Curriculum VitaeBRIANNA L. ARTZ(e) bartz@masonlive.gmu.eduEDUCATION2015A.S Psychology; Northern Virginia Community College 2017B.S Psychology, Developmental Concentration, Honors; George Mason University Thesis: “Man’s Best Friend” really is your best friend: Canine response to owner and stranger emotions comparedDoris Bitler Davis, Ph.D, Linda Chrosniak, Ph.D, and David Luther, Ph.D2019M.A Psychology, Cognitive/Behavioral Neuroscience; George Mason UniversityThesis: An exploration of object-word learning in Canis FamiliarisDoris Bitler Davis, Ph.D, Linda Chrosniak, Ph.D, and Erin Murdoch, Ph.DExpected 2022Ph.D Psychology, Cognitive/Behavioral Neuroscience; George Mason UniversityRESEARCH EXPERIENCE08/2017 – PresentAnimal Behavior and Cognition Lab – George Mason University – Doris Bitler Davis, Ph.DPhD student: Generate novel and important research ideas based on coursework and literature review. Maintain excellent grades while working as a graduate teaching assistant and conducting thesis and dissertation research. 01/2017-05/2017Ethological survey of Orangutan Behavior – George Mason University – Doris Bitler Davis, Ph.DStudent: Created a novel observational protocol to explore mother-infant relationships in Orangutans, Pongo Pygmaeus. 06/2016-08/2016Animal Behavior and Cognition Lab – George Mason University – Doris Bitler Davis, Ph.DHonors Thesis Research: Designed unique protocol based on reviewed literature, applied for IRB and IACUC approval, created questionnaire on Survey Monkey, hired and trained research assistants, scheduled sessions with participants, conducted sessions with participants and subjects, analyzed collected data08/2016-05/2017Youth Emotion Lab – George Mason University – Tara Chaplin, Ph.DResearch assistant: Conducted sessions with adolescents and their parent(s), collected physical measures (height, weight, urine, BAC), conducted interviews regarding emotional health and substance abuse, assessed suspected child abuse/homicidal ideation/suicidal ideation, completed incident reports if necessary, facilitated the completion of questionnaires through Qualtrics, entered collected dataResearch skills: Protocol design through literature review, applying for grant funding, IRB/IACUC applications, creation and use of questionnaires through Survey Monkey and Qualtrics, hiring and training research assistants, scheduling sessions with participants, conducting experimental procedures with human participants and canine subjects, objectively interviewing participants about sensitive topics, collecting physical measures, cleaning and analyzing data on SPSSPresentationsArtz, B. L. & Davis, D. B. (2020, Mar) Object-word learning in dogs: breed-based differences? To be presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Boston, Massachusetts. Artz, B. L. & Davis, D. B. (2018, Apr) Do dogs respond to genuine rather than masked or simulated human emotions? Poster presented at the annual Neuroscience Symposium, Krasnow Institute, Fairfax, Virginia. Artz, B. L., & Davis, D. B. (2017, Apr) “Man’s Best Friend” really is your best friend: Canine response to owner and stranger emotions compared. Poster presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Memphis, Tennessee. Artz, B. L., & Davis, D. B. (2017, Apr) “Man’s Best Friend” really is your best friend: Canine response to owner and stranger emotions compared. Poster presented at the Psychology Honors Showcase, Fairfax, Virginia.Artz, B. L., & Davis, D. B. (2017, Apr) “Man’s Best Friend” really is your best friend: Canine response to owner and stranger emotions compared. Poster presented at the annual College of Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, Fairfax, Virginia.Artz, B. L., & Davis, D. B. (2017, Mar) “Man’s Best Friend” really is your best friend: Canine response to owner and stranger emotions compared. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association conference, Boston, Massachusetts. Artz, B. L., & Davis, D. B. (2016, Aug.) Human-Canine Interactions: A Comparison of Canine Response to the Emotions of their Owners and Strangers. Poster presented at the annual Oscar Summer Celebration of Scholarship, Fairfax, Virginia. PublicationsArtz, B. L., & Davis, D. B. (2017) Green Care: A review of the benefits and potential of animal-assisted care farming globally and in rural America. Animals, 7(4), 31.Artz, B. L., & Davis, D. B. (in preparation) Mechanisms of object-word learning in different breeds of dog (Canis Familiaris): Fast-mapping or Operant Conditioning? TEACHING EXPERIENCEPrinciples of Learning (In-Person) – George Mason University – Psychology DepartmentStudents gain an understanding of classical and operant conditioning from a behavioral psychology perspective, including examples from animal models and human learning. By the end of the course, students understand learning theory and its application to real-world concepts. Principles of Learning Lab (Online & In-Person) – George Mason University – Psychology DepartmentProvides a thorough overview of classical and operant conditioning. The lab portion utilizes a virtual rat program, “Sniffy the Virtual Rat Pro”, to provide students with an experimental understanding of learning. This is also designated a “writing intensive course”, giving students the opportunity to refine academic writing skills. Research Methods in Psychology (Online & In-Person) – George Mason University – Psychology Department This course gives students an introduction and overview to the varying methods used in psychological research, including surveys, physiological measurements, naturalistic observations, and more. Cognitive Psychology (Online) – George Mason University – Psychology DepartmentThis course provides students with an overview of the theory and research methods in cognitive psychology including topics such as sensation and perception, memory, creativity and more. Students meet learning goals through active participation in cognitive psychology experiments.Psychology of Communication (In-Person) – George Mason University – Psychology DepartmentA multidisciplinary survey of landmark and recent research in psychology, biology and ethology related to the evolution of communication. This synthesis course provides students with the opportunity to discuss, collect, and present their own research naturalistically observing animal or human communication. Developmental Psychology (In-Person & Hybrid) – Northern Virginia Community College – Psychology DepartmentThis course provides students with a broad overview of the lifespan. This course is geared towards psychology majors as well as those entering into nursing or related fields. Course Development01/2018-05/2018Assessment of Writing Intensive Courses – George Mason University – Undergraduate Education DepartmentWill participate in the university’s assessment of writing intensive courses. This is a university wide assessment conducted to determine how well courses aligned with Mason Core student learning outcomes and how to improve student work if needed. My responsibility will be first to participate in a 2-hour pre-assessment workshop at the beginning of the semester. Throughout the semester, I will prepare a portfolio containing my syllabus, one assignment, and student work samples. I will then participate in a post-assessment meeting to discuss course improvement. SERVICE 2017-2018Undergraduate Committee Member – George Mason University – Psychology DepartmentGraduate Student Representative: Attend monthly meetings with faculty to weigh-in on important decisions pertaining to the undergraduates in our department. Provide suggestions based on personal experience as a George Mason Psychology undergraduate student, as well as current perspectives as a graduate student. 2018APSSC Student Research Award Reviewer – Association for Psychological Science Serving as a volunteer reviewer for the APSSC entails peer-evaluating both undergraduate and graduate work using a pre-determined score system. In addition to giving score-based ratings, reviews included constructive critiques given based on submitted work. Provided reviews will be considered when selecting the winner of the Student Research Award, a distinction accompanied by travel funds for the presentation of their work at the annual APS convention. PUBLIC OUTREACHDog Science Weekly – - @DogScienceWeekly on InstagramCreator of Dog Science Weekly, an evidence-based public outreach blog intended to bring empirical investigations into canine cognition and human-animal interactions. Each posting synthesized a peer-reviewed journal article in a relatable, easily accessible format. Content posted to the blog has been picked up by international media outlets.05/2019Invited lecture on “Canine Cognition” – Osher Life Long Learning Institute – George Mason University Prepared and delivered a guest lecture on canine cognition with topics including sensory perception, spatial cognition, social cognition, and more for the Osher Lifeoong Learning Institute’s “Psychology Potpourri” course. GRANTS/AWARDS01/2020Graduate Student Travel Fund, $350George Mason University04/2018Awarded “Outstanding Teaching Assistant” in the Psychology DepartmentGeorge Mason University 04/2017Selected as peer nominated winner of “Best Honors Project” George Mason University04/2017Selected as peer nominated winner of “Best Honors Researcher”George Mason University04/2017Awarded “Best Undergraduate Researcher” in the Psychology DepartmentGeorge Mason University04/2017Honorable mention for “Best Honors Thesis”George Mason University08/2016Selected as “Best Poster” at Oscar’s annual Summer Celebration of ScholarshipGeorge Mason University03/2016Oscar’s Undergraduate Research Scholars Program Summer Intensive Grant, $4,500George Mason UniversityREFERENCESDoris Bitler Davis, Ph.D – Ph.D Advisor – dbitler@gmu.eduLinda Chrosniak, Ph.D – Undergraduate Honors Professor – ................

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