Unit 1 Review (Chapters 1, 2, 3)New Deal Policies (cooperative federalism)Interstate Relations (Full Faith & Credit Clause)Supremacy ClauseFederalists Papers #10 & #51Direct/Indirect DemocracyInitiatives/Referendums/Recall powersMajor Compromises in the ConstitutionGreat Connecticut Compromise3/5 Slave CompromiseCommerce CompromiseChecks & Balances (examples)Liberalism vs. ConservativismJohn Locke/Thomas Hobbes/Baron MontesquieuNatural Rights/Common Sense Social ContractSeparation of PowersArticles of Confederation (strengths & weaknesses)Importance of Shays RebellionElectoral College System (what it is/why founders chose it)Federal System (limited government)Mandates (funded/unfunded)Federal Grants (block/categorical)Bearde & Roche essays on political elitismBill of Rights Controversy (federalists/anti-federalists)Amending the ConstitutionMajor Amendments of the Constitution (1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,13,14,15,17,19,20,22,25,26)Judicial Review (Marbury v. Madison)Powers of the Federal Government vs. State GovernmentReserved PowersUnit 2 Review (Chapter 4, 7, 8)Development of American Political CultureAmerican Political System rooted in (Liberty, Equality, Democracy, Civic Duty, Individual Responsibility)Political Culture compared to other countries (mainly European countries)Sources of Political CultureMistrust in governmentPolitical tolerance/compared to other countriesPublic OpinionOpinion polls (straw, scientific, exit) strengths and weaknessesSamples/Universe/RandomAccuracy of polling and media opinion shapingSampling errorsPolitical SocializationFamilySchoolMediaHow institutions impact ideologyReligionRaceGenderIncome RegionAgePolitical ActivismPolitical IdeologyLiberalism vs. Conservatism (Review page 167 in text)Political ElitismVoting Age Population vs. Voter Eligible Population (VAP/VEP)Who votes in America?Voting turnout trendsNon-Voting (Apathy)American ElectorateVoting Blocks (grandfather clauses, poll taxes, literacy tests, white primaries)Unit 3 (Chapters 9-12)Political Parties (History of/Organizations of)Party Systems (Uni, Bi, Multi)Party Platforms (know major differences from Republicans, Democrats, 3rd parties)3rd Party RolesPartisan PoliticsFederalist Paper #10 (factions)Progressive EraMajor Party Eras (Critical elections, maintaining, realignments, deviating)Split Ticket/Straight Ticket VotingNational/State/Local Party StructurePrimaries/Caucus’/National ConventionPolitical MachinesParty BossesNominating ProcessWho is more likely to participate in Primaries?Delegate Section Process (Republican vs. Democratic differences/State Differences)Super DelegatesElection CostsPocketbook IssuesImage in campaignsPrimaries (open, closed)Hard/Soft MoneyBCRA (McCain-Feingold)General/Midterm Elections trendsMedia Roles (influencing/shaping opinion, polling, WikiLeaks (freedom of information Acts)PACS/527 GroupsReapportionment/Gerrymandering/MalapportionmentCensus DataIncumbent AdvantageSpecial Interests/LobbyingWatchdog Role of Media/Congressional OversightDirect/Indirect pressure techniques of lobbyingFEC/FEC RegulationsSources of Media (TV, Newspaper, Radio, Magazines, Internet)FCC RegulationsShield LawsCoattail EffectUnit 4 (Legislative)Enumerated Powers (Article 1 Section 8 Clauses 1-18)Necessary & Proper Clause (Elastic Clause)Great Connecticut CompromiseUnicameral/BicameralHouse History (pages 318-319 of text)Bill ProcessCommittee WorkPork Barrel LegislationIron Triangles (Issue Networks)Partisan/BipartisanFilibusterChanging of the RulesNuclear OptionSenate Role of Advice & ConsentAppointmentsTreaties3/5 vote/Nuclear OptionMake Up of CongressCharacteristics (demographics)Incumbency RatesSeniority RuleMarginal/Safe DistrictsMethods of RepresentationCongressional LeadershipSpeaker of the House/President of Senate/President Pro Tempore of SenateMajority/Minority Floor leadersMajority/ Minority WhipsCommittee ChairmanStanding CommitteesConference CommitteesCaucusesPublic/Private BillsResolutionsEarmarksUnified/Divided GovernmentDebate rules in the house compared to senate (timed debate/open & closed rules)Cloture Rule to end filibuster in SenateVoting differences Voting records (how are they used to the advantage and disadvantage of the incumbents?)Franking Privileges (other advantages of incumbents?)Unit 4 JudicialJudicial Review (Marbury v. Madison)Judicial RestraintJudicial Activism**** (KNOW THIS BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS!!)JurisdictionOriginal JurisdictionAppellate JurisdictionFederal Court SystemDistrictCircuit Court (Court of Appeals)Supreme Court of the United StatesSpecial Courts (Tax, Marriage, Trade, etc.)Appointment of JudgesPresidential appointment preferencesConfirmation Process of SenateSenate Hearing on appointmentsSenatorial CourtesyLitmus TestsMajor Court Eras1780’s to 1850’s National Supremacy Issues1860’s to 1940’s Economic Issues1950’s to Current Social/Political IssuesWrits of CertiorariAmicus Curie Briefs by lobbyists or special interests (Iron Triangle/Issue Networks)Legal Standing (Precedence)Adversarial System of LawClass Action LawsuitsOpinions of the courts (concurring, dissenting)Major landmark Supreme Court Cases (review list that you created and I told you to highlight)Unit 4 ExecutivePresidential vs. Parliamentary Systems of GovernmentPresidential preferences when choosing cabinet membersCoalition building with Congress (divided/unified government)Examples of divided govt (page 362)War Powers of the PresidentLimited powers of the president/how some powers have evolved/expanded over timeElectoral College (positives/negatives/purpose) Review pages 368-369Term controversy (why we didn’t have limits/why we created them)Review Jacksonian Era (possible to be able to compare to Trump today)Major Presidential Powers (page 370-371)Qualifications and Benefits of PresidencyUnderstand how White House Office functionsExecutive Office of the PresidentThe CabinetHead of independent agencies/commissions….etc…Quasi Legislative/Quasi-Judicial powers of agenciesImage/character/social media influence/bias news coverage/Trumps Tweeting habits/Fireside Chats w/FDRBully PulpitState of the Union AddressCoattail effect during mid-terms/generalPresidential Popularity/after elections/end of term?Legislative Powers? Veto? Executive orders/agreements?Executive PrivilegeSigning StatementsReview pages 388-389 on how issues impact government programsVice Presidential choice/VP powersLine of SuccessionImpeachment/Removal/CensureLame Duck statusUnit 4 Bureaucracy (Chapter 15)Govern by proxy (government funding)Growth of bureaucracy (differences between Dems and Reps)Keynesian economics vs. Supply Side EconomicsHow head of bureaucracy impact system (presidential appointments)Laissez-faire policies of RepublicansDiscretionary SpendingSpoils System/Merit Based system (Pendleton Act)Iron Triangle/Issue NetworksRed TapeCongressional oversight functions (watchdog)Appropriations for funding the bureaucracyChapter 15 is very conceptual….I would recommend on just re-reading the chapter.Unit 5 Policy Making (Chapters 17-21)Political Agenda setting (enacting party platform)Pressure Groups (special interests)Government Institution PressuresMedia PressureMajoritarian/Interest Groups/Client/Entrepreneurial Politics (who is benefiting?)Pork Barrel legislation/logrollingDeregulationDeficit Financing of GovernmentNational Debt/GDP2007-2009 Recession (What happened?)Monetarism/Keynesianism/Supply SideFederal Reserve BoardEntitlement programs/funding?SequesterTaxation (FICA…income tax)Social Welfare programs (page 511)Means TestMedicare/MedicaidSocial Security (major issues of concern)Foreign Policy/Domestic PolicyWar PowersExecutive Agreements/TreatiesSanctionsUnited Nations/NATORole as Commander in Chief of PresidentRally to the Flag effectIsolationism/InterventionistsDefense spendingChain of Command with MilitaryMajor Environmental Laws (page 559)Global Warming ControversyHow politics factor into this topic (special interests groups)Cap and TradeUnit 6 Civil Rights and Liberties (chapter 5-6)Evolution of Liberties in America (basic timeline)Selective IncorporationDue Process/Equal Protection (14th Amend)Familiarize yourself with major Amendments1st Amendment libertiesPrior RestraintEstablishment and Free Exercise Clauses in 1st AmendClear and Present DangerLibel/Slander/ObscenityPreferred position DoctrineLeast Restrictive MeansSymbolic Speech (examples)Exclusionary RuleSearch & Seizure/privacy issuesProbable CauseFull Faith & Credit ClauseMajor Landmark Court Cases dealing with Civil Liberties (1st Amend issues)Civil Rights (how they differ from liberties)Separate But Equal Policy (Plessy/Brown)De Facto vs. De JureCivil DisobedienceRealignment of the South with Civil Rights issuesReview Major provisions (page 138)Equality issues today/discrimination examples todayAffirmative ActionAmericans with Disability Act (ADA) ................

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