
Chapter 26 Part 2Read pp. 821-838 and complete the following tasks.Task 1: CHAPTER OUTLINEAs you read pp. 821-838 fill in notes/important information for the material below. III. The Authoritarian and Totalitarian StatesA. The Retreat from DemocracyB. Fascist Italy1. Impact of World War I2. The Birth of Fascism3. Mussolini and the Italian Fascist StateC. Hitler and Nazi Germany1. Weimar Germany2. The Emergence of Adolph Hitler3. The Rise of the Nazis4. Hitler’s New Tactics5. The Nazi Seizure of Power6. The Nazi State (1933-1939)D. The Soviet Union1. The New Economic Policy2. The Struggle for Power3. The Stalinist Era (1929-1939)E. Authoritarianism in Eastern EuropeF. Dictatorship in the Iberian Peninsula1. The Spanish Civil War2. The Franco Regime3. PortugalTask 2: As you read, identify and explain the significance of the following terms. (On separate piece of paper) totalitarianismBenito MussoliniFascio di Combattimentosquadristithe blackshirts"Woman into the home"Weimar RepublicAdolph HitlerMein KampfNazisLebensraumFuhrerprinzipthe Enabling Act"Germany Awake"AryanismHitler JugendNuremberg lawsKristallnacht"war communism"New Economic PolicyJoseph Stalinfive-year plansStakhanov cultcollective farmsFrancisco Franco and the Spanish Civil WarTask 3: Read the Primary Sources in this section and answer the questions below. 1. “The Voice of Italian Fascism”: (p. 825)a) Based on this article, for Mussolini, what were the basic principles of Italian Fascism? b) What movements and ideologies does Mussolini vehemently oppose, and why? c) Why might such principles and claims that he espouses in this document appeal to a broad public in the aftermath of World War One? 2. “Adolf Hitler’s Hatred of the Jews”: (p. 827)a) What was Hitler's attitude toward the Jews? b) What fueled his irrational hatred of Jews? c) What role might nineteenth century German nationalism have played in fueling anti-Semitism? d) Why do you think that such crazed views became acceptable (or at least tolerable) to large numbers of ordinary Germans in the aftermath of World War One? e) Why should the Jewish population be concerned about the German concept of “Lebensraum”? 3. “Propaganda and Mass Meetings in Nazi Germany”: (p. 830) a) How did Hitler envision the role of propaganda and mass meetings in the totalitarian state? b) How did the stage- management of Nazi spectacles possibly contribute to the acceptance of corrupt and inhuman Nazi ideology by many ordinary Germans, such as the teacher quoted? c) What role does propaganda and mass meetings play in today’s society, and not merely in the realm of politics? 4. “The Formation of Collective Farms”: (p. 835) a) What is a collective farm and how was it created? b) What was the reason that Stalin ordered the collectivization of agriculture? c) What traditions of Russian life and character did this novel unit of agricultural production attack? d) What social and economic costs were involved in the formation of the collectives? e) Were the collective farms successful? Why or why not? ................

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