14LessonPaleolithic/Neolithic&ReviewAIM: What advances did people make during the Old Stone Age or Paleolithic age? Compare and contrast the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age.Do Now: After analyzing the facts and questions below, compare and contrast hunting and gathering to agriculture. What are the pros and cons of both? LEFT SIDE OF ROOM – Advocate for hunting and gathering (Rows 1, 2, 3, part of 4)RIGHT SIDE OF ROOM – Advocate for agriculture (part of Row 4, 5, 6, 7) Work in pairs. Be ready to report and engage in an informal debate. The Dawn of HistoryThe Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Age) 2 million B.C. to about 10,000 B.C.African Beginnings – fossils of early hominids found in EthiopiaIn time, people reached Europe, Asia, the Americas, Australia and the islands in the PacificHunters and Food GatherersSmall hunting and food-gathering bandsMen hunted and fishedWomen gathered berries, fruits, nuts, and rootsPaleolithic people were _____________, moving from place to place.Adapted to the environment by making simple stone tools and weapons,Developed spoken language, invented clothing to deal with several ice ages, took refuge in cavesEarly religion – animismNeolithic Agricultural Revolution11,000 years agoProduced their own food, and remained in one place. What effects did this have?People learned to domesticate or tame the animals they once huntedChanging Ways of Life***Answer the Do now and this will help us understand how agriculture changed ways of lifePros and Cons of the Neolithic RevolutionPros: - rise in the crude birth rate- drop in the crude death rate- advancing in the Demographic Transition Model (from Stage 1 to Stage 2)- more definitive, steady food sources, less hunger- less vulnerable to predators/enemies- development of more language, shared knowledge- everyone helps get work done, more leisure timeCons:- dependent on weather/season for a good crop- soil nutrient depletion- diseases are concentrated and spread easily in the community- men became more highly valued than women ()Which one leads a healthier diet?The hunter gatherers' diet would be far more superior than that of an agricultural society.? The hunter gatherers were healthier. Hunting and gathering tended to produce a more diversified and nutritious diet, and since it did not produce as large quantity of food, it also did not lead to the SAME high reproductive rate. The higher reproductive rate among farming communities eventually lead to trading and epidemics, such as illnesses and disease and water pollution by sewage to name a few examples.Video: key terms do you think will be on tomorrow’s test/Part IFormat-Choose 4 out of 6 questions to answer. Short answer/Identify and explain the significance ................

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