English 2

English 2

Night Unit: Historical Background


Directions: You will view a portion of a documentary detailing the events known as Kristallnacht. Many believe the attacks launched this day, were the catalysts for further violence against Jews. You must listen and watch attentively as some answers to the following questions are revealed quickly.

Your group will meet for a few minutes at the start of class on Thursday to decide how to best present the material to the class. Additional points (up to 10) will be given for any visual aids or creative teaching methods your groups uses. If your group simply reads the answers to the class, you will earn 75%.

Part 1 of 5 (8:50 minutes)

1. How often were political parties changing?

2. What were Hitler’s promises to the German people?

3. Why were some people in denial about Hitler and his rise to power?

4. According to Hitler, Jews were to blame for what problems?





5. While Germany was not the only European country with Anti-Semitic beliefs, what was unique about Germany?

6. Were all Germans Anti-Semitic?

7. Who did the Nazi party hire to work as “Storm Troopers”?

8. What was the job of the “Strom Troopers”?

9. What were the lyrics of the popular Hitler Youth song?

10. How long did the boycott against Jewish business last?

11. How did the Nazi-administered propaganda portray Jews?

12. True or False: Propaganda resulted in social isolation for Jews.

13. Jews were banned from what type of places?

14. What were the Nuremberg laws?

This video series (1-5) can be found for review on

English 2

Night Unit: Historical Background


Directions: You will view a portion of a documentary detailing the events known as Kristallnacht. Many believe the attacks launched this day, were the catalysts for further violence against Jews. You must listen and watch attentively as some answers to the following questions are revealed quickly.

Your group will meet for a few minutes at the start of class on Thursday to decide how to best present the material to the class. Additional points (up to 10) will be given for any visual aids or creative teaching methods your groups uses. If your group simply reads the answers to the class, you will earn 75%.

Part 2 of 5 (8:50 minutes)

15. Business owners were encouraged to do what with Jewish employees?

16. What did most Jews believe about the future of Germany?

17. Which country “joined” Germany?

18. How many Austrian Jews suffered at the hands of the Nazis?

19. What was different about Austrian Anti-Semitism?

20. Why was it so different for Jews to get visas to leave to other countries?

21. The United States admitted only how many German refugees?

22. How many countries attended the International Conference (hosted by U.S. President Roosevelt)?

23. What was the decision they made while at this conference?

24. How many Polish Jews lived in Germany?

25. Why did the young Jewish boy shoot a diplomat at the German Embassy in France?

26. What effect did the shooting have on other Jews?

This video series (1-5) can be found for review on

English 2

Night Unit: Historical Background


Directions: You will view a portion of a documentary detailing the events known as Kristallnacht. Many believe the attacks launched this day, were the catalysts for further violence against Jews. You must listen and watch attentively as some answers to the following questions are revealed quickly.

Your group will meet for a few minutes at the start of class on Thursday to decide how to best present the material to the class. Additional points (up to 10) will be given for any visual aids or creative teaching methods your groups uses. If your group simply reads the answers to the class, you will earn 75%.

In 1938, Hitler ordered the beginning of a “pogrom” against Jews. This event is known as “Kristallnacht”.

Part 3 of 5 (8:50 minutes)

27. Why were Nazi members ordered to wear plain clothes during Kristallnacht?

28. Did anyone stop the events of Kristallnacht? Explain.

29. What was the confusion behind the origin of the orders of Kristallnacht?

This video series (1-5) can be found for review on

English 2

Night Unit: Historical Background


Directions: You will view a portion of a documentary detailing the events known as Kristallnacht. Many believe the attacks launched this day, were the catalysts for further violence against Jews. You must listen and watch attentively as some answers to the following questions are revealed quickly.

Your group will meet for a few minutes at the start of class on Thursday to decide how to best present the material to the class. Additional points (up to 10) will be given for any visual aids or creative teaching methods your groups uses. If your group simply reads the answers to the class, you will earn 75%.

Part 4 of 5 (8:50 minutes)

30. Why were people afraid to speak up against these events of violence?

31. What was the importance or significance of this event on European history?

32. Who had to pay for the damages of Kristallnacht? Why?

33. Name specific camp conditions:




34. At first, what was the goal of the Nazis?

35. What was the internal conflict of many young people?

36. Which western country was perceived the worst in regards to accepting Jewish refugees?

This video series (1-5) can be found for review on

English 2

Night Unit: Historical Background


Directions: You will view a portion of a documentary detailing the events known as Kristallnacht. Many believe the attacks launched this day, were the catalysts for further violence against Jews. You must listen and watch attentively as some answers to the following questions are revealed quickly.

Your group will meet for a few minutes at the start of class on Thursday to decide how to best present the material to the class. Additional points (up to 10) will be given for any visual aids or creative teaching methods your groups uses. If your group simply reads the answers to the class, you will earn 75%.

Part 5 of 5 (8:50 minutes)

37. Which country “opened its doors” to Jews?

38. In 1939, while addressing his colleagues, he threatened the of Jews.

39. The invasion of ignites WWII.

40. Jews were round up and put into .

41. Poland became the place for the to the “Jewish Problem”.

42. What lie did the young Jewish boy give which caused the cancellation of this trial for shooting the young diplomat?

This video series (1-5) can be found for review on


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