

Authoritarian Governments


Part I: Match the term with its definition or characteristic.

A. Genocide F. Nationalism

B. Holocaust G. Scapegoats

C. Fasces H. Putsch

D. Gestapo I. Lebensraum

E. Il Duce J. Reich

_____ 1. The German Secret Police

_____ 2. The German word for rebellion against the government.

_____ 3. Organized mass murder against a race of people.

_____ 4. Hitler wanted this “living space” so Germany could expand.

_____ 5. The belief that people of the same ethnic group should be under one


_____ 6. The term used to describe the mass murder of Jews in Germany during WW II.

_____ 7. Hitler created the 3rd empire that he thought would last 1,000 years.

_____ 8.The title the Italian people called Mussolini.

_____ 9. The individual or group that bares the blame of people.

_____10. Bundle of sticks wrapped around an ax; symbol of authority from ancient


Part II: Choose the letter to the best answer.

_____ 1. Part of the reason fascism appealed to Italians was that it promised

A. a strong, stable government

B. individual freedom

C. government aid to the poor

D. unemployment insurance

_____ 2. Fascists in Italy pursued which of the following goals?

A. Democracy C. Aggressive foreign policy

B. Communism D. World revolution of the worker

_____ 3. Under fascism, Italian youth were taught

A. the equality of men & women.

B. democratic values.

C. the importance of the individual.

D. unquestioning obedience to their leader, Mussolini.

_____ 4. Which of the following quotes would appeal to a fascist or Nazi?

A. “Our Constitution was not meant to be used to force private religious beliefs

upon the public.”

B. “It is right & proper to die for one’s country.”

C. “God Bless America.”

D. “Workers of the world, UNITE!”

_____ 5. Under a fascist or Nazi government, what is considered to be women’s true


A. Teaching C. Political activist

B. Doctor D. Mother

_____ 6. Men, women, & children in Italy were bombarded with slogans glorifying

A. the state/country & Mussolini

B. the individual & democracy

C. communism & Il Duce

D. socialism & Stalin

_____ 7. Historically, which has tended to occur in nations that experience continuing

severe political instability & economic depression?

A. Easing social tension

B. Growth of the middle class

C. Rise totalitarian regimes

D. Growth of the economy

_____ 8. What type of government did Mussolini create in Italy in 1922?

A. Monarchy C. Oligarchy

B. Totalitarian D. Democratic

_____ 9. What term best describes a leader who has complete power over his nation

(such as Benito Mussolini)?

A. Constitutional monarch C. Dictator

B. Diplomat D. President

_____10. In a nation ruled by a totalitarian government, the main purpose of education,

art, & literature is to

A. allow individuals to freely express their own creativity

B. promote the development of opposing points of view

C. reinforce the political ideas of those in power

D. encourage international cultural exchanges

_____11. Which of the following leaders would be inspired by fascism to create the Nazi

party in Germany after World War I?

A. Adolf Hitler C. Josef Stalin

B. Benito Mussolini D. Hideki Tojo

_____12. Which of the following slogans was used by Mussolini & the Fascist party to

inspire the Italian people?

A. “One race, one country, one leader!”

B. “Our heritage!”

C. “Believe! Obey! Fight!”

D. “Italy Forever!”

_____13. “What harms the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor, but the

silence of the bystander.” Elie Wiesel

In this quotation, the author is suggesting that

A. nations of the world must always condemn human rights violations whenever

they occur.

B. demonstrations against human rights violations have no significant value.

C. totalitarian governments generally support civil liberties.

D. ethnic cleansing is not an issue to be addressed by world leaders.

_____14. Which of the following, besides Hitler, would be inspired by Mussolini in


A. Franklin D. Roosevelt C. Francisco Franco

B. Winston Churchill D. Josef Stalin

_____15. Which of the following is an example of genocide?

A. The North Vietnamese invasion of South Vietnam.

B. Imprisonment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

C. Discrimination against women in employment throughout U.S. history.

D. Killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazis during World War II.

_____16. Which of the following was the major reason for Adolf Hitler’s rise to power

in Germany?

A. Germany’s serious economic problems during the Great Depression.

B. The desire of the German people for a Communist form of government.

C. The threat of military invasion by France.

D. The German government’s abuse of civil liberties & human rights.

_____17. What is the purpose of having a scapegoat under an authoritarian


A. The scapegoat allows the middle class to become wealthy.

B. The scapegoat is the common enemy which allows people to blame all problems

on that group of people.

C. The scapegoat allows the military to channel all its resources into defending the

country against invaders.

D. The scapegoat allows teachers to identify those students who will cause trouble

in school.

_____18. Which is the most valid conclusion to be drawn from a study of the rise of

power of the Nazi party in Germany in the 1930s?

A. Peace treaties, even harsh ones, have little effect on the domestic politics of the

defeated nation.

B. Even a brief experience with democratic government makes a people very

devoted to it.

C. People may be willing to sacrifice liberty if economic security is promised.

D. Scapegoat politics doesn’t work as a means of gaining political power.

_____19. According to Hitler, who, besides the Jews, was responsible for Germany’s


A. Fascist party leaders

B. Stock holders who cashed in on the rise of the stock market

C. Communists, intellectuals, & other liberals who wanted democracy.

D. American bankers who caused the failure of banks in Germany.

_____20. What was the overriding concern of the U.S. in the period 1930 to 1935?

A. The military threat posed by Adolf Hitler.

B. The rapid increase in stock prices.

C. The Great Depression.

D. Japanese aggression in the Pacific.

_____21. Which of the following would be a characteristic of Italy under Mussolini &

Germany under Adolf Hitler?

A. An official foreign policy of isolationism.

B. A government formed by a democratic constitution.

C. Government control of the media.

D. Public ownership of business & industry.

_____22. Fascism in Europe during the 1920s & 1930s is best described as a

A. form of totalitarianism that glorified the state at the expense of the individual.

B. demonstration of laissez-faire capitalism that promoted free enterprise.

C. type of economic system that stressed a classless society.

D. set of humanist ideas that emphasized the dignity & worth of the individual.

_____23. During the 1930s, the Nazi Party received support from the German people

because it promised to

A. promote policies that insured ethnic equality.

B. improve economic conditions in Germany & restore German pride.

C. enforce the conditions of the Versailles Peace Treaty.

D. use international organizations to solve Germany’s problems.

_____24. Which of the following is a valid conclusion based on a study of the


A. Military commanders cannot be held responsible for acts committed during


B. Peole should not become involved in politics.

C. World opinion is effective in stopping genocide.

D. Savage acts can be committed by an advanced society.

_____25. Many Americans who lived during World War II probably have the most bitter memories about which of the following symbols?

A. B. C. D.

_____26. How successful was the Beer Hall Putsch?

A. The Beer Hall Putsch was successful in overthrowing the Weimar government & allowing the Nazis to take control of the government.

B. The Beer Hall Putsch was not very successful & Hitler served 8 months in prison for his role in the attempted coup.

C. Hitler & his associates were able to get the Weimar government to meet with

some of their demands, so it was moderately successful.

D. For his role in the Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler was named Chancellor & allowed to

for a government that included Nazi party leaders.

_____27. What was Hitler’s belief about Germany’s loss in World War I?

A. Hitler believed Germany could have won the war if they had used nuclear


B. Like most war veterans, Hitler believed that the generals were incompetent &

should be executed for their mistakes.

C. Hitler believed that Germany had been betrayed by the Jews, communists,

corrupt politicians & greedy businessmen.

D. Hitler blamed the Kaiser’s democratic government for Germany’s loss in

World War I.

_____28. Which incident would play a major role in forming Hitler’s anti-Semitism?

A. Hitler was rejected for admission into art school, & he believed the board was

filled with Jews who hated Germans.

B. Hitler’s mother had been raped by a Jewish man which made him seek revenge

for this dishonor.

C. Hitler’s step-father was a Jewish man who used to beat him when he failed to

make good grades, so Hitler was determined to destroy all Jews.

D. Hitler’s fiancée, a Jewish girl, broke up with Hitler after she found out about his

involvement in the Nazi party.

_____29. What government preceded Germany’s Third Reich?

A. Peoples Republic C. Empire of Germany

B. Socialist Republic D. Weimar Government

_____30. Which situation contributed to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in Germany after

World War I?

A. Violence & terrorism promoted by Germany’s former enemies.

B. Support of Hitler’s radical policies by the Social Democrats in the Reichstag.

C. Strong feelings if resentment & nationalism built up by economic & political


D. Refusal by the League of Nations to make Germany a member.

Part III: Listing (1 point per answer.)

1. List 3 characteristics of an authoritarian/totalitarian government.

2. List 3 modern day dictators & the country he runs.

3. List 2 reasons why fascists were anti-democratic.

4. List 2 values promoted by Mussolini’s Fascist party.

Part III : The following statements are FALSE. Explain the truth behind each

one using complete sentences ( 2 points each response.)

1. Under a fascist or authoritarian government teachers are encouraged to instill in their

students the respect for democracy & democratic government.

2. Most authoritarian governments come to power in a time of relative peace & stability.

3. Authoritarian governments encourage individualism & a spirit of questioning,

especially concerning the policies of the government.

4. The spread of democratic principles has virtually destroyed all authoritarian style


5. The main supporters of an authoritarian government would come from liberal

professionals who believe a strong national government is important.


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