Interactive Kiosks Buyer's Guide

Interactive Kiosks Buyer's Guide

Imagine being able to hire additional employees without paying them a salary. While that can land you in trouble, installing kiosks at your business can be an attractive alternative. Kiosks are user-friendly machines that act like virtual employees, collecting and delivering information quickly and consistently without human interaction. The interactive kiosk industry was booming as recently as 2009. According to the latest industry report released by Research and Markets entitled Global Interactive Kiosk Market 2012-2016, the interactive kiosk market is anticipated to grow even further - up to 15% in the next three years. The reason for this unprecedented growth in the industry can be attributed to two specific factors:

Larger number of tablet users Higher kiosk adoption rates

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are becoming more open to the interactive kiosk concept since it can provide a variety of services from simple to complex:

Printing professional-quality digital photos Managing self-serve checkout lines at supermarkets Checking in and printing boarding passes at the airport Printing or displaying detailed directions, grades, retail pricing or availability, bridal registries, and more Allowing customers to browse in-store catalogs at big box retail stores Accepting bill payments Renting DVD movies Taking job applications Verifying fingerprints, iris scans, or other security measures Filing electronic employee schedule requests through an HR department Training employees on new software or office protocol

You're probably more familiar with kiosks than you think. The most common kiosk, the ATM, has been around for decades. If your business's needs don't fit the "kiosk mold" described above, not to worry. Interactive kiosk manufacturers are thinking outside the box to cater to almost any business model. Take the example of the Nestl? Group that recently placed interactive Nespresso coffee machine kiosks in 250 locations. Since Nespresso coffee capsules are normally only available online or in boutique stores, the introduction of the kiosks created quite a buzz. Nespresso confirms that kiosks will be used to improve their customer image and speed up purchase time. This Kiosks Buyer's Guide will detail the types of kiosks you can provide for your business, the touch screen technology and display options available, your purchasing options, and the various costs involved.

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Table of contents



Interactive kiosk basics


Touch screens displays


Other kiosk purchase considerations


5 criteria for choosing kiosk vendors






Buying tips


Actual costs for interactive kiosks will vary tremendously depending on the type of monitor, enclosure, and software you need. Here are some very rough estimates ? we'll go into more detail in Interactive kiosk pricing on page 8.

Type of kiosk


Estimated cost

Basic interactive kiosk Includes touch screen LCD monitor, $3,000 to $10,000 enclosure, printer, standard software

Customized kiosk

May include fancy enclosure, laser printer, or customized software

$1,000 to $10,000 extra

Kiosk alternatives

All-in-one countertop, mini, or tablet $729-$1000 or more kiosk

An electronic kiosk is simply a durable structure containing a computer that enables customers, employees, and the general public to have self-serve access to services or goods. By navigating on-screen menus using a finger or an attached stylus, a user can perform a variety of activities, such as inserting payment, providing information, or choosing products. Many electronic kiosks connect to the Internet or an intranet, either with a landline or wireless access, allowing users to get real-time information when necessary.

A full-size, or freestanding, electronic kiosk typically measures five feet high by three feet wide and can weigh 100 to 250 pounds. An electronic kiosk is designed with an

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average viewing distance of 1 to 3 feet for a 42 inch LCD screen. Although large, it is easily portable with removable wheels or enough room to wedge a hand truck underneath. You can then secure it in place by bolting it to the ground.

Smaller versions of electronic kiosks, known as countertops, have a more compact form factor and weigh considerably less - a countertop tablet kiosk can weigh as little as 2.5 pounds. Most kiosks feature a touch screen monitor and a printer. They can also include other components, such as a credit card reader, bill acceptor, camera, or an external keyboard and mouse.

A number of interactive kiosks are available as one-size-fits-all solutions. However, many vendors recommend customizing a kiosk to meet a specific business's needs. The intended use of a kiosk could impact the design and accessory setup, as well as the control interface. For example, a kiosk used for information or training in a retail store may require a control interface that switches automatically between a PC and media player.

A standard kiosk will normally come with several basic components with the potential for upgrades/customizations:

CPU - Often a personal computer supplied by the manufacturer.

Display device - Such as an LCD monitor.

Additional peripherals - Including interactive accessories, like a keyboard and mouse, or touch screen features.

Exterior signage - Used to advertise a business and the purpose of the kiosk.

Electronic kiosk hardware is designed to run 24/7, 365 days a year. An enclosure surrounds and protects the computer and components, allowing the electronic kiosk to withstand public abuse and wear and tear. It can also incorporate security cameras and alarm systems to make sure that people are using it appropriately and monitor employees and service technicians who have access to cash cassettes.

Depending on its placement, you will want varying levels of security for your electronic kiosk:

Fully-attended kiosks are always in full view of an employee, such as a patient information kiosk in a doctor's office. They are difficult to steal or vandalize, so they don't require much security.

Semi-attended kiosks are those in view of your staff, but not always watched, so some additional monitoring or security can be a good idea.

Non-attended kiosks are located outdoors or in the middle of heavy traffic areas like shopping malls. These are rugged and bolted to the ground and may include intrusion alarms and CCTV monitoring, similar to an ATM.

The lifespan of an electronic kiosk is generally three to 10 years, depending on the quality of the machine. Lifespan may hinge on the type and amount of additional components built into a kiosk, including printers, keyboards, cameras, card readers, LCD monitors, and Bluetooth sensors. Quality components built by a reputable manufacturer can support a longer kiosk life expectancy, even with regular use.

Buying tip: The best way to guarantee a return on your kiosk investment is to focus on maximizing the lifespan of kiosk hardware; kiosk CPU capabilities should be matched with their intended use, and equipment must be installed and maintained by a professional technician.

When you purchase a touch screen kiosk, the user experience you provide is a top priority. You want to make the on-screen menus easy to navigate and allow the users to clearly view the kiosk's functionality. The types of touch screen and display you choose depends on your audience, how they plan to use the kiosk, and which technology best

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suits your application.

In the world of the touch screen smartphone, touch screen kiosks make the most sense. Just like they sound, touch screen kiosks allow users to enter information and navigate through menus without a keyboard or mouse. They can be used millions of times without losing performance. However, the environment and usage patterns will determine which type of touch screen is best for you:

Resistive touch screen kiosks are the most common, particularly for demanding point of sale applications, industrial spaces, and medical facilities. They can be operated with a finger, a gloved hand, or a stylus. Resistive touch screens are durable, dirt-resistant, and provide high touch resolution, but the clarity of the display is low and sharp objects can harm the sensitive screen.

Surface acoustic wave (SAW) technology might be best for the public information sector and high traffic businesses, SAW displays offer high picture clarity and resolution, but the screen isn't sealed, so it is subject to damage from moisture and debris.

Capacitive screens are durable, high clarity solutions for industrial businesses and restaurants ? they feature a tight seal to keep dirt out. They're moderately priced, but you can only activate them with your fingertips, which could hinder users wearing gloves.

Infrared touch screen kiosks can handle the dusty and harsh conditions of warehouses and factories, included gloved users, but are difficult to view in direct sunlight and may be sensitive to motion and false touch.

For many New York City residents, the future has finally become reality as 47 inch touch screen kiosks were introduced in the NYC subway system. The subway kiosks were designed by the technology consultancy firm Control Group in a pilot project to test the new 3M-built dispersive-signal technology (DST) in a public setting. Instead of using familiar capacitive touch technology, the kiosks employ DST that reacts to touch position based on vibrations. Of course, the kiosk screens are virtually indestructible to protect the expensive hardware from subway vandalism.

The type of display your touch screen kiosk features will also determine how clear and brilliant your presentation will be. You need to consider many factors including cost, size, durability, and availability when choosing a display screen.

Liquid crystal display (LCD) screens are the industry standard for most touch screen kiosks and modern computer monitors because of their thin form factor and high quality. This technology can also run with limited problems after several years of intense use. Although the price has dropped over the years, LCD screens can still be pricy, particularly for larger, higher-quality models.

A run-of-the-mill LCD kiosk monitor can be equipped with a number of features to improve performance, such as:

Privacy filter. A touch screen kiosk monitor can be upgraded with a privacy filter that protects on-screen information from sideways glances; viewers will see a dark screen unless it is viewed head-on.

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