



Date: 7-1-87 Transmittal: UP-87-2- 4020.05


Section: Type:

Treatment of Assets POLICY


Chapter: Program: AFDC

Excluded Assets FMA



Excluded Assets - AFDC and FMA


4020.05 A. Home Property

Real property used as principal residence by the assistance unit is excluded.

1. Home property consists of the home itself which the assistance unit uses as its principal residency, the surrounding property which is not separated from the home by intervening property owned by others, and any related outbuildings used in the operation of the home.

2. A multi-family dwelling is considered home property in its entirety if the assistance unit is occupying at least one unit of the dwelling as principal residence.

3. A home which the assistance unit has left temporarily unoccupied for reasons of employment, training for future employment, illness, or uninhabitability caused by a catastrophic event remains excluded if the assistance unit intends to return to the home.

4. A trailer, camper, or mobile home is considered home property if the assistance unit is using it as principal residence.

B. Essential Household Items

All essential household items are excluded.

C. Personal Effects

All personal effects are excluded.

D. Burial Plots

One burial plot per assistance unit member is excluded.




Date: 2-1-94 Transmittal: UP-94-2 4020.05 page 2


Section: Type:

Treatment of Assets POLICY


Chapter: Program: AFDC

Excluded Assets FMA



Excluded Assets - AFDC and FMA


4020.05 E. Assets of a Trade or Business Which are Essential to Self-Support

1. Tangible business assets such as equipment and supplies, inventory, cash on hand, accounts receivable are excluded if the business produces income sufficient to justify possession of the business assets.

2. Land and buildings are not excluded under this provision.

F. Nonbusiness Assets Essential to Self-Support

1. Nonbusiness assets essential to self-support are excluded. These include any of the following:

a. assets used only to produce items for the assistance unit's consumption;

b. tools, equipment, uniforms, and similar items required by the assistance unit member's employer;

c. a motor vehicle if climate, terrain, distance, or other factors require an additional or modified vehicle to be used for necessary transportation.

2. Cash, stocks or bonds, or other liquid assets are not considered to be nonbusiness assets essential to self-support.

G. Assets Necessary to Fulfill a Plan for Achieving Self-Support (FMA only)

1. Assets which are set aside in a separate account by the applicant or recipient to fulfill a component of a plan to achieve self-support are excluded when the plan is:

a. designed especially for the individual; and

b. in writing; and

c. approved by the Social Security Administration.

2. The exclusion is allowed for the same period that the Social Security Administration uses the PASS asset exclusion in determining the individual's eligibility for Supplemental Security Income.




Date: 2-1-94 Transmittal: UP-94-2 4020.05 page 3


Section: Type:

Treatment of Assets POLICY


Chapter: Program: AFDC

Excluded Assets FMA



Excluded Assets - AFDC and FMA


4020.05 G. Assets Necessary to Fulfill a Plan for Achieving Self-Support (FMA only) (continued)

3. The amount of the exclusion is equal to the amount allowed by the Social Security Administration in the individual's self-support plan.

H. Payments Excluded by Federal Law

The following payments are excluded as assets as long as they are kept separate from counted assets:

1. Any payment received under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970;

2. Tax exempt portions of payments made pursuant to Pub. L. 92-203, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act;

3. Payments received by certain Indian tribal members under Pub. L. 94-114, Section 6, regarding submarginal land held in trust by the United States;

4. The total amount of any grant, loan, or work/study payment from any federal, state, or private source to any undergraduate student for educational purposes;

5. Payments to volunteers under Title I of Public Law 93-113, pursuant to section 404(g) of Public Law 93-113;

6. The value of supplemental food assistance under the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 as amended, and the special food service program for children under the National School Lunch Act, as amended (Public Law 92-433 and Public Law 93-150);

7. The value of the U.S. Department of Agriculture donated foods (surplus commodities);

8. Any benefits received under Title VII, Nutrition Program for the Elderly, of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended;




Date: 12-1-95 Transmittal: UP-95-31 4020.05 page 4


Section: Type:

Treatment of Assets POLICY


Chapter: Program: AFDC

Excluded Assets FMA



Excluded Assets - AFDC and FMA


4020.05 H. Payments Excluded by Federal Law (continued)

9. Payments for supporting services or reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses made to individual volunteers serving as foster grandparents, senior health aides, or senior companions, and to persons serving in the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) and Active Corps of Executives (ACE) and any other programs under Titles II and III, pursuant to Section 418 of Public Law 93-113;

10. HUD retroactive tax and utility cost subsidy payments pursuant to settlement of Underwood v. Harris (Civil No. 76-0469, D.D.C.) against HUD, for the month in which received and for the following month only;

11. Disaster assistance paid under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, as amended, including the Individual and Family Grant program, and comparable disaster assistance provided by states, local governments and private organizations;

12. Payments, including those from any interest earned, distributed from Indian judgment funds or funds held in trust for members of any Indian Tribe under the provisions of Public Law 98-64;

13. Assets purchased with payments distributed to or held in trust for members of any Indian Tribe pursuant to Public Law 98-64;

14. Agent Orange Settlement payments distributed by Aetna Life and Casualty pursuant to Public Law 101-201 and Section 10405 of Public Law 101-239;

15. Effective October 15, 1990, Radiation Exposure Compensation payments made pursuant to Section 6 (h)(2) of Public Law 101-426.

16. Japanese Restitution payments and payments to residents of the Aleut and Pribilof Islands made pursuant to Public Law 100-383;

17. stocks, a partnership interest, land or an interest in land, an interest in a settlement trust and up to $2,000 in total cash payments per year per individual made pursuant to Section 15 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (Public Law 100-241);

18. payments made to victims of Nazi persecution pursuant to Public Law 103-286.




Date: 2-1-94 Transmittal: UP-94-2 4020.05 page 5


Section: Type:

Treatment of Assets POLICY


Chapter: Program: AFDC

Excluded Assets FMA



Excluded Assets - AFDC and FMA


4020.05 I. Burial Funds and Arrangements

1. An amount up to $1,200 per assistance unit member is excluded.

2. The $1,200 exclusion is reduced by any amount in an irrevocable burial contract available to meet burial expenses.

3. Interest earned on excluded burial funds and appreciation on the value of excluded burial arrangements are also excluded if the interest or appreciation is left to accumulate and becomes part of the excluded burial fund.

J. Irrevocable Burial Funds

Irrevocable burial funds are totally excluded.

K. Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance policies such as term insurance policies, which provide temporary coverage but have no cash surrender value, are totally excluded.

L. Non-Home Property

Non-home property which would render the assistance unit ineligible is temporarily excluded for a period of nine months, if the assistance unit is making a bona fide effort to sell the property and:

1. agrees in writing to dispose of the property; and

2. immediately lists the property for sale; and

3. does not refuse any offer which approximates fair market value; and

4. in AFDC, grants the Department a security mortgage on the property pending its sale.

M. Motor Vehicle

Up to $1,500 of the equity value of one motor vehicle is excluded.

N. Energy Payments

Payments or allowances made under any federal, state or local laws for the purpose of energy assistance are excluded.




Date: 7-1-02 Transmittal: UP-02-15 4020.05 page 6


Section: Type:

Treatment of Assets POLICY


Chapter: Program: AFDC

Excluded Assets FMA



Excluded Assets - AFDC and FMA


4020.05 O. Payments Made to Certain Hemophilia Patients Who Contracted HIV from Blood Transfusions (FMA only)

1. Payments made under the settlement to the lawsuit entitled "Factor VIII or IX Concentrate Blood Products Litigation" MDL 986 (No. 93-C-7452, Northern District of Illinois) are excluded pursuant to Section 4735 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA).

2. Payments received under the Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund Act of 1998 (the Ricky Ray Act), Public Law 105-369 are excluded.


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