



2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

• Training on the coronavirus offered though CDC TRAIN is posted as it becomes available. You just need to log into your TRAIN account or set up a new account to access the materials. VA employees will be automatically routed to the VHA TRAIN site.


BMJ - Coronavirus special issue

BMJ Best Practice

There is free access to the BMJ Best Practice topic on the novel coronavirus, as well as those for SARS and MERS.   


Novel Coronavirus Information Center - guidance and clinical information, some specially written.  Access to research articles in Elsevier journals.  Some information from China, including some in Chinese, from sources including the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  Also includes official guidance from a number of countries.

The Lancet

Lancet Coronavirus Hub

Mary Ann Liebert

Free articles from the journal Health Security


2019 Novel Coronavirus 

Collection of articles and other resources.


Find recent novel coronavirus articles using PubMed

Sorted by date added to PubMed


Coronavirus Topic Update


Wiley Coronavirus research articles

World Health Organization

Technical Guidance


China Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Tracking the Epidemic (in English).  Numbers of cases and deaths.

Johns Hopkins University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering is mapping the spread of the virus and has a blog post 


HealthMap (change Location at the top of the screen to China and then you will see current alerts, to the left.  You can also search for specific cities) .


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Public Health England

World Health Organization: Emergency Preparedness Response

The New Humanitarian: Feature about the spread of the virus


From NEJM Journal Watch:

CDC: Avoid All Nonessential Travel to China Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

By Kelly Young

Edited by Jaye Elizabeth Hefner, MD

The CDC upgraded its travel advisory for China on Monday to caution against all nonessential travel to the country as it battles the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

For people who feel they need to travel to China, the CDC recommends discussing travel plans with their clinician; avoiding contact with people who are ill; avoiding animals, animal markets, and uncooked meat; and washing hands frequently and thoroughly.

As of Monday, 16 countries reported confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV infection. The U.S. reported a total of 110 people under investigation in 26 states; so far, five of these have tested positive, and 32 have tested negative.

In other coronavirus news:

• The CDC has posted a protocol for a diagnostic test using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).

• CDC officials said there was no evidence that 2019-nCoV could survive on goods exported from China.

• The World Health Organization offers advice for exit screenings in countries with ongoing transmission as well as entry screening for other countries.

In HIV and ID Observations, Dr. Paul Sax compares the pace of dissemination of information on this outbreak with the pace during the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus outbreak of 2002–3.

CDC travel advisory (Free)

CDC news briefing (audio) (Free)

CDC guidance for labs on RT-PCR (Free)

WHO travel advisory with exit and entry screening details (Free)

HIV and ID Observations post (Free)

NEJM editorial on outbreak (Free)

Background: Physician's First Watch coverage of novel coronavirus (Free)

From the Disaster Information Management Research Center:

WN-CoV: Guidance for Primary Care

Source: United Kingdom Department of Health (DH). Published: 1/27/2020. This web page provides interim advice for primary care professionals dealing with patients with suspected Wuhan novel coronavirus infection (WN-CoV). Primary care professionals can use this information to reduce the risk of spread of infection during and following consultation with a suspected case of WN-CoV. (Text)

Emergency Legal Preparedness and Wuhan Coronavirus: A Primer

Source: Network for Public Health Law. Published: 1/27/2020. This 23-page primer outlines legal, policy, and practical guidance to understand the Wuhan coronavirus and its related public health emergency response. It included a brief overview of Wuhan coronavirus; information about international legal response efforts from the World Health Organization and foreign governments; U.S. legal preparedness and response; and additional related resources. (PDF)

Healthcare Professional Preparedness Checklist For Transport and Arrival of Patients Potentially Infected with 2019-nCoV

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Infectious Diseases (CDC OID). Published: 1/25/2020. Front-line healthcare personnel in the United States should be prepared to evaluate patients for novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). This checklist highlights key steps for healthcare personnel in preparation for transport and arrival of patients potentially infected with 2019-nCoV. (Text)

Hospital Preparedness Checklist for Suspected or Confirmed 2019-nCoV Patients

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Infectious Diseases (CDC OID). Published: 1/25/2020. All U.S. hospitals need to be prepared for patients with suspected or confirmed novel coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV). This checklist highlights some key areas for hospitals to review in preparation for 2019-nCoV, and what all hospitals should be equipped and ready to do. (Text)



WHO - Emergency preparedness, response; Updated WHO advice for international traffic

Foreign and Commonwealth Office advice on travel to China

Department of Health and Social Care advice for the public

Ministero della Salute, Italy - FAQ, Infezione da coronavirus 2019-nCoV


BBC: Coronavirus Outbreak

BMJ News.   BMJ's content about the virus is all available for free.

CNN: Coronavirus Outbreak Live Updates

The Guardian: Coronavirus

Human Rights Watch about Chinese news coverage of the outbreak.

Nature - Infection.   Scroll down to read news items.   Some are free to read.   

If you need assistance accessing an article, contact your local librarian.

The New Humanitarian: Infectious diseases  (The New Humanitarian is an independent source of news on humanitarian crises)


Xinhuanet (in English): news from China

World Health Organization

Compiled by:

Sarah L. Carnes, MLIS, AHIP                          

Clinical Librarian

Bedford VAMC


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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