SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences ProgramColorado State UniversityThe Faculty and Their ResearchThe Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences Program at Colorado State University is an interdisciplinary program with faculty from several departments across four colleges. The faculty and their research groups are highly interactive with weekly seminars and joint research meetings. Collaborative research projects are the norm rather than the exception. Every faculty member of the program has a commitment to undergraduate as well as graduate education. The current faculty and their areas of research interest are listed below.Regular FacultyGregory C. Amberg (Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno) Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences.? Investigation of calcium channel function in arterial smooth muscle, pituitary gonadotropes, and dopaminergic neurons using a combination of patch-clamp electrophysiology, molecular biology and imaging techniques such as total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy.? ( W. Anderson (Ph.D., University of Massachusetts at Amherst) Professor, Computer Science Department Deep machine learning applied to biomedical images and signals; electroencephalography (EEG) pattern analysis for brain-computer interfaces, reinforcement learning. ( Z. Burzynska (Ph.D., Humbold?University, Berlin/International Max Planck Research School of the Lifecourse (LIFE)) Assistant?Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies. Age-related changes in brain structure and function; brain-behavior relationships; cognitive and neural plasticity; lifestyle interventions to improve brain health and cognitive abilities; effects of physical activity and fitness on the aging brain and mind, long-term effects of motor training on the brain (professional dancers and athletes).?( Chanda (Ph.D., University at Buffalo) Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Questions: We investigate several aspects of synapse development and dysfunction, e.g. cellular mechanisms that regulate synaptic transmission, molecular contributions that determine synapse specifications, and pathogenic effects of disease-associated genetic mutations that impair synapse properties. Model systems: We routinely use neurons derived from genetically modified mice, and also analyze human neuronal subtypes reprogrammed/differentiated from embryonic/induced pluripotent stem (ES/iPS) cells. Techniques: Our work employs interdisciplinary approaches, e.g. cellular reprogramming, electrophysiology, imaging, gene-targeting, gene-expression and biochemical analyses. (SohamChanda@) Anne M. Cleary (Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University), Professor, Psychology Department? Human memory processes, especially those for human recognition memory.? Studied primarily through behavioral methods, but also through measurement of brain electrophysiology and functional neuroimaging. ( T. Conner (Ph.D. University of California – Los Angeles) Associate Professor, Department of Psychology. Genetic predictors of personality and engagement in health risk behaviors, including substance use disorders. Structural and functional neuroimaging of impulsivity and sensation seeking. ( L. Davies (Ph.D., University of Wyoming, Laramie) Professor, Occupational Therapy Department Examination of neurophysiological mechanisms that underlie cognitive and motor behaviors in children with and without disabilities using electroencephalography (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERPs). Application of brain computer interfaces for persons who have severe motor disabilities.( A. Draper (Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Professor, Computer Science Department Computer vision; image understanding; computational models of human vision. ( W. Fling (Ph.D., University of Michigan), Assistant Professor, Health & Exercise Science Department A range of neuroimaging techniques including functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging, diffusion tensor imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation are used to assess the brain’s sensorimotor system. These approaches are integrated with experimental paradigms assessing movement biomechanics to provide a comprehensive view of the neural control of movement. A specific emphasis is place on individuals with sensorimotor dysfunction such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and mild traumatic brain injury. ( M. Garrity (Ph.D., Cornell University) Professor, Biology Department. The molecular and genetic basis of heart development in zebrafish. Manipulating biomechanical forces that impact embryonic cardiac development. Approaches include forward and reverse genetics, transgenic fish, optical tool development, molecular cloning and RNA expression profiling. ( J. Handa (Ph.D.? Univ. California, Los Angeles) Professor, Biomedical Sciences.?? Molecular mechanisms of action of steroid hormone receptors in brain; steroidal regulation of neuroendocrine and behavioral responses to stress,??developmental origins of health and disease, particularly related to??sex differences in?autonomic and neuroendocrine regulatory centers in brain. ( T. Hentges (Ph.D., Washington State University) Professor, Biomedical Sciences. Cellular physiology and anatomical circuitry underlying the regulation of food intake and reward. Release of rapid transmitters from peptidergic neurons and the regulation of transmitter release by opioids and cannabinoids is studied using combined patch-clamp electrophysiology and labeling techniques. ( J. Hoerndli (Ph.D., University of Zurich) Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences. Investigation of the regulation of Glutamate receptor transport in synaptic function, plasticity and ageing in the model organism C. elegans. We use a combination of molecular biology, genetics, in vivo spinning disk confocal microscopy, microfluidics and behavior analysis to gain mechanistic insights into regulatory mechanisms at the interface of molecular transport and synaptic function. ( L. Hoke (Ph.D., Stanford University) Associate Professor, Biology Department. Neural systems underlying social behaviors; evolution of behavior; contributions of neuromodulation to context dependence of behaviors; neuroendocrinology; evolution of ear structures and hearing. ( Kim (Ph.D., New York University), Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences.?Synapse structure and function in neurons. The signaling pathways and receptor trafficking mechanisms that control synaptic transmission and synapse strength. Genetically modified mice to study cognitive function and diseases. cell biology,?calcium?imaging, biochemistry, and behavioral analysis, as well as electrophysiology to deduce molecular mechanisms that control synapses. ( Lodha (Ph.D., University of Florida) Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Exercise Science & Biomedical Engineering. Neuromuscular mechanisms of impaired motor control in healthy (young and older adults) and diseased populations (stroke and transient ischemic attack). Functional consequences of impaired motor control during activities of daily living such as bimanual gripping, driving, and over-ground walking. Developing rehabilitation protocols for improving motor function. Emily Merz (Ph.D., XX) Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology. Socioeconomic inequality leads to differences in children's experiences that impact their growth and development. In the LEARN lab, we study how these experiences may impact the developing brain to better understand ways to support families and communities and reduce the effects of disadvantage. We investigate stress as a mechanism through which socioeconomic disadvantage may impact the developing brain and in turn children's emotional and cognitive outcomes. Research in the lab also focuses on the factors in children's lives that promote resilience and testing strategies intended to reduce socioeconomic disparities in children's health and development. ( Myers (Ph.D., University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center) Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences. Integrative neuroscience of stress, including behavioral neuroscience, cardiovascular and endocrine physiology, and the neurocircuit basis of stress effects on health. Particularly focused on the corticolimbic mechanisms linking depression and cardiovascular disease. Studies combine optogenetics, fiber photometry, and genetic-based circuit mapping to determine the neural underpinnings of chronic stress-mediated changes in social and motivational behavior assays, ECG radiotelemetry, and plasma hormone analyses. ( L. Mykles (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) Professor, Biology Department. Director, University Honors Program. Hormonal regulation of molting, limb regeneration,?and skeletal muscle atrophy in decapod crustaceans. Neuropeptide and steroid control of cyclic nucleotide-, nitric oxide-, mTOR-, and TGFbeta-dependent signaling pathways are studied. ( Prasad (Ph.D., Brandeis University) Associate Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering Department. Quantitative and predictive models for molecular and cellular biology by using tools and methods from the engineering and physical sciences. We study biophysics of cell shape especially in cancer, mechanical properties of cells, synthetic biology, “big data” methods for cancer diagnosis and therapy, bacterial metabolism and mathematical and computational analysis of intracellular networks. We are also interested in how single cells including neurons do information processing and take decisions. ( E. Reist (Ph.D., Stanford University) Professor & Director of MCIN, Biomedical Sciences. Molecular and genetic techniques are used in conjunction with electrophysiology and ultrastructural analysis to determine the molecular mechanisms mediating neurotransmitter release at a living synapse. Studies applied to determine disease etiology in a familial myasthenic syndrome and a spontaneous human mutation resulting in profound cognitive impairment. ( C. Rojas (Ph.D, Colorado State University) Associate Professor, Psychology Department Structural and functional neuroimaging techniques are used to examine sensory and motor processing in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and childhood onset schizophrenia. ( A. Seger (Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles) Professor, Psychology Department Cognitive neuroscience of human learning, memory, and executive function using functional and anatomical neuroimaging techniques.? Our overarching goal is to characterize how distributed networks across the brain support and represent learning and use of new skills, habits, and concepts. We also study the perceptual and cognitive functions of the basal ganglia and corticostriatal networks in healthy adults and those with basal ganglia disorders. ( Stephens (PhD OTR/L, XX) Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational TherapyEvaluates adolescents and young adults with sports-related concussion (SRC) and more severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI) using behavioral measures and neuroimaging techniques, like electroencephalography (EEG), functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Overarching goal of improving evaluation of SRC and TBI, so individuals can return to meaningful occupations without risk of new, secondary injuries like repeat concussions. ( Michael M. Tamkun (Ph.D., University of Washington) Professor, Biomedical Sciences. Molecular and cell biology of voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels in nerve and muscle. Ion channel biology is studied using a variety of molecular, biochemical and cellular techniques, including voltage-clamp, live cell imaging and single molecule tracking.( C. Telling (Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University) Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology; Director, Prion Research Center. While we are particularly recognized for our work on transgenic mouse modeling of prion diseases, our group is one of only a handful with the resources and expertise for studying prion diseases using whole animal, transgenic, cell biological, biochemical, and molecular genetic approaches. This places us in a unique position to investigate the molecular events underlying prion propagation, species barriers and strains, which remain the overarching goals of my research program. ( L. Thomas (Ph.D., Arizona State University) Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology. Our laboratory is concerned with interpretive and statistical challenges relevant to neuropsychological research and practice. We rely on methods and tools from psychometric theory, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience to conduct our research. Recent work seeks to develop computerized adaptive tests to improve the collection and interpretation of cognitive and brain imaging data. Other studies are aimed at better understanding the mediating processes involved in the development, maintenance, and remediation of cognitive dysfunction. A wide range of populations are studied, but we have a particular interest in schizophrenia, aging, and dementia. ( B. Tjalkens (Ph.D., University of Colorado Health Sciences Center) Professor, Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences. Research projects focus on the role of glial cells in neurodegeneration, neuroinflammatory signaling in Parkinson’s disease, astrocyte biology and calcium signaling, and mitochondrial dysfunction related to oxidative stress. Projects emphasize multi-dimensional fluorescence imaging, molecular approaches to modulate gene expression in neural cells, and the use of transgenic models. ( Susan Tsunoda (Ph.D., Washington University School of Medicine) Professor, Biomedical Sciences. We use Drosophila as a model to study: how voltage-gated K+ channels are trafficked/targeted, how their biophysical properties are regulated, how expression and function of channels are regulated by activity, and the role K+ channels play in excitability and synaptic function. We combine electrophysiology, imaging, genetics, and molecular and cell biological techniques. ( Vigh (Ph.D., Janus Pannonius Univ., Hungary) Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences. We focus on synaptic mechanisms underlying retinal visual information processing and light-driven behavior in vertebrates. Approaches based on patch clamp electrophysiology, in combination with pharmacological techniques and behavioral studies. ( D. Zabel (Ph.D., University of Utah) Associate Professor, Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology Department Prion immunology, biochemistry and ecology. ( FacultyJames R. Bamburg (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin) Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department; Chair Advisory Board, CSU Microscope Imaging Network. Role of the cytoskeleton and associated proteins in neurodegenerative disorders, particularly the formation of cofilin-actin rods. Application of mouse genetics, neuronal and brain slice culture, biochemical, molecular biological, computer-enhanced microscopy & ultrastructural methods. ( FacultyJohn Walrond (Ph. D, XX) Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences. Structure and Function of central and peripheral nicotinic cholinergic synapses. Check BMS website for missing infoRay Whalen (DVM, XX) Department of Biomedical Sciences. Interactive multimedia educational programs. Check BMS website for missing infoWen Zhou (Ph.D., XX) Associate Professor, Department of Statistics. High dimensional inference, statistical machine learning, multivariate time series, graphical and network models, neural network, genomics and connectomics. Check Statistics website for more infoContract and Continuing FacultyBarbara W. Bernstein? (Ph.D., Colorado State University) Senior Research Scientist, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department The neuronal cytoskeleton; regulation and role of actin microfilaments in growth, synaptic transmission, and cell survival.? Protein biochemistry, tissue culture, and a variety of optical imaging techniques are used.? ( Quirk (Ph.D., XX) Assistant Professor & Director of Undergraduate Neuroscience, Department of Biomedical Sciences. Regulation and function of ligand-gated ion channels. Check BMS website for more infoLeslie M. Stone-Roy (Ph.D., University of Colorado Health Sciences Center) Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences. Sensory substitution and sensory perception in response to electrotactile stimulation in collaboration with the Department of Mechanical Engineering( ................

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