Steve McCarthy

25 Parkway

Montclair, New Jersey 07042

(973) 865-4524


2001 – Present

Director, McCarthy Productions, Inc. – Direct, produce, shoot and edit documentaries, news stories and multiplatform commercials. Investigate, research, report and manage budgets, domestic and international travel and small staff. Clients include HBO Documentaries, CBS News “60 Minutes”, PBS, MSNBC Documentaries and others.

August-November 2020

Producer/Cinematographer, Special Report, “PBS Washington Week” - “Pennsylvania”. Produced and filmed with host Robert Costa a special about voters in Pennsylvania. The report featured a road trip through the swing state that included interviews with dozens of voters in several small towns and Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

July 2020 – Present

Writer, “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” Partime relief writer for the news program. Duties include writing lead-ins and teases, fact checking and proposing stories to cover.

June 2015 – Janaury 2019

Co-Director, Co-Producer and Cinematographer “Breslin and Hamill: Deadline Artists” HBO Documentaries. Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill’s brilliant, honest and courageous writing defined New York City journalism. For five decades, these colorful columnists and longtime friends spoke for ordinary people and brought passion, wit and literary merit to their reporting on their city and nation. Their writings probed issues of race, class and the practice of journalism that resonate powerfully today. Breslin and Hamill: Deadline Artists explores the famed writers' intersecting lives and careers while celebrating New York’s grit and charm during the last great era of print journalism. Premiered on HBO on January 28, 2019.


Co-Producer – CBS News “60 Minutes” – “Attack in Garland” Anderson Cooper, Correspondent. Report on terrorist attack in Garland, Texas on May 3, 2015. Story detailed ISIS recruitment of domestic terrorists in the U.S. and the FBI’s techniques in attempting to stop the attacks. Investigation revealed an FBI undercover agent was in a car right behind the attackers moments before they carried out the attack. The FBI refused to comment on the agent’s prescence on the scene.


Producer and Cinematographer – MSNBC Documentaries. Created “Citizen Trump” and “Hilary Clinton: It Takes A Country”. These one hour documentaries hosted by Chris Matthews explored the candidates lives and politics in advance of the 2016 Presidential election.


Co-Producer, Director of Photography – Documentary Film “The One That Got Away”. Premiered at the Montclair Film Festival. Premiered on WNET in September of 2016. Aired nationally on PBS during 2017. A full length documentary film about a veteran teacher’s efforts to save a young man from a violent life on the streets and eventually prison.


Producer/Photographer – NBC News Today Show. Boston Bombing coverage. Produced and shot story with National Correspondent Kerry Sanders about firefighter rescuing a bombing victim.


Producer/Photographer -"Charlie Rose" - Traveled to Singapore and Jakarta for interviews with Lee Kuan Yew, founder of Singapore and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Directed actor James Franco interview at Brown University. Traveled to Turkey for interview with Prime Minister Erdogan and Nobel Laureate Orhan Parmuk.

Producer/Photographer - Reuters Insider - Produced "Microsites" (multimedia website) on Municipal Bonds (Correspondent Rhonda Schafler) and the boom in the internet business (Correspondent Jen Rogers).

Created and Produced - "Who Says I Can't" pilot - in production on pilot for program about inspiring stories of disabled people who use sports to live life to the fullest. Host Jothy Rosenberg lost a leg and lung to cancer as a youth and became a swimmer, biker and skier. Rosenberg also has a PhD in Computer Science from Duke.


Producer/Photographer -"Charlie Rose" - Traveled to Damascus, Syria for interviews with President Bashir Assad and Hamas Leader Khaled Meshal. Also traveled to G-20 Summit in Toronto for interview with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey.

Producer/Photographer - Arts & Entertainment Network - Produced segments for A&E Special on alleged serial killer Joran Van der Sloot in Lima, Peru.

Producer/Photographer/Editor - BBC America - Produced, photographed and edited "Rust Belt Revival," an economic series with Correspondent David Brancaccio. Series featured reports on revitalized Chrysler plant in Kokomo, Indiana, a Youngstown, Ohio business incubator and a Rockford, Illinois harmonica factory.

Producer/Photographer - Bloomberg TV - Produced, photographed and edited various segments including story about the Galleon Insider Trading Case, one of the biggest insider trading cases in the history of Wall Street.


Producer/Photographer - NBC News Dateline - Produced and photographed "Undercover Vegas" series with Correspondent Chris Hansen. Worked with Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Intelligence Division using hidden cameras in a phony fencing operation.

Producer/Photographer - PBS Now - "The Marines Are Landing" Traveled to Guam to produce and photograph report on the U.S. Department of Defense increasing the military presence on the island.

Producer/Photographer - MSNBC - Produced and photographed for the MSNBC Special "The Fall of Tiger Woods." Featured interview with Montclair State University Professor Dr. Larry Londino.

Producer/Photographer/Editor - CBS Evening News - "Guantanamo Prosecutor" story with Correspondent Lara Logan. Story was about a military prosecutor in Guantanamo Bay who had a crisis of conscious and resigned his position.


Producer/Photographer - Dan Rather Reports HDNet- "A Mother's Story" - Hour long program on the mother of a California National Guardsman whose death in Iraq from friendly fire was covered up by the military.

Producer/Photographer - PBS Now - "Tipping Point" - Half hour national PBS program on the effects of global warming on the Atlantic Ocean. Featured scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.

Producer/Photographer/Editor - NBC Nightly News "A Soldier's Story" Reported by Newsweek Senior Editor Jonathan Alter. Story was about a veteran suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder who was shot to death by a police officer responding to a domestic violence call.

Producer/Photographer/Editor - NBC Today Show - Developed and executed "Candidate Cribs" series featuring Presidential candidates going back to places that were important to their development as a person or candidate.

Producer/Photographer - Cabrini College - Documented President Marie George and a group of Professors and students on a trip to Guatemala to develop and promote the "Social Justice" program at Cabrini College.


Producer/Photographer/Editor - Dan Rather Reports HDNet - "The Road to Damascus" A one hour report about the almost 2 million Iraqi refugees in Syria. Also included a report on rising Islamic fundamentalism in Syrian secular society.

Producer/Photographer/Editor - NBC Today Show - "Engine 24 Ladder 5. With correspondent Mike Barnicle. Profiles a firehouse in downtown NYC that lost three men to a fire in 1994, 11 dead on 9/11 and in August of 2007 lost two more at the Deutsche Bank building fire.

Producer/Photographer/Editor - NBC Today Show - "A Father's Mission", a story with correspondent Mike Barnicle about a father of a fallen solider in Iraq and how he teamed up with Senator Edward Kennedy to make sure Humvees received armor.

Producer/Photographer/Editor - NBC Today Show "West LA VA" An investigation with Correspondent Jonathan Alter into negligent drug overdoses at the largest Veterans Administration Hospital.


Director, Writer, Producer - Independent film "Finding Paddy" A feature length film about finding the life story of my friend, Captain Patrick Brown, FDNY after he died in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Producer/Director/Writer - Discovery Channel - "Surviving Urban Disasters" - Pilot for a series on how to survivor urban disasters. Hosted by "Survivorman" Les Stroud. Directed special effects shoot in Toronto and New Orleans.


Producer/Photographer - MSNBC - "On the Trail of Terror" was a one-hour special with NBC Investigative Correspondent Lisa Meyers. Traveled to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Paris, Madrid and southern California tracing the steps of several Jihadis on their way to Iraq to attack American soldiers. (Winner, Citation, Overseas Press Club)

Producer, ESPN "Timeless" - Traveled to Argentina to produce a report on Dallas Maverick basketball pro Manu Ginobili. Produced other reports on Rattlesnake Roundup and Young Wrestlers.


Producer/Photographer - "60 Minutes" - "Boosting" with Correspondent Steve Kroft. Segment about organized South American shoplifting gangs. Filmed with a special New York City Police Department unit concentrating on organized shoplifting.

Producer/Photographer - MSNBC - Produced several segments for political series on the battleground states for the 2004 Presidential elections.

Producer/Photographer - PBS Now with Bill Moyers - program about campaign finance issues shot during the Republican National Convention in New York.

Producer/Photographer - PBS Flashpoint - segment with Correspondent Bryant Gumbel about an Alabama county that produces the most military volunteers in the country.


Producer/Photographer - PBS Flashpoint - "A Day in the Life of Bill O'Reilly" Followed the Fox News host for a day for a PBS Special on the news media with Bryant Gumbel and Gwen Ifil.

Producer, CNBC - Developed and executed "Leaders" a series with David Faber featuring profiles of some of the biggest names in U.S. business.


Instructor - Montclair State University - Co-taught a Sports and Television course with Broadcasting Department Chair Larry Londino. Assisted Dr. Londino in teaching students to produce television sports stories.

Producer/Photographer "60 Minutes II" "Ladder 3" - Report on a New York City Fire Department unit that lost 11 men on 9/11 with Correspondent Bob Simon. Followed the members of the unit for almost one year.

Producer/Photographer "Dateline" - Hour long special edition of Dateline about how one NYFD firefighter survived 9/11 and it's aftermath. This character and this firehouse were featured in a 1994 Dateline story. Brian Williams was the host.


Producer, CNBC - Produced various stories covering the business world, including the economic disruption caused by 9/11. Traveled around the country producing reports on businesses affected by the attack.

Producer, "60 Minutes II" "The Wisdom of Yogisms" a look at the wit and wisdom of famous sayings attributed to Yankee great Yogi Berra with Correspondent Bob Simon.


Senior Producer, CNN&Time - Managed production team in NY office. Produced "Time Person of the Year" in conjunction with the editor of Time Magazine. Produced report on Austrian far right politician Jorg Haider with Correspondent Charles Glass.


Senior Producer, CNN&Time Traveled to Albania with CNN Correspondent Jim Clancy for a report on refugees from Kosovo flooding into northern Albania. Produced "Trading Places" a story about a drug dealer going to work for the DEA.


Producer, HBO Sports - Traveled to Switzerland to produce a story with Correspondent Frank Deford on the Olympics scandal of the city selection process. Also produced report with Correspondent Derrick McGinty on "Race in Nascar" (Winner National Association of Black Journalists-Journalism Award.)

Producer - CBS News Public Eye with Bryant Gumbel - Traveled to Nepal to produce for a special report hosted by Bryant Gumbel on the first disabled person to reach the summit of Mount Everest.


Producer, 60 Minutes - Produced Ed Bradley investigation into the under funded Homicide Unit of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. Report featured Detectives buying their own cell phones, pagers and even tires for their official vehicles.

Producer, 60 Minutes - "School or Scandal" Morley Safer report on a public all girls school in New York City. Story featured the debate on whether separating young girls from boys is a positive arrangement.


Producer, 60 Minutes - Traveled to Libya and interviewed Mommar Qaddaffi for a Mike Wallace story about Libya's responsibility in the 1988 Lockerbie-Pam Am 103 bombing. Interviewed Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the man eventually convicted of the bombing by a Scottish Court in the Netherlands.

Producer, 60 Minutes - "The Timber Wars" - A story with Correspondent Ed Bradley about the logging industry in the Pacific Northwest and their adversaries in the environmental movement. (Finalist, 1996 Environmental Media Award)

Producer, 60 Minutes - Produced Mike Wallace story about the author of the Turner Diaries, William Pierce, and the connection between the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Producer, NBC News Political Unit - Produced for Correspondent David Bloom covering the Presidential Primaries for the NBC Nightly News, Today, Meet the Press and other NBC News broadcasts. Spent three months on the campaign trail.


Producer, NBC News Dateline - "You Gotta Have Heart" - Bob Costas profiled comic legend Jerry Lewis as he starred in "Damn Yankees" on Broadway.

Producer, NBC News Dateline - "Bounty Hunters" - Correspondent Chris Hansen reported on the lives of a team of Bounty Hunters in and around New York.

Producer, NBC News Dateline - "Food Stamp Fraud" - Investigation with NBC News Correspondent Mike Boettcher on major fraud in the Food Stamp program.


Producer, NBC News Dateline - "Backdraft" Correspondent Fred Francis report on a NYFD Captain caught in a backdraft and how the Captain's wife was helped by a fellow Captain as her husband died in a hospital. (Winner - 1994 National Emmy.)

Producer, NBC Now with Tom Brokaw and Katie Couric - "Trading Places" - Tom Brokaw report on two teenagers in the 1960s who switched identities so one could avoid going to Vietnam.

Producer, NBC Now with Tom Brokaw and Katie Couric - "Bobby Knight" - Report by Bob Costas on the Indiana legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight.


Producer, Fox Television - "Firefighter" - Conceived and produced television pilot for a reality program about Firefighters.


Co-Producer - "America's Most Wanted" - Fox Television - Managed production of news portion of program and directed several reenactments of crimes.


Producer, CBS News. “Saturday Night w/Connie Chung” & “America Tonight.” Produced several reports with Connie Chung and Charles Kuralt.


Producer, “USA Today on TV.” Directed and produced segments for the nationally syndicated program. Produced story about the American With Disabilities Act which featured Senator Ted Kennedy. (Winner, March of Dimes Award)


CBS News, New York and Washington. Rose from Office Clerk to Associate Producer. “Up to the Minute,” CBS Radio, “Morning News,” “Nightwatch,” “Face the Nation” and the Political Unit, Campaign ‘88.


June 1981 - Bachelor of Arts, State University of New York at Oswego. Major: Communications. Concentration: Broadcasting.

-Teacher’s Assistant in Advanced TV Production Course

-Features Editor for Student TV Program.

September 1978 -June 1979 - Wagner College Foreign Study Program, Bregenz, Austria. Studied German, Politics and Art History.

Member, Directors Guild of America


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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