
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 - Title for portfolio produced by Ameera Thind (Ameera T, 2019) CITATION unk02 \l 2057 (unknown, 2002)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2 - Front page image of Bollywood/Indian films (unknown, 2002)PROJECT 2 SPECIALIST STUDYLevel 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology FILM AND TELEVISIONWEDNESDAY 9TH JANUARY 2019WEEK 1TASK 1 – WHAT ARE MY PASSIONS? WHAT ARE MY SKILLS? (MIND MAP)ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: UNIT 12 1.1 AND 3.1 AND 3.2Task 1: What are my Passions? What are my Skills?IntroductionThis term we are researching and commencing to look at a specialist area of study. This week there were multiple tasks for me to complete. The first one is about what I am interested in, in terms of my passions (what I am interested in) and the skills I hold. To draw out these two aspects of me as an individual I have produced a mind map to help me visualise physically what my passions and skills are. Last year I produced a similar task to this one which was the ‘Who am I’ task which involved me as an individual however this task is a lot more specific which will lead me into my Final major project idea and focus. By thinking and discovering more information about a specialist study of mine this will help me to start fuelling my Final major project idea for unit thirteen. The whole point of the Specialist Study is to represent and demonstrate my personal cultural and contextual influences which have an effect on me. I will need to find my chosen discipline, my area of specialism. CITATION Nei16 \l 2057 (Jarrett, 2016)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3 - Bubble.us logo (Jarrett, 2016)To create the mind map I used a website called ‘Bubble.us’ where I was able to produce and create a colourful mind map easily, to explore what I really care about and what I am highly passionate about. This is the first stage of beginning my final extended project, it has benefitted me to further proceed and decide my chosen discipline, my area of specialist study. I have inserted my mind maps (including images to illustrate my passions and skills), below this piece of writing on separate pages, so the reader has a clear view of it. However the reader may need to zoom into it to see it further. I had to produce two mind maps, one consisting of my skills and one of my passions, as I didn’t have enough room to place both my skills and passions on the software where I made it (‘Bubble.us’). On each mind map I clearly explained the passion I have and why it’s my passion as well as stating my weakest and strongest skills and how I would use these for this project and how other previous projects have helped me improve including some project examples which represent this. When thinking and producing the mind maps it enabled me to start somewhere and open up all of my options as to what I want to research more about. The specialist idea or study which I have decided to proceed and focus from drawing out my interests is specifically Indian cinema and the Indian film industry aka ‘Bollywood’ as I have a wide range of knowledge and facts about the industry which I can passionately present and write about. I have grown up watching numerous films and have a huge background of the films especially being Indian myself which makes me care about them even more. However, since Indian cinema has various genres I will be focusing more so on ‘Bollywood’. CITATION Teawn \l 2057 (FUCCHA, unknown)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4 - Image of Indian cinema including actors/actresses (FUCCHA, unknown)I have a rough idea of the specific research question however I have clearly written and clearly explained this in my contextuality task (Week 1 Task 3). I am highly passionate and really care about this subject this is the main reason as to why I want to know more information especially about the semiology, cinematography techniques used in the industry which being a regular viewer may not know about and I want to share with my audience this unique information. Here are the mind maps I have produced as shown below of the skills and passions I have:Mind map 1 - What are my Passions?-74612526352500-8478714284980Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5 – Image of Mind map of 'Passions' produced by Ameera Thind (Ameera T, 2019)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5 – Image of Mind map of 'Passions' produced by Ameera Thind (Ameera T, 2019)To note: Zoom into viewMind map 2 - What are my Skills?-9144004829224Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6 - Image of Mind map of 'Skills' produced by Ameera Thind (Ameera T, 2019)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6 - Image of Mind map of 'Skills' produced by Ameera Thind (Ameera T, 2019)-91440025463500To note: Zoom into viewConclusion Overall I enjoyed this task as I was able to draw and map out what my true passions and skills are. It meant that I had the chance to choose and finalize the subject I was really passionate about where I could give out all of my knowledge and experience out related to that subject to express how much I care about it and love it. I hope to identify my focused skill for the next task however this task I ensured that since I have entered the final part of the course that I considered and analysed where I am now in terms of both academically, professionally and personally in order to help me choose my subject which is what I did. The subject is mainly topic based around what is personal to me, it may change and develop as I research especially when thinking about my research question however this is just my starting point. WEDNESDAY 9TH JANUARY 2019WEEK 1TASK 2 – WHAT IS MY FOCUSED/CHOSEN SKILL/DISCIPLINE? ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: UNIT 12 1.1 AND 3.1 AND 3.2Task 2: What is my Focused/Chosen Skill/Discipline? IntroductionFor this next task I need to simply identify what my focused skill/discipline is for my specialist study. The main discipline is video as this is the format I use however within the discipline there are various skills of Camera, Sound, Lighting, Editing, Directing and Writing (Script) which I will be considering. Most of these skills I have experienced in particularly the main ones highlighted in italics are the ones which I have constantly been updating and improving through the constant flow of projects in college. From creating a mind map for task one it enabled me to explore my skills further in depth. I opened up and expressed my skills considering my strengths and weaknesses in each of the skills in italics mentioned above, especially where I believe where my strongest points are within each skill thinking about the previous projects I have created showing each skill. I will be incorporating all of the production skills as explained above in order to produce my Final major project. However, I want to focus on just one for now to see how this one skill can affect my final result when it comes to producing my FMP. By researching and looking into my chosen skill it is important that I use this time to focus on the correct discipline (skill) which showcases my ability and strongest points in order to showcase my best work for a specific subject which I am passionate about. When I construct my research question the skill should relate somehow with my chosen subject of ‘Bollywood’.What is the skill you want to showcase?There are three main aspects which I want to focus on firstly the skill I want to showcase and why I have decided to choose this as my focused skill. The next aspect is my current ability in the production of the skill I have chosen considering my previous projects done in college and perhaps outside of college. The first area as mentioned before is what skill I have decided to demonstrate, I know that the discipline is video as this is the format I will be using anyway however within the discipline there are skills some include ‘Camera, Directing, Sound, Lighting etc’. I want to communicate the use of the skill ‘Camera’, this is because this is my strongest area of production I personally feel that I can use all my creativeness across through the camera work for the audience to see. This has been shown through previous projects of mine some mentioned in my mind map. What I mean by “camera work” is setting up the camera, functioning a camera, positioning the camera, camera movement, knowing shot types (framing) and how angles can affect the audience’s view. One aspect from the mind map which I didn’t mention was that with the skill camera it involves so many elements for example the location which the scene or film is this plays a huge part to what the camera gives off when watching the film, you then have the shot types which helps to portray the subject using the whole entire frame, the shutter speed which is how fast/slow the camera shuts before the next shot or the shot being taken and another aspect which I will be focusing on is camera movement and how the camera moves within a shot and creates a sense of mood to present the subject. All of these elements are something I will be looking at however I will be mainly focusing on the framing (Shot types) and camera movement aspect within my focused skill of ‘Camera’. Someone who operates a camera is usually called a Cameraman/operator and I best believe that I succeed this job role well because I have artistic vision who pays close attention to detail in any scene (film), I have good technical knowledge of the digital processes and confidence in using camera equipment for example having the skill to adapt to any camera and learning rapidly about the functions are is quite difficult however I have learnt this fast. Lastly, from recapping framing and camera work multiple times in the course it has made me more confident about the shot types and how they can portray messages about the framing and the way the camera can be angled and positioned to give off a different perspective and effect. As well as experimenting with pieces of equipment which can create different types of camera movement. I have a camera of my own and have practiced numerous times to change up the way I use the camera in terms of positioning, movement and how to create a form of art on screen. Overall, I have experimented using camera movement and other art forms of making the camera the attention to focus on. I spend most times on practising this skill and I know as well as my peers that this is my strength, this is why I like to take the lead on being the camera operator and this is shown in some of my projects.Video Show reelSince I chose that I wanted my focused skill to be ‘Camera’ I have produced a video show reel of all the work and previous college projects (projects in general). These projects demonstrate the use of the camera and the skills involved and what I have already made to show my current ability in the production of the skill. As shown in my show reel, these projects present what I have learnt and developed through within the skill of camera, consisting of camera techniques (movement), framing, shot types, angling, movement and direction. The projects which I have shown and demonstrated in the show reel include projects from the second year and the first year of college where I think they best represent the skill consist of: “Packing” Project (Year 2), “Lunch” Project (Year 2), Experimentations for “Lunch” Scene (Year 2), “Copy/Transform/Combine” Scene Broadchurch (Year 2), Final Major Project “The Text & Note” (Year 1), Camera Movement & Direction short film (Year 1), Camera Techniques film (Year 1), Final Major “Hello” Project and lastly The “Friendship” Project (Year 1). I made and put together the show reel in Avid at college however I used iMovie which I have available to me at home to add the final touches to the show reel including overlays: key titles identifying which project was which and adding any more projects which I thought best demonstrated my strength of my focused skill ‘Camera/Framing’. Below I have embedded my video below as well as inserting the link as to where I uploaded the show reel onto YouTube:Show reel:Link to video: SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7 – My Video Show reel of the skill 'Camera' (Camera Movement/Framing) produced by Ameera Thind (Ameera T, 2019)I have also produced a PowerPoint document as shown on my blog which explains and includes my current ability and what I have to offer for the focused skill. I have detailed in the PowerPoint the shots which best demonstrate my current ability from my show reel which I also like from my previous projects. These shots were the key ones from the projects which present the use of the skill ‘Camera’. As well as why using a camera over focusing on sound or lighting is my most strongest area. The PowerPoint can be found on my blog labelled as ‘Ameera Thind Specialist Study Week 1 Work 2’. Since the design of the presentation of my work is very important to focus here I wanted to use a PowerPoint document for this next section as I could make it visual including screenshots from the show reel I made referring to them easily. Since the design of the presentation is important I wanted to show this and present my work differently for certain tasks if necessary for the week of work. However, the portfolio is my main form of presentation source but alongside this for tasks I would have either produced a mind map or video or even a power point as needed for this task. The person who is reading this will need to open up the PowerPoint document to refer to the power point and see what I have written and detailed there but also referring back to this document to see what I answered for the main questions. From my mind map work in task 1 I had created a separate mind map for my skills which states about the general skills needed for any production. I mentioned the weakest and strongest ones which I thought personally were what I needed to work on and feel confident with already including projects where I used that to focus on. In most projects the ‘Camera’ was the main focus this is partly why I chose to focus on this for my Focused skill. Below I have inserted in the slides just in case the document in my blog doesn’t open:Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 1 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 9 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 2 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 10 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 3 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 11 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 4 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 12 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 5 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 13 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 6 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 14 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 7 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 15 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 8 Bibliography screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019)ConclusionOverall, this task was really interesting it enabled me to pick out my strongest skill which I wanted to focus on and spend more time on especially when thinking about my research question which will be based off both my subject and focused skill. I will obviously be using all of the required production skills as these all come into hand when you make a film. This year’s Final major project will give me the opportunity to yet again showcase my skills of what I have learnt from year one but also the new skills from the second year. As said, I have chosen to focus on Camera and how camera movement and framing can be incorporated into my chosen subject of Bollywood. This unit is about the preparation for unit thirteen it’s the perfect time to choose the appropriate discipline which is why I chose ‘Camera’ as I knew that I felt comfortable and confident about it as I am strong in this area especially enjoying the camera aspect and technical side of framing, movement and just being in control of the camera for filming. WEDNESDAY 9TH JANUARY 2019WEEK 1TASK 3 – WHAT ARE MY INFLUENCES? WHAT IS MY CONTEXTUALITY? (INFLUENCES REPORT)ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: UNIT 12 1.1 AND 3.1 AND 3.2Task 3: Influences report - What are my Influences? What is my Contextuality?IntroductionThis report is my influences report which I have chosen to place it into the format of a clear structured report for my main portfolio. In this report I will be detailing and explaining why I have included the examples and influences on my task one mind map. The report will showcase my contextual perspectives which was what inspired me to choose the subject of “Bollywood” and the discipline of the skill “Camera” which were the two main areas to look at. These are the elements that have informed my choice of my chosen subject. Since this report is about why I placed things on my mind map for deciding and choosing the subject I have, I will also be explaining my chose of my discipline as I also produced a mind map based off this as well. From the previous two tasks I have produced and clearly stated my discipline and subject which I both have now, which are just starting points and can be something that could change as I research. The discipline and subject are both connected in some way as they support my research journey as eventually I will lead onto becoming a specialist in my chosen subject.Why did you include the examples/influences used on your “Passions” mind map?My first mind map is of my passions and what I am interested in. The main aspects which I included on this mind map consisted of ‘films’, ‘makeup’, ‘watching TV shows’, ‘dancing’ and lastly ‘YouTube’. Not all of these had informed my project however I have detailed the main ones which have as I believe that they best relate to my chosen subject. To begin with the main one which actually is what I have chosen for my subject to focus on which is my love for films more specifically ‘Indian cinema’. From a young age and growing up my parents have always encouraged me to watch Indian/Bollywood films to expand my language skills. Coming from an Indian background we speak both English and Punjabi at home and since Bollywood films are in the form of the language Hindi this is a very similar language to Punjabi. Even until now I can understand Hindi without using subtitles which has been a great aspect to learn whilst being encouraged to watch them. Another reason why I love the films in particular is because of the way they are put together. They are almost like musicals including dance routines, iconic item songs, and elaborate sets and with the most well-known actors in the industry. A well-known example of a typical Bollywood film which includes all of these elements would be a film called ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ which was a film I mentioned on the mind map. CITATION Ree17 \l 2057 (Reelgood, 2017)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 16 - Image of film poster 'Badrinath Ki Dulhania' (Reelgood, 2017)I put this on my mind map because I have a passion for Indian cinema and coming from a film student’s perspective myself I really enjoy viewing films like these where I can see how they may have filmed and staged the movies as these Bollywood films are always very staged which is an aspect I enjoy a lot. This has informed my chosen subject as I have always wanted to specialise in something I truly enjoy and since it is film related I thought that this would be the best time to look further into the Bollywood film industry and how women perhaps are the main focus for item songs throughout the film. Some of the examples which I gave in my mind map were of the films I enjoy and have watched through growing up as a child (mid 2000’s) in order to express my continuity of watching them even up to the present day. Some of the examples I gave included films such as ‘Dhoom 2 (2006)’, ‘Bajirao Mastani (2015)’ and a well-known film in the industry ‘Devdas (2002)’. These films are some way my influence as they were the films I watched when I was growing up which is a part of my contextualisation.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 17 - Image of film poster 'Dhoom 2' (Uk, unknown)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 18 - Image of film poster 'Bajirao Mastani' (Uk, unknown)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 19 - Image of film poster 'Devdas' (Wikipedia, unknown) CITATION Amawn3 \l 2057 (UK, unknown)Dhoom 2 Film (2006) CITATION Amawn2 \l 2057 (Uk, unknown)Bajirao Mastani (2015) CITATION Wikwn4 \l 2057 (Wikipedia, unknown)Devdas (2002)The next aspect from my mind map which informed my chose of my subject was ‘dancing’. I have always loved dancing in particular the forms of Indian dancing. When I was about six or seven I continued to practice dancing and even now I do especially through the styles of Bollywood and Bhangra (Indian dance types). I have attended various workshops for these forms of dance and even sometimes I create my own routines and videos. This has informed my subject because in Bollywood films dancing is one of the key elements, people sometimes watch them purely for the dancing element. I am a huge fan of the item song dance routines which are portrayed throughout and sometimes known for the film by the dances. This was what mainly influenced my choice, I knew I had this interest in dancing, so I thought why not combine the two since Bollywood is known for its dancing and technical side of filming. This ties into the other aspect which I clearly wrote on my mind map which was that I have an interest in YouTube and making my own videos for my channel. I sometimes post my own edits and dance routines which I have produced. The edits can be consisted of Bollywood songs which I may have mixed and remixed to make my own song cover. The songs mainly are either Bhangra or Bollywood based since I am a huge fan of the music. Bollywood films are musically based, and I listen to the songs regularly as I am interested in them. Since studying a media course at college currently I have been able to use these skills to incorporate into my own passions and interests to influence me picking my subject of ‘Bollywood’. The next two things haven’t exactly informed my subject as such, but they are interests which I am attracted to in general. Firstly, ‘makeup’ is on my mind map because I just enjoy the process of putting makeup on either myself or others, it is also a form of art. At school I always enjoyed art and being creative is something I try to incorporate when making films for myself and college projects. This didn’t exactly inform my subject but does play a part on what I am interested in and who I am as an individual. Secondly, watching TV shows is another passion of mine, I watch a few which I inserted into my mind map. The reason why I put ‘watching TV shows’ is because I watch and highly love watching Netflix shows in particular from a filming perspective to steal ideas which I could use for my projects. One show which I really loved and have watched multiple times as mentioned on the mind map is a show called ‘Stranger Things (2016)’. CITATION Wikwn5 \l 2057 (Wikipedia, unknown)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 20 - Image of TV show 'Stranger Things' (Wikipedia, unknown)The reason why I wrote less in regards to my other passions is because I wanted to draw you, the reader’s attention to my main influences and passions which I placed onto my mind map which contextualised my decision making for the subject I chose: ‘Bollywood’. Overall these were my main influences which inspired me to find and decide my subject to specialise in. I am happy with my chosen subject as I am passionate and appeal to it, it’s something I care about and an area which comes from who I am and my contextual background. Why did you include the examples/influences used on your “Skills” mind map?Since I went out and beyond I had produced a mind map about the skills I have in terms of Directing, Camera work, Lighting, Sound, Editing and skills in general. As previously said my decided focused skill/discipline is “Camera”. My choice and influence in deciding this as my discipline was from seeing my previous projects and reviewing myself what I think my strengths and weaknesses are. This was what I laid out on my mind map and had stated that my strength was “Camera” especially through the use of camera work and framing, identifying and practically using shot types for my own projects/films. Whereas as stated on my mind map some of my weaknesses including lighting as I don’t feel too confident with this approach. This was my method of deciding what discipline I wanted to choose. CITATION The151 \l 2057 (India, 2015)Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 21 - Image of ‘Aseen Mishra’ filming using large camera (India, 2015)Another aspect which I didn’t put on my mind map was an individual who did actually influence my chose and decision. This person being ‘Aseen Mishra’ (as shown above) who works as a cinematographer in the Bollywood industry – this links with my subject as he works within Bollywood cinema and since my subject is Bollywood this works nicely as I have connected both my subject and discipline with a practitioner who has inspired me to choose the subject of camera. His work is incredible especially with the way he presents and portrays the subject/actor through his shot work and camera movement for example zooming in and out to draw close attention towards the actor. I did clearly mention on the mind map my weaker skills in production which I didn’t touch on too much as I wanted to focus on my strengths. Since I chose “Camera” as my discipline the examples where I wanted to focus on particularly which I stated on my mind map consisted of the projects: “Lunch” project, Camera techniques project where I both incorporated using equipment for creating camera movements for the film. I have to say that my second strongest skill is editing however since I feel more focused and confident in camera usage I decided to choose this. Editing is something which requires practise and has taken me time to perfect. Even now, I am still learning new aspects in Avid – some examples which I included was that colour correction has been altered by me to change the mood of the imagery however I never feel too confident in this. I haven’t written too much about my weaker areas as I wanted to speak more about my strongest. Another influence which I inserted into my mind map was that I really enjoy taking the job role lead of being the camera operator who monitors and controls the use of the camera. Camera work has always been an interesting thing for me and a skill which I have from starting the course as I have been able to develop and use industry standard equipment for example a Glide cam to create camera movement and a high tech tripod for framing and camera stability. As well as how camera shot types can showcase a different meaning for example as mentioned in the mind map the use of a Close up and a Low angle (positioning of the camera) can showcase tension. I did also include other skills which are ones that I have in general, these skills are very key as they are important when working in a production group however for my Final major project I might not be working with others, but I will decide this nearer the time. Some of them including: a good communicator, good team leader, creative. Overall my main influences of choosing my skill and which informed my skill was just picking my most confident skill in production which I believe I can perform well as shown in my previous projects as shown in the previous task to this (video show reel) where I showcased my previous projects which best represented the use of the skill “Camera”. Research questionSince I know my discipline and subject I can make a start of constructing my research question. This main question will structure all of my subsequent research and analysis, it will be the main title of my specialist study informing what my research will be mainly about. Since I am looking into the subject of “Bollywood” and discipline of “Camera” I have made the question so they both link really well. Since Bollywood is film related they both relate and blend since camera work plays a huge part in Bollywood and representing the actors in a certain way is an aspect I would like to look at further as mentioned beforehand. Especially from thinking about my influences and overall I would like to incorporate semiology, representation as well as my main discipline of “Camera” more specifically camera movement and framing. The question which I have decided to construct based off my ideas and thoughts is: ‘How are women represented and shown visually through camera movement and framing in “item numbers” within the Bollywood film industry?The question which I have come up with consists of the semiology aspects of Bollywood which relates to my main subject of “Bollywood”. I want to research further into how women are represented and shown in item songs as these are really big numbers shown at least once in the films and are commonly known. Women are sometimes portrayed wrongly in the item songs and I want to know the reason behind the technical aspects with how this is shown visually through camera movement and shot types but also why/what the reasons behind why they are portrayed and represented in this way. Since my discipline is “Camera” I will be focusing on camera movement and framing (shot types) and how the location/sets, actor are shown for screen visually. ConclusionOverall, these were my main influences behind the reason and decision making of choosing my subject of “Bollywood” (Indian cinema) and my discipline of “Camera” work. This was my contextuality and main inspirations/elements which informed my choice of my chosen subject and discipline. Even though the brief mentioned about the elements which informed my choice of subject I went out of the box by producing a mind map of the skills I have in terms of production which suggested that I wanted to talk about here the influences and contextuality of picking the skill camera. I wanted to expand and talk about this as well however more focusing on my chose of subject since this was of importance. I did also manage to construct a successful research question which is the main title of the specialist study and after researching I should be an expert in this area of how camera work, semiology plays a huge part in the Bollywood industry (subject). BIBLIOGRAPHYFront cover image:unknown, 2002. Cinema India: The Art of Bollywood. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9 January 2019].Week 1Task 1: BIBLIOGRAPHY FUCCHA, T., unknown. CINEMA – THEN AND NOW. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 January 2019]. BIBLIOGRAPHY Jarrett, N., 2016. Edtech Tutorial: How To Use Bubbl.Us To Create Amazing Mind-Maps. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2019].Mindmap 1 (Passions):Amazon, unknown. Stranger Things, Vol. 1 A Netflix Original Series Soundtrack. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2019].BeautyLish, unknown. Jeffree Star Cosmetics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2019].Blog, N. T., 2018. The Netflix Tech Blog. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2019].Dickey, M. 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[Online] Available at: (film)[Accessed 14 January 2019].Mindmap 2 (Skills):Some images are screenshots (Ameera T,2019) on this mind map taken by Ameera Thind on 2019), g. (., unknown. TEAM LEADER BADGE BUTTON PIN (Size is 2inch/50mm diameter) MANAGER BOSS WORK. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 january 2019].Carpenter, C., unknown. Foley sounds. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2019].Short, J., 2013. Start Color Correcting with Avid Media Composer. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2019].syafrani_jambe, unknown. unknown. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2019].UK, A., unknown. Professional Clapper Board. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2019].unknown, unknown. Avid Media Composer 8 Editing Software. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2019].unknown, unknown. Canon EOS 80D DSLR Camera with 18-55mm Lens. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 January 2019].Task 2 (Focused Skill/Power Point document):Pictures 1-9 (Ameera T, 2019) as shown in the Power Point slide document screenshotted into this portfolio:Pictures screenshotted from Ameera Thind’s projects taken on 13th January 2019 by Ameera Thind The Power Point document can be found separately on my blog labelled as ‘Ameera Thind Specialist Study Week 1 Work 2’Task 3 (Influences report):India, T. H., 2015. Bajrangi Bhaijaan lensman for Cherry’s next. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 January 2019].Reelgood, 2017. Badrinath Ki Dulhania. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 January 2019].UK, A., unknown. Dhoom 2. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 January 2019].Uk, A., unknown. Bajirao Mastani. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 January 2019].Wikipedia, unknown. Devdas (2002 Hindi film). [Online] Available at: (2002_Hindi_film)[Accessed 19 January 2019].Wikipedia, unknown. Stranger Things. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 january 2019].TABLE OF FIGURES TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1 - Title for portfolio produced by Ameera Thind (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698885 \h 1Figure 2 - Front page image of Bollywood/Indian films (unknown, 2002) PAGEREF _Toc535698886 \h 1Figure 3 - Bubble.us logo (Jarrett, 2016) PAGEREF _Toc535698887 \h 2Figure 4 - Image of Indian cinema including actors/actresses (FUCCHA, unknown) PAGEREF _Toc535698888 \h 3Figure 5 – Image of Mind map of 'Passions' produced by Ameera Thind (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698889 \h 3Figure 6 - Image of Mind map of 'Skills' produced by Ameera Thind (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698890 \h 4Figure 7 – My Video Show reel of the skill 'Camera' (Camera Movement/Framing) produced by Ameera Thind (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698891 \h 6Figure 8 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 1 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698892 \h 7Figure 9 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 2 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698893 \h 7Figure 10 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 3 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698894 \h 8Figure 11 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 4 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698895 \h 8Figure 12 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 5 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698896 \h 8Figure 13 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 6 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698897 \h 9Figure 14 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 7 screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698898 \h 9Figure 15 - Image of Week 1 Task 2 Power Point slide 8 Bibliography screenshot taken by (Ameera T, 2019) PAGEREF _Toc535698899 \h 9Figure 16 - Image of film poster 'Badrinath Ki Dulhania' (Reelgood, 2017) PAGEREF _Toc535698900 \h 12Figure 17 - Image of film poster 'Dhoom 2' (Uk, unknown) PAGEREF _Toc535698901 \h 12Figure 18 - Image of film poster 'Bajirao Mastani' (Uk, unknown) PAGEREF _Toc535698902 \h 12Figure 19 - Image of film poster 'Devdas' (Wikipedia, unknown) PAGEREF _Toc535698903 \h 12Figure 20 - Image of TV show 'Stranger Things' (Wikipedia, unknown) PAGEREF _Toc535698904 \h 13Figure 21 - Image of ‘Aseen Mishra’ filming using large camera (India, 2015) PAGEREF _Toc535698905 \h 14 ................

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