PDF The Poor Man's Way to Riches

The Poor Man's Way to Riches


Vol. 1

The Poor Man's Way to Riches

Publishing History

1st printing 2nd printing 3rd printing 4th printing 5th printing 6th printing 7th printing 8th printing 9th printing

December 1976 June 1977

January 1978 December 1978

August 1979 January 1980

July 1980 May 1981 April 1987

Copyright 01976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1987

A// rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or review. For information, write Elite Publishing, suite 600, 2676 Fletcher Parkway, El Cajon, CA 92020.

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject mater covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required the services of a competent professional should be sought.

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 76-62865

Printed in the United States of America


INTRODUCTION. .........................................


HOW TO GET DEBT RELIEF IN 90 MINUTES ...................


HAVE AAA-1 CREDIT EVERYWHERE .......................


HOW TO BORROW MONEY - FAST .........................









SMART MONEY ANGLES ..................................


HOW TO AVOID TAXES - LEGALLY. .......................


SMART MONEY INVESTMENTS ............................



You can have all the money you want if you know how to get it. It doesn't matter if at the moment you are flat broke either, because the know-how in this book will show you how to smash any obstacle in your path. It doesn't even matter if you are up to your neck in bills, I'll show you how to get immediate debt relief and then borrow your way to a fortune starting with ZERO CASH.

It has taken me a staggering amount of labor to compile this report. Please don't make the mistake of underestimating its worth because of its "compactness." While your cost is only a few dollars, it has taken me years of experience and thousands of dollars to accumulate this information and get it in print. I hope you will reserve judgement until you've finished the last chapter.

To be frank, I don't see how anyone could fail to profit enormously from this information since there are so many plans and opportunities presented. Naturally the book itself cannot make you rich, nor can any book. You will have to make yourself rich by using the principles and plans I've outlined. The plans cun make you rich! How far you go is up to you and how closely you follow these instructions.

Let's face it: Most people are their own obstacle to making a fortune because of doubts, hesitation, and rationalizations of our failures. I am a firm believer in positive thinking, but also in positive action! It still takes planning and thinking on your part to make money.

HOW TO GET RICH.. . according to the late J. Paul Getty

J. Paul Getty was once the world's richest man, and he laid out some very clear rules for accumulating wealth. They are simple and to the point, but don't make the mistake of brushing them aside as mere generalitieb. These are real "hard-nosed" axioms for success. Here they are:

Rule One: Rule Two:

Rule Three: Rule Four: Rule Five:

To acquire wealth, you must be in your own business. You must have a working knowledge of your business when you start it, and continue to learn more as you go along. You must save money in your personal life, and in your business ventures as well. You must take risks, both with your own money and with borrowed money. You must learn to not only live with tension, but to seek it out.


Rule Six:

Rule Seven: Rule Eight:

Build wealth as a byproduct of your business success. If wealth is your only object, you will probably fail. Patience. This is the greatest business asset of all. Diversify at the top.

And there you have it. The rules a billionaire said were essential for success. But, of course these rules assume you are already highly motivated. If you aren't, you will have to motivate yourself before you can succeed.

Through the years I discovered the necessary elements for keeping motivated at all times. By following these five points, there is no limit to what you can do. There is nothing you cannot accomplish.


Know How

The only way you can build confidence in yourself and your plans is to know what you ure doing. Far too many people launch into ventures without enough information. They start out with blind enthusiasm and wind up in total despair.

So, before you take that plunge, know what you are doing. Be fully informed, know what can go wrong, and try to anticipate problems ahead of time. To help you, I've included a bibliography of many more fine books which expand on the information contained here.

When you know what you are doing, then you automatically acquire the self-confidence to make your plans and take the calculated risks necessary in most business ventures. Then you are ready for the next stage.

Specific Goals

You can't go anywhere until you first decide exactly where you want to go. So, make your goals specific. Don't say to yourself that you want to get rich; say, I want to be eurning $100,000 within two years. Or, I want to be a millionaire within five years.

A goal without a time limit is like a gun without ammunition. It has potential, but no value. When you place a time limit, your thoughts and plans automatically "gear up" to face the task. You know where the finish line is and how long you have to reach it. This adds pressure to your program.

Your goal should be broken down into stages or steps to be completed, say each month. This becomes your overall plan to reach your goal. Put time limits on each individual stage of your plan. A journey of a



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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