
Name:________________________________________________________________Unit 10- The Great Depression and the New DealHoover’s struggle with the Depression; FDR’s election in 1932Hoover’s philosophy- a belief in American “rugged individualism”-from Text: (Hoover) valued “rugged individualism”- the idea that people should succeed through their own efforts. They should take care of themselves and their families, rather than depend on the government to bail them out. Thus, Hoover opposed any form of federal welfare, or direct relief to the needy. He believed that handouts would weaken people’s self-respect and “moral fiber”. His answer to the needy was that individuals, charities, and local organizations should pitch in to help care for the less fortunate. The federal government should direct relief measures, but not through a vast federal bureaucracy. Such a bureaucracy, Hoover said, would be too expensive and would stifle individual liberties.According to his belief in the “rugged individualism” of Americans described above, why did Hoover believe that the federal government should not directly help the needy during the Depression?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paraphrase or summarize each Hoover quote below in the space underneath it:“Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body - the producers and consumers themselves.”_________________________________________________________________________________________“It is just as important that business keep out of government as that government keep out of business.”__________________________________________________________________________________________“Every time we find solutions outside of government, we have not only strengthened our character, but we have preserved our sense of real government.”__________________________________________________________________________________________________According to Hoover’s philosophy and quotes…….Should the government play an important role in the economy?How will government relief to the needy hurt the American “character”?c. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you agree with Hoover’s philosophy on Government?"I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people."-FDR, accepting the Democratic nomination for the 1932 electionThe 1932 electionThe Democrats nominated Franklin Delano Roosevelt to run against Hoover in 1932. Based on the quote and campaign advertisement above, how is FDR’s view of the government different from Hoover’s?1932 Election Results:Senate:@ 2/3 DemocratsHouse of Representatives:@ 3/4 Democrats473202054927500An “electoral mandate” is a command or instructions given to the government by the voters. What mandate do you think Americans gave the Democrats in 1932 with such a huge victory at the polls? (What do they demand from the government?)How does this cartoonist’s depiction of Hoover and FDR reflect the difference between the two men?KEY QUESTION: On a scale of 1- 10, how much do you agree with Herbert Hoover’s political ideas that direct government assistance to citizens will hurt the American character and make them dependent on the government? (Look back at his quotes)Your score:____EXPLAIN/ DEFEEND your score: ................

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