
Drugs acting on respiratory systemAnaleptic remedy of reflective type from the N-cholinomemetics group was given to the patient for restoration of breathing after poisoning with carbon monoxide. What medicine was prescribed to the patient?Adrenalin hydrochlorideLobeline hydrochloride*MesatonPentaminAtropine sulfate.In complex therapy of bronchial asthma myotropic spasmolytic drug was added. Soon after its usage, nervousness and sleep disturbances occurred. Which of the following drugs can cause above-mentioned side effect?PapaverinePlatyphillineAminophylline *DrotaverineEphedrine .A 5 year-old –child was suffering from bronchitis, accompanied with a productive cough with thick sputum. In addition to antimicrobial treatment a mucolytic drug was prescribed. This drug was especially beneficial for the child due to its ability to stimulate production of surfactant. Point out this drugCodeineAmbroxolum*OxeladineEthylmorphinePotassium iodide.Severe attack of bronchospasm and cough occurred in a patient with bronchial asthma. Choose the best drug for quick relief of the patient condition.Ipratropium bromideOrciprenaline sulfateAtropineAdrenaline*Noradrenaline.A patient with bronchial asthma had been taking tablets which caused insomnia, headache, increased blood pressure. What medecine can cause such complications?Ephedrine*Chromolin sodiumEuphylineAdrenalineIzadrine.A 13-year-old girl with history of asthma complained of cough, dyspnea and wheezing. Her symptoms became so severe that her parents brought her to the emergency room. Physical examination revealed diaphoresis, dyspnea, tachycardia and tachypnea. Her respiratory rate was 42/min. pulse rate was 110 beats per minute, and blood pressure was l30/70 mm Hg. Choose from the following list the most appropriate drug to reverse the bronchoconstriction rapidly:MethylprednidsoloneSalbutamol*BeclomethasoneCromolynIpratropium.A 13 year old girl with history of asthma complained of cough, dyspnea and wheezing. Her symptoms became so severe that her parents brought her to the emergency room. Physical examination revealed diaphoresis, dyspnea, tachycardia and tachypnea. Her respiratory rate was 42/min, pulse rate was 110 beats per minute, and blood pressure was 130/70 mm Hg. Choose from the following list the most appropriate drug to reverse the bronchoconstricition rapidly:BeclomethasoneIpratropiumMethylprednidsoloneSalbutamol*Cromolyn.Apnoic newborn was resuscitated by administration of respiratory stimulant.Which agent is the drug of first choice in this case?BemegridumAethimisolum*LobelineCodeineCamphor.In complex treatment of patient with bronchial asthma cromolyn-sodium was included as antiallergic agent. What is the mechanism of this drug action?Inhibition of histaminic H1 receptorsInhibition of histaminic H2 receptorsPrevention of mast cell degranulation*Inhibition of antigen-antibody interactionBlockade of D2 receptors.Severe attack of bronchospasm and cough occur in patient with bronchial asthma. Choose the best drug for quick relieve of patient condition.Ipratropium bromideOrciprenaline sulfateAtropineAdrenaline*Noradrenaline.Patient with bronchial asthma was taking tablets, which caused insomnia, headache, increased blood pressure. What medicine can cause such complications?IzadrineAdrenalineChromolin sodiumEuphylineEphedrine*.In complex therapy of bronchial asthma myotropic spasmolytic drug was included. Soon after its usage nervousness and sleep disturbances occurred. Which of the following drugs can cause above-mentioned side effect?PapaverinePlatyphillineAminophylline*DrotaverineEphedrine.A patient suffering from chronic bronchitis takes a synthetic mucolytic drug that facilitates the sputum thinning. What drug is it?Acetylcysteine*DiazepamHeparinFurosemideEnalapril.A patient suffering from bronchial asthma didn't inform his doctor that he had attacks of angina pectoris(stenocardia). Doctor administered him a drug, which usage resulted in less frequent attacks of bronchial asthma, but stenocardia (anginal) attacks became more frequent. What medication was administered?Isadrin (Isoprenalin)*SalbutamolAminophyllineCromolyn sodiumPhenotherol.A 70-year-old man, who suffered from chronic bronchitis, was prescribed medicine for the cough - codeine. What is the mechanism of antitussive effect?Central*ReflexCompetitiveLocal effectPeripheral effect.Analeptical remedy of reflective type from the N-cholinomimetics was given to the patient for restoration of breathing after poisoning with carbon monoxide. What medicine was given to the patient?Lobeline hydrochloride*Atropine sulphateAdrenalin hydrochlorideMesatonPentamin.In long lusting usage of fenoterol in bronchial asthma its bronchodilating effect is gradually decreasing. What is probable cause of tolerance development?Worsening of absorptionDecrease in numbers of beta-adrenoceptors*Enhancement of binding with plasma albuminEnhancement of eliminationDecrease in numbers of Gs-proteins.To terminate an attack of asthma patients used inhalation of the drug that is used by inhalation as bronchodilators, and in injections it is used in obstetric practice to prevent miscarriages. What drug was used by patient?FenoterolAtenolol*AdrenalineEphedrineEuphylline.In patient with bronchial asthma attacks usually occur at night, they are accompanied by bradycardia, spasmodic pains in the intestines, diarrhea. Preparation of which group can eliminate these symptoms?H2-histaminoblockers*N-cholinoblockers,M cholinoblockersAlpha-blockersBeta-blockers.A patient with respiratory depression was admitted to hospital. Drugs of which pharmacological group stimulate breathing in such case?AntidepressantsTranquilizersAntipsychoticsAnaleptics*Analgesics.The patient with pneumonia and cough with thick difficulty removed sputum doctor prescribed expectorant drug that activates the synthesis of surfactant in the lungs. What3. For the prevention of bronchospasm patient accepts a myotropic effect, improves blood circulation, the heart, kidneys, and brain.Theophylline*AtropineEphedrineSalbutamolIpratropium.Asthmatic patient was assigned to inhalation of 0.5% solution (isoprenalin) isadrinum. Bronchospasm was relieved, but the patient began to complain of pain in the heart and heartbeat. This is due to the stimulation of:Beta2-adrenergicAlpha1-adrenoceptorM-cholinergicBeta1-adrenergic*Synthesis of acetylcholine.Patient suffering from bronchitis with poorly separated sputum started taking acetylcysteine. Name the mechanism of mucolytic action of the drug.Reflex stimulates the secretion of bronchial glands*Stimulates the cough centerIncreases the secretion of bronchial mucusDepolymerizes sputumIncreases bronchial contraction.A patient with severe attacks of asthma that was not stopped by earlier effective beta-adrenoceptor agonists was admitted to the intensive care unit Diagnosis: asthma, asthmatic status. What drug should be administered the patient in the first place?Mesatonum (Phenylephrin)*AcyclovirPrednisoneFamotidineFenoterol.A patient 25 years in the dental office suddenly developed an attack of asthma. The doctor gave the patient salbutamol to inhale. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?Stimulates the alpha-adrenergic*Blocks histamine H1 receptorsBlocks M-cholinergicStimulates beta2-adrenergic receptors*Blocks phosphodiesterase.For patient suffering of pneumonia and cough with thick poorly separated sputum doctor prescribed expectorant drug that activates the synthesis of surfactant in the lungs. What the drug was prescribed?AcetylcysteineInfusion of herb ThermopsisGlaucinTrypsinLasolvan (Ambroxol)*.To suppress dry cough in patient with chronic bronchitis doctor prescribed antitussive - glaucine hydrochloride. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?Resorptive central*M-cholinergic blockadeReflexAntienzymaticPeripheral.Exhausting cough with fetid odor appeared in patient with lobar pneumonia. Which of the following agents should be used in this case?FamotidineMesatonFenoterolAcyclovirTrypsin*.Cardiac glycosides.Which of the following drugs is most likely to produce positive inotropic and negative chronotropic effects?NitroglycerinFurosemideDiltiazemProcainamideDigoxin.*.Choose the inotropic drug for treatment of patient suffering from congestive heart failure, not responding to digitalis.PhenylephrineDobutamine*ClonidineNoradrenalineSalbutamol.A 58-year-old female has undergone surgery for necrotic bowel. Despite having been treated with antibiotics, on postoperative day 5, she develops symptoms (fever, hypotension, tachycardia, declining urine output, and confusion) consistent with septic shock. What hemodynamic support would be helpful?Fluid administrationDobutamine infusionFluids and Dobutamine infusion*Atropine administrationAntibiotic administration.A patient who has been suffering from cardiac insufficiency for several months has been taking digoxin on an outpatient basis. At a certain stage of treatment there appeared symptoms of drug overdose. What phenomenon underlies the development of this complication?Functional cumulationTachyphylaxisHabituationSensibilizationMaterial cumulation*.A 50 y.o. patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency and tachyarrythmia was prescribed cardiotonic drug. What drug was prescribed?DobutamineMildronateAmyodaroneDigoxin*Dopamine.A patient suffering from chronic cardiac insufficiency was recommended to undergo a prophylactic course of treatment with a cardiological drug from the group of cardiac glycosides that is to be taken enterally. What drug was recommended?CorglyconCordiaminStrophanthineCordaroneDigoxin*.A patient that entered the admission office had the following signs of acute cardiac insuffiency: paleness, acrocyanosis, frequent shallow respiration. What drug is indicated in this case?Corglycon*Adrenaline hydrochlorideNitroglycerineCordiaminDigitoxin.Antiarrhythmic drugsTo maintain normal sinus rhythm in patient with atrial fibrillation the doctor prescribed an antiarrhythmic drug. After laboratory testing of thyroid function administration of this drug was withdrawn. What drug was initially prescribed?VerapamilAmiodarone*QuinidineProcainamideLidocaine.Patient suffering from tachyarrhythmia was treated with calcium channel blocker. What drug was used?NiphedipineVerapamil*LabetololAlprenololNicardipine.A 52 year old patient with supraventricular tachyarrhythmia was using antiarrhythmic drug of class III. For a long period it maintained the normal cardiac rhythm, but with time dispnoe started to occur while going upstairs. Patient addressed doctor. The examination revealed pulmonary sclerosis. Which of the antiarrhythmic drug can cause such side effect?VerapamilAmiodarone*BretyliumLidocaineProcainamide.Digoxin in tablets was prescribed to patient with chronic congestive heart failure. After 1 month of treatment decrease in heart rate was noted doctor advised the patient to continue treatment with lower dose of digoxin. In spite of this the bradycardia was soon transformed into A-V-block. Choose the necessary drug for abolishing of this manifestation of glycoside toxicity.Potassium chloridePhenytoinAtropine*LidocainePropranolol.A pregnant woman addressed her doctor complying of frequent heartbeats. Which of antiarrhythmic agents is contraindicated in this case?AtenololPropranolol*MetoprololVerapamilDiltiazem.Patient with chronic congestive heart developed tachyarrhythmia. Which of the listed drugs is contraindicated in this case?Quinidine*LidocaineTimecainePhenytoinAjmaline.Diuretics.Point out antihypertensive agent that increases salts and H2O excretion and can causes hyperglycemia and uric acid retention?NifedipinePropranololPrazosinHydrochlorothiazide*Acetazoleamide (Diacarbum).A 67- year-old man treated with hydrochlorothiazide for control of mild hypertension visited his doctor complaining of pains in joints. Which of the listed side effects is the most probable cause of patient’s complains?HyperglycemiaHyperuricemia*Drug hypersensitivityHyperkalemiaHypokalemia.A patient suffering from hypertension was treated with hydrochlorothiazide. With time he addressed doctor complaining of worsening of his condition. On examination of the patient hypokalemia was diagnosed. Choose the drug, which has to be added aiming at enhancement of diuretic effect and abolishing of hypokalemia.AcetazolamideFurosemideEthacrynic acidSpironolactone*Chlorothiazide.A patient with acute poisoning was admitted to emergency department. It was established that poisonous substance was excreted by kidney. Choose the best diuretic for forced diuresis.AcetazolamideAmiloride SpironolactoneFurosemide*Hydrochlorothiazide.A doctor administered Allopurinol to a 26-year-old young man with the symptoms of gout. What pharmacological action of Allopurinol ensures therapeutical effect?By increasing uric acid excretionBy inhibiting leucocyte migration into the jointBy inhibiting uric acid synthesis*By general analgetic effectBy general anti-inflammatory effect.A 42-year-old man suffering from gout has increased level of urinary acid in blood. Allopurinol was prescribed to decrease the level of urinary acid. Competitive inhibitor of what enzyme is allopurinol?Xanthine oxidase*Guanine deaminaseAdenosine deaminaseHypoxanthine phosphoribosiltransferaseAdenine phosphoribosiltransferase.A doctor administered Allopurinol to a 26-year-old young man with the symptoms of gout. What pharmacological action of Allopurinol ensures therapeutical effect?By inhibiting leucocyte migration into the jointBy general analgetic effectBy increasing uric acid excretionBy general anti-inflammatory effectBy inhibiting uric acid synthesis*.The alternate usage or dichlotiazide, etacrin acid and lasex did not influence diuretically upon the patient with marked peripheral edemata. The aldosterone rate in the blood is increased. Indicate which medicine should be prescribed:UreaAmiloridClopamidSpironolacton*Mannit.A patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency has been treated with cardiotonic drugs and a thiazide diuretic, but in spite of it there are still edemata and risk of ascites. What medication should be prescribed to amplify diuretic effect of the applied drugs?Spironolactone*FurosemideManitoleClopamideAmyloride.A patient takes digoxin for treatment of cardiac insufficiency. What diuretic may increase digoxin toxicity due to the intensified excretion of K+ ions?LisinoprilPanangineSiliborumSpironolactoneHydrochlorothiazide*.Antihypertensive drugs. Atihyperlilpidemic agentsA hypertensive patient was treated with the drug suppressing the formation of angiotensin II and preventing degradation of bradykinine. Point out the drug realizing antihypertensive effect by these mechanisms.Nifedipine GuanethidineClonidineEnalapril*Propranolol.A hypertensive patient was fond of meat dishes and did not keep proper diet. In the course of complex antihypertensive treatment an acute attack of gout developed. Which of the following agents is responsible for worsening of patient condition?Hydrochlorothiazide*PrazosinAllopurinolAcetazolamide Propranolol.The blood pressure of hypertensive patient is successfully controlled by administration of enalapril. Which mechanism is responsible for antihypertensive effect of this drug?A. Inhibition of peripheral alpha1 - adrenoceptorsB. Blockade of angiotensin II receptorsC. Inhibition of renin releaseD. Inhibition of kallikrein – kinin systemE. ACE inhibition and stimulation of kalliкrein – kinin system*.Metabolism can render pharmacological activity to some initially inert substances (pro-drug). Point out the substance, which is pro-drug, used for treatment of hypertension.LevodopaEnalapril*VerapamilReserpinePropranolol.Hypertensive patient was treated with the drug that decreases vascular tone. His treatment was complicated by persistent dry cough. Which drug most probably was used?PapaverinePhentolamineLisinopril*PrazosinClonidine.For treatment of hypertensive patient doctor prescribed captopril, but soon patient addressed doctor, complaining of dry cough and rashes. Doctor substituted captopril for losartan. What is the mechanism of the last drug action?Inhibition of renin releaseInhibition of ACEInhibition of angiotensinogen conversion to angiotensin IBlockade of angiotensin II receptors*Increase in bradykinin level.A patient with II stage hypertension has been taking one of hypotensive medications for the purpose of treatment. After a time arterial pressure decreased, but the patient started complaining of flaccidity, sleepiness, indifference. A bit later he felt stomach pain. He was diagnosed with ulcer. What hypotensive medication has the patient been taking?CaptoprilDibazoieReserpine*FurosemideVerapamil.A patient taking clonidine for essential hypertension treatment was using alcohol that caused intense inhibition of central nervous system. What may it be connected with?IntoxicationIdiosyncrasyCumulationEffect potentiating*Effect summation.A patient with hypertensic crisis was admitted to the cardiological department, he was injected intravenously with an antihypertensive drug - salt of an alkaline-earth metal. What drug was injected?BenzohexamethoniumPotassium chlorideC Sodium hydrocarbonateMagnesium sulfate*Caleium lactate.Antianginal drugsA patient with angina pectoris was helping himself with nitroglycerin. One day the patient used nitroglycerin several times because of frequent episodes of pain. So as the last sublingual administration of nitroglycerin did not relieve pain, the patient addressed his doctor. Doctor advised him to withdraw nitroglycerin for 8 hours and prescribed another drug. After 8 hours the effect of nitroglycerin was restored. Which phenomenon did take place in this case?Increase in nitroglycerin metabolismIncrease in protein bindingDecrease of absorptionDrug dependenceTolerance *.A patient with Raynaud disease was treated with niphedipine. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?Blockade of B-adrenoceptorsBlockade of alpha adrenoceptorsDecrease in neurotransmitter amountCalcium channels’ blockade*Blockade of central M-cholinoceptors.To prevent the onset of myocardial infarction in a patient with angina pectoris aspirin was used. Due to which of listed effects aspirin is beneficial in this case?AntiinflammatoryAntiplatelet*AnalgesicAntipyreticUlcerogenic.After a tooth extraction a patient felt persistent pain behind his breast bone. After sublingual intake of an antianginal drug the pain behind the breast bone disappeared, but the patient complained of headache and dizziness. What drug are these properties typical for?ValidolVerapamilNitroglycerin*MetoprololPropranolol.Drugs affecting GITPatient with gastric peptic ulcer addressed his doctor. After examination doctor prescribed famotidine aiming at inhibition of gastric acid secretion. What is the mechanism of this drag action?Inhibition of proton pumpNeutralization of gastric acidPrevention of histamine releaseBlockade of H1 histamine receptorsBlockade of H2 histamine receptors*.A young woman with breast cancer after surgery was treated with a chemotherapeutic complex. At the very beginning of treatment the patient experienced much distressing nausea and vomiting. Choose the best agent to relieve patient’s conditionHyoscine (Aeronum)Diphenhydramine (Dimedrolum)ValidolumChlorpromazine (Aminazinum)Metoclopramide*.Patient with gastric peptic ulcer was treated with omeprazole. This agent is capable of decreasing in HCl production because itNeutralizes gastric acid Blocks H2 –histamine receptorsInhibits the H+, K+-ATPase proton pump*Coats gastric mucosaBlocks muscarinic receptors.A 45-year-old woman presents to the emergency room with severe epigastric pain. On the base of patient examination and laboratory findings an acute pancreatitis is diagnosed. Which of the drugs is to be administered in this case?PancreatinMezym forteContrycal*Morphine Fentanyl.A patient addressed doctor with complaints of heartburn often troubling him. On examination ulcerative esophagitis was diagnosed and inhibitor of proton pomp was prescribed. Which of the following drugs was prescribed?CimetidineRanitidineOmeprazole*MisoprostolMetronidazole.Patient with gastric peptic ulcer addressed his doctor. After examination doctor prescribed famotidine aiming at inhibition of gastric acid secretion. What is the mechanism of this drag action?Inhibition of proton pumpNeutralization of gastric acidPrevention of histamine releaseBlockade of H1 histamine receptorsBlockade of H2 histamine receptors*.A 37-year-old man was admitted to the surgical department with the symptoms of acute pancreatitis: vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, hypotention, weakness, dehydration of the organism. What medicine should be used first of all?EphedrinePlatyphyllineNo-spaEtaperazineContrycal*.A liquidator of a breakdown at a nuclear power plant who was irradiated complained about vomiting that occurs all of a sudden. What medication should be prescribed?Metoclopramide*AeronReserpineDe-NolAtropine.Examination of a 35 year old patient revealed high acidity of gastric juice. What receptors should be blocked in order to reduce it?alpha 1-adrenoreceptorsbeta2-adrenoreceptorsbeta1 -adrenoreceptorsalpha2-adrenoreceptorsHistamine*.For treatment of biliary tract dyskinesia ( hypokinetic type) doctor prescribed cholagogue, referring to the group holekinetics. Indicate the drugMagnesium sulfate (gavage)*AlloholumCholenzymumOxafenamidCholosasum.37 years old male patient was admitted to the surgical department with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis (vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia, hypotension, weakness, dehydration). Which drug is most expedient to use in the first place?FestalEphedrinePlathyphyllineAprotinin(Contrykal)*No-spa (Drotaverin).Aged patient is suffering from constipation for a long time. Which synthetic laxatives should be proposed in this case?AtropineBisacodyl*Castor oilLiquid paraffinMagnesium sulfate.A patient suffering from gastric ulcer with hyperacidic syndrome was admitted to hospital. The drug of which group should be used in the treatment of the patient?Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsCalcium channel blockersSteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsBlockers H1 histamine receptorH2 histamine receptors lockers*.Liquidator of the accident at the nuclear plant that underwent irradiation was troubled by vomiting that occurred unexpectedly. What medication should be prescribed for the patient?Metoclopramide*De-NolHyoscineAtropineReserpine.For patients with peptic ulcer the drug inhibiting the growth and reproduction of H.pylori was prescribed as a causal treatment. Name the drug:CorglyconumGlauventMetronidazole*FurosemidePrazosin.A 46 years old patient was complained of stomach pain, heartburn. During examination increased gastric acidity was revealed. What should be assigned to neutralize the acidity of gastric juice?PapaverineAtropine SulfateAlmagel*Neostigmine Benzohexonium.Patients with peptic ulcer of the duodenum uses famotidine. What is the group of this drug?Beta-agonistsAlpha-adrenergic agonistsAntiholinesteraseH2-blockers of histamine receptors*Irritant.A patient with exacerbation of duodenal peptic ulcer was admitted to hospital The analysis showed an increased gastric secretion and acid-forming function of the stomach. Choose a product that will reduce the secretory function of the stomach by blocking histamine H2-receptor?Famotidine*Atropine SulfatePlathyphyllineDry extract of belladonnaMetacin.A pregnant woman is suffering from heartburn. Which agent is the best?RanitidineSodium bicarbonateOmeprazoleAlmagel*Bismuth sulfate.The doctor prescribed bisacodyl for patient suffering from chronic constipation. What pharmaceutical group is the drug?Narcotic analgesicsLaxatives*AntihypertensivesBlockers H2-histamine receptorDiuretics.A 45 –year-old women is suffering from chronic pancreatitis. Doctor prescribed her complex preparation containing pancreatic enzymes and dried bile. Point out prescribed drug.AllocholumPancreatin Aprotinin Festal*Cholenzymum.A patient with cholecystitis relieves periodical attacks of pain with myotropic spasmolytic drug. Which of listed agents is used?Drotaverine(No-spa)*Ephedrine Pancreatin Aprotinin Atropine.Patient addressed doctor complaining of periodically occurring dyspepsia. Laboratory tests did not reveal pathogens that can be responsible for diarrhoea. Choose the drug the most beneficial in this case.AtropinePlatyphyllinePapaverineBisacodyl Loperamide*.Patient with chronic hepatitis was prescribed complex preparation with hepatoprotecting properties. Preparation contains essential phospholipids and vitamins. Point out this preparationLegalonEssentiale*Liv-52SiliborumPapaverine.25 year-old man was hospitalized to gastroenterology department with complaints of "hungry" pain, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn. Doctor prescribed gastrocepin (pirenzepine). What effect of gastrocepin (pirenzepine) was the base for choice of a physician?Relaxation of biliary tract muscleRelaxation of smooth muscles of the stomachReduction of gastric acid secretion and gastrin*Destruction of Helycobacter pyloriReduction of trypsin secretion .Usage of sodium bicarbonate in peptic ulcer with high acidity gives temporary relief. What is the cause of short lasting effect of drug in this case?The formation of carbon dioxide stimulating a secondary hypersecretion*Neutralization of hydrochloric acidStimulation of histamine H2-receptorsStimulation of the gastric M-cholinergic receptorsAccumulation of histamine.The patient has hyperacidic gastritis. Specify the drug with the mechanism realized by blocking of proton pump (H +-K +-ATPase) used in the combined therapy.Gastrocepin (pirenzepine)Omeprazole*MisoprostolAtropine sulfateAlmagel.A patient with chronic hyperacidic gastritis to relieve heartburn is using antacid, it gives prompt effect, but it is accompanied by unpleasant feeling of fullness in the stomach. Which of the drugs can cause this side effect?Magnesium trisilicateAluminum hydroxidePepsinMagnesium oxideSodium bicarbonate*.A complex treatment of gastric peptic ulcers includes famotidine. What is the mechanism of this drug action?M-cholinergic blockadeThe blockade of proton pump (H +, K +-ATPase)Blockade of H2 histamine receptors*Antacid effectLocal anesthetic effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach..A patient has complex treatment of gastric peptic ulcers; concomitant disease is glaucoma. Drugs of which group in this connection should not be included in antiulcer therapy?Myotropic antispasmodicsBlockers H2-histamine receptorAntacidCholinoblockers*Gastroprotectors.Almagel was prescribed for patient with gastric ulcer. What is the mechanism of drug action?The neutralization of hydrochloric acid*Local anesthetic actionThe blockade of the H2 histamine receptorM-cholinergic blockadeAdsorption of alkaline foods.Drugs acting on haemopoises and haemostasisThe patient was using levomycetin for a long time without control, his examination revealed a decrease in leukocyte count in the blood. Which drug should be used for stimulation leukopoiesis?MethotrexatePrednisolonePentoxyluv*MercaptopurineCyanocobalamin.Severe anemia occurred in patients after gastric resection on account of ulceration. What medicine has to be assigned along with improvement of nutrition?FerroceronumCyanocobalamin*MethyluracilumIron sulfateCoamidum.Blood test revealed anemia in the patient with megaloblastic forms of red cells, due to this cyanocobalamin was assigned for treatment. At what type of anemia this vitamin preparation is indicated?Hyperchromic anemia*HypoplasticHemolyticAplastic anemiaHypochromic anemia.Hypochromic anemia appeared in patient due to internal bleeding. Which of these drugs can provide rapid recovery of red blood cells?CobamamidHeparinSireparFurosemideFerum-Lek*.After radiation therapy the myelo depressive reaction in the form of leukopenia appeared in patient. Which of the following drugs should be applied to stimulate leukopoiesis?VitogepatFerropleksHemostimulinSodium nucleinat*Nicotinic acid.In the patient that had long history of stomach disease hyperchromic anemia was found. Which of the following agents is to be prescribed for this disease?Ascorbic acidCyanocobalamin*UnithiolumFerum-LekOxyferriscorbone sodium.Iron deficiency anemia is very common among pregnant women, complicating pregnancy, childbirth, adversely affects the fetus and newborn. Propose for the treatment such anemia preparation of ferrous iron for oral administration.FerkovenFerrum-lekHemostimulinKoamidumIron ferrous lactate*.Patients suffering from angina and receiving isosorbide mononitrate, was appointed an additional drug with antiplatelet effect. Identify the drug:ValidolumNitroglycerineNifedipineAspirin*Inderal.The child emerged bleeding from the nose. Which of the following drugs can stop it?Thrombin*FibrinolysinVicasolum (Menadione)Potassium chlorideEthamzylatum.Massive bleeding began in woman after separation of the placenta. Which of the drug you need to help in this case?ThrombinFibrinolysinAminocapronic acid*FepromaronumVicasolum (Menadion).Gastric bleeding appeared in the patient. Which of these drugs can stop it?Folic acidThrombinSodium citrateSodium oxalateFibrinogen*.Anticoagulant therapy with heparin was performed in patient with myocardial infarction. What preparation should be used to continue treatment after withdrawal of heparin to prevent recurrence of thrombosis?Neodikumarinum*Calcium chlorideFurosemideFibrinolysinSodium hydrocitrate.Analysis of the patient's blood showed an increased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin that is characteristic of polycythemia. Which of these drugs should be prescribed for a patient?KobamamidContrycalVitogepatumImiphosum*Pentoxylum.To stop heavy uterine bleeding ergot alkaloid that increases myometrium tone was selected. Which of listed agents is of this group?OxytocinErgometrine*NeostigminAminocapronic acidFenoterol.Direct acting anticoagulant was prescribed for patients prone to thrombosis. Point out the drug:Aminocaproic acidVicasolum (Menadione)NeodikumarinSinkumarHeparin*.Before tooth extraction a patient was advised to take a certain drug for hemorrhage prevention. What drug was advised?HeparinVicasolum (Menadione)*AsparcamMagnesium sulfateDimedrolum.A patient with essential hypertension was recommended a drug that prevents thrombosis. This drug exerts antiplatelet and coronary dilating effects. What drug is it?HeparinDipiridamole*Protamine sulfateNeodicumarinSyncumar.In acute thrombosis intravenous heparin rlieves the patient's condition. Which of these mechanisms is responsible for effect of heparin?Dissolution of fresh thrombusInhibition of the transformation of prothrombin to thrombin in the blood*Inhibition of the synthesis of prothrombin in the liverReduction of the number of calcium ions in the bloodInfluence on the retraction of the clot.In the laboratory experimental studies in vitro and in vivo antagonist of direct anticoagulant was selected for the clinical use. What could be the preparation of these?Protamine sulfate*Sodium citrateContrycalMenadioneCalcium chloride.Massive uterine bleeding in woman was stopped by introducing aminocaproic acid. Which of listed mechanisms contributed to hemostatic effect of this drug?Inhibition of fibrinolysis*Activation of fibrinolysisIncreased prothrombin in the bloodIncreasing calcium in the bloodIncreased synthesis of prothrombin in the liver.8 year-old child is preparing for tonsillectomy. Blood analysis showed clotting time increased to 7 minutes. What medication should be included in a complex of drugs for preparation period of 5 days before surgery in the first place?EtamsylateVicasolum*Calcium chlorideFibrinogenAminocapronic acid.For the prevention of myocardial infarction doctor prescribed nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug with antiplatelet effect - aspirin. Choose the dose and regimen at which the drug will exert antiplatelet effect.0.1 three times a day0.25 three times a day1.0 three or four times a day0.5 three times a day0.1-0.2 once a day for a long time*.For the treatment of hypochromic anemia patient takes iron ferrous sulfate. Specify one of the side effects of this drug.The darkening of the teeth*DyspepsiaAllergyItchingDizziness.Vicasolum (Menadione) has been prescribed for patient a week before tonsillectomy to prevent bleeding. Specify the mechanism of action of this drug.Inhibits fibrinolysisActivates fibrinolysisIncreases the synthesis of clotting factors in the liver*Inhibits ACECauses vasoconstriction.Indirect acting anticoagulant warfarin was prescribed for patient to prevent thrombosis. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?.Inhibition of fibrinolysisActivation of fibrinolysisDecrease in the synthesis of clotting factors in the liver*Inhibition of ACEInhibition of platelets aggregation.On discontinuation of heparin treatment of patient with myocardial infarction administration of warfarin was started. This drug exerts its anticoagulant effect byBlocking calcium binding to clotting factorsForming a complex with clotting factorsBreaking down thrombinInhibiting of pro-clotting factor synthesis in the liver*Depolymerization of fibrin.A patient with myocardial infarction was treated with intravenous infusion of heparin. What is the goal of this drug administration?To cause the lysis of thrombus directly To transform plasminogen into plasminTo prevent further thrombosis*To prevent platelets activationTo decrease the area of necrosis.A patient with a history of angina pectoris and high plasma cholesterol level was prescribed phenofibrate. What is the mechanism of action of this drug?Activation of lipoprotein lipase*Inhibition of lipoprotein lipaseInhibition of hydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme AInhibition of LDL oxidationBile acid sequestration.Patient suffering from pernicious anemia is treated with folic acid. Which agent is to be added to make effective the treatment of this disease?Retinoli acetasCyancobalamin*Thiamine bromideRetabolilInsulin.A patient ill with essential hypertension was recommended a drug that prevents thrombosis. It is to be taken parenterally. What drug is it?Protamine sulfateAmbenHeparin*NeodicumarinSyncumar.Drugs acting on myometrium. Antigout drugs.A pregnant woman developed rhythmic uterine contractions at the physiological term of delivery. But contractions were not progressing in force and frequency. Choose the drug for stimulation of uterine contraction.Oxytocin*ErgometrinePartusistenPhysostigmineCastor oil.Intake of oral contraceptives containing sex hormones inhibits secretion of the hypophysiae hormones. Secretion of which of the indicated hormones is inhibited while taking oral contraceptives with sex hormones?SomatotropicOxytocinVasopressinFollicle-stimulating*Thyrotropic.VitaminsThere is an inhibited coagulation in the patients with bile ducts obstruction, bleeding due to the low level of absorbtion of a vitamin. What vitamin is in deficiency?CaroteneEK*AD.A patient suffers from vision impairment - hemeralopy (night blindness). What vitaminpreparation should be administered the patient in order to restore his vision?Thiamine chlorideTocopherol acetateRetinol acetate*VicasolPyridoxine.Hormonal, enzymatic and antienzymatic drugsA person has reduced diuresis, hypernatremia, hypokalemia. Hypersecretion of what hormone can cause such changes?ParathormoneAldosterone*AdrenalinVasopressinAuricular sodiumuretic factor.A patient with infectious mononucleosis had been taking glucocorticoids for two weeks. He was brought into remission, but he fell ill with acute attack of chronic tonsillitis. What action of glucocorticoids caused this complication?AntiallergicImmunosuppressive*Anti-inflammatoryAntishockAntitoxic.A patient had been taking glucocorticoids for a long time. When the preparation was withdrawn he developed the symptoms of disease aggravation, decreased blood pressure and weakness. What is the reason of this condition?Appearance of adrenal insufficiency*Hyperproduction of ACTHCumulationSensibilizationHabituation.Examination of a 60 y.o. patient revealed hyperglycemia and glucosuria. A doctor administered him a medication for internal use. What medication is it?OxytocinCorglyconFurosemidePancreatineGlibenclamid*.A patient ill with collagenesis has been taking prednisolone for a long time. Hypokaliemia development caused spastic pain of skeletal muscles. What medication should be used in order to correct potassium exchange?DithylinumPanangin*ThyrocalcitoninDiazepamNoshpa.In course of histidine catabolism a biogenic amin is formed that has powerful vasodilatating effect. Name it: Histamine*DopamineDioxyphenylalanineNoradrenalinSerotonin.Continious taking of a drug can result in osteoporosis. erosion of stomach mucous membrane, hypokaliemia, retention of sodium and water, reduced content of corticotrophin in blood. Name this drug:DigoxinIndometacinReserpinePrednisolone*Hydrochlorothiazide.Examination of a 70 year old patient revealed insulin-independent diabetes. What drug should be administered?Glibenclamid*ParathyroidinInsulinMercazolilumCortisone.Examination of a 60 year old patient revealed hyperglycemia and glucosuria. A doctor administered him a medication forinternal use. What medication is it?PancreatineFurosemideOxytocinGlibenclamid*Corglycon.Patients after long-term complex treatment that included vitamin drug began to complain of muscular weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea. On examination tachycardia, hypertension, weakening of the heart sounds were revealed. In the urine protein, red blood cells, hypercalciuria were revealed, in the blood - increasing the concentration of Ca and P was found. What phenomenon was observed in a patient?Hypovitaminosis vit. CHypervitaminosis vit. AHypervitaminosis vit. D*Hypovitaminosis vit. AHypervitaminosis vit. K.The retardation of fontanelle closure and teeth appearance were observed in child. The increase in activity of alkaline phosphatase and decrease in the concentration of citrate in the blood were found. This violation is related to deficiency of vitamin:Vitamin D*Vitamin AAscorbic acidVitamin EVitamin K.The patient has "night blindness" - difficulty seeing in the dark. The lack of what vitamin is the cause this disease?Ascorbic acidRetinol*ErgocalciferolTocopherolPyridoxine.Doctor prescribed preparation of posterior pituitary for the woman with the uterine inertia. Choose the preparation:DihydroergotamineVasopressinOxytocin*AdrenocorticotropinDinoprost.The patient with myocardiodystrophy appointed vitamin preparation with a potent antioxidant effect. Which of these drugs has such action?RutinPyridoxineMenadioneRiboflavinTocopherol*.The levorotatory isomer of thyroid hormone was assigned to the patient with diagnosed myxedema. What drug was assigned?LevodopaL-thyroxine*L-asparaginaseL-carnitineParathyroid hormone.The patient has dementia, diarrhea and dermatitis. Which of the following drugs should be included in complex treatment of this patient?Nicotinamide*CobalaminCalcium pantothenateRiboflavinThiamine nitrophosphate.Doctor prescribed the inhalation of drug with proteolytic action to improve sputum discharge. Mark drug that has proteolytic effect.Trypsin*LidazaPepsinStreptokinaseFestal.Choose the drug that is a hormone produced by alpha-cells of Langerhan’s islets of the pancreas.Insulin*GlucagonSomatostatinNatriuretic hormoneTestosterone.The patient complained of a acute girdle pain in area of pancreas projection. Which of the following drugs should be selected to provide emergency aid to him?Potassium chlorideContrykal (Aprotinin)*Platyphylline hydrotartratePancreatinBendazol.The patient with severe chest pain was admitted to the infarction department. On the ECG extensive myocardial infarction caused by thrombosis of the left coronary artery was revealed, and therefore the administration of thrombolytic agent was started immediately. What the drug was used in the treatment of this patient?CollagenaseHyaluronidaseTrypsinStreptokinase*Ribonuclease.The patient was diagnosed a myocardial infarction with thrombosis of the left coronary artery. Which group of drugs is used to restore blood flow?Nonopioid аnalgesicsFibrinolysis activators*Beta-blockersACE inhibitorsGlucocorticoids.Doctor prescribed enzymatic preparation to the patient with hypoacidic gastritis. Which of these preparations will improve digestion in the stomach?Pepsin*PancreatinTrypsinMedazaContrykal (Aprotinin).Replacement hormonal treatment was assigned for patient with hypothyrosis. Which drug should be selected for treatment?Merkazolil (Thiamazole)Parathyreoidinum (Parathyreocrinum)DihydrotachysterolPotassium perchlorate (Kalii perchloridi) Thyroidin*.Patients aged 73 years has slovly healing fracture of the femoral neck. What of hormones with anabolic effect can be assigned to him?Parathyreoidin (Parathormon, Parathyreocrinum)PrednisoloneInsulinRetabolil (nandrolone)*Thyroxine.Blood pressure and blood glucose level were increased in female patients with low blood pressure after parenteral administration of the hormone. Which hormone was injected?Folliculin (Estrone)Adrenaline*GlucagonProgesteroneInsulin.Hemostatic therapy that was assigned to a patient with a bleeding gastric ulcer did not give desirable effect. The activation of the fibrinolytic system was found in the patien’t blood. The administration of what drug is beneficial in this case?Aminocaproic acid*Contrykal (Aprotinin)Medical gelatinCaptoprilFibrinogen.To remove necrotic tissue of wound the surgeon made a wound dressing with chymotrypsin. Explain the mechanism of drug action.Inhibits proteaseDepolymerization of nucleic acids Depolymerization of hyaluronic acidBreaks peptide bonds in proteinsBreaks bonds formed by aromatic residues and / acids*.A woman addressed the pediatrician concerning illness of the 8 months child manifested by sweating, increased size of the crown, retarded dentition (only 2 of the tooth), and anxiety. What medication should be assigned at the first place?Calcium pangamasFolic acidCyanocobalaminThiaminErgocalciferol*.The woman had several spontaneous miscarriages. The lack of which vitamin can cause this?Thiamine bromideVitamin D Vitamin KVitamin E*Ascorbic acid.The patient complains of increased vascular fragility (touch to the skin are bruises), bleeding from the gums. Appointment of ascorbic acid reduced these symptoms. Specify the mechanism of action of the drug on vascular permeability.Stimulates the synthesis of corticosteroidsStabilizes the cell membraneImproves oxidation-inflammatory processesIncreases collagen production*Stimulates the conversion of folic acid to folinic.The patient developed a hypersensitivity to common cold after long-term use of one of the therapeutic agents. Which of these drugs could reduce immunity?Sustak forte (Nitroglycerin)Prednisone*ReserpineTincture GinsengiClonidine.16 years old young man was suffering from diabetes mellitus for 10 years. He heard about the replacement of insulin by glibenclamide tablets. However, the doctor refused to change insulin for glibenclamide tablets. Why glibenclamide is not assigned in this case? Rapidly degraded in the liver.Deplete the function of beta cells of the pancreas.*Causes hyperproduction of hydrocortisone.Increased allocation of adrenaline.Stimulates the alpha cells of the pancreas..Dermatologist for topical treatment of eczema selected ointment containing fluorinated glucocorticoid, which provides a more expressed antiinflammatory effect. Which of the following dermatological ointments was applied?Hydrocortisone ointmentPrednizolone ointmentOintment "Sinaflan"*Diclophenac ointment Heparin ointment .A 56-year-old patient with complains of thirst and frequent urination was diagnosed to have It stimulates beta-cells of Langergans' islets*It helps to absorb the glucose by the cells of the organism tissuesIt relieves transport of glucose through the cells' membranesIt inhibits alpha cells of Langergans' islets It inhibits absorption of glucose in the intestines.Patient was on glucocorticoids for a long time, discontinuation of usage caused exacerbation of the illness, decreased BP, weakness. How can you explain it? Insufficiency of adrenal glands*Adaptation to the medicine Sensitization Hyperproduction of ACTH Cumulation.Testosterone and it's analogs increase the mass of skeletal muscles that allows to use them for treatment of dystrophy. Due to interaction of the hormone with what cell substance is this action caused?Proteins- activators of transcriptionMembrane receptors RibosomesChromatinNuclear receptors*.A patient ill with neurodermatitis has been taking prednisolone for a long time. Examination revealed high level of sugar in his blood. This complication is caused by the drug influence Glycogenogenesis activationGluconeogenesis activation*Intensification of glucose absorption in the bowelsActivation of insulin decompositionInhibition of glycogen synthesis.Continious taking of a drug can result in osteoporosis, erosion of stomach mucous membrane, hypokaliemia, retention of sodium and water, reduced content of corticotropin in blood. Name this drug: DigoxinHydrochlorothiazide Prednisolone*Indometacin Reserpine .A patient suffers from diabetes melitus. After the regular insulin injection his condition grew worse: there appeared anxiety, cold sweat, tremor of limbs, general weakness, dizziness. What preparation can eliminate these symptoms? Adrenaline hydrochloride*Butamide Caffeine Noradrenaline Glibutide .Examination of a 60 y.o. patient revealed hyperglycemia and glucosuri A doctor administered him a medication for internal use. What medication is it? CorglyconFurosemide Oxytocin Pancreatine Glibenclamid*.An elderly female patient suffers from the type 2 diabetes mellitus accompanied by obesity, InsulinGlibenclamid*Retabolil Lovastatin Amlodipine .A patient ill with collagenosis has been taking prednisolone for a long time. Hypokaliemia development caused spastic pain of skeletal muscles. What medication should be used in Panangin*Dithylinum Diazepam Noshpa Thyrocalcitonin .In order to accelerate healing of a radiation ulcer a vitamin drug was administered. What drug was it? LevamisoleRetabolil Prednisolone Retinol acetate*Methyluracil .Anti-inflammatory and antiallergic drugs. ImmunomodulatorsA 45-year-old woman suffers from allergic seasonal caused by the ambrosia blossoming. What adipose cells group stabilizer medicine can be used for prevention of this disease?PhencarolDiazolineKetotifen*DimedrolTavegyl.A patient with continious bronchopneumonia was admitted to the therapeutic department. Antibiotic therapy didn't give much effect. What medication for improvement of immune state should be added to the complex treatment of this patient?Timaline*AnalginSulfocamphocaineParacetamolBenadryl.A patient with rheumatoid arthritis who had been treated with indometacin has got signs of gastropathy.thy. What activity of the drug can this complication be connected with?Anticyclooxygenase*AntiserotoninAntihistamineLocally irritatingAntikinine.A 45-year-old woman suffers from seasonal allergic rhinitis caused by the ambrosia blossoming. What medicine from the stabilizer of the adipose cells group can be used for prevention of this disease?DiazolineTavegylPhencarolDimedrolKetotifen*.A doctor administered a patient with allergic dermatitis a H1 -histamine blocker as a part of complex treatment. Name this medication:PrednisoloneLoratadine*Cromolyn sodiumHydrocortisoneAdrenaline.A 12 year old child has intolerance to some foodstuffs. Their consumption causes an allergic reaction in form of itching skin eruptions. What antihistaminic drug should be admistered so that the child could attend school?Loratadine*DimedrolEphedrineAminophyllineDiclofenac.Signs of gastropathy occurred in the patient with rheumatoid arthritis who was treated with indometacin. With what activity of the drug can this complication be connected?AntikinineAntiserotoninAntihistamineAnticyclooxygenase*Local irritating.A female patient consulted a doctor about pain and limited movements in the knee joints. Which of the following nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs should be administered taking into consideration that the patient has a history of chronic gastroduodenitis? Celecoxib*Diclofenac sodium Promedol Acetylsalicilic acid Butadiounum .The patient suffering from arthritis was treated with prednisolone for long period. Doctor decided to discontinue prednisolone administration and change it for another drug. What is the right way of this drug discontinuation?It must be preceded by corticotropin administration*It must be done in a vary short timeIt must be preceded by administration of ADHIt must be performed on the background of mineralocortcoid administrationIt must be preceded by growth hormone administration.A 45-year-old woman suffers from allergic seasonal coryza caused by the ambrosia blossoming. What medicine from the stabilizer of the mast cells group can be used for prevention of this disease?TavegylDiazolinePhencarolKetotifen*Dimedrolum.Patient was on glucocorticoids for a long time, discontinuation of usage caused exacerbation of the illness, decreased BP, weakness. How can you explain it?SensitizationAdaptation to the medicineHyperproduction of ACTHInsufficiency of adrenal glands*Cumulation.Patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis was treated with potent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The treatment was complicated by gastric bleeding. What drug was used?ParacetamolIndomethacin*AnalginPrednisoloneDexametasone.In complex treatment of patient with bronchial asthma cromolyn-sodium was included as antiallergic agent. What is the mechanism of this drug action?Inhibition of histaminic H1 receptorsInhibition of histaminic H2 receptorsPrevention of mast cell degranulation*Inhibition of antigen-antibody interactionBlockade of D2 receptors.A patient who had myocardial infarction was administrated 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid a day. What is the purpose of this administration?Coronary vessels dilatationTemperature reductionInflammation reductionPain reliefRedaction of thrombocyte aggregation*.Continuous use of certain drug may cause osteoporosis, erosion of gastric mucosa, hypokalemia, retention of sodium and water in the organism, decreased concentration of corticotropin in blood. What drug is it?ReserpineDigoxineHypothiazidePrednisolone*Indomethacin.A 33 –year-old female patient, who long treated for chronic polyarthritis, complains of high blood pressure, changes in distribution of body fat, menstrual disorders. Admission of which drug is related to these complaints?Prednisone*BeclomethasonePhenylbutazoneSinaflanIndomethacin.Prolonged use of steroid and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis has not given effect. The doctor changed non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs for the preparation of gold. Find this preparation among the listed drugs.Krizanol*HingaminPrednizalonPlaquenilD-penicillamine.What pharmacological property of dimedrolum (diphenhydramine) is used in the hives treatment?Interference with formation of the antigen-antibody complexElimination of histamine action on the cell*Sedative effect on the central nervous systemViolation of antibody synthesisInhibition of biologically active substances release by mast cell.The patient who received steroid anti-inflammatory drugs had a complication in the form of hypokalemia. Which of these drugs should be used for correction of potassium level?Sodium chlorideMagnesium sulfatePanangin*Calcium lactateCalcium chloride.Immune stimulant of animal origin was included in the complex treatment of patients with severe bronchopneumonia. Which of these drugs belong to this group of drugs?Timalin*PirogenalProdigiozanLevamisoleSodium nucleinat.Patient has got severe trauma in car accident due to this kidney transplant was performed in emergency procedure. Which of the following drugs should be included in the post-operative therapy for successful engraftment of the transplanted organ?PirogenalLevamisoleTimalinProdigiozanAzathioprine*.Anaphylactic shock developed in patient after administration of lidocaine. Which of the following medications must choose a doctor to bring the patient out of shock?Acetylsalicylic acidCorticotropinAzathioprineAdrenaline*Aminopyrine.A patient suffering from rheumatism was treated with prednisolone for two months. After the abrupt discontinuation of the drug administration patient’s blood pressure dropped dramatically, there was a severe weakness, tachycardia, reappeared joint pain. Which condition was developed in patient due to prednisolone discontinuation?Orthostatic collapseWithdrawal*Allergic reactionAnaphylactic shockHyperglycemic coma.A patient with rheumatoid arthritis was on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug - diclofenac sodium. After some time worsening of associated disease occurred in the patient that required withdrawal of medication. What disease was associated with rheumatoid arthritis?Coronary artery diseaseBronchial asthmaGastric ulcer*Diabetes mellitusHypertontion.A patient with rheumatoid arthritis was on diclofenac sodium. After blood test the doctor canceled the drug administration. What the abnormality in blood test was the base for diclofenac sodium discontinuation?Enhancement of hemocoagulationEosinophiliaLeukopeniaLeukocytosisDecrease in blood coagulation*.The 12-year-old child has intolerance of some food stuffs. Their use causes an allergic reaction in the form of itchy skin rash. What antihistamines should be appointed, not to interfere with school activities of the child (not cause drowsiness)?Loratadine*MezatonDiclofenac sodiumAminophyllineDiphenhydramine.To prevent transplant rejection after organ transplantation immunosuppressive hormone therapy is compulsory. What group of hormones is used for this purpose?CatecholaminesThyroidGlucocorticoids*MineralocorticoidsSex hormones.Student addressed the doctor to appoint a drug for the treatment of allergic rhinitis occurred in lime blossoming. Which drug can be used?Loratadine*LosartanNoradrenaline gidrotartratInderalAmbroxol.The patient addressed the doctor with complaints of pain and limitation of movement in the knee joints. Which of NSAIDs is better to assign, if patient has a history of chronic gastroduodenitis?PhenylbutazoneCelecoxib*Diclofenac sodiumAcetylsalicylic acidPromedol.In the complex therapy of patient with allergic dermatitis doctor prescribed H1-histamine blockers. Point out the drug.HydrocortisonePrednisoloneCromolyn sodiumLoratadine*Adrenaline. ................

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