Template for PSP/C4C Target setting

Template for PSP/C4C Target setting

This is not an exhaustive list and is provided as an aid to support mentors determining possible PSP targets. UBM or Placement Leads are available to support with formulation of targets if mentors require support. Targets have a defined review point with expected outcomes. Aspects in blue should be adapted to reflect individual's situation. Copy/paste and amend these statements to provide personalised and SMART targets for trainees with specific support needs.

Behaviour (CCF 1 & 7)


(Select relevant issue(s) or identify own)

Target ideas

(Select any that apply/ adapt/personalise)

Suggested Actions

(Select any that apply & personalise)

Sources of evidence

(Select any that apply & personalise)

Review outcome

(to be completed on eview date)

Lack of engagement with children to motivate them to respond to the behaviour systems.

Not knowing or using the behaviour policy

Establish a system of rewards & sanctions in every maths/English/daily/ lesson using the school behaviour policy.

Use clear & specific instructions to ensure pupils know what the expectations are for the lesson/learning/ behaviour.

Trainee not taking responsibility for behaviours

Use a range of non-verbal cues and consistent language to support classroom management.

Trainee not pre-empting behaviours.

Ignoring behaviours Low level disruption impacting on fluency of trainee's teaching

Be aware of and respond to low level disruption consistently during the lesson/ day/week.

Identify strategy to be used to manage low level behaviour and use consistently throughout the lesson/ day/week.

Trainee has limited relationships with few children within the class impacting on control of the class.

? Read the school's behaviour policy and Lesson observations ?

identify actions to implement in

mentor feedback.

teaching sessions. ? Undertake focused observations of

school staff implementing the school *behaviour policy/use of verbal & nonverbal cues/rewards/sanctions. ? Discussion with School *Behaviour

Lesson evaluations ? trainee reflections. Pupil profile documents. Pupil progress - books,

lead/SENCO/behaviour support

observation, lesson

staff/TA/Nurture Staff/SLT.

evaluations, post

? Devise in consultation with your SBM an observation dialogue.

appropriate reward system.

Weekly reflections on

? Review and evaluate teaching sessions to identify concerning behaviours in order to determine appropriate

targets. Discussion notes from


mentor meetings.

? Use the agreed rewards and sanctions Professional dialogue

consistently to manage behaviours.

reflecting on actions

? Explore a range of tools to identify low (UBM/SBM/PT/BGU

level behaviours to be addressed.


? Establish routines in classroom practice Own research on

to provide a safe and stimulating environment.


? Actively use identified phrases to

management theories,

increase own use of positive and




(to be completed on review date)

Trainee demonstrates inconsistent application of behaviour strategies/rewards and sanctions.

Pedagogy (CCF 2,4 & 5)


(Select relevant issue(s) or identify own)

Target ideas

(Select any that apply/ adapt/personalise)

specific praise.

strategies and practical

? Use agreed school systems to share approaches.

positive behaviours with parents/carers

*(Class Dojo, notes home, verbal praise

at drop of and pick up time)

Suggested Actions

(Select any that apply & personalise)

Sources of evidence

(Select any that apply & personalise)

Review outcome

(to be completed on review date)

Trainee's lesson planning and delivery lacks appropriate teaching approaches.

Trainee's lesson plans (and/or delivery) lacks consideration of how children learn.

Trainee's teaching lacks effective use of questioning.

Trainee to adapt SBM/class teacher's planning and identify specific teaching approach to be used in xxx lessons.

Trainee to use given lesson objectives to plan for xsubjectx and identify teaching approaches and resources to be used on planning.

Trainee to include open and closed questions on xsubjectx planning to support AfL/identify misconceptions during the lesson.

Trainee struggles to break concepts and complex material into smaller steps.

Trainee to observe/plan / team teach with xsubjectx lead to identify the small steps in xxx subject/lesson /concept being taught.

? Seek support and advice from experts in Lesson

school (ie subject lead/ phase lead)


? Engage with independent study in subject area

maps/lesson resources. Lesson observations ? mentor feedback.

? Share planning by agreed date & time in advance of session to gain feedback and enable amendments to be made.

Lesson evaluations ? trainee reflections. Pupil profile


? Shadow subject leads/ SBM/other expert teachers

Pupil progress - books, observation, lesson

evaluations, post ?

observation dialogue.

Weekly reflections on targets.

Comments/ne xt steps

(to be completed on review date)

Trainee's planning and teaching: -lacks use of resources -are not well-matched to children's needs -lacks pace -lacks challenge -does not meet the needs of different groups within the class -does not provide opportunity for independent learning -does not motivate or engage learners

Trainee's planning lacks coherence between learning objectives, teaching and activities planned.

Trainee to plan individual/sequence of lessons and identify specific teaching approach to be used in xxx lessons.

Trainee to team teach/independently teach SBM/class teacher's planning and identify specific teaching approach to be used in xxx lessons.

Trainee to engage with/meet with Subject experts within setting/at BGU to identify training needs and address xxxidentified area of developmentxxx

Trainee to plan and prepare resources in advance of the lesson to share with mentors for feedback and enable amendments if necessary (name date & time ).

Trainee's chosen resources are poor, do not support the children or not well-

matched to the intended lesson outcomes.

Curriculum (CCF 3) Concern/Issue Insecure xxx subject knowledge

Has insufficient knowledge to identify misconceptions.

Target ideas Improve xxx subject knowledge to ensure lesson content is secure and age appropriate.

Trainee to engage with/meet with Subject

Suggested Actions ? Revisit pre-learning on Blackboard for

xxx subject. ? Engagement with familiarisation of

age-appropriate expectations within

Discussion notes from mentor meetings. Professional dialogue reflecting on actions (UBM/SBM/PT/BGU staff). Own research on teaching approaches theories, evidencebased strategies. Ability to articulate curriculum/lesson design choices.

Sources of evidence Use of questioning Lesson plans/curriculum maps/ resources/tasks Lesson observations ?

Weak knowledge of EYFS/KS1/KS2 phase curriculum.

Assessment (CCF2 & 6) Concern/Issue Weak or no attempt to identify or address misconceptions in planning/lesson.

experts within setting/at BGU to identify training needs and address xxxidentified area of developmentxxx

Trainee to observe/plan / team teach with xsubjectx lead to identify the small steps in xxx subject/lesson /concept being taught.

NC/EY curriculum for xxx subject.

mentor feedback.

? Use resources and school schemes to

Lesson evaluations ?

support xxx subject knowledge.

trainee reflections.

? Shadow experts in school for xxx subject Pupil profile


? Engage in professional dialogue with


xxx subject expert in school.

Pupil progress - books,

observation, lesson

evaluations, post

observation dialogue.

Weekly reflections on


Discussion notes from

mentor meetings.

Professional dialogue

reflecting on actions



Own research on in

subject knowledge. Ability to articulate subject knowledge development.

Target ideas Improve xxx subject knowledge and identify common misconceptions in advance of teaching in planning.

Plan specific questioning during xxxx lessons to determine misconceptions and

Suggested Actions

? Revisit prior learning in xxx subject area on Blackboard.

? Share planning in advance of lessons and discuss with mentor/subject lead to extend own understanding.

Sources of evidence Lesson plans Lesson observations ? mentor feedback Lesson evaluations ? trainee reflections Pupil profile


Weak or no awareness of pupil progress in lesson evaluations

then address any that arise during the lesson.

Pupil progress - books, observation, lesson evaluations, post observation dialogue.

Professional Behaviours (CCF1 & 8 & PART 2)


Target ideas

Limited or no engagement Identify a range of tasks/activities in school

in wider life of the school. that trainee can contribute to over the

course of the placement. Develop action

plan identify when and how they will

address this aspect of their development.

Poor/limited or no engagement with the erpd

Poor use of CPD and PPA time

Complete weekly reflections in advance of weekly meetings with the SBM on the erpd ensuring impact on children's progress and own professional development are referred to.

Develop an action plan for each PPA/CPD session during your weekly meetings, linking to your personal targets and using the advice and guidance of your mentors.

Suggested Actions ? Contribute to afterschool activities

/assembly/playground duty/displays/home time routines

? Regular entries made on the erpd by trainee

? Weekly reflections template completed in advance of weekly meeting

? Use CPD time to observe key staff in subject/leadership role with focus on....

? Use PPA time to observe pupils and gather evidence for pupil profile/pupil progress discussion/

Sources of evidence Professional dialogue reflecting on actions (UBM/SBM/PT/BGU staff). Resources/examples/p hotographs Weekly meetings Erpd logs Correct documentation uploaded and completed

Discussion notes from mentor meetings. Professional dialogue reflecting on actions (UBM/SBM/PT/BGU staff). Pupil profile documents. Pupil progress - books, observation, lesson evaluations, post observation dialogue.


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