
GLOBAL HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY (SS9)Final Exam Review PacketContent Areas / RegionsIntroMiddle EastEuropeAfricaSouth AsiaSoutheast AsiaChinaJapan/KoreaLatin AmericaEach Content Area / Region has a collection of questions, definitions, and topics that we covered over the course of the first and second semesters.Identify, describe, or analyze the questions so you are very familiar with each topic in each unit.These will be covered in both the Multiple Choice section and the Essay Section of the Final Exam.5380355-205105Global History and Geography IIntro: Themes/Concepts Unit Test Study Guide Basic Geography Review1. On a world map make sure you can you can locate the Equator, Prime Meridian, International Date Line, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, and Article Circle.2. On a world map make sure you can you can locate each of the 7 continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. 3. On a world map make sure you can you can locate each of the 4 major oceans: Atlantic, Artic, Indian, and Pacific.4. On a world map make sure you can you can locate each of the following regions we will study this year inGlobal History: Middle East, Africa, Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia, China, Japan/Korea, and Latin America.5. Know the difference between lines of latitude and longitude.6. Be able to locate places on a map using latitude and longitude.7. What is the difference between a political & physical map?8. Geographers have developed Five Themes of Geography to help us understand the linkage between people and the Earth. What are the Five Themes of Geography? -----13. Know the difference between absolute and relative location.14. Human and Physical are the two characteristics used to describe the Theme of _____________.15. What is meant by the term human and environment interaction?16. Know the four major types of movement in the Theme of Movement are:----17. Explain what a region is.Culture1. The eight basic elements of culture include:- -------2. Elements of a civilization are:3. What does an archeologist do? 4. Define culture:5. Define ethnocentrism:6. Define cultural diffusion:7. Define global interdependence:8. The major difference between a nuclear family and an extended family is?9. A family where a male is the main authority figure is called __________________.10. A family where a female is the main authority figure is called __________________.11. A religion with a belief in more than one god is called a __________________ religion.12. Religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam with their belief in only one God are called_______________ religions.13. Farmers who grow just enough food for themselves and their family are practicing __________________.14. Farmers who grow a crop for cash or a profit are practicing ________________________.15. The term __________ means living in or around a city or town.16. The term __________ means living in or around a small village or the country.17. ________________________ countries tend to be modern and industrialized.18. ________________________ countries tend to be more traditional and agricultural.19. Baseball in Japan, Coca Cola in Africa, and McDonalds fast food in China are all example of _____________________________, the adoption of western culture.Political & Economic Systems1. The three basic economic questions that all societies need to answer are: --2. The four basic types of economic systems are: ----3. The six major types of political systems are: ------Nationalism & Imperialism1. _________________ could be best described as a strong feeling of loyalty to one’s country or a desire or movement to be an independent country.2. ________________ is the control by one country of the political, economic, or social life of another country.3. Imperialism took place because of nationalism, a desire to find new places to sell goods, and the desire for a source of ______________________.4. The development of advanced technology, industrialization and superior _______________ power all made imperialism possible.Human Rights / Environmentalism / Issues of Global Concern1. Rights such as life, freedom of speech, religion and press are all examples of basic _____________ ________________.2. Human rights issues and violations can basically be grouped into four different categories:Category Example Gender: Political affiliation: Religious affiliation: Ethnic Background:3. Provide examples of major environmental problems or issues:----4. Major issues of global concern:----MIDDLE EAST UNIT REVIEW 48577509207500MAJOR CONCEPTSGEOGRAPHYTRADITIONAL PATTERNS OF LIFEEARLY CIVILIZATIONSRELGIONISLAMIC EMPIRES & GOLDEN AGEI. GEOGRAPHY- Crossroads of the World:- Cultural Diffusion:- Four Major Regions:- Climate & Resources:- Cultural & Religious Diversity:II. TRADITIONAL PATTERNS OF LIFE- Village life:- Nomadic life:? Bedouins? Highland nomads? Conflicts with settled peoples- City life:- Family Life:? Patriarchal ? Arranged Marriages? DivorceIII. EARLY CIVILIZATION:- Neolithic Revolution / 1st Agricultural Revolution:? Reasons it started? Pros & Cons? Overall Impact? Guns, Germs, & Steel (Who was 1st?)- Role of fertile river valleys:? Mesopotamia vs. Nile River Valley? Fertile Crescent - 5 Traits of Civilizations:- Sumerians:? City-states, ziggurats, cuneiform, polytheism? Achievements? Epic of Gilgamesh? Decline & downfall- Hammurabi’s Code:- Ages of Metal:- Assyrian Empire:? Method of Conquest? Sennacherib? Achievements? Decline & downfall- Babylonians:? Achievements ? Nebuchadnezzar? Babylonian Captivity- Phoenicians:? Seafarers, trade, colonies, Carthage ??Achievements - Israelites:? Leaders: Abraham, Moses, Saul, David, & Solomon ? Kingdom of Israel? Hellenistic civilization, Romans conquest & diaspora - Persians Empire:? Leaders: Darius & Cyrus??Engineering feats, Persepolis & other achievements? Empire management: satraps, provinces, Royal Road, toleration ? DownfallIV. RELIGIONS:- JUDAISM:? 1st & 2nd Covenants w/God? “Chosen People”??Torah & Talmud? Exodus, 10 Commandments, Ark of the Covenant ? Kosher dietary rules, Sabbath day- ZORORASTRIANISM: ? Zoroaster? Ahura Mazda, good vs. evil, 3 Principles- ISLAM:? Muhammad? Mecca & Medina? Hejira? Five Pillars & Six Beliefs ? “People of the book”? Qur’an & Hadiths? Sharia, sunnah, ummah, imam, caliph, mosque, kaaba, & jihad? 4 Rightly Guided Caliphs? Sunni vs. Shiite divide? Reasons for rapid spread & success V. ISLAMIC EMPIRES:- Location: Spain to India- UMAYYAD DYNASTY (Capital Damascus):- ABBASSID DYNASTY (Capital Baghdad):- Islamic Golden Age:? Achievements ? Legacy of learning? Blended w/ Greek, Roman, Persian, & Indian- SELJUKS: (Turko-Persian Sunni Muslim Empire)? Location: Turkey & Middle East ? Defend Islam during Crusades? Paved way for Ottomans- Impact of the Crusades & Mongol invasions:- Saladin: Role during Crusades:- OTTOMAN EMPIRE (Turkish Sunni Muslim Empire):? Capital Istanbul? Location: Balkans, N. Africa, Turkey, & Middle East? Osman I, Rise to power, gunpowder empire? Conquest of Constantinople? Sultan, grand vizier, queen mother??Government? Suleiman I the Great, the Lawgiver, the Magnificent:? Achievements & legacy??Janissaries, millets- SAFAVID EMPIRE (Persian Shia Muslim Empire):? Capital Isfahan? Location: Persia/Iran? Safi al-Din, rise to power, another gunpowder empire? Role of Shiites ? Shah Abbas??Cultural diffusion? Achievements & legacy? Decline & downfall- Why were the Muslims good conquerors? 50215802540000 5182870-21780500 EUROPE UNIT PART I REVIEW MAJOR CONCEPTSGEOGRAPHY & INDO-EUROPEAN MIGRATIONSANCIENT GREECEANCIENT ROMECHRISTIANITYBYZANTINESI. GEOGRAPHY & INDO-EUROPEAN MIGRATIONS- Europe is part of what bigger land mass?- Is Europe abundant in mineral, agricultural and energy resources?- Why is Europe so culturally diverse and have so many nations?II. ANCIENT CLASSICAL GREECE- Identify the multiple ways that geography and climate shaped Greek civilization.- Who was Homer and what is an epic?- What were some of the important characteristics of Greek art?- Doric, Ionian and Corinthian were all types of? - Define the following political terms: city-state or polis, acropolis, and tyrant.- Differentiate between the following political structures/systems of ancient Greece: democracy, aristocracy, oligarchy, and monarchy.- Athens had a direct democracy. What is that?- Be familiar with the Persians Wars in terms of: who was involved, causes for, key/major battles such as Marathon, Salamis, and Thermopylae, who won, and effect on Athens!- Who was Pericles? What was the purpose of Pericles’ Funeral Oration?- What were the three major goals of Pericles for Athens?- What was the Athenian Empire and Delian League?- What glorious things happened in Athens during its Golden Age?- Compare and contrast the city-states of Athens & Sparta in terms of political systems, economic systems, militaries, and cultures. - Be familiar with the Peloponnesian War in terms of: who was involved, causes for, basic strategy of each side during war, who won, and effect on Athens, Sparta, and Greece in general. - Who were Socrates, Plato and Aristotle?- How was Alexander the Great able to conquer the vast and huge Persian Empire? - What ultimately happened to Alexander’s empire? Why?- Alexander’s greatest legacy was Hellenism, be able to define Hellenism and explain its significance. What major cultures contributed to Hellenistic civilization?- What city was the Center of Hellenistic culture?- Identify some of the great achievements of Hellenistic culture III. ANCIENT ROME- The two major periods in Roman history are:- Explain the multiple ways that geography and climate shaped Roman civilization.- Define the political terms counsel, republic, patrician, and plebeian.- What was the significance of the Twelve Tables?- Rome’s Republic was made up of the following three forms of government:- Be familiar with the Punic Wars in terms of: who was involved, causes for, and who won. Who was Hannibal and what was his importance in the 2nd Punic War?- What characterizes Roman architecture?- What were some of the causes for the fall of Rome’s Republic!!!- Define triumvirate. - Who was Julius Caesar and why was he assassinated?- Who was Augustus/Octavian and how did he become unchallenged ruler of the Roman Empire.- Define Pax Romana. - Who was Constantine?- What was the importance of the Edict of Milan?- Who was Diocletian and why did he divide the empire into Eastern and Western halves?- Why did Constantine found a new Roman capital in Byzantium (Constantinople)?- Identify the major factors for the Western Roman Empire’s long decline and fall. - Understand what is really meant by the term “Fall of Rome.”- Identify the major areas of Roman achievement. Of these what was Rome’s greatest achievement and why?IV. CHRISTIANITY: - Who was Jesus? - Christianity ‘s major belief in salvation is? - What are sacraments?- Who were Peter and Paul and what was their importance to early Christianity?- What are the gospels or “The Good News’? - Why was early Christianity so appealing to so many people?- How did the Roman Empire help Christianity to spread?V. BYZANTINES: - Why was Constantinople the most important city of the Byzantine Empire? - The Eastern Roman Empire was also often known by this name. What was it? How did it get this name? - What geographic factors made Constantinople’s location advantageous? - Be familiar with the Byzantine’s achievements in law, art, religion, and architecture. - Justinian’s Code and its lasting significance? - Justinian’s four major achievements (Remember the C’s): - Who was the “lovely and gracious” Theodora and what was her role in Byzantine history? - What is the Hagia Sophia? - What was the “dual role” of an emperor in the Byzantine empire? - Explain the importance of the Cyrillic alphabet. - Major issues that caused the Christian church to split known as the Great Schism of 1054 and know the names of the two branches of Christianity resulting from this split. - Identify the following religious terms: patriarch, icons, heretics, and excommunication.- What power ultimately defeated the Byzantine Empire by conquering Constantinople in 453 C.E.?507809521590005049520-11620500 EUROPE UNIT PART II REVIEW MAJOR CONCEPTSI. EARLY RUSSIAII. EARLY MIDDLE AGESIII. LATE MIDDLE AGES/FORMATION OF W. EUROPEIV.RENAISSANCE & REFORMATIONV. ABSOLUTISM & ENGLAND’S LIMITED MONARCHYI. EARLY RUSSIA- Describe the geography of Russia.- Great ___________ like the Don, Volga, and Dnieper have allowed travel across much of western Russia.- Historically Russia has always sought ____________ ____________ ports to gain year round access to the seas.- What were the three important power centers (cities) of early Russia? - Who was Vladimir and what his importance to early Russia? - What was the name of the Mongol khanate established in Russia?- Mongol rule _____________________ Russia from the rest of Europe. - 16th Century Russia:Type of government (autocracy)Cyrillic AlphabetTsar (emperor)Eastern Orthodox ChristianityTerritorial expansion (Quest for warm water access)II. EARLY MIDDLE AGES- Approximate time period of the Early Middle Ages or “Dark Ages” in history:- Approximate time period of the entire Middle Ages in history:- Why was it called the “Middle Ages” or “Medieval” period?- What major event brought about these supposed “Dark Ages” in Western Europe?- Identify the political, economic, and social changes that occurred in Western Europe during the early Middle Ages. - Identify he TWO major institutions that shaped and guided the evolution of society in Western Europe during the Early Middle Ages.- Know the following individuals and their importance to history during this period of time: Clovis, Charles Martel, Pepin the Short, & Charlemagne. - Why was the Battle of Tours so important?- Identify the major achievements of Charlemagne’s empire.- How did Charlemagne’s empire end?- Be able to define the following terms: feudalism, manorialism, lord, vassal, fief, serf, manors, & investiture.- What were the political, economic, and social components of feudalism?- What were the ideas associated with the code of chivalry?- Be able to define the following terms: sacraments, cannon law, heretic, interdict, simony, & lay investiture.- Provide examples of the FOUR important and unifying functions of the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe during this time. - What issue did the Church and emperors clash over? Why? - Briefly explain the compromise known as the Concordat of Worms? - What was the Holy Roman Empire? Remember it wasn’t really holy, Roman, or an empire?III. LATE MIDDLE AGES- Identify some of the major problems/issues of the Church during this time.- What were the major characteristics of Gothic architecture? How was it different from Romanesque architecture? - Who fought in the Crusades and where did they take place? - How did the Crusades start?- Identify and explain some of the initial objectives and actual results of the Crusades!!! - Why have some historians, called the Crusades “the most successful failures in history”? - Explain the significance of the Reconquista and Spanish Inquisition in Spain?- What was three-field system?- What were some of the other advances in farming that took place during this period?- Describe the importance and function of medieval guilds?- What was the Commercial Revolution and what changed in the way goods and services were bought and sold.- What is mercantilism? - What is capitalism?- During “High Middle Ages” towns grew larger, richer and more important. Why?- A new social class, the middle class /burghers/ bourgeois, rose in power and number at this time. Why?- Who was Thomas Aquinas and how did he contribute to the revival of learning in Europe?- Who was William the Conqueror?- Why is the Battle of Hastings significant? - Why is the Magna Carta considered an important document and what were some of the major principles that came out of this very important document.- The 1300-1500’s were a time when European monarchs grew stronger and the first nation-states arose. Be able to identify several ways that monarchs used to gain power during this time. - The institutions of the Roman Catholic Church & feudalism were both decreasing in power during the late Middle Ages. Why?- What was the Great Western Schism about in the Catholic Church during the 1300’s? DO NOT CONFUSE this with the Schism of 1054 that separated the Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox Churches.- How did the Bubonic Plague spread and what were its overall effects on Europe?- Hundred Years’ War: know who was involved, where it took place, when it was fought, and who won? - What was the impact of the Hundred Years’ War for both England and France?IV. RENAISSANCE & REFORMATION:- Approximate time period of the European Renaissance?- The term Renaissance means? - Where did the European Renaissance start and what were the reasons for it starting there?- The Renaissance was largely based on the wealth of this social class? - Be familiar with the major values that shaped the Renaissance such as to humanism, secularism & individualism.- Could you identify several characteristics of Renaissance art that reveals that it is from that era? - Be familiar with the following Renaissance artists/writers: Donatello, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, & Machiavelli. Could you provide one example of each of their works?- Define patron of the arts and vernacular.- Who developed the printing press and what was the first thing that was printed?- What were the major effects of the invention of the printing press?- What were some of the major problems that existed in the Catholic Church during the 16th century?- Define Reformation.- Who was Martin Luther and what were his 95 Theses?- What was the Edict of Worms and its results?- Define the term Protestant and could you identify several major branches of Protestantism? - What was the Peace of Augsburg?- Who was Henry VIII and what was his role in the Reformation?- What was the Act of Supremacy?- Define theory of predestination and theocracy.- Know who John Calvin was and the basic teachings of Calvinism.- What was the Counter or Catholic Reformation?- Understand the role of Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits during the Reformation.- What was the Council of Trent?V. ABSOLUTISM & LIMITED MONARCHY IN ENGLAND:- Why did Spain, under Philip II, have one of the most powerful empires in the world during the 1500s?- Philip II of Spain as an absolute monarch attempted to strengthen two things. What were they? - What happened to the Spanish Armada in 1588? Why did this happen?- During Spain’s Golden Age, who the following individuals: El Greco, Diego Velazquez, & Miguel de Cervantes- What were the major causes for the Spanish Empire’s weakening?- Define the following terms: absolute monarchs & divine right.- Identify some causes of and effects for Absolutism.- Define the following terms: Huguenots & Edict of Nantes.- Why was Louis XIV an excellent example of an absolutism and provide examples of his absolute rule in France.- How did the Palace of Versailles provide proof of Louis XIV’s absolute power?- Be able to briefly explain why the Thirty Year’s War (1618-1648) was fought.- What were the major consequences of the Treaty of Westphalia?- Who was Frederick II or Frederick the Great was and be able to provide examples of his absolute rule in Prussia. - What single factor accounts for the rise of Prussia as a power?- How did Russia contrast with Western Europe during the early 18th century? - Know who Peter the Great was and be able to provide examples of his absolute rule in Russia. - What were Peter the Great’s major goals for Russia?- What were some of problems Peter the Great had in modernizing Russia?- What was the significance of the city of St. Petersburg?- Elizabeth I belonged to this English family dynasty?- James I, Charles I, Charles II, & James II all belonged to this Scottish family dynasty?- What were TWO main issues did the English monarchs above clash with Parliament over?- Why was Charles I beheaded? What is the significance of that event?- Who were the Cavaliers & Roundheads during the English Civil War?- Who was Oliver Cromwell?- Who were the Puritans and what was the Puritan Revolution?- What happened in English history during the period known as the Restoration?- Importance of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in English history?- Be certain you understand the importance of the English Bill of Rights and are familiar with its major provisions.right-25146000AFRICA UNIT REVIEWMAJOR CONCEPTSGEOGRAPHYTRADITIONAL CULTUREEARLY HISTORY & KINGDOMSSLAVERY & EUROPEAN IMPERIALISMI. GEOGRAPHY- Major Landforms:- Impact of major landforms:? Location & size? Cultural Diversity? Isolation? Disunity- Major Regions:? Sahara vs. Sub-Saharan ? North, West, East, Central, & Southern- Major Climate Zones:? Mediterranean ? Deserts (Arid) Major ones?? Sahel (Semi-arid) ? Savanna (Tropical Wet/Dry)? Tropical Rainforest (Tropical Wet)? Impact of Climate Zones? Mirror Effect of Climate Zones? Role of elevation- Define: Regular Coastline, Escarpments, Cataracts, Great Rift Valley, Tropics, Leaching, Drought, & Desertification- Desertification: ? Natural & human causes? Impacts of- Resources: ? Abundant vs. uneven distribution? Major natural & mineral resources ??Cash Crops? Economic dependence on & role in imperialism- Rivers:? 4 major river systems? Impact ofII. TRADITIONAL CULTURE- Family Ties:? Extended Families? Importance of lineage & clans ? Tribalism & ethnic diversity? Age grade system- Role of Women:? Bride wealth ??Polygamy? Patriarchal vs. Matriarchal- Government:??Consensus and role of elders- Economy:? Subsistence farming? Shifting cultivation ??Community ownership- Religion:? Animism ??Role of ancestors ? Diviners & healers? Cultural Diffusion – Judaism, Christianity, & IslamIII. EARLY HISTORY & KINGDOMS- Out of Africa Theory:? Development of Early Man??Discovery of the Leakeys - Bantu Migrations:? Reasons for??Importance of - Role of location in early kingdoms: - Ancient Egypt:? Nile River & “Gift of the Nile”??Early river civilization ? Achievements – pyramids, hieroglyphics, mummification, etc.? Social pyramid? Religion – pharaohs & polytheism ? Trading patterns - Kingdoms of Kush & Axum:? Location? Trading Patterns- West African Kingdoms:? Ghana, Mali, Songhai??Gold –Salt trade ? Timbuktu? Mansa Musa & Ibn Battuta? Cultural Diffusion – Islam? Sunni Ali & Askia Muhammed- Kingdom of Benin:? Location? Trading Patterns? Lost wax process & bronze art- Great Zimbabwe:? Location? Trading Patterns - Swahili City-states of East Africa:? Role in Indian Ocean trade network? Influence of Monsoons? Role of IslamIV. SLAVERY & EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM:- African Slavery:? Causes of? Who was involved? Effects of? Define: diaspora, the middle passage, triangular trade network? Sierra Leone & Liberia- European Imperialism:? Political, Economic, Cultural, motives for? Innovations & technology that made it possible? Scramble for Africa & Euro. nations involved? Berlin Conference of 1884? David Livingstone, King Leopold II & the Free Congo State? Suez Canal, Cecil Rhodes? How did Liberia and Ethiopia remain independent?4966064-14097000SOUTH ASIA UNIT REVIEWMAJOR CONCEPTSGEOGRAPHYRELIGIONSTRADITIONAL CULTUREEARLY CIVILIZATIONS & EMPIRESEUROPEAN IMPERIALISMI. GEOGRAPHY- Indian Subcontinent:? Location & size? Separate from rest of Asia? Nations included in? Cultural diversity? Regionalism? Population density - Major Physical Regions:? Northern Mountains ? Northern Plains / Indo-Gangetic Plain? Coastal Plains? Deccan plateau- Monsoons: ? Monsoon cycle? Mountains and rainfall? Importance of- Resources: ? Variety of natural & mineral resources ? Fertile soil & irrigation??Cash crops? Role in imperialism- Rivers:? 3 major river systems? Impact ofII. RELIGIONS- Hinduism :? No founder, oldest religion, synthesis of various Indian cultures & traditions? Karma & Dharma? Samsara & Moksha ? Brahman-Atman? Hindu Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva? Sacred: Ganges River, cows? Vedas, Upanishads, Mahabharata, Bhagavad-Gita, Ramayana- Buddhism:? Founder: Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha ??Buddha’s story, enlightenment? Four Noble Truths? Eightfold Path? The Middle Way? Reincarnation & Nirvana??Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma (teachings), Sangha? Two major sects: Theravada & Mahayana ? Three Baskets of Wisdom- Sikhism:? Fusion of Islam & Hinduism ? MonotheisticIII. TRADITIONAL CULTURE- Caste System? 4 major varna & untouchables? Many sub-castes? Role of dharma & karma? Stratified? Imbedded in strict rules, customs, and traditions ? Interdependence- Village Life? Headman/landlord? Council of elders? Self-sufficient? Landless workers? Crops vary by region? Importance of cattle- Family Life? Joint family? Patriarchal ? Family > individual- Women’s Lives? Arranged marriage? Provide dowryIV. EARLY CIVIZATIONS & EMPIRES- Indus River Civilization:? Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro??Fertile river agriculture ? Achievements: planned cities, grid system, plumbing, long distance trade, clay seals? Reasons for decline- Aryans:??Migrations: nomadic warlike, cattle herders? Achievements: oral Vedas, Vedic gods, Sanskrit, iron, and chariots ? Rajahs & varna - Maurya Empire:? Unites India??Chandragupta Maurya? Achievements: irrigation, trade, roads? Ashoka: reforms & tolerance, spreads Buddhism, stupas? Reasons for decline - Gupta Empire:? Chandragupta I the Great? Unites India? Achievements: golden age, arts, literature, mathematics: decimal system, number system 1-9, & concept of 0? Reasons for decline- Delhi Sultanate:? Muslim rulers, Delhi capital? Hindu-Muslim coexistence ? Taxes on non-Muslims? Introduces Persian culture? Decline: Mongol invasions & Tamerlane - Mughal Empire:? Babur (1st good ruler)? Unites India? Akbar: golden age, religious tolerance, blending of cultures in art & architecture? Shah Jahan: Taj Mahal? Reasons for decline V. EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM:- European Imperialism:Vasco de Gama? Dutch, British, & French next = rivalry? Mughals decline? Robert Clive & British East India Company gain monopoly? Sepoy Rebellion (result?)? British direct rule = Raj5160387-30024300SOUTHEAST ASIA UNIT REVIEWMAJOR CONCEPTSI. GEOGRAPHYII. RELIGIONSIII. TRADITIONAL CULTUREIV. EARLY CIVILIZATIONS & EMPIRESV. EUROPEAN IMPERIALISMI. GEOGRAPHY- Southeast Asia:? Location: East of India & south of China? Two main regions: mainland & islands? Crossroads? Nations included in? Ethnic & cultural diversity - Mainland:? Peninsula between S. China Sea & Indian Ocean ? Indochina? Mountain ridges run N.-S.? Fertile river valleys? 4 major rivers systems- Islands:? Mass of islands ? 2 major archipelagos? Along the Ring of Fire? Importance of Strait of Malacca- Monsoons: ? Monsoon cycle? “Blessing and a curse”? Role in trade? Typhoons- Resources: ? Variety of natural & mineral resources ? Fertile soil ??Rich in agricultural resources? Cash crops vs. subsistence farming? Rice production wet vs. dry? Importance of fishing II. RELIGIONS- Importance of Religion ? Influence of many different religious practices? Role of trade, missionaries, & imperialism - Animism (Traditional):? Nats: spirits live in natural world- Hinduism: ? Spread by trade ? Earliest world religion to arrive in S.E.A.??Blending of gods with local spirits? No caste system in S.E.A.? Found in Bali & parts of Malaysia- Buddhism:? Great impact on S.E.A.? Spread by missionaries??Theravada in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos & Cambodia ??Mahayana in Vietnam??Monasteries and temples center of life? Emphasis on monastic life- Islam:? Brought by Arab traders? Official religion of Malaysia & Indonesia? Accept Quran & 5 Pillars- Christianity:? Brought by Christian missionaries & Euro. imperialism? Roman Catholicism in Vietnam, Philippines, & E. Timor ? Protestant Christians other parts of S.E.A.III. TRADITIONAL CULTURE- Village Life? Leaders inherit or elected? Most people live in villages? Self-sufficient in agriculture and/or fishing? Temples important- Family Life? Extended families (Vietnam) ? Nuclear families ? Patriarchal influence of China (Vietnam only)? Vietnam woman have near = rights? Division of labor men vs. womenIV. EARLY CIVIZATIONS & EMPIRES- River Valley Civilizations:? Pagan: in Burma became a tributary state of Mongols??Vietnam Kingdom: came under Chinese domination / Trung sisters? Khmer Kingdom in Cambodia: King Suryavarman II built Hindu Angkor Wat, golden age, Jayavarman VII rebuilt capital for Buddhism? Tai Kingdoms: in Thailand, Chakkri dynasty- Island Empire??Srivijaya: control Strait of Malacca & spice trade V. EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM:- European Imperialism:? Spice and silk trade envied by Euros. ? Portuguese arrive 1st establish Malacca? Magellan/Spain in Philippines/ Encomienda System? Dutch arrive next establish Java & seize Malacca? Dutch gain control of Indonesia? Rise of Dutch East India Company & Culture System? Cash crops & markets drive Euro. imperialism? Scramble for colonies: British in Malaya, Burma & Singapore; France in Indochina w/protectorates480123518097500 CHINA UNIT REVIEWMAJOR CONCEPTSI. GEOGRAPHYII. EARLY CIVILIZATIONS & ENDURING TRADITIONSIII. TRADITIONAL CULTUREIV.POWERFUL EMPIRESEUROPEAN IMPERIALISMI. GEOGRAPHY- Location:? Huge area, distance & physical barriers limit contact w/other civilizations (Except Korea and Japan)? Physical barriers: Himalaya Mts., Gobi Desert, Tibetan Plateau, etc. ? Sees itself as “Middle Kingdom” or center of Earth? Promotes xenophobia/ Foreigners = barbarians? Ethnic diversity but majority are Han? Majority of pop. lives in eastern China- Major River Systems:? Run W. to E. ? Huang He (Yellow River) or “River of Sorrow”? Chang (Yangtze River) ? Xi (West River) - Resources: ? Majority arable land in East??Wheat, corn, soy, & millet grown in north? Rice, tea, cotton, sweet potatoes, & vegetables grown in south? Terrace farming? Livestock farming in west ? Manchuria & West rich in mineral resourcesII. EARLY CIVILIZATIONS & ENDURING TRADITIONS- Shang dynasty: ? 1st civilization in China ? Started along Huang He River ? Irrigation and flood control projects? Achievements: chariots, pictograph & ideograph writing, bronze, accurate calendar- Zhou Dynasty:? Next major & longest dynasty ? Ruled almost 800 years! ? Used the Mandate of Heaven to justify power? Mandate of Heaven explains dynastic cycle? Achievements: jade work, development of iron, Golden Age of Philosophies? After Zhou fall leads to “Period of the Warring States”- Buddhism:? Spread by missionaries ??Mahayana ? Great influence and blending in China? Great influence and blending w/ other beliefs & values? Offered salvation / escape from suffering /nirvana- Confucianism:? Founded by Confucius? Collected teachings in the Analects ? Five relationships? Role of superior and inferior ? Filial piety? Values: orderly society, family, education, & good of society over individual? Lasting impact on China- Daoism/Taoism:? Founded by Lao Zi? Collected teachings in The Way of Virtue ? Dao = the way? Values: limited laws, natural way, limited action, simplicity? Balance of Yin and Yang forces? Lasting impact on China- Legalism:? Influenced by Han Feizi? People act out of self-interest ? Value: strict laws, harsh punishments, strong rulers? Qin emperor Shi Huangdi used legalism to unite China? Lasting impact on ChinaIII. TRADITIONAL CULTURE- Social Classes:? Per Confucian ideas age, sex, education, & job affect place in society? Scholars in highest positions ? Mandarins: lifetime civil servants? Respected elders? Women inferior to men? Peasants more valuable than those that trade or fight? Social order: 1) emperor, 2) landed gentry/civil servants 3) peasants, 4) artisans & merchants, 5) soldiers/slaves? Social mobility limited but possible by education - Family Life:? Importance of family (filial piety)? Joint family? Oldest male is head? Respect & veneration of ancestors- Role of Women:? Arranged marriage? Bride joins grooms family? Mothers-in-law guide brides? Women obey men but run household? Foot binding = beautyIV. POWERFUL EMPIRES- Qin Dynasty:? Shi Huangdi 1st emperor ??Unites China with harsh rule/1st empire? Achievements: single law code, uniform weights & measurements, roads, irrigation, Great Wall of China, terra cotta warriors, & legalism? Harsh rule & Shi’s death brings end- Han Dynasty:? Often compared w/ Roman Empire??Expanded size of China? Silk Road trade? Civil service system & promotion of Confucianism ? Achievements: astronomy, accurate calendar, medicine, money economy, improved farming techniques & tools, cultural golden age, paper, foot stirrup? Invaders destroy empire leads to 4 centuries of division- Tang & Song Dynasties:? Reunites China??Expanded size of China into Central Asia & Vietnam? Achievements: 2nd golden age, increased trade, invent sternpost rudder, magnetic compass, gun powder, printing press, navy, literature, & landscape painting ? Neo Confucianism: synthesis with Daoism & Buddhism ? Mongols end Song Dynasty- Mongol Rule:? Genghis Khan conquers much of Eurasia in 1200s? Kublai Khan extends power into China? Establishes Yuan Dynasty: foreign rule blends w/ Chinese culture? Marco Polo visits? Achievements: Pax Mongolica, postal system, passports, & trade? Revolts and resentment lead to Mongol decline- Ming Dynasty:? Overthrow Mongols ? Restore China’s greatness? New capital: Forbidden City in Beijing ? Revive Confucianism & expand civil service system? Achievements: agriculture, complete Great Wall, & sent out huge fleets to restore authority & renew trading ties? Admiral Zheng He? Discontinue voyages & turn to isolation? Manchus invade- Qing Dynasty:? Manchus establish 2nd foreign rule & last dynasty ? Expand power into Tibet, Mongolia, & S.E. Asia? Continue policy of isolation? Kept Confucian ideas? Decline w/ Euro. imperialismV. EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM:- European Imperialism: ? Portuguese arrive 1st then other Euros. for trade? Ming limit foreign trade? Qing long decline = high taxes, limited arable land, increasing population, & poor weather? Taiping Rebellion? Industrial Rev. = increase Euro. power? Euros. refuse to kowtow? Opium War = China defeated? Unequal treaties, extraterritoriality, Hong Kong, spheres of influenceleft14287500495300018097500 KOREA & JAPAN UNIT REVIEW MAJOR CONCEPTS I. GEOGRAPHY II. EARLY HISTORY III. TRADITIONAL CULTURE IV. IMPERIALISMI. KOREA’S GEOGRAPHY- Location:? Peninsula attached to E. Asia? Between China & Japan? Surrounded by Yellow Sea, Korea Strait, & Sea of Japan? Today div. into N. & S. Korea? Advantages: cultural bridge between China & Japan, trade sea resources? Disadvantages: often a battleground- Landforms:? Mountainous & coastal plains ? Mt. Paektu (highest pt.)? T’aebaek Mts. Run N.-S.? N. Korea more mountainous? Irregular coastline- Climate:? Northern temperate zone? Humid continental & humid subtropical? N. Korea’s harsher than S. Korea? S. Korea longer growing season = larger pop.- Resources: ? S. Korea more arable land ? N. Korea more mineral resources??Dependence on sea & trade? Skilled & educated people greatest resource!- People: ? Homogenous society??Often united in history / currently dividedII. KOREA’S EARLY HISTORY- Early Traditions: ? Looked to China as center of civiliz. ? China – Korea – Japan cultural bridge = cult. diffusion ? Chinese cult. influence great: Buddhism, Confucianism, writing & architecture? Often adapted Chinese traditions? China frequently ruled N. Korea /tributary state- Early Three Kingdoms Period: ? Korea div. into 3 kingdoms: Koguryo, Paekche, Silla (100. C.E.-668 C.E.)? Chinese cult. spreads? Silla unites Korea- Powerful Dynasties (Only 3!):? Silia ??Koryo ??Choson (Yi)? From 668 C.E. – 1945 C.E remained 1 united state? Silla (1st): golden age, trade, spread of Buddhism, & celadon porcelain ? Koryo (2nd): Korea’s name, Chinese civil service system, Buddhist influence reaches height, & 1st movable type? Mongol invasion in 1200s? Choson (3rd): Adopted Confucianism, Seoul capital estab., han’gul, acknowledged China’s power, & turtle boats? King Sejong = han’gul = simplified writing sys.? Japan invades in late 1500s? Becomes “ Hermit Kingdom,” isolationism, tributary state of Manchu/Qing ChinaIII. KOREA’S TRADITIONAL CULTURE- Religious Traditions:? Confucianism & Buddhism most influential ? Buddhist temples (pagodas), sculptures, & writings? Buddhist beliefs combine w/ traditional beliefs? Confucianism replaces Buddhism as dom. sys. of ethics- Family Life:? Confucian values guide ? Men superior/ patrilineal? Only sons of aristocrats could advance? Great respect for the elders? Status conscious / hierarchical / social stratificationIV. KOREA’S IMPERIALISM:- Imperialism: ? For over 200 yrs. banned foreigners except China? Christianity banned in 1700s? Koreans fall behind West? By mid 1800’s Western powers force Korea to open ports to trade? Korea forced to sign unequal treaties? Russia, China, & Japan compete for Korea ? Japan defeats rivals in 1905 rules & annexes KoreaI. JAPAN’S GEOGRAPHY- Location:? Off coast of E. Asia? Archipelago / Island location: 4 major & 3,000+ smaller islands? 4 Major islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku & Kyushu? Advantages: protection, trade, sea resources? Disadvantages: typhoons, tsunamis, isolation- Landforms:? Approx. size of CA ? 4/5 mountainous? Mt. Fuji (highest pt.)? Limited plains / flat lands Kanto Plain? Irregular coastline? Pacific Ring of Fire? Size vs. # of people = high pop. density? Intensive land use- Climate:? N. temperate climate zone? Humid subtropical & humid continental? Similar to E. coast of U.S.? Plentiful rainfall? Temp. moderated by warm ocean currents- Resources: ? Limited natural resources??Dependence on sea & trade? Impact on history- People: ? Homogenous society??Separate / special identity / nationalism? Ainu & BurakuminII. JAPAN’S EARLY HISTORY- Early Society: ? Amaterasu’s (sun goddess) son = 1st emperor of Japan ? Until after WWII emperor considered divine? Tenno clan estab. one & only ruling dynasty (Yamato Dynasty)- Chinese Influence:? China – Korea – Japan cultural bridge = cult. diffusion? Chinese cult. influence: Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, govt. & court system, crops, tools, arts, writing & architecture? Prince Shotoku? Selective borrowing & adaptation: kana & Zen Buddhism? Rejected China’s civil service exams & Mandate of Heaven ? Heian Court Period (Golden Age)? The Tale of Genji- Feudal System:? Powerful families div. land & limit power of emperor = feudalism ? Frequent warfare??Feudal society: Emperor – Shogun – Daimyo – Samurai – Peasants – Merchants & Artisans / Social mobility limited??Code of Bushido (“Way of the warrior”)? Seppuku = ritual suicide for honor ? Mongols fail to invade in 1200s 2X = kamikaze ? Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1500’s tries to invade China via Korea & fails? Centralized feudalism develops? Tokugawa Ieyasu estabs. Tokugawa Shogunate? Tokugawa Shogunate = unity, golden age but isolation? Edo grows to become Tokyo III. JAPAN’S TRADITIONAL CULTURE- Religious Traditions:? Shinto & Buddhism most influential ? Shinto (“Way of the Gods”): animistic, kamis, reverence for nature, purity, ancestor veneration, ? Zen Buddhism: from China, emphasizes mediation, discipline & self-control, embraced by samurais? Influence of Zen: art, haikus, tea ceremony- Family Life:? Confucian values guide = filial piety? Men superior /patrilineal ? Complete obedience to eldest male- Role of Women:? Arranged marriage? Marriage for alliances not love? Women became part of husband’s family? Obedient to husband? Had some rights in ancient Japan but lost power? Heian Court period, women of wealth could learn to read & writeIV. JAPAN’S IMPERIALISM:- Imperialism: ? Portuguese arrive 1st then other Euros. for trade & missionaries? Japan limits foreigners & persecutes Christian missionaries in early 1600s? By mid 1600s foreigners forbidden to enter Japan? Tokugawa policy of isolation & limited foreign trade? Industrial Rev. = increased Euro. power? Japan falls behind West? Isolation ends w/ arrival of Matthew Perry (U.S.) 1853? Japan at a disadvantage: Treaty of Kanawaga & other unfair treaties? Japan is in crisis & on verge of being overpowered5334636-10477500LATIN AMERICA UNIT REVIEWMAJOR CONCEPTSGEOGRAPHYEARLY CIVILIZATIONSEUROPEAN IMPERIALISMTRADITIONAL CULTUREI. GEOGRAPHY- Location:? Vast region cult region W. hemisphere ? Term L.A form Spanish & Portuguese influ. & lang.? Between Atlantic O. & Pacific O.? Subregions: 1) Mexico, 2) Caribbean, 3) Cent. America, 4) S. America- Major Landforms:? Much of it mts. & highlands ? La Cordillera (backbone) runs length of region? Sierra Madres split into W. & E. sides in Mexico? Andes Mts. run length of S. America? Part of Pacific Ring of Fire = earth quakes & volcanoes? Highlands: Brazilian & Guiana ? Lowlands: narrow coastal plains, Amazon Basin & pampas? Amazon Rainforest? Patagonia? Atacama Desert? Varied & rugged geo. = regionalism/ lack of unity / limited contact- Major River Systems:? Amazon, Orinoco, Río de la Plata ? Wide & deep enough for big ships- Varied Climate Zones:? Much falls within tropics? Tropical Wet, Rainforest? Tropical Wet & Dry (Savanna)? Humid Subtropical? Semiarid ? Arid (Desert)? Highlands (Vertical): 1) tierra caliente, 2) tierra templada, 3) tierra fría? El Ni?o- Resources: ? Rich in natural resources??Mineral & energy resources ? Agricultural resources = crash crops & ranching? Economically overly dependent on natural resource exports? Exploitation of rain forests- People: ? Culturally diverse/ heterogeneous??Major groups: Native Americans, African, Asian, European, & Mixed? Landforms divide creating cult. differences? People concentrated on coast & temperate highlandsII. EARLY CIVILIZATIONS - Olmecs: ? 1st Mesoamerican civilization ? Influenced Aztecs & Maya ? Famous for huge stone heads- Maya:? Location: Cent. America ? Network of competing king ruled city-states w/common cult.? Significant trade? Complex farming methods = raised fields = surplus food? Govt.: kings both religious & military leaders? Social order: Kings – nobles & priests – artisans & merchants – peasants & laborers - slaves? Religion: polytheistic, ritual based, pyramid-temples? Achievements: temples & buildings, hieroglyphics, accurate calendar? Decline???- Aztec:? Location: Cent. Mexico ? Empire based on conquest / Tenochtitlán capital? Significant trade? Complex farming methods = chinampas = surplus food? Govt.: 1 emperor / Montezuma ? Social order: Kings – nobles & priests – artisans & merchants – peasants & laborers - slaves? Women had rights: own property, remarry, priestesses? Religion: polytheistic, ritual based, human sacrifice, pyramid-temples? Achievements: temples & buildings, writing system, accurate calendar, advanced math & medicine, compulsory education for both sexes ? Decline= Cortés & Spanish conquest / Guns, Germs, & Steel!- Inca:? Location: along W. coast of S. America ? Vast empire based on conquest / Cuzco capital? Extensive road network = trade & communication ? Skilled farming methods = terrace farming & irrigation sys. = surplus food? Govt.: 1 emperor / owned everything / nobles & priests help run / Atahualpa ? Social order: Kings – nobles & priests – artisans & merchants – peasants & laborers - slaves? Religion: polytheistic, ritual based, pyramid-temples? Achievements: temples & buildings, quipu, accurate calendar, advanced math & medicine? Decline = Pizzaro & Spanish conquest/ Battle of Cajamarca /Guns, Germs, & Steel!III. EUROPEAN IMPERIALISM- Exploration of Americas:? Spanish & Portuguese (Port.) 1st? Dutch, British, & French next? Reasons: God, Gold, Glory (3 G’s) ? Columbus ? Spain vs. Port. = Treaty of Tordesillas / div. world? Port . Brazil / Spain most of Americas? Magellan 1st to sail around world - Spanish Rule in Americas:? Set up 2 Viceroyalties & appt. viceroys? Cabildos? Colonies & mercantilism? Gold & silver from Americas!? Plantation Economy = grew single cash crops (cotton, coffee, sugar)? Encomienda system? Bartholomé de las Casas = against maltreatment of natives? Native Americans wiped out by disease? Haciendas? African slave labor used for a mult. Reasons? Atlantic Triangular trade & middle passage- Portuguese in Brazil:? Settle to prevent colonization from other Euros.? Donatarios? Slave labor and sugar? Port cities like Rio de Janeiro grow? Gold & diamonds spread settlement - Columbian Exchange:? Global exchange of people, goods & ideas / cult. diffusion!? Links W. & E hemispheres? Named after Columbus? Role of important foods: Potatoes? Role of disease: Small pox- Unrest in Colonies:? By late 1700’s want freedom? Resent colonial rule? Inspired by Fr. Rev., Am. Rev., & Enlightenment? Lower social classes hope to move up? Rev. in Haiti / Toussaint L’Ouverture / Gain indepen. from Fr.? Napoleon’s defeat trigger revolts in S. America? Simón Bolívar “the Liberator” / Republic of Gran Colombia? José de San Martín? Bernardo O’Higgins? S. American indepen. by 1825? Mexico struggles for independence / Miguel Hidalgo & Jose Morelos? Mexico indepen. by 1821 /Augustín de Iturbride? Cent. America indepen. / Gran Colombia? Indepen. for Brazil / Pedro = Peaceful & becomes const. monarchy? After indepen. obstacles to progress = geo. barriers, regionalism, deep class div., lack of experience, rise of caudillos, oligarchies, conservatives. vs. liberals, econ. dep. & econ. imperialismIV. TRADITIONAL CULTURE- Colonial Class System:? Rigid & stratified? Based on race? Social Order: Peninsulares – Creoles – Mestizos & Mulattoes – Native Americans – African slaves? Divided people by class- Roman Catholic Church:? From Spanish & Port.? Role of missionaries? Unified people? Powerful & influenced many aspects of life? Native American influences / Our Lady of Guadalupe ? Africans combine w/ traditional beliefs? Church & govt. had close ties? Often conservative- Family Life:? Family ties strong? Extended families? Patriarchal? Padrinos / God parents? Women had few rights & little formal education? Middle & upper class women often chaperoned? Wealthy emulated Euros. ? Haciendas self sufficient? Peons??Maroon colonies ................

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