School Finance Facts - ND Portal


Department of Public Instruction

Kirsten Baesler, State Superintendent 600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 201 Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-0440

School Finance Facts

Mill Levies and Taxable Valuation General Fund Revenue and Expenditures Student Enrollment and Average Daily Membership Teacher FTE and Average Salary

February 2021


North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

The Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, sex (wages) or genetics in its programs and activities.

For inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies, please contact: Lucy Fredericks, Director of Indian/Multicultural Education, Department of Public Instruction, 600 East Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 201, Bismarck, ND 58505-0440, 701-328-1718


The School Finance Facts contains statistical information about the public schools of the state of North Dakota. The financial and average daily membership reports (Sections D, E, F, G, H, J) are for the 2019-2020 school year. The taxable valuation, mill levy, fall enrollment and teacher reports (sections B, C, I) are for the 2020-2021 school year.

The data are presented in the following sequence:

Summary of Facts ...................................................................................................................................... A Rank Order of School Districts by Total Mill Levy .................................................................................. B School District Mill Levies by Fund by County ........................................................................................ C Fund Group 1 Revenue and Expenditures and Average Cost Per Pupil by Grade Level .......................... D Fund Group 1 Expenditures by Function (State) ....................................................................................... E Fund Group 1 Expenditures by Function (District) ................................................................................... F Current Expenditures by Type of District..................................................................................................G Rank Order of School Districts by Average Cost Per Pupil ...................................................................... H Fall Enrollment, Teachers and Teacher Salaries........................................................................................I State Aid Formula and Other Statistics......................................................................................................J

Data sources are the annual school district financial reports, fall MIS collection, and the December taxable valuation and mill levy reports. Corrections made by school district personnel after February 1, 2021 may not be incorporated in the data presented.

Inquiries concerning data contained in this publication should be directed to the School Finance Officer at (701) 328-3291.

To obtain copies of this publication contact the School Finance Officer at (701) 328-3291. The address is Department of Public Instruction, 600 E. Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 201, Bismarck, ND 58505-0440. This information is also available on our web site.

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Type of School Districts (Fall of 2020) High School Districts Graded Elementary Districts One-Room Rural Districts Districts not operating schools Total Number of School Districts

Type of Schools in Session (Fall of 2020) Elementary Schools Middle Level/Junior High Schools Senior High Schools Elem/Sec Combination One Teacher Schools

Type of Units and Centers in Session (Fall of 2020) Special Education Units Career and Technology Centers Regional Education Associations

Enrollment by Type of Schools (Fall of 2020)

Kindergarten One-Room Rural Schools Elementary Schools Secondary Schools Total K-12 Public Enrollment Graduates High School Districts

Non-Public Schools (Fall of 2020) Approved Non-Public Schools K-12 Enrollment Licensed Staff

147 21 5 2


173 29 36

130 8

31 12


8,981 65

70,380 32,619 112,045


53 6,860


Licensed Personnel (Fall of 2020)

All Teachers Other Licensed Administrators

Staff(FTE) 8,931 1,252 627

Average Salary 55,141 63,988


Cost of Education and Average Cost Per Pupil in ADM

Cost of Education

Presch Sp. Ed Kindergarten Elementary 1-6 Elementary 7-8 Elementary 1-8 Elementary K-8 Secondary 9-12 All Pupils

18,435,332 103,261,455 679,810,032 229,120,026 908,930,058 1,012,191,512 447,610,810 1,478,237,654

Cost Per Pupil 14,928.97 10,682.86 12,567.67 12,589.48 12,573.16 12,350.21 13,810.36 12,787.13

Cost of education figures include per pupil cost expenditures from public school districts, multi-district special education units and career and technology education centers. Based on average daily membership.

Average Daily Membership State average for tuition purposes:

Capital Outlay Gen Fund Extracurricular Activities


1,563.54 405.28


Number of Pupils Transported* Cost of Transportation Average Transportation Cost Per Pupil Average Transportation Cost Per Mile Total Annual Mileage*


Taxable Valuation

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Valuation of Buildings and Equipment (Fall of 2020)

32,523 67,478,385

2,074.78 3.98


4,759,112,627 4,968,173,985 5,203,970,505


A - 1

As of June 2020

1,664,808,292 430,848,078.57 6,972,201.51 Revenue

Local Sources 25.88% Taxes Tuition Transportation In Lieu of Taxes Other Revenue


County Sources 2.13% Oil and Gas Coal Production Coal Conversion Other Revenue


State Sources 62.21% Pupil Aid Transportation Career & Technical Education Special Education Other Revenue


Federal Sources 9.36% Federal Sources

Other Sources 0.42% Other Sources


Regular Instructional Programs Kindergarten Elementary 7th and 8th Grade Secondary (9-12)


Federal Programs Title I Bilingual Title II Nutrition Ed. & Training Program Indian Education Other Federal Drug Free


Undistributed Improvement of Instruction Instructional Media Other Support Staff Service School Board Exec. Administration Special Area Admin. Support Service Business Operation and Maintenance Central Support Other Support


FUND GROUP 1 35,538,962.03 155,800,723.91 1,035,648,325.80


Other Programs/Services Student Transportation

375,262,652 17,977,667 350,382 9,221,239 28,036,139


Facility/Construction Services Provided for Another LEA Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular Transportation Adult Education Community Services Food Services

Other Enterprise Service

Early Childhood


31,212,239 2,178,496 1,025,143 1,123,085


973,712,289 29,135,582 7,014,617 15,378,594 10,407,243



Tuition/Assessments Preschool Special Ed. Tuition Kindergarten Tuition Elementary (1-6) Tuition 7th & 8th Grade Tuition Secondary (9-12) Tuition Special Education Tuition Career & Tech Education Tuition Special Education Transportation Career & Tech Education Transportation Regional Education Association Assessments Total


9.36% 62.21%

60,031,766 16,857,119

5,437,147 35,580,022

3,379,551 2,307,586 5,679,787 8,267,456 1,863,694 10,391,086 149,795,212

76,913 400,492 2,230,624 952,616 9,484,713 28,741,786 3,675,738

3,129 -

90,916 45,656,929



50,911,880 374,392,439 132,236,216 223,185,683 780,726,219

Other Uses Debt Service Transfers Other Total

Special Programs Special Education Career & Technical Education Total

9,984,065 38,066,108

13,708 48,063,881

199,612,460 50,170,495


42,771,300 1,402,738 8,334,834 88,231 1,990,083

17,110,890 2,311,274


17,980,643 29,306,389 13,556,784 18,552,984 33,404,193

4,687,051 25,996,855 146,631,981 19,497,304

6,367,954 315,982,138

Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditure Ending Balance

Recap - Fund Group 1

Cooperative Programs Special Education - Multi-district Units

Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditure Ending Balance

Career & Technical Education Centers

Beginning Balance Revenue Expenditure

Ending Balance

Bonds Cert. Of Indebtness Construction Fund Total Indebtness


A - 2

338,439,017 1,664,808,292 1,664,016,684


9,463,996 65,584,335 65,769,341


3,103,373 12,214,964 11,383,613


827,142,552 37,635,018

294,716,267 1,159,493,837


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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