypto Heaven

The Case Fore Secure Email

Sex Offenders

Family Watchdig

Shopping Malls

Mall of America

Shopping Mall Studies

Largest Shopping Malls in The US

Steganography and Terrorists

Steganography & Digital Watermarking - Information Hiding

What is Steganography?


Bin Laden: Steganography Master?

Steganography Software

Terrorists Use of Steganography

Steganography: A New Age of Terrorism

Did The Hijackers Hide Their Messages?

Steganography: High-Tech Hidden Messages

When a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Secrets: The Debate Over Online Steganography


Office of Anti-Terrorism Assistance


War on Terrorism Resource Guides

International Law Terrorism

Implementing international action against terrorism

UN Action Against Terrorism

The World's Most Wanted Terrorists

Terrorism Research Center

Terrorism Portal

Terrorism Resources

Terrorist Financing

War on Terrorism Latest News

Terrorism/Counterterrorism Web Links

Terrorism Questions and Answers

Terrorism Disasters

Terrorism and Terrorists

Terrorism, Anti-Terrorism, Taliban and Afghanistan Links

Terrorism 2004

South Asia Terrorism Portal

Terrorism and Homeland Security

WWW Sites related to Terrorism

Patterns of Global Terrorism

International Global War on Terrorism

Terror Analysis

Comprehensive Guide to International Terrorist Organizations

Terrorist Group Profiles

Terrorism Knowledge Base

A Military Guide To Terrorism In The 21st Century

Terror Group Emblems

Fighting Terror

Terrorism Unveiled

Global Terrorr Alert

Guide to ResearchTerrorism and Insurgency

Terrorist Targets

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Prototypes for Targeting America: A Soviet Assessment

Foreign Terrorists in America

Terrorist Attacks on Americans 1979-1988

Guarding America: Security Guards and U.S. Critical Infrastructure Protection

Commercial Nuclear Reactor Sites as Terrorist Targets

Transportation and The Terrorist Threat

Passenger Ferries Could Be Prime Terrorist Targets

Terrorists planning to assemble bombs on planes

Target America

Plan Targets Terrorist Use Of Shipping Containers

Task Force to Bolster Security for Attractive Terrorist Targets

The Top 100 Terrorist Targets in the United States (if you can steer away from the political

comments it makes good for further study)

Chronology of Major Terrorist Attacks Against U.S. Targets

Thoughts on Terrorist Targets

Terror’s Next Target

Developing Trends in Terrorist Strategy

Mapping The Risks

Terrorist Websites (some may be quite offensive, especially the multimedia)

Radical Islamic Websites

The Search For International Terrorist Entities (videos of suicide bombings and attacks on U.S.


Global Terror Alert (videos of suicide bombings and attacks on U.S. Forces) not a terrorist

website but fits in this group

Terrorist Wesite Resources

Islamic Terror Web

Terrorism/Terrorist Group Websites

The Battar Training Camp

Anti-Terrorism Intelligence

Jihad Online

Background on Saudi Arabia’s 26 Most Wanted

The Iraqi Resistance (very controversial sites, you may be offended)

Special Report

A Trio of Disinformers: Islam Memo, Muhammad Abu Nasr, and Jihad Unspun


Middle East Online

The Army Of Ansar Al-Sunnah

Pro Pakistani Islamic Jihad and pro Al Qaeda sites in Urdu (some also have Arabic and/or









Geek Tools


Using Traceroute

Tracerouters Around The World

Translations Online


National Transportation Library


Tunnels in The USA and Canada

Tunnel Links

New York City Tunnel No 3

Notable PA Railroad Tunnels

Longest Railroad Tunnels in the World

USG OSINT Points Of Contact

Water Conflict

Water Wars

The Emerging Water Wars

The World’s Water

A World Without Water

Water Wars in The Middle East

Water Wars Worldwide

Weapons Around The Globe

Weapons and Equipment

North Korean Special Weapons

Fast Facts

Federation of American Scientists

Military World


Weapons of Mass Destruction

Weapons of Mass Destruction Intelligence Threat Assessments

Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Weapons of Mass Destruction Around The World

WMD Resources


Nuclear Threat Initiative

Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Warfare and WMD

Center for Nonproliferation Studies

Counter Proliferation Center

Weapons of Mass Destruction Resources

Nuclear Control Institute

A Guide to Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear Weapons Websites

Commission on The Intelligence Capabilities of the U.S Regarding WMD


WeatherMaps/Satellite Images

Earth Station 9 Weather

Intellicast Local Weather

Climate and Weather

Weather Around the World

Military Weather History

Naval Pacific Meteorological and Oceanography

National Weather Service Radar Image

Internet Weather Source

The World of Weather

Weather Software Archive

Weather Sites

United States Air Forces in Europe Operational Weather Squadron (OWS)

Live Weather Images

Weather Maps

Organized Weather Links


Weather CAMS

World News Network Sitemap (make this your first stop)

World News

A Research Guide For Students








Planning and Direction

Support a Crisis/Crises.

NEO, Humanitarian, etc.

Best sources of information.

Collection Phase

(Data Capture)

Country Studies






Who’s on the ground?

Foreign Services

Processing, Integration and Guidance (Data Mining)

Is there supporting evidence?

Can present data be sanitized?

Do we query/task classified “INTS”?

Analysis and Production

(Validated OSINT)


Can we share?

How much restriction?

May divulge OS collection capabilities.

Open Source

Intelligence Cycle


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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