Round 3

Round 3

Instructions: During the first 10 minutes of each match, read tossups 1-30, giving 10 points for each tossup answered correctly. Tossups should be answered without stalling as soon as the player has been recognized.

|Tossup Round |1 |2 |

|Tossup #1. What twelve-letter word is used to describe the difference between the amount of money that was originally paid for an |10 |10 |

|object and its value at a later time? It refers to the loss of value due to use or aging. | | |

|Answer: Depreciation | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #2. A former member of the Hitler Youth, he became the head of a major city's Gestapo Department in 1942. Personally |10 |10 |

|responsible for the death of 4,000 persons and the deportation of 7,500 others, he was nonetheless recruited after the war by the U.S.| | |

|for counterintelligence work and was eventually spirited out of Germany to Bolivia. Tracked down, he was extradited to France in 1983 | | |

|and sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity. FTP name this Nazi leader, known as the Butcher of Lyon. | | |

|Answer: Klaus Barbi | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #3. In May 1975, members of this movement seized the American ship Mayaquez, shortly after they had seized control of the |10 |10 |

|government formerly headed by U.S.-backed Lon Nol. Four years later they were themselves deposed by Vietnamese forces, leading them | | |

|to forge a coalition government-in-exile with former enemy Norodom Sihanouk. FTP, name this Communist movement led by Pol Pot. | | |

|Answer: Khmer Rouge | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #4. On a trip down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, he charmed all he came in contact with with his grand plans. In 1806 he |10 |10 |

|started downriver again from Lexington, Ky., intending on arriving in New Orleans after supporters had proclaimed independence and | | |

|offered him the Presidency. But before he reached it, one of his supporters betrayed him. FTP, name this former Vice-President who | | |

|intended to make himself Emperor of Mexico. | | |

|Answer: Aaron Burr | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #5. The action of these organs is partly controlled by the hormones vasopressin and aldosterone as well as hormones concerned |10 |10 |

|with red blood cell formation. For 10 points, what are these organs whose basic functional unit is the nephron. | | |

|Answer: kidney | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #6. This is an economic term that is often called the happiness barometer. Although it is really a mythical quantity, |10 |10 |

|economists have given it a unit and the term is defined as the amount of satisfaction produced by a consumer good. For ten points, | | |

|name this economic term which in common usage describes water and power companies. | | |

|Answer: Utility | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #7. She starred as the scantily clad playmate of 1976's King Kong before racking up several Academy Award nominations for such |10 |10 |

|films as Music Box, Sweet Dreams, Country, and Frances. For 10 points, identify this actress who won the Best Supporting Actress | | |

|Oscar for her role in Tootsie. | | |

|Answer: Jessica Lange | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #8. A major Italian architect for whom a movement is named, his Four Books of Architecture greatly influenced architects |10 |10 |

|throughout the U.S. and Europe. His highly symmetrical designs include Teatro Olympico and Il Redenfore. For ten points, name this | | |

|Vicenzan architect of the Villa Rotunda. | | |

|Answer: Andrea Palladio | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #9. Who dropped out of college, was temporarily blinded by a factory accident in 1867, and contracted malaria and typhus on a |10 |10 |

|trip to Cuba? He was quite successful during his lifetime, however, and had a major impact on the policies of Theodore Roosevelt. | | |

|Identify this author of The Mountains of California who raised public sentiment to create the Sierra Club and our National Park | | |

|System. | | |

|Answer: (John) Muir | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #10. In 1456, or so the story goes, Pope Calixtus III ordered it to stay away from Europe, and when it ignored the edict, it |10 |10 |

|was excommunicated. FTP, what is this object, first observed by Chinese astronomers in 240 B.C., which is next expected to visit the | | |

|earth in the year 2061? | | |

|Answer: Halley's Comet | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #11. The addition of the Filioque clause, which was recognized by the Council of Toledo in 589, touched off a controversy which|10 |10 |

|was a chief doctrinal cause of the schism between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. Designed to combat the heresy of | | |

|Arius, it was issued a council in 325 A.D. For 10 points, name this famous creed. | | |

|Answer: Nicene Creed or Creed of Nicea | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #12. What are the two white notes you would play on a piano if you were to play a scale of C Sharp Major? |10 |10 |

|Answer: F and C (either order, E Sharp is the same as F, B Sharp is the same as C) | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #13. There are three general types. One type for a hard, grainy crust. Another type resemble flat leaves. The third type forms |10 |10 |

|a network of slender branches. While the alga portion is usually a blue-green or green form, the fungus portion is one of the | | |

|Ascomycetes. FTP, identify the collective name for these 2 organisms? | | |

|Answer: Lichen | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #14. It is a vast, flat tableland that was once covered by an inland sea, of which all that remains in the Okavango Swamp. |10 |10 |

|Sparsely populated by a few tribes of Bushmen, it was first crossed by the explorer David Livingstone. For 10 points, identify this | | |

|desolate region of Botswana and Namibia. | | |

|Answer: Kalahari Desert | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #15. This work is based on the lives of two French clerics, Jean Baptiste Lamy and Joseph Machebeuf, who are known as Latour |10 |10 |

|and Vaillant in the book. They brave many adversities and build a cathedral in the wilderness of New Mexico. The story is narrated | | |

|as Latour waits for death as an old man looking back on his accomplishments. For ten points name this masterpiece of Willa Cather. | | |

|Answer: Death Comes for the Archbishop | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #16. Because awards make writers "safe, polite, obedient, and sterile", he declined the Pulitzer Prize in Literature. He |10 |10 |

|didn't decline the Nobel Prize in Literature that he won 4 years later though, thus becoming the first American to win it. FTP who | | |

|created the small town of Gopher Prairie in his novel Main Street? | | |

|Answer: Sinclair Lewis | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #17. In the most common use of this technology, electric signals are fed into semiconductor lasers, which produce corresponding|10 |10 |

|pulses of light. This light travels through thin pieces of glass or plastic, staying inside because of total internal reflection. | | |

|Photodetectors then convert the light back to electric signals, which often contain telephone messages. What name is given to the long| | |

|thin pieces of glass or plastic? | | |

|Answer: Fiber Optics (accept Optical Fibers) | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #18. Originally, it referred to a document bearing military orders, but then evolved into meaning a label attached to something|10 |10 |

|for description or identification. Later, it referred to notices that set down the proper forms to be observed at court. For 10 | | |

|points, name this French word which still today refers to proper behavior, although not only at court. | | |

|Answer: Etiquette | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #19. It was designed by Dr. Sergei Korolyov and weighted 183.4 pounds. Given the name "fellow traveler" by the Russians, it |10 |10 |

|was launched in 1957 and remained it orbit for 92 days before disintegrating upon reentry. FTP what was this first artificial | | |

|satellite? | | |

|Answer: Sputnik | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #20. An object with a mass of ten kilograms has an initial velocity of four meters per second. Find the final velocity if there|10 |10 |

|is a net impulse in the direction of motion of fifty kilogram meters per second. | | |

|Answer: 9 Meters Per Second | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #21. Suburbs include Garden Reach, South Dum Dum, Bally, South Suburban, Behala, and Barrackpore. The main landmark is the |10 |10 |

|Maidan, a park along the Hooghly river. For 10 points, name this capital of West Bengal State, founded by Job Charnock, also where | | |

|the Missionaries of Charity were founded by Mother Teresa. | | |

|Answer: Calcutta | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #22. From source to sea it is about 2630 miles long, though all but 1120 miles are known by other names. It was discovered and|10 |10 |

|traversed in 1789 by the man after whom it is named, and the Hudson Bay Company established trading posts along it. FTP name this | | |

|river of Northern Canada, the second longest in North America. | | |

|Answer: Mackenzie | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #23. What is the most common form of dementia? It is marked by a loss of neural connections and a decrease of brain mass. This |10 |10 |

|disease almost always affects the elderly and is associated with major losses of memory. | | |

|Answer: Alzheimer’s (Disease) | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #24. Who was kicked out of the United States Military Academy in 1853 and later claimed, "If silicon had been a gas, I would |10 |10 |

|have been a major general"? He moved to Paris and then London, where he was known for his portraits and pre-impressionist color | | |

|harmonies. Identify this painter of Battersea Bridge, White Girl, and Portrait of My Mother--Arrangement in Grey and Black. | | |

|Answer: (James Abbott McNeill) Whistler | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #25. It is about 2500 miles long, lasts 21 days, and always includes the Hors Categorie climb of Alpe de Huez. FTP, identify |10 |10 |

|this race, established by Henri Desgrange, whose past winners include Gino Bartali, Pedro Delgado, Jacques Anquetil, and the first man| | |

|to win it 5 successive times, Miguel Indurain. | | |

|Answer: The Tour de France | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #26. Though Kurt Vonnegut theorized a ninth form, only eight crystal structures of this solid are known to exist. Most of them |10 |10 |

|can only be found under conditions of extreme pressure. Interestingly, the density of the compound is greatest in its liquid state. | | |

|Chemically viewed as a covalent hydride, it is a good, though labile, ligand. FTP name this amphoteric polar molecule with an atomic | | |

|mass of 18. | | |

|Answer: water or H2O or ice | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #27. As a high school student, he did so badly at Latin and Greek that his teacher politely asked him to drop out; as a college|10 |10 |

|student in Switzerland, he cut most of his classes and passed only after copying a friend's lecture notes. For 10 points, name this | | |

|most famous employee of the Zurich patent office, who revolutionized modern physics shortly after earning his Ph.D. in 1905. | | |

|Answer: Albert Einstein | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #28. They are found only in the Americas, but there are 319 species of them, mostly in tropical South America where the largest|10 |10 |

|variety is found in the Andes. Of the many species, only the ruby-throated variety breeds in the eastern US. For 10 points, name this | | |

|large family of small birds, ranging in weight from one-fourteenth to three-quarters of an ounce. | | |

|Answer: Hummingbirds | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #29. In the 1600's, this American Indian tribe inhabited what is now Quebec and were essentially small bands of foragers that |10 |10 |

|spoke a similiar language. These bands were later to ally themselves with the French in an effort to block the Five Iroquois Nations' | | |

|attempts to dominate the fur trade. FTP, identify this Indian tribe. | | |

|Answer: Algonquin | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #30. This man acquired his family estate from his eldest half-brother, who died in 1752. His career began in earnest the next |10 |10 |

|year, when as a major in the state militia he volunteered to bear a message from Governor Dinwiddie warning the French against | | |

|encroaching on British claims in the Ohio country. For 10 points, identify this man whose earlier experiences stood him in good stead | | |

|as commander-in-chief of the Colonial Army in the Revolution. | | |

|Answer: George Washington | | |

| | | |

Instructions: During the last 5 minutes of each match, use the 'Blitz' format with 10 points for each tossup and no bonus. All answers must be answered without stalling.

|Blitz Round - All 10 Point Tossups |1 |1 |

|Given a description, identify the Canterbury tales. | | |

|Tossup #31. This tale concerns patient Griselda and her abusive husband, Marquis Walter. |10 |10 |

|Answer: the Clerk’s Tale | | |

|Tossup #32. This tale concerns a lewd and dishonest Summoner and his adventures with the Devil. |10 |10 |

|Answer: the Friar’s Tale | | |

|Tossup #33. This tale in rhyme royal concerns St. Cecilia, who converts her husband Valerian and his brother Tiburtius, and who |10 |10 |

|miraculously preaches and converts for three days after being mortally wounded. | | |

|Answer: the Second Nun’s Tale | | |

| | | |

|Given its neighbors identify the South American nation. | | |

|Tossup #34. Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina |10 |10 |

|Answer: Bolivia | | |

|Tossup #35. Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru |10 |10 |

|Answer: Colombia | | |

|Tossup #36. French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia. |10 |10 |

|Answer: Brazil | | |

| | | |

|Identify the following associated with the French Revolution. | | |

|Tossup #37. Instituted on September 5, 1793, this period ended with the overthrow of Robespierre as a part of the Thermidorean |10 |10 |

|reaction. | | |

|Answer: Reign of Terror | | |

|Tossup #38. Set up by the National Convention, this committee oversaw the reign of terror as it was headed by Robespierre. |10 |10 |

|Answer: Committee of Public Safety | | |

|Tossup #39. The executive body of the French first republic from 1795-99, it consisted of five directors nominated by the |10 |10 |

|Council of Five Hundred and elected by the Council of Ancients. | | |

|Answer: Directory | | |

| | | |

|Identify the following parts of a eukaryotic cell. | | |

|Tossup #40. A system of channels that transports proteins synthesized on ribosomes; It has "rough" and "smooth" areas, depending|10 |10 |

|on the presence of ribosomes. | | |

|Answer: Endoplasmic Reticulum | | |

|Tossup #41. Membrane-enclosed, fluid-filled spaces that store nutrients and noxious wastes; they are usually very large in plant|10 |10 |

|cells. | | |

|Answer: Vacuoles | | |

|Tossup #42. Like lysosomes, these organelles contains enzymes; however, they are oxidative and catalyze condensation reactions. |10 |10 |

|In leaves of green plants, they are also involved in photo-respiration. | | |

|Answer: peroxisomes | | |

| | | |

|Answer the following questions about historically significant equines . | | |

|Tossup #43. Name Robert E. Lee’s horse |10 |10 |

|Answer: Traveler | | |

|Tossup #44. Give the name of Alexander the Great’s horse |10 |10 |

|Answer: Bucephalus | | |

|Tossup #45. Caligula like this horse so much, he made it a Senator |10 |10 |

|Answer: Incitatus | | |

| | | |

|Helium is named after Helios, the sun. Identify the following elements given the derivation of their name. | | |

|Tossup #46. From the German for "white mass" |10 |10 |

|Answer: Bismuth | | |

|Tossup #47. From an ancient name of Copenhagen |10 |10 |

|Answer: Hafnium | | |

|Tossup #48. Named after a daughter of Tantalus |10 |10 |

|Answer: Niobium | | |

|Tossup #49. Named after a town in Scotland |10 |10 |

|Answer: Strontium | | |

|Tossup #50. From a German name for Satan |10 |10 |

|Answer: Nickel | | |

| | | |

|Identify these creatures you might see while watching Xena: Warrior Princess: | | |

|Tossup #51. A child of Poseidon, it originally bore Zeusn thunderbolt. It also caused Hippocrene, the fountain of the muses, to |10 |10 |

|spring forth. What was this creature that sprang from the blood of Medusa? | | |

|Answer: Pegasus | | |

|Tossup #52. Commonly listed as the last labor of Hercules, King Eurystheus ordered Hercules to immediately return this |10 |10 |

|formidable monster to the Underworld. | | |

|Answer: Cerberus | | |

|Tossup #53. Cross a lion, a goat, and a serpent, and yound have this creature that Pegasus helped to kill. |10 |10 |

|Answer: Chimaera | | |

| | | |

Round 3

Instructions: During the first 10 minutes of each match, use the tossup-bonus format with 10 points for each tossup and five points for each bonus. The tossups and bonuses are related, so skip the bonus if no one gets the tossup correct. Tossups should be answered without stalling as soon as the player has been recognized. Teams may consult only on bonuses and the team must complete their answer within 20 seconds.

|Tiebreakers |1 |2 |

|TieBreaker - Whose grandfather was shaped from a block of ice licked by a primordial cow? With his brothers Vili and Ve, he shaped the|10 |10 |

|entire world. Identify the father of Hod, Hermod, Heimdall, Vidar, Vali, Thor, and Balder who was the chief god of Norse mythology. | | |

|Answer: Odin | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - What deity’s name means auspicious one? He is usually depicted with a blue neck around which is a garland of skulls or a |10 |10 |

|serpent. He rides the bull Nandi and is the father of Skanda and Ganesha. Identify this Hindu deity who has three eyes. | | |

|Answer: Shiva (or Siva) | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - Fully simplify your answer. What do you get when you subtract the log base five of seventy-five minus the log base five |10 |10 |

|of three? [log575 – log53] | | |

|Answer: 2 | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - At the age of 10, he was sent to study under Christian Gottlob Neefe, the court organist to the elector of Cologne, who |10 |10 |

|wrote in 1783 that "if he goes on as he has started, he will certainly become a second Mozart." He did indeed go on as he started, | | |

|composing such works as the oratorio Christ on the Mount of Olives, and the Emperor Concerto. For 10 points, identify this German | | |

|master, composer of the Choral, Pastoral, and Eroica symphonies. | | |

|Answer: Ludwig van Beethoven | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - A characteristic of utilitarian theory, it states that what makes something valuable is happiness, pleasure, or the |10 |10 |

|satisfaction of preferences. This doctrine rejects ethical theories that accord value to things irrespective of how people feel about| | |

|those things. FTP, name this doctrine, whose name derives from the Greek word for pleasure. | | |

|Answer: Hedonism | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - Persia changes its name to Iran; radar equipment is first built by Robert Watt; the ClO is founded by John L Lewis; the |10 |10 |

|Saarland is incorporated into Germany, while the Nuremburg laws are first enacted against the Jews; Laval is elected French premier; | | |

|Italy invades Abyssinia; Huey Long is assassinated and President Roosevelt signs the Social Security Act. For 10 points, what is the | | |

|common year? | | |

|Answer: 1935 | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - This phenomenon can be observed by comparing the position of the moon as viewed from Bosnia with its position as viewed |10 |10 |

|from Serbia. Its diurnal variety could be observed by comparing the position of Cygnus from one spot in Kansas at 8:00 AM to its | | |

|position from the same spot at 8:00 PM. FTP, name this phenomenon, the seeming displacement in the celestial sphere of an object | | |

|viewed from different points of the earth's surface. | | |

|Answer: parallax or parallactic shift | | |

| | | |


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