
1. Throughout time anti-American sentiment has grown and diminished. What events in the last few decades caused anti-Americanism feelings to increase? What events in the last few decades caused anti-Americanism to decrease? In each instance explain why. What could America do to foster more pro-American feelings?It is true that throughout time anti-American sentiment has grown and diminished. This response will discuss how anti-American sentiment has grown and diminished, as well as the reasons why. This response will also discuss how America can foster more pro-American feelings worldwide. First, I will discuss how in the last few decades what has caused anti-American feelings to increase and why.In the last few decades, starting with the 1980s, anti-American sentiments were strong due to certain worldwide powers not agreeing with the decisions of President Ronald Reagan because of several issues which will be discussed here. Former President Ronald Reagan invaded Grenada in 1979 (Zunes, October 2003). Worldwide, many people disagreed with Reagan’s decision to invade Grenada and there was public outcry against it, even from fellow Americans as well. More recently, negative views of America have mainly come from countries such as the Middle East, Russia, Germany and sub-Saharan Africa. Russia has tended to dislike America because of Communism which created the Cold War during the 1950s and 1960s as well as in the 1980s. The Bush family as presidents of the United States further created hostility between the United States and the Middle East by invading Afghanistan in the 1990s. Next, I will discuss which events have caused anti-American sentiments to decrease.It is now 2016 and America has had eight years with President Barack Obama as president of the United States of America. According to the Gallup polls (2016), President Obama has more than a 60% approval rate as president in the United States right now. His presence as leading the United States has increased pro-American sentiment worldwide. Many people all over the world are impressed with the progressive Americans who would vote a Black man into power who is also according to the polls doing a very, very good job. Next, I will discuss what America can do to foster more pro-America feelings.Along with the hiring of President Barack Obama by Americans eight years ago, America is currently going through an election since Obama has reached the end of possible terms he can have as president. Donald Trump, who is running for president, has expressed from very inappropriate comments that would not help to foster pro-American feelings worldwide, particularly towards people who are Muslim. As things stand now, it would seem that Presidential Candidate Hilary Clinton would make for the best choice as president for the United States and she has already expressed that she plans to promote feelings worldwide that would be pro-American.2. In 1(one) paragraph, summarize the similarities and differences between religious fundamentalists that turn to violence and hate groups in America.The following will summarize the similarities and the differences between religious fundamentalists that turn to violence and hate groups in America. First, I will begin with similarities of religious fundamentalists and hate groups, followed by the differences amongst these groups. Religious fundamentalists basically interpret whatever religious text that they follow, be it the Qu’ran, the Torah, the Bible, or even Buddhist texts in ways that resort to violence. When the Qu’ran is interpreted in ways that resort to violence this leads to acts such as 9-11 which will have its 15th anniversary this September of 2016, as well as acts such as the violent killings of homosexual people in Florida at a nightclub which occurred just this year of 2016 in June. When the Torah is interpreted in violent ways, one of the most long-standing wars that is occurring throughout the world in the Middle East with the killings of Palestinians to the point of extinction are done. When the Buddhist texts are interpreted in violent ways, this leads to the killing and persecution of the Tibetans by the Chinese in Tibet. With all of these examples the similarities that religious fundamentalists have to hate groups is that they use violence to persecute other groups that do not have their belief systems or lifestyle, or look as they do. Hate groups target specifically people who do not look like them and have varying differences to themselves based on issues such as religion (such as Hitler), or racism (such as the KKK), or misogynists who are men who hate women. Their acts are usually violent, however they differ from religious fundamentalists who act in violent ways because hate groups can also act in non-violent ways such as trying to gain membership in their groups and acting in defaming, libelous and slanderous ways against those people whom they hate. (2016). Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval. New York: . Retrieved from: Zunes, S. (October 2003). “The US Invasion of Grenada,” Global Policy Forum. New York: Global Policy Forum. Retrieved from: HYPERLINK "" ................

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