|SDC Table 1. Network HIV prevalence of 100 black MSM seeds in a sexual networks study by demographic characteristics and risk behaviors: sensitivity |

|analysis*, Atlanta, GA, 2010-2014 |

| |Network HIV prevalence of seeds† |

| |Overall network | |HIV-positive |HIV-negative |HIV-status |

| |prevalence | |seeds |seeds |interaction |

|  |mean (95% CI) |P value |mean (95% CI) |P value |

|Total |29 (21 - 36) | |56 (44 - 69) |10 (4 - 15) | |

|Demographic/Socioeconomic | | | | | |

|Age group | |0.06 | | |0.02 |

|18-24 |24 (14 - 35) | |44 (21 - 67) |15 (5 - 25) | |

|25-29 |22 (7 - 37) | |61 (26 - 96) |4 (0 - 10) | |

|30+ |42 (26 - 59) | |65 (46 - 83) |2 (0 - 5) | |

|Education | |0.3 | | |0.2 |

|High school / GED or lower |37 (21 - 54) | |64 (40 - 88) |13 (0 - 29) | |

|Some college, Associate's degree, and/or vvvvtechnical school |25 (14 - 35) | |59 (39 - 79) |5 (1 - 10) | |

|College, post graduate, or professional school |28 (11 - 44) | |43 (10 - 76) |17 (0 - 35) | |

|Poverty (income-based) | |0.08 | | |0.06 |

|Yes |40 (24 - 55) | |66 (46 - 86) |11 (0 - 23) | |

|No |25 (15 - 35) | |53 (32 - 75) |11 (2 - 19) | |

|Currently Employed | |0.003 | | |0.02 |

|Yes |20 (12 - 29) | |48 (28 - 68) |10 (4 - 16) | |

|No |47 (32 - 63) | |65 (47 - 82) |13 (0 - 33) | |

|Homeless (in the previous 12 months) | |0.4 | | |0.03 |

|Yes |33 (17 - 49) | |71 (49 - 94) |8 (1 - 14) | |

|No |28 (19 - 37) | |52 (36 - 67) |11 (3 - 18) | |

|Risk Behaviors | | | | | |

|Any UAI partners (in the previous 12 months) | |0.04 | | |0.01 |

|Yes |33 (24 - 42) | |63 (49 - 78) |11 (5 - 17) | |

|No |18 (4 - 31) | |36 (10 - 61) |6 (0 - 20) | |

|Any drugs (self-report) | |0.1 | | |0.2 |

|Yes |32 (19 - 44) | |50 (29 - 72) |17 (7 - 28) | |

|No |28 (19 - 38) | |58 (43 - 73) |8 (1 - 14) | |

|Marijuana (self-report) | |0.09 | | |0.2 |

|Yes |32 (19 - 46) | |50 (26 - 75) |19 (7 - 30) | |

|No |28 (19 - 37) |  |58 (43 - 73) |7 (1 - 14) |  |

|HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus, GED=general educational development, UAI=unprotected anal intercourse |

|*Network prevalence calculations do not include the seed's HIV status in the calculation and exclude all unknown/missing HIV status partners; Network HIV |

|prevalence was calculated only for 100 networks, as 17 networks consisted entirely unknown partners after the seed was removed from the prevalence |

|estimation; |

|SDC Table 2. Network HIV prevalence of 117 black MSM seeds in a sexual networks study by demographic characteristics and risk behaviors: lower bound sensitivity |

|analysis*, Atlanta, GA, 2010-2014 |

| |Network HIV prevalence of seeds |

| |Overall network prevalence | |HIV-positive |HIV-negative | HIV-status |

| | | |seeds |seeds |interaction |

|  |mean (95% CI) |P value |mean (95% CI) |P value |

|Total |21 (16 - 26) | |44 (36 - 52) |4 (2 - 6) | |

|Demographic/Socioeconomic | | | | | |

|Age group | |0.03 | | |0.0001 |

|18-24 |15 (9 - 21) | |34 (22 - 46) |5 (2 - 9) | |

|25-29 |19 (8 - 30) | |51 (30 - 72) |2 (0 - 6) | |

|30+ |33 (21 - 44) | |49 (36 - 62) |1 (0 - 3) | |

|Education | |0.6 | | |0.2 |

|High school / GED or lower |25 (14 - 36) | |48 (30 - 68) |5 (0 - 12) | |

|Some college, Assocaite's degree, and/or vvvvtechnical school |19 (12 - 26) | |42 (30 - 53) |2 (1 - 4) | |

|College, post graduate, or professional school |22 (11 - 33) | |44 (27 - 60) |5 (0 - 10) | |

|Poverty (income-based) | |0.2 | | |0.05 |

|Yes |27 (16 - 39) | |50 (35 - 65) |5 (0 - 9) | |

|No |19 (13 - 26) | |42 (30 - 53) |4 (1 - 7) | |

|Currently Employed | |0.002 | | |0.005 |

|Yes |16 (10 - 21) | |39 (28 - 51) |4 (2 - 6) | |

|No |33 (23 - 44) | |49 (37 - 61) |5 (0 - 13) | |

|Homeless (in the previous 12 months) | |0.8 | | |0.6 |

|Yes |21 (10 - 31) | |48 (30 - 66) |3 (1 - 6) | |

|No |22 (16 - 28) | |43 (34 - 53) |4 (1 - 7) | |

|Risk Behaviors | | | | | |

|Any UAI partners (in the previous 12 months) | |0.5 | | |0.4 |

|Yes |22 (16 - 29) | |45(35 - 55) |4 (2 - 6) | |

|No |19 (10 - 27) | |41 (30 - 51) |3 (0 - 9) | |

|Any drugs (self-report) | |0.7 | | |0.0004 |

|Yes |19 (11 - 27) | |33 (18 - 47) |7 (2 - 11) | |

|No |22 (16 - 29) | |48 (39 - 58) |3 (0 - 5) | |

|Marijuana (self-report) | |0.7 | | |0.0001 |

|Yes |18 (10 - 27) | |31 (16 - 46) |7 (2 - 12) | |

|No |22 (16 - 29) |  |48 (39 - 58) |3 (0 - 5) |  |

|HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus, GED=general educational development, UAI=unprotected anal intercourse |

|*Network prevalence calculations consider all unknown/missing unenrolled partners as HIV-negative |

|SDC Table 3. Network HIV prevalence of 100 black MSM seeds in a sexual networks study by demographic characteristics and risk behaviors: imputed mean sensitivity |

|analysis, Atlanta, GA, 2010-2014 |

| |Network HIV prevalence of seeds |

| |Overall network prevalence | |HIV-positive |HIV-negative |HIV-status |

| | | |seeds |seeds |interaction |

|  |mean (95% CI) |P value |mean (95% CI) |P value |

|Total |35 (29 - 40) | |62 (55 - 68) |14 (10 - 17) | |

|Demographic/Socioeconomic | | | | | |

|Age group | |0.01 | | |0.004 |

|18-24 |27 (20 - 34) | |51 (39 - 62) |15 (10 - 20) | |

|25-29 |32 (20 - 44) | |68 (54 - 83) |12 (5 - 19) | |

|30+ |48 (37 - 60) | |68 (59 - 77) |11 (3 - 19) | |

|Education | |0.5 | | |0.4 |

|High school / GED or lower |39 (28 - 50) | |66 (52 - 80) |17 (10 - 24) | |

|Some college, Assocaite's degree, and/or vvvvtechnical school |32 (24 - 40) | |61 (52 - 71) |10 (6 - 14) | |

|College, post graduate, or professional school |35 (23 - 46) | |57 (43 - 72) |17 (7 - 27) | |

|Poverty (income-based) | |0.3 | | |0.9 |

|Yes |40 (29 - 51) | |63 (50 - 76) |17 (10 - 24) | |

|No |33 (26 - 41) | |64 (54 - 72) |13 (8 - 18) | |

|Currently Employed | |0.0006 | | |0.2 |

|Yes |28 (22 - 35) | |58 (49 - 68) |13 (9 - 17) | |

|No |49 (39 - 59) | |66 (56 - 76) |18 (10 - 27) | |

|Homeless (in the previous 12 months) | |0.7 | | |0.2 |

|Yes |36 (24 - 48) | |70 (56 - 84) |15 (10 - 20) | |

|No |34 (28 - 40) | |54 (42 - 66) |13 (9 - 18) | |

|Risk Behaviors | | | | | |

|Any UAI partners (in the previous 12 months) | |0.2 | | |0.4 |

|Yes |37 (30 - 43) | |64 (57 - 72) |15 (11 - 18) | |

|No |29 (19 - 39) | |54 (42 - 66) |11 (3 - 18) | |

|Any drugs (self-report) | |0.3 | | |0.04 |

|Yes |37 (28 - 46) | |56 (45 - 67) |20 (13 - 26) | |

|No |34 (27 - 41) | |64 (56 - 72) |12 (8 - 16) | |

|Marijuana (self-report) | |0.3 | | |0.02 |

|Yes |37 (28 - 46) | |56 (44 - 68) |21 (15 - 27) | |

|No |34 (27 - 41) |  |64 (56 - 72) |12 (8 - 15) |  |

|HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus, GED=general educational development, UAI=unprotected anal intercourse |

|*Network prevalence calculations include unknown/missing unenrolled partners whose HIV-status was imputed based on age- and race-specific prevalences found in the|

|literature |

|SDC Table 4. Network HIV prevalence of 117 black MSM seeds in a sexual networks study by demographic characteristics and risk behaviors: upper bound sensitivity |

|analysis, Atlanta, GA, 2010-2014 |

| |Network HIV prevalence of seeds |

| |Overall network prevalence | |HIV-positive |HIV-negative |HIV-status |

| | | |seeds |seeds |interaction |

|  |mean (95% CI) |P value |mean (95% CI) |P value |

|Total |40 (35 - 45) | |66 (60 - 71) |21 (18 - 23) | |

|Demographic/Socioeconomic | | | | | |

|Age group | |0.01 | | |0.005 |

|18-24 |33 (27 - 39) | |56 (46 - 66) |21 (17 - 26) | |

|25-29 |39 (28 - 49) | |72 (61 - 84) |21 (16 - 26) | |

|30+ |53 (42 - 63) | |71 (63 - 79) |18 (11 - 25) | |

|Education | |0.6 | | |0.6 |

|High school / GED or lower |44 (34 - 54) | |69 (57 - 82) |22 (16 - 28) | |

|Some college, Assocaite's degree, and/or vvvvtechnical school |38 (30 - 45) | |65 (57 - 73) |18 (14 - 22) | |

|College, post graduate, or professional school |42 (31 - 52) | |64 (52 - 76) |24 (15 - 32) | |

|Poverty (income-based) | |0.3 | | |0.8 |

|Yes |45 (35 - 55) | |67 (56 - 78) |24 (18 - 30) | |

|No |39 (32 - 46) | |67 (59 - 75) |21 (17 - 25) | |

|Currently Employed | |0.0008 | | |0.3 |

|Yes |28 (22 - 35) | |63 (55 - 71) |20 (17 - 24) | |

|No |53 (44 - 62) | |69 (61 - 77) |24 (16 - 24) | |

|Homeless (in the previous 12 months) | |1 | | |0.1 |

|Yes |41 (30 - 52) | |73 (61 - 85) |20 (15 - 26) | |

|No |40 (34 - 46) | |64 (57 - 70) |21 (17 - 24) | |

|Risk Behaviors | | | | | |

|Any UAI partners (in the previous 12 months) | |0.3 | | |0.5 |

|Yes |42 (36 - 48) | |68 (61 - 75) |21 (18 - 25) | |

|No |36 (27 - 45) | |60 (51 - 70) |19 (12 - 25) | |

|Any drugs (self-report) | |0.4 | | |0.02 |

|Yes |42 (34 - 50) | |60 (51 - 70) |26 (21 - 31) | |

|No |40 (34 - 46) | |68 (61 - 75) |19 (15 - 22) | |

|Marijuana (self-report) | |0.4 | | |0.01 |

|Yes |42 (34 - 50) | |60 (49 - 70) |27 (21 - 32) | |

|No |40 (34 - 46) |  |68 (61 - 75) |19 (15 - 22) |  |

|HIV=Human Immunodeficiency Virus, GED=general educational development, UAI=unprotected anal intercourse |

|*Network prevalence calculations include unknown/missing unenrolled partners whose HIV-status was imputed based on age- and race-specific prevalences found in the |

|literature, as well as the imputed prevalence of unawareness of HIV infection available in the literature |

|SDC Table 5. Values and sources of HIV prevalence estimates used to impute HIV prevalence by race and age |

|Race |Age (years) |HIV prevalence (%) |Source |

|Unenrolled unknown HIV status partners | | | | |

| Black/ African American |18-19 |7.4 |Sullivan PS, Peterson J, Rosenberg E, Kelley CF, Cooper H, Vaughan A, Salazar LF, Frew P, |

| | | |Wingood GM, diClemente RJ, del Rio C, Mulligan M, Sanchez TH. Understanding racial HIV/STI |

| | | |disparities in black and white men who have sex with men: A multilevel approach. PLoS ONE 2014 |

| | | |(in print) |

| |20-24 |34 | |

| |25-29 |45.3 | |

| |30-39 |60 | |

| |40+ |55.6 | |

| White/Caucasian |18-19 |6.3 |Sullivan PS, Peterson J, Rosenberg E, Kelley CF, Cooper H, Vaughan A, Salazar LF, Frew P, |

| | | |Wingood GM, diClemente RJ, del Rio C, Mulligan M, Sanchez TH. Understanding racial HIV/STI |

| | | |disparities in black and white men who have sex with men: A multilevel approach. PLoS ONE 2014 |

| | | |(in print) |

| |20-24 |5.5 | |

| |25-29 |14.3 | |

| |30-39 |15.7 | |

| |40+ |37.5 | |

| Hispanic |18-19 |4 |Oster AM, Russell K, Wiegand RE, Valverde E, Forrest DW, et al. (2013) HIV Infection and Testing|

| | | |among Latino Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States: The Role of Location of Birth and |

| | | |Other Social Determinants. PLoS ONE 8(9): e73779. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073779 |

| |20-24 |9 | |

| |25-29 |13 | |

| |30-39 |22 | |

| |40+ |29 | |

| Other/Unknown |18-19 |7 |Smith A, Miles I, Le B, Finlayson T, Oster A, DiNenno E. Prevalence and Awareness of HIV |

| | | |infection among men who have sex with men - 21 cities, United States, 2008. MMWR September |

| | | |2010;59(37):1202-07 |

| |20-24 |12 | |

| |25-29 |15 | |

| |30-39 |21 | |

| |40+ |28 | |

|Unenrolled HIV negative partners |  |  |  |  |

| Black/ African American |18-19 |6.4 |Smith A, Miles I, Le B, Finlayson T, Oster A, DiNenno E. Prevalence and awareness of HIV |

| | | |infection among men who have sex with men --- 21 cities, United States, 2008. MMWR Morb Mortal |

| | | |Wkly Rep. 2010;59(37):1201-1207. |

| |20-24 |14.6 | |

| |25-29 |24 | |

| |30+ |22.9 | |

| White/Caucasian |18-19 |0 | |

| |20-24 |3.8 | |

| |25-29 |2.4 | |

| |30+ |5.4 | |

| Hispanic |18-19 |2.9 | |

| |20-24 |5.9 | |

| |25-29 |6.9 | |

| |30+ |11.8 | |

| Other/Unknown |18 and over |9.2 | |


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