Table of Contents

Conference Information

Conference Schedule Inside Cover

Map of New Hope Church Inside Back Cover

General Information 3

Our Speaker 5

Speaker Notes 7

Workshop Descriptions .23

Workshop Notes 29

Exhibitors 33

The opinions of workshop presenters may not necessarily reflect the opinions of the conference sponsoring organizations.

Co-Sponsored by Elim Care, Elim Care Faith Community Nursing, and the North Central District Association, EFCA

[pic] [pic] [pic]

North Central District, EFCA

711 10th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55415 ~

Elim Care

7485 Office Ridge Cir, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 ~

General Information

Welcome to this conference on bioethical issues! We are glad you’re here. May the conference be a rich and stimulating time of learning, interaction, and reflection. We also hope you’ll renew some old friendships and make some new.

Our Hosts

New Hope Church and staff have opened their facility and their hearts to us. They are blessing us with their exceptional hospitality.

New Hope’s wireless internet is available for your use.


Password: nhcguest5

Prayer Room

A quiet room for prayer and reflection is available throughout the conference. It is located to the left of the Worship Center. Come here alone to pray or pray with others. Prayer servants are available at various times to pray with you. Written prayer requests may be left in the room as well.

Book Table

Our conference bookstore, NextStep Resources, has many titles pertaining to our conference topic. Take time to browse in the Family Center exhibitor area.


When you registered we asked you to indicate which workshops you would likely attend. Your selection is printed on your name tag. If you would like to change workshops, you may do so. We would ask that you allow those who did register to fill the space first. Note: The description and title of the Reproductive Bioethics workshop has changed slightly.

Nursing Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

If you are interested in receiving nursing CEUs for your participation at this conference, you will need to pick up information at the registration table at the beginning of the conference. Record your participation at each session and return it to the registration desk, along with a completed evaluation form, at the conclusion of the conference for final signature.

If you have questions or needs, see us at the NCD Registration/Office table. May the Lord give us a significant and fruitful time together.

This conference has been co-sponsored by Elim Care, Elim Care Faith Community Nursing, and the North Central District Association, EFCA.

Your Conference Team: Mary Van Der Werf, Marcia Flom, Ed Bender, Tom Cairns, Ginny McMillian, Kim Meyer, Mary Martin, David Linde, and Ardie Swanson.

Our Speaker: Dr. John Kilner

John F. Kilner is the Franklin Forman Chair of Ethics, Professor of Bioethics and Contemporary Culture, and the Director of the Bioethics Program at Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois. From the 1994 founding of The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity until 2005, Dr. Kilner served as the Center’s President and CEO. He presently serves as a Senior Fellow in the Academy of Fellows of The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity.


Author of numerous articles in medical, public health, legal, religious, and ethics journals, he has written or edited 15 recent books: Does God Need Our Help?; Life on the Line; Who Lives? Who Dies?; Cutting Edge Bioethics; The Reproduction Revolution; Bioethics and the Future of Medicine; Dignity and Dying; Genetic Ethics; The Changing Face of Health Care; Basic Questions on Genetics, Stem Cell Research, and Cloning; Basic Questions on Healthcare; Basic Questions on Reproductive Technology; Basic Questions on Alternative Medicine; Basic Questions on End of Life Decisions; and Basic Questions on Suicide and Euthanasia.

His interests have been shaped significantly by extended periods of study and research in inner-city Boston, Kenya, and Switzerland. A frequent speaker and seminar leader, he most commonly addresses issues related to health care reform and resource allocation, age-based and other forms of rationing, treatment termination, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, human cloning, assisted reproduction, genetic intervention, stem cell research, ethical methodology, cultural values, and social change.

Previously, Dr. Kilner served as Senior Associate at The Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith, and Ethics, and as an adjunct faculty member at Northwestern University Medical School, both in Chicago. Prior to his move to the Chicago area, he was an associate professor of social and medical ethics at Asbury Theological Seminary, directed the ethics grand rounds program at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, taught medical ethics as an adjunct professor at the University of Kentucky, and served as hospital ethicist for St. Joseph Hospital, Lexington, KY.

After completing a BA degree (summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) at Yale University, he earned an MDiv degree (summa cum laude, valedictorian) from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He also holds an AM and a PhD "With Distinction" in religious ethics, with an emphasis in bioethics, from Harvard University. While there, he received the Newcombe, Danforth, Eisenhower, DeKarman, Roothbert, Merit, Howe, and Sheldon awards.

General Session 1 Monday, 1:00pm

Dr. John Kilner

Challenges to Human Life and Dignity that Will Rock Your World

A. Playing God

B. Changing Technologies (abortion, body parts)

C. Emerging Technologies (nanotechnology, cybernetics)

General Session 1 Monday, 1:00pm

Dr. John Kilner

D. Making Choices (assisted suicide, cloning)

E. Maximizing Benefits (resource allocation, "reproduction")

F. Being Christian (genetics, Bible)

General Session 2 Monday, 7:00pm

Dr. John Kilner

Life on the Line: The Dangers of Undertreating and Overtreating in End-of-Life Decisions

A. Love

B. Autonomy

C. Utility

General Session 2 Monday, 7:00pm

Dr. John Kilner

D. Dignity

E. Undertreatment

F. Overtreatment

General Session 3 Tuesday, 8:30am

Dr. John Kilner

Having a Baby the New-Fashioned Way

A. Outlooks (love, autonomy, utility, dignity)

B. Technologies (IUI, IVF, ICSI, ZIFT/GIFT)

C. Life (science, Scripture, implications)

General Session 3 Tuesday, 8:30am

Dr. John Kilner

F. Fidelity (marriage, childbearing, implications)

E. Technology (more-ethical, less-ethical, as-ethical)

F. Actions (discernment, alternatives, wisdom)

General Session 4 Tuesday, 10:30am

Dr. John Kilner

The Revolutionary Significance of Being Created in the Image of God

General Session 4 Tuesday, 10:30am

Dr. John Kilner

Workshops - Monday: 3:00 & 4:15pm

A Better Baby? Reproductive Technology & Eugenics Choir Room

Eugenics primarily refers to attempts, socially or technically, to increase favored traits genetically either by selecting for (positive eugenics) or through elimination (negative eugenics). While past state eugenics, including in Minnesota, is often rejected, is there a new individualized eugenics? How does eugenics intersect with reproductive technology on issues such as in vitro fertilization (including third-party IVF), induced genetic alterations, surrogacy, saved embryos, framing language, and human being. How might one wrestle with these things from a Christian worldview?

Workshop Objective:

• Explore current reproductive technologies and questions about what makes one human through the lens of a Christian worldview.

Presenter: Kirk Allison

Kirk Allison PhD, MS directs the Program in Human Rights and Health in the University Of Minnesota School Of Public Health and is a faculty affiliate with the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies.  He is former Chair of the Ethics Special Primary Interest Group of the American Public Health Association.   His teaching and research interests include the intersection of health and human rights; global, health, relief and development; disability and values; and issues concerning historical and contemporary contexts of eugenics, lethality, research, medicine and public health.

The Gift of Life- When the Unexpected Happens Room 11

Candy McVicar, the founder of Missing GRACE Foundation will share how through the tragedy of the stillbirth of her firstborn, Grace, followed by infertility, she was inspired to help others. The Missing GRACE foundation helps individuals as they Grieve, Restore, Arise, Commemorate, and Educate. Candy will share the education and resources families who have experienced infant loss, infertility, or adoption challenges need to support them. Mary Kellett, the founder of Prenatal Partners for Life will share the story of her youngest child, Peter who lived 6 1/2 years with trisomy 18. Peter's life and the difficult time before and after his birth inspired Prenatal Partners for Life. Mary will share how Prenatal Partners for Life offers support, information, and encouragement to families who receive an adverse diagnosis before or after birth and how every life is a gift from God.

Workshop Objective:

• Identify resources and strategies to support and encourage people facing challenges arising from adverse diagnoses before and after birth, infant loss, and infertility.

Presenters: Candy McVicar & Mary Kellett

Candy McVicar is the Founder and Executive Director of Missing GRACE Foundation, a MN based, national support organization helping families on their journey through pregnancy and infant loss, infertility and adoption. After the stillbirth of her firstborn, Grace, followed by infertility, she made a commitment to help others through the grief and pain she experienced and formed The Missing GRACE Foundation to aid individuals as they Grieve, Restore, Arise, Commemorate and Educate.

Candy has captured the hearts and minds of many with her engaging and personable style. She delivers her messages with a candor and sincerity which people can relate to so well. She has lectured across the country at hospitals, clinics, universities, churches and conferences. She has been a frequent guest on, radio, and Internet Web sites, where she continues to advocate for compassionate health care, stillbirth prevention and providing quality resources and support for bereaved, infertile and adoptive families.

Mary Kellett is the founder and director of Prenatal Partners for Life, a non-profit ministry that offers support, information and encouragement to families that receive an adverse diagnosis before or after the birth of their child. Prenatal Partners for Life also strives to educate the world about the unique gift these children are to their families and communities. Mary and her husband Don have 11 children and 18 grandchildren.  Their youngest son Peter, who was the inspiration for Prenatal Partners for Life, went home to heaven in August 2011. PPFL has supported families in every state and 40 countries. For more information please visit

Is Anything Too Hard for God? Sandberg Chapel

Resisting cultural collapse when navigating disability, injury, and chronic illness

We will identify several moral predicaments and ethical dilemmas faced by individuals and families experiencing disability, injury or chronic illness. Using a Biblical framework for decision-making that is God honoring, life edifying and peace giving, we will examine some common scenarios. We will also explore the role of Christian friends, family, caregivers and leaders in providing support and fostering a decision-maker’s Biblical worldview.

Workshop Objective:

• Understand the opportunities and responsibilities of the church in fostering a Biblical worldview about disability, injury and chronic illness.

• Apply life-honoring and Biblical principles to their attitudes, decisions and strategies for caregiving, care ministry and managing life with disability or chronic illness.

Presenters: Lisa Jamieson & John Knight

Lisa Jamieson is a national speaker, consultant and author who serves as executive director at Walk Right In Ministries. She hosts the Disability Ministry Connection which promotes networking, prayer and collaboration among disability ministry leaders in the Twin Cities. Together with her husband Larry, Lisa is co-author of the book Finding Glory in the Thorns and creator of Finding Glory Groups, a Bible-based discussion curriculum helping people navigate challenges like disability and caregiving. Lisa and Larry have three daughters. Their youngest, Carly (17), lives at home with Angelman Syndrome.

John Knight is Director of Donor Partnerships at Desiring God. He is married to Dianne, and together they parent their four children: Paul, Hannah, Daniel, and Johnny. Paul lives with multiple disabilities including blindness, autism, cognitive impairments, and a seizure disorder. John writes on issues of disability, the Bible, and the church at The Works of God.

A Biblical Theology of Suffering Fellowship Room

This session will examine biblical and theological perspectives on suffering, describe the experience of suffering, discuss ways to help individuals and families who are suffering, and address the importance of maintaining one’s own well-being when supporting those who are suffering.

Workshop Objective:

• Examine Biblical and theological perspectives on suffering.

• Describe the experience of suffering.

Presenter: Beth Peterson

Elizabeth (Beth) Peterson is Professor and Chair of the Nursing Department at Bethel University. She has taught courses on a variety of subjects including mental health nursing, nursing care of the elderly, gerontology, end of life care, and the theology of suffering. She is a registered nurse and has master’s degrees in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing from the University of Minnesota, Christian Thought from Bethel Seminary; and a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Congregational and Family Care from Bethel Seminary. Her interest in suffering comes from her experience as a nurse, nurse educator, as a church member, and as a former therapist, and became the basis for her pursuit of theological education.

Bioethics & Sexuality in Today’s World: Ministry Center

God’s Intentions for Biblical Gender & Sexuality

Today’s secular culture has Christians reeling on ethical issues regarding sexuality, sex, and gender. While these issues can be concerning and sometimes overwhelming, we can search out Scripture and find God’s true intentions for sexuality and gender identity. Ariel Liesch, from Outpost Ministries, will be giving a Biblical and experiential presentation for God’s plan for a person’s sex and sexuality, largely through her own journey through gender-identity issues as well as struggling with homosexuality.

Workshop Objective:

• Explore a Biblical perspective of sexuality, same sex attraction, and gender identity.

Presenter: Ariel Liesch

Ariel Liesch is a licensed teacher who decided in August of 2012 to use her teaching and leadership skills as a Women’s Ministry Associate at Outpost Ministries after being involved with the ministry since 2005. Ariel works with women struggling or impacted by same-sex attraction and/or gender identity issues. She often speaks and teaches at Outpost’s Understanding Homosexuality Seminars that are put on for churches, Christian universities, conferences, seminars, etc. that desire to understand and educate believers about homosexuality and gender identity: its causes, impact on the culture and church, how one heals, and so forth.

Medical and Nursing Care for the Dying Patient Room 10

Care for the person with terminal or progressive illness may extend from hours to days, weeks, months, and even years depending on the trajectory of the disease/condition and the intervention of medical technologies chosen.  Persons in hospice have chosen to concentrate on treatment measures aimed at “comfort care”.  We will discuss these treatment measures as they apply personally, professionally, and ethically. Allowing a natural death and actively dying is something for which we should be prepared.

Workshop Objective

• Discuss comfort care treatment measures as they apply personally, professionally, and ethically to the support of the dying.

Presenters: James Struve & Lores Vlaminck

Dr. Struve’s desire to connect faith and science began in the 1960’s at Augsburg College and continued at the University Of Minnesota Medical School. He visited Granger Westberg’s first church based health care clinic in Hinsdale, Illinois, in the early 1970’s, caught the vision for faith based health care, took one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education while an intern in medicine at Hennepin County Medical Center, and spent a year in DaNang, Vietnam, as a flight surgeon in the Army, volunteering there with Sisters Mary and Alphonse in their outpatient clinic and orphanage. Following his family medicine residency, he ran The Struve Clinic next to Lutheran Deaconess Hospital in Minneapolis and operated Trinity Health Care, a church based family medicine clinic at Trinity Lutheran Minnehaha Falls, in Minneapolis, from 1979-1990. Dr. Struve has since co-directed the chronic pain management clinic at Fairview Riverside for two years and spent twenty years directing the skilled and transitional nursing care at Redeemer Health and Rehabilitation. He has worked 43 years in clinical, hospital medical care both at Bloomington Lake Clinic and Fairview, completed a Master of Science degree in clinic research at the U of MN, and recently published a book, The Trajectory of Illness and the Mystery of Healing concerning the health and healing of the human spirit. Most impressive for him in his practice life and learning has been the way his patients have found manageability and strength, purpose and hope in dealing with their pain and dysfunction. Dr. Struve is married, has three daughters, and four grandchildren.

Lores Vlaminck is a consultant for home care, palliative care, hospice, and assisted living providing education, training, mock surveys, and mentoring for staff development. Lores’ 40 years of professional nursing experience spans clinical practice in cardiac and intensive care, outpatient clinical services and as a founder and director of a Medicare certified home care and hospice director for 19 years in greater MN until starting her consulting practice 11 years ago as “Lores Consulting, LLC.”

End-of-Life Choices and Paperwork Family Center – C1

A seminar that will focus on answering the practical questions and paperwork that will be very important during the end of life journey. The official paperwork that will help your choices be known during a time when you may not be able to provide them yourself. Sample forms and resources will be available for your customized plan. Resources for assistance will also be made available.

Workshop Objective

• Create a customized plan for end of life paperwork using resources and sample forms.

Presenter: Ken Gooden

Ken Gooden is active as a Chaplain with Elim Care since 2002 in elder care centers who serve both assisted living and skilled nursing needs. He was trained as a facilitator in Honoring Choices Minnesota care planning. He has served for over 25 years as a gift planner for international and local organizations. He is an ordained clergy and a graduate from Asbury Theological Seminary and has done post graduate studies at The University of Chicago and University of Kentucky. He is actively trained in the Health Care Academy program of Elim Care. He is a father of two adult children and two grandchildren.

Paying for Long Term Care Room 14

where Legal, Ethical, and Personal Values Collide

Decisions regarding long term care are fraught with endless opportunities for individuals and families to deal with ethical and personal/family values considerations. Overlay all of this with the legal considerations and the result can be a potentially troubling situation. The goals of the conference workshop are to equip the participants with 1) a basic understanding of the common ethical issues and personal/family values issues that arise in this arena; 2) Provide a basic overview of the legal framework of Federal and State law and regulations that govern the financial subsidy side of the picture; and 3) help the participant be better equipped to help the needy person organize a course of action to address the specifics of their particular situation.

Workshop Objective

• Develop an understanding of the implications of legal and ethical issues and personal values in planning long term care.

• Describe the legal framework of federal and state law and regulations that govern the financial subsidy of long term care.

Presenter: David Fitch

David Fitch, attorney and founder of Elder Law Services, PLLC, (ELS), has lived and experienced much of what ELS clients are going through. David has had years of experience with seniors and their families and has walked down many difficult paths with clients. These experiences help the practice to be more sensitive to the personal issues that are present when handling medical assistance planning and estate planning matters for senior citizens. David approaches cases, not only from the perspective of a knowledgeable attorney and a seasoned geriatric professional dealing daily with the elder law needs of the senior citizens, but from the perspective of someone who has had to deal with these issues on a personal level. These issues can be emotionally difficult to sort through. David combines his experiences as an ordained pastor and a seasoned attorney. He takes what he knows from both worlds and applies it personally to each and every client, listening to client concerns and then carefully guiding them through the options that best suit their needs.

Physician Assisted Suicide Gathering Place

Popular support for PAS is growing, with California likely to join Oregon, Washington, Montana and Vermont as PAS legal states. The next session of the Minnesota state legislature will likely once again consider a bill allowing it. What are the issues involved and how does a Christian worldview shape our response? How should we understand the proponents of PAS so a compelling response can be made by Christians in a secular culture? And at a personal level, how do we compassionately respond when a request is made of us to "help me end my life"?

Workshop Objective

Explore the ethical implications and a response to physician assisted suicide from a Christian worldview.

Presenter: John Mielke

Dr. Mielke is an internist/geriatrician who serves as the chief medical officer for Presbyterian Homes and Services. He sees patients in senior living facilities and nursing homes in a practice called Optage House Calls. He is also the associate medical director of the Optage Hospice, a division of Pres Homes. He is a member of several ethics committees in long term care facilities, and has served on the Abbott Northwestern Hospital ethics committee in the past. Dr. Mielke is a member of Bethlehem Baptist Church and teaches the "Theological Foundations" course, a 24 week introduction to systematic theology and the Bethlehem Baptist Elder Affirmation of Faith.

Workshop Notes

Workshop Notes


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|Organization |Contact |Website |

| | | |

|Counseling Care |Marcus Bachmann | |

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|Elder Law Services |David Fitch | |

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|Elim Care |David Kiel | |

|Elim Care Faith Community Nursing | | |

| |Marcia Flom | |

|Guardian Angels Home Care & Hospice |Andrea Jung | |

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|Honoring Choices |Karen Peterson | |

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|Joni and Friends |Judy Clark | |

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|Missing GRACE Foundation |Candy McVicar | |

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|NextStep Resources |Aaron Uran | |

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|Nystrom Counseling |Jess Girard | |

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|Outpost Ministries |Arial Liesch | |

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|Prenatal Partners for Life |Mary Kellet | |

|Russ Berg Marriage & Family Ministry | | |

| |Russ Berg | |

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|St Croix Hospice |Zach O’Neel | |

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|Touching Hearts |Lynn Vanasse | |

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|Walk Right In Ministries |Lisa Jamieson | |

Mark Your Calendar

Connecting Faith and Work: Helping Your Congregation

Follow Jesus Meaningfully from Monday to Saturday

Annual Conference of the North Central District, EFCA

April 11-12, 2016

Constance Evangelical Free Church, Andover, MN


Dr. Gary Hoag


Faith and Work: God’s Economy in the Scriptures

Faith and Work: Ten Characters in the Early Church

Faith and Work: EFCA Congregations are Made to Flourish


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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