COUNTY OF ELKO. ) ss. JUNE 7, 2006

The Board of Elko County Commissioners met on June 7, 2006, at 1:30 p.m., in Room 105 of the Elko County Courthouse at 571 Idaho Street, Elko, Nevada.

There were present: County Commissioners Warren Russell, Chair

John Ellison

Mike Nannini

Charlie Myers

Sheri Eklund-Brown

County Manager Robert Stokes

Deputy District Attorney Kristin McQueary

Deputy County Clerk Marilyn Tipton

Library Ast. Dir. Laura Oki

Planning & Zoning Dir. Randy Brown

Public Works Dir. Lynn Forsberg

Undersheriff Bernie Curtis

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The proceedings were as follows:


Chairman Russell called the meeting to order at 1:31 p.m.


Commissioner Nannini led the meeting participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.


No public comments were submitted at this time.


Mike McCarty, Northeastern Nevada Coordinator for the Nevada Fire Safe Council, reported that the Fire Safe Chapter in Ryndon/Osino/White Rock/Elburz (ROWE) had been awarded a $110,000 grant. Said grant was to be utilized to help the community prepare for wildland fires through public awareness, coordinating with BLM on fuel breaks and a portion of that funding would be applied for dry hydrants. He asked that the Board consider approval for the Fire Safe Council to place underground water tanks on County property in the Osino, Ryndon and other possible locations to be used for fire suppression purposes. Mike McCarty stated they had planned on burying a tank for storage of water near the bus stop at Osino between Sherman Creek and Jeff William’s property. He explained it would be buried in the County’s right of way. Randy Brown reported that he had been working with Mike McCarty and reviewed the placement of the storage tank. Randy Brown stated it was in the flood plain but would not be used for potable water and the water would only be used for fire suppression purposes.

MOTION: Commissioner Ellison moved to approve for the Fire Safe Council to place underground water tanks on County property. The motion died due to a lack of a second.

Kristin McQueary noted that tank would be a fixture on County property. She asked who would maintain the tank, who would use it and who would refill it. Mike McCarty replied the Fire District would keep the tank full, check on the plumbing and fixtures and make sure everything worked properly. He commented that they were also thinking of putting some of the tanks on private property and having the private property owner relinquish availability to the Fire District to use water for fire suppression. Mike McCarty noted they were looking at locating the tanks strategically throughout the communities. He stated one tank may be placed on the R&PP property in Ryndon and one was to be placed in the Elburz area. He explained that the tenders would be able to draft from those tanks and the dry hydrants would be self sufficient.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if the railport had a fire station would this be accessory equipment to that facility. Mike McCarty replied they would be available because there was a twenty year life expectancy on those tanks. He commented that most fire stations had access to a water well or availability to fill their own equipment. Robert Stokes noted that the Nevada Fire Safe Council had a short time frame with which to install these tanks and requested that if the Commission approved this planning that they authorize the Planning and Zoning Director and the County Manager to approve other locations for the water tanks. Commissioner Russell inquired if the Fire Safe Council would come back to the Board to pursue more funding for completion of these projects during the process of installing these tanks in the ground. Mike McCarty stated that the grant should be sufficient enough to cover all these operations. Commissioner Nannini asked if they would make an effort to collect rainwater to fill those tanks. Mike McCarty stated there was the possibility of drafting from the creek, but it would take a huge catch basin to fill the tanks.

MOTION: Commissioner Ellison moved that they approve the Fire Safe Council to place underground water tanks on County property at Osino and Ryndon and give the County Manager and Planning and Zoning authorization to help locate other locations about the County and approve the placement of those tanks. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Mike McCarty left several Fire Safe Council brochures with the Board members.


Commissioner Ellison excused himself from the room because of a conflict of interest.

Chairman Russell reminded them of the upcoming groundbreaking ceremony that was scheduled on June 23, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. on site at the property in the Osino area for the Northeastern Nevada Regional Railport. Commissioner Myers reported the subcommittee had held several meetings. They had discussed timelines and zoning with Randy Brown giving them some guidance. They had also talked about a fire station, water to the facilities, and how to address the sewage. Randy Brown would like to see them establish the type of uses in the industrial park, and felt there should be public involvement. He noted the subcommittee had asked him to write the Statement of Qualifications for the Master Plan. Randy Brown believed the Land Use Master Plan could be initiated now but to draft a professional based Master Plan it would take over six months in planning. He believed they would be starting the Master Planning process in September continuing through November or December. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if there was a deadline on the State grant funding. Cash Minor commented that June 21, 2006 would be the regulation hearing. He noted they had expended two million dollars to qualify for the $500,000 grant funds and assumed they would have to expend or be committed to two million dollars during this fiscal year to obtain the other $500,000 as their next match. Commissioner Russell noted that local businesses were expressing an interest in that particular site. Commissioner Myers felt they wanted to keep County property for rail use or for rail-types of businesses. Randy Brown cautioned that they should not sell all the property before the County went through the planning process. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that the County could do deed restrictions and zoning. Randy Brown noted that technology changed daily and the zoning would have to go through the Planning Commission. Commissioner Russell understood they projected starting in September and that they were working on a Statement of Qualification for the Master Plan for infrastructure. He inquired when they would get an individual to start that infrastructure design. Randy Brown stated that they had talked about going out with job specifications this month. Commissioner Eklund-Brown reminded them they would have the Phase II and Phase III reports from Railroad Industries Inc., by midmonth July.

Commissioner Nannini inquired if the County had fully purchased the property. Cash Minor acknowledged that the County owned the property but the previous owners had six months to remove their cattle and other personal property. He believed that Commissioner Ellison no longer needed to leave the meeting room while the Board was discussing this matter. Robert Stokes stated the District Attorney’s Office was reviewing that. Commissioner Myers noted the Board was talking about expending taxpayers’ money and felt Commissioner Ellison should be present to represent his district. He asked that be reviewed again by the District Attorney’s Office. He acknowledged that Commissioner Ellison did have adjacent property but that was not why the County purchased that property.

The Board scheduled a special meeting on July 20, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. to review and accept the second and third phase of the feasibility study.

Randy Brown clarified that there were two Statements of Qualifications: 1) Master Plan of the Industrial Park and 2) Master Plan for the transloading facility. Kristin McQueary suggested that they get the zoning changed on those parcels and felt they needed to follow that process. Randy Brown believed that the zoning would automatically change from Open Space to public upon the purchase of the property. Kristin McQueary felt that should be made clear in the Master Plan that each individual who bought the property would have to come in and request a zone change. Commissioner Russell asked that Randy Brown discuss this issue with Kristin McQueary at another time. Commissioner Eklund-Brown suggested that they contact the Attorney General’s Office regarding proceeding with the railport. Kristin McQueary noted that there was case law that the County would have to follow its’ own rules. She questioned if the Commission would establish a governing body for this facility. Robert Stokes recommended that the subcommittee discuss the zoning issue.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that since Commissioner Russell would not be able to attend the groundbreaking ceremony she suggested that he submit his comments to whoever would do the presentation.


Laura Oki, Acting Library Director, reported that there was no meeting held last month. She thanked Kristin McQueary because the construction company had come and worked on the roof. Laura Oki stated the contractor had given them a list for Ron Eastwood to work on with regards to maintenance. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if that was still under warranty. Kristin McQueary noted the warranty was only on material failure.

Laura Oki reported that over 300 children had signed up for the Summer Reading Program.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if they were holding interviews for the Director’s position. Laura Oki replied that interviews would be held next week for that position.

Chairman Russell called the Town Board of Jackpot to order at 2:15 p.m. and adjourned the Jackpot Town Board at 2:27 p.m.


County Policy Revision - “Family Medical Leave Act”:

The Board considered the approval of the revision of the County’s “Family Medical Leave Act” Policy to bring the policy in compliance with current federal law. Robert Stokes stated the major revision in the policy was to utilize the form that the County sent to the physician to back up the request for the family leave which was in compliance with federal law.

MOTION: Commissioner Ellison moved to approve the revision of the County’s “Family Medical Leave Act” Policy to bring the policy in compliance with current federal law. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if this policy would be consistent throughout all the departments and received an affirmative response. Robert Stokes noted that information, according to HIPPA, would still be protected.

The motion was passed unanimously.

Tripartite Advisory Board:

The Board discussed the appointment of three representatives to the Tripartite Advisory Board as required by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) program. The staff recommended appointment of Cash Minor, elected designate, Kathy Jones, low income representative, and Michele Oke, Community/Business Representative.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to appoint Cash Minor as the elected designate to the Tripartite Advisory Board; Kathy Jones, low income representative; Michele Oke, Community/Business Representative. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Chairman Russell called a recess at 2:27 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 2:34 p.m. Commissioner Ellison was not present at this time.


Pursuant to Notice No. 20-2006, INVITATION TO BID – Exterior Painting of the Elko County Courthouse, the bids were received and opened on May 5, 2006. The Board considered awarding the bid to the lowest responsive-responsible bidder. Cash Minor stated they had only received one quote of $170,000. However, they did not budget that amount for this project. Kristin McQueary recommended that they reject the bids, reduce the scope of the project and rebid it because of the Local Government Purchasing Act.

Commissioner Ellison returned to the meeting room at 2:36 p.m.

MOTION: Commissioner Eklund-Brown moved to reject the bid received on the exterior painting of the courthouse; reduce the scope and rebid the project as such. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Robert Stokes expressed appreciation for the cooperation they had received from the one bidder.


The Board considered giving authorization to transfer Elko County’s tax-exempt private activity bond allocation to the NRHA to be used for financing of residential housing for persons of low and moderate income in the form of Resolution No. 11-2006, entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ELKO COUNTY, NEVADA PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF THE COUNTY’S 2006 PRIVATE ACTIVITY BOND CAP TO THE NEVADA RURAL HOUSING AUTHORITY.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown disclosed that in the Resolution and transfer it did create a fund which grant fund would go to first-time home buyers. As a Realtor, she may be involved with first-time home buyers but believed that she could make an objective decision on this matter as she is in a general class of Realtors.

Cash Minor explained that the Nevada Rural Housing Authority was asking for the bonding capacity to create programs for first-time home buyers. Cash Minor noted that if the County did not use that funding, then it would revert back to the state. He believed that Southwest Gas had been using some of that bonding for their programs. Commissioner Myers noted they would still qualify for the use of those funds. Commissioner Myers noted that several counties approved it and utilized this program. Cash Minor reported that for 2005 all local governments had a total allocation of 28 million dollars. He noted it was an annual allocation so they would have to apply every year.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 11-2006, entitled: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ELKO COUNTY, NEVADA PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF THE COUNTY’S 2006 PRIVATE ACTIVITY BOND CAP TO THE NEVADA RURAL HOUSING AUTHORITY. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.


Spring Creek High School Girls’ Track Team:

The Board considered approval of a Certificates of Congratulations to the Spring Creek High School Girls’ Track Team for their 7th Consecutive NIAA 3A State Championship.

Spring Creek Future Farmers of America (FFA):

The Board considered approval of Certificates of Congratulations to Spring Creek FFA members for their State Championships.

Spring Creek Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA):

The Board considered approval of Certificates of Congratulations to the Spring Creek FBLA for their First Place in the Chapter Sweepstakes.

Carlin High School Girls’ Softball Team:

The Board considered approval of Certificates of Congratulations to Carlin High School Girls’ Softball Team for their NIAA 1A State Championship.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to approve Certificates of Congratulations to the Spring Creek High School Girls’ Track Team; Certificates of Congratulations to Spring Creek FFA members for their State Championship; Certificates of Congratulations to the Spring Creek FBLA members; and Certificates of Congratulations to the Carlin High School Girls’ Softball Team for their NIAA 1A State Championship. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Bryan West, of the Spring Creek FBLA Chapter, gave a short presentation of “Serious Business” to the Commissioner members.

The Board presented Certificates of Congratulations to the members of the Spring Creek Future Farmers of America and Spring Creek Future Business Leaders of America that were present at the meeting. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that the Spring Creek High School Girls’ Track Team and the Carlin High School Girls’ Softball Team were not present to accept their certificates at this time so they would be presented later during the meeting.


The Board considered a request for the County to sponsor a BLM Recreation and Public Purpose (R&PP) Land Lease on behalf of the SnoBowl for land adjacent to the facility north of Elko. Robert Stokes noted that there was an agreement drafted several years ago but this would allow the County to sponsor the SnoBowl and formalize the use of that property. Commissioner Russell noted Randy Brown would assist in proposing this lease. Robert Stokes noted that the County had previously purchased property from the BLM for that facility.

MOTION: Commissioner Eklund-Brown moved to sponsor a BLM Recreation and Public Purpose (R&PP) Land Lease on behalf of the SnoBowl. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.


Commissioner Russell commented that the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority held a meeting and those minutes would be available soon.

Commissioner Russell reported it was recommended that Dr. Jon Hutchings be the Director of CNRWA and that it be a contracted position with an average of 20 hours per month for a year (FY 2006-07). Commissioner Ellison inquired if the budgeted amount established in February would be applied to this contract. Commissioner Russell replied a portion of the $7,500 budgeted would be applied.

Kristin McQueary had distributed a draft of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Southern Nevada Water Authority and the County of Elko. She asked that if they had any additional comments that they be submitted to her in writing as soon as possible.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown would be attending the BLM-RAC meeting in Ely next week. She stated that Robert Stokes had put together a letter requesting cooperative agency status on the SNWRA groundwater pipeline project and she would hand deliver that letter to Penny Woods, the Program Director. Commissioner Eklund-Brown reported that Hugh Ricci would be giving them updates on that and the timeline. She noted that Mr. Ricci would address his opinions on the BLM water application filings for wildlife, wild horse and burro. She noted that those applications had been protested Statewide but without success. Commissioner Russell anticipated a more favorable response from the BLM on the cooperating agency status. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted the former BLM Project Director and Ely Field Manager had encouraged Elko County to re-apply for that status after reviewing all the overlapping of the basins and flow systems.


Public Hearing - Midas, Nevada 6th Street Vacation Request – Patrick Miller:

The Board considered a street vacation request by Patrick Miller to vacate a portion of 6th Street in Midas, Nevada, further described as follows: Town of Midas (Gold Circle) as filed (Official Plat of Midas (Gold Circle)( in the office of the Elko County Recorder. Said portion of the Right of Way being located between Lot 17 (Parcel 12) of Block W and Lots 1 & 2 (Parcel 5) of Block Y of Gold Circle. Said strip of land contained an area of approximately 6,750 square feet. The owner of said property was Elko County. Randy Brown reported that this went to the Planning Commission last month and they denied the vacation request. He stated there were extenuating circumstances and the Planning Commission was unsure of the impacts from said vacation. He reported that they had received one letter of opposition but their property was not adjacent to the right of way proposed for vacation. Randy Brown stated the road went straight up the hillside and there was encroachment into the right of way by a building. He stated that the applicant had applied for a proper septic permit. Randy Brown stated the staff recommended approval but the Planning Commission had requested a site visit. Randy Brown commented that this person owned property on both sides of the street and displayed a map of the road.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown disclosed that Randy Brown was her husband, and that he was the Director of Planning and Zoning. She stated that there was no pecuniary interest so she felt that she could make an objective decision on this.

Chairman Russell asked if there were other comments from the staff. Randy Brown reminded them that there was a letter of opposition. However, that party did not live there but they did own property in Midas.

Chairman Russell asked for comments from the general public. There were no comments from the public.

MOTION: Commissioner Ellison moved to overturn the Planning Commission’s decision and approve the request by Patrick Miller to vacate a portion of 6th Street in Midas, Nevada, further described as follows: Town of Midas (Gold Circle) as filed (Official Plat of Midas (Gold Circle)( in the office of the Elko County Recorder. A portion of the Right of Way between Lot 17 (Parcel 12) of Block W and Lots 1 & 2 (Parcel 5) of Block Y of Gold Circle.

Commissioner Myers inquired why there was a tied vote at the Planning Commission. Randy Brown felt that some of the members wanted to view this property prior to voting upon it. Kristin McQueary recommended that there be a deadline placed on this matter.

Commissioner Ellison amended his motion that this action be done within a twelve month period. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that there were staff recommendations listed A thru F, and inquired if those were covered by their motion. Randy Brown stated the easements would be coordinated with the power company because they did not want anything built under their power lines.

The motion was passed unanimously.


The Board members presented certificates to the members of the Spring Creek High School Girls’ Track Team for their seventh consecutive NIAA 3A State Championship and a plaque to their coaches.


The Board considered a request for funding assistance for the fireworks display program planned for the 4th of July in Elko, Nevada.

Commissioner Ellison had requested this be on the agenda and submitted copies of letters they had received from people out-of-state. He noted that the City cut some of the funding from the room tax. He requested a donation to keep the event alive. Commissioner Nannini felt that the County should fund it and move it from incorporated city to city each year. Commissioner Ellison requested at least $5,000 from the Recreation Fund. Commissioner Russell felt it should be a budgeted item and agreed they could rotate the show to the different cities. Commissioner Ellison commented that Elko booked so far in advance for the Elko show in order to get things compensated such as wood for framing, and several hotels compensated food for the pyrotechnicians. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired about participation through ECVA. Commissioner Myers noted they would do marketing but there could be no cash donation. Commissioner Nannini noted that every town and city did their own show and felt funding should be fair to everybody. He agreed with Commissioner Russell that it should be placed in the budget. Commissioner Nannini suggested they help Elko this year with their show but next year they draw from a hat to give the show to the other cities on an equal basis. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that the City of Elko had cut back each year toward fireworks but the City benefited from this production. Commissioner Russell pointed out the population in the Spring Creek area was roughly 15,000 and the population in the City of Elko was approximately 18,000. Commissioner Ellison noted it was estimated that over 30,000 viewed the Elko show. Commissioner Myers noted every year they get to the same point where they have to raise the money. Now, it had gotten to the point where the City of Elko had reduced their participation but it benefited the majority of the Elko residents. Commissioner Myers felt they should look at County participation at this event and during the next year they should gather more information. Commissioner Myers acknowledged that the casinos get involved through food donations. He commented about having the proper location to host the fireworks. Commissioner Myers agreed that if they were going to use County taxpayers’ money and the City of Elko did not participate then it should go on a rotational basis.

As an alternative, Commissioner Nannini suggested that it could be based on a percentage to each incorporated city. Commissioner Eklund-Brown suggested a percentage by population. Commissioner Ellison noted people came from other States to view these fireworks in Elko because the Basque Festival was going on at the same time also. He expressed his disappointment upon the lack of support from the City of Elko on the fireworks. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if there was a presentation given to the Elko City Council for funding. Commissioner Ellison noted that Bob Morley did that presentation to the City Council. He explained that the funding went into the Recreation Board and the City divided that up. Commissioner Russell felt they could schedule a meeting to determine a formula process.

Jerry Parker suggested that they set an amount they wanted to spend on fireworks next year. They could then make a percentage available to each of their cities on the basis of what they could raise. He stated then every city/town would make funding available. He stated they could establish a cutoff date such as the first of June and then the County could distribute that amount proportionately. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that Commissioner Ellison was directly involved and inquired if he should abstain from voting because of the conflict of interest. Kristin McQueary noted that if the County gave money to a non government entity they had to pass a Resolution and explain the benefit to the residents of the County. Kristin McQueary stated it would have to be placed upon the agenda again. She did not believe the fireworks’ committee was directly affiliated with any government agency. She noted Commissioner Ellison would be representing the private capacity interests or others and would have to disclose and abstain from voting if his organization received the funding. Commissioner Ellison commented that the Lions’ Club handled the funding of the fireworks with their non profit status. Commissioner Russell commented that the County had donated to the event last year. Commissioner Ellison stated he did go out and solicit funding and he volunteered to abstain from voting. Commissioner Myers noted that he helped put on the program also. Commissioner Nannini noted that they were leaders in the communities and commented that neither Commissioner Ellison nor Commissioner Myers received any of that funding. Cash Minor noted the funding would have to come from contingency since it was to be paid this fiscal year. Commissioner Nannini inquired about last year’s contribution. Kristin McQueary suggested that they buy the bleacher seats and that Commissioner Ellison should abstain from voting because he was the primary fund raiser. Commissioner Myers recommended that they buy bleachers for the County employees, their families, and for any County residents.

MOTION: Commissioner Eklund-Brown moved to fund $5,000 through acquisition of seating and candles for the ceremony towards the 4th of July holiday fireworks from Contingency transferred to the Recreation Fund. Seating would be for County employees, their families and any additional seating could be given to the County residents as they apply. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion.

Chairman Russell suggested they budget for patriotic celebrations next year and discuss a formula that was appropriate for the County during the budget process next year.

Commissioners Eklund-Brown, Nannini, Myers and Russell voted aye. Commissioner Ellison abstained from voting. The motion was passed by majority vote.


The Board presented certificates to the Carlin High School Girls’ Softball Team for their NIAA IA State Championship.


Commissioner Myers:

Elko County Economic Diversification Authority (ECEDA) Board – He noted June 23rd would be the railport groundbreaking and the ribbon cutting would be held later on.

City of Elko Liaison – No report was submitted.

Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) – No report was submitted.

Auditorium Authority Board (ECVA) – He reported there were over 312 booths for the Mining Expo this week.

Wildlife Advisory Board - No report was submitted.

Wildlife Arbitration Board – No report was submitted.

Nevada Division of Wildlife Liaison - No report was submitted.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown:

City of Carlin – They held their clean up day and were working on the arena and the Mining Interpretive Center.

Recreation Board – They went through the audit and allocations.

Nevada State Land Use Planning Advisory Commission (SLUPAC) - No report was submitted.

Public Lands Use Advisory Commission (PLUAC) – Fire updates were given by the Nevada Fire Safe Council and from the federal agencies. They were still working on the Federal Land Use Plan.

Northeastern Nevada Stewardship Group – They were assisting the Nevada Natural Resource Education Council (NNREC) in August with one day of their Lamoille Institute for Educators Summer Program. There would be two sessions: History/Community, and Ranching/Land Use. There had been annual newsletters sent out. They were looking at the Tuscarora area for Question 1 grant funding for watershed analysis, weed control and grazing analysis.

Mining Sustainability - No report was submitted.

China Spring / Aurora Pines Advisory Committee – There was a meeting on May 10th and they have new administration displaying a more collaborative effort toward billing on a bed-per-day basis. She noted that all counties were charged on school district allocations rather than on participation. She stated they were looking at legislative recommendations. Commissioner Ellison suggested they draft their own bill to be introduced with regards to China Springs. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that Jim Watson left and Michael Pederson was now working on having a facility here with programs. She noted their programs were not fully developed at this point. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that they were utilizing this facility more in the Courts. However, it was to be family based programs which that facility was not advantageous to children from Elko because the facility was so far away.

Central Nevada Regional Water Authority (CNRWA) - No report was submitted.

Water Planning (Alternate) - No report was submitted.

BLM Liaison, BLM – RAC - She reported they would have a joint meeting with the Mohave Southern Great Basin RAC. They would discuss the groundwater project with Penny Woods, and Hugh Ricci. They would also discuss OHV use on BLM lands and receive a mining update.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if Commissioner Russell planned on going to the Water Planning Commission next Wednesday. She noted they had difficulty getting information from Converse Consultants. Commissioner Russell noted at the direction of the Water Planning Commission they had sent a letter to Converse and Associates asking them to produce the documents to complete the report. Commissioner Russell commented that Randy Brown had received a phone call from Converse Consultants after they received that letter and stated they would try to get that information to them.

ECCWMA - Noxious Weed Liaison – There was a meeting held last Monday and they would contract an employee with the $2,500 that the County funded to that organization. She stated they were looking at other organizations and agencies to contribute to that. She reported upon the attendance at the Home & Garden Show and the interest that the community had expressed to become more educated on noxious weeds. She noted they participated in the clean up day and they had received a Goat Grazing Grant for $10,000. Commissioner Eklund-Brown reported they were looking at becoming a 501c3 rather than going through the Conservation Districts. She questioned if they wanted them as an advisory board because there was public/private participation. She stated they had discussed the type of administration, getting POOL insurance, and having a Natural Resource Department in the County. She stated it could be a clearinghouse for grants Countywide.

USFS Liaison – Mt. City Ranger District Grazing EIS - Commissioner Eklund-Brown reported that she, Commissioner Nannini, Robert Stokes, and Otis Tipton had a meeting on Monday with the Forest Service to discuss the bridge in Jarbidge. Commissioner Nannini noted it was on the agenda tomorrow. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated they had discussed the EIS on the Mountain City Allotments that Western Watersheds had disputed. She stated they received the Tom Harris report from the University of Nevada regarding the socioeconomic impacts of grazing/ranching on Elko County economy. Dan Dallas asked that they refine that so they could use it in their EIS. Specifically as to what impacts the public land management agencies have upon the County economy when they reduce the AUMs and the allotments. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated the Forest Service was asking Dr. Harris to refine the model to incorporate that into their report. She noted the past Elko County General Plan had rated grazing very low. However, the new study showed that grazing did affect the local economy. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that grazing was the fourth or fifth largest contributor to the economy and was a stable contributor. She stated the Forest Service Engineer would look at the Jack Creek bridges, road easements and would also look at Gance Creek. Commissioner Nannini noted they were having problems on the Charleston Road. They were supposed to take a helicopter to view that road. Commissioner Nannini reported that the road was not passable because of the snow pack and the stream was running down the middle of the road in places.

Commissioner Ellison:

Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Board – He reported that the President of NACO would be in attendance at tomorrow’s meeting. He stated that last Friday the general meeting was held and Bob Hatfield was filling in as the Director of NACO. He stated Andrew List had submitted a Letter of Resignation.

Governor’s Transportation Blue Ribbon Task Force – He stated they looked at State Highway disposals and Elko County had several submitted for abandonment such as Angel Lake and Starr Valley. Commissioner Myers noted this would bankrupt the County. Commissioner Ellison felt there would be a major impact. Commissioner Ellison stated he had met with the Speaker of the House in Las Vegas and Myrna Williams of Clark County yesterday. He noted that Barbara Buckley would be the new Speaker of the House. He stated they had discussed unfunded mandates.

Debt Management Committee – No report was submitted.

Nevadaworks – There would be a meeting held on Friday and if they go forward there would be layoffs. He inquired if Elko County wanted to participate in the funding of Nevadaworks.

Senior Citizens – He reported there was a meeting held two weeks ago. Cash Minor noted the meeting to be held yesterday was rescheduled to the 20th of June. Cash Minor had spoken to Dick Harris and he had a list of recommendations which totaled approximately $45,000. However, they questioned if those were immediate needs so they would review the list with Chuck Knight.

Commissioner Ellison reported there would be a Western Alliance telephone conference held on Friday.

Commissioner Ellison felt the Senate had enough people sign on to walk the PILT bill through legislation at the proposed funding level.

Humboldt River Basin Water Authority - No report was submitted.

BLM Liaison – He commented that there had been no meetings held.

Nevada Fire Safe Council - No report was submitted.

Nevada Division of Forestry Liaison - No report was submitted.

Water Planning (Alternate) – No report was submitted.

Commissioner Nannini:

City of Wells – No report was submitted.

Heart Project - Wells Tire Recycling Plant – He stated they were under construction, and hiring a management team.

City of West Wendover - No report was submitted.

Hospital Board – He stated they would meet tonight.

Fair Board – He stated they voted to spend their money on the restrooms.

Juvenile Committee - No report was submitted.

Central Dispatch Administrative Authority – He stated they approved the budget. Robert Stokes noted they had also approved the contract.

USFS Liaison - He stated they would discuss a lot of issues with the Forest Service tomorrow.

Commissioner Russell:

Museum Board – He noted there was a thermometer displaying the fund raising activity to support the Museum outside of the Courthouse.

Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) – No report was submitted.

Central Nevada Regional Water Authority (CNRWA) – He previously reported on this item.

Humboldt River Basin Water Authority – He stated they would meet on June 16th and Jerry Parker would represent the County. Commissioner Eklund-Brown asked if the other members had been notified of the meeting.

Library Board of Trustees Liaison – A report was previously submitted.

Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Board - A report was previously submitted.

Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) Liaison - No report was submitted. He commented that he had attended a Blue Ribbon meeting for Commissioner Ellison earlier but had submitted a report.

Northern Nevada Regional Transit Coalition - No report was submitted.

Water Planning – A report was previously submitted.

Nevadaworks - No report was submitted.

Spring Creek Association – Commissioner Russell stated the PUC would hold a meeting to make a decision about rate increase proposals. He stated there was no testimony allowed. Commissioner Russell stated he would go to Carson City on the 13th of June and let them know Elko County was being represented.

Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) – No report was submitted.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown reported upon a client who had accepted an offer and would be tying into the Spring Creek sewer system. She had called Utilities Inc. to find out what the rate increases were. Utilities Inc had told her it would be 85% or 83% but when looking back on her notes it was a 4200% on the sewer system.

Commissioner Ellison noted he and Robert Stokes had met with the Department of Agriculture on the Mormon Crickets by Wildhorse and Mountain City. He stated the spraying proposals were light but they were checking the baiting. Commissioner Russell noted that Eureka had problems with crickets. Commissioner Myers commented that on Sunday the crickets were crossing the Carlin/Eureka road toward the Cortez Mining area for approximately fifteen to twenty miles.


Commissioner Myers noted that Lori Gilbert had read the wire brief with reference to Governor Guinn asking the State Departments what they would do with the budget surplus. He would like to see an agenda item on the next meeting agenda. He would recommend to the Governor that if that overage did not go back to the taxpayers then it should go to the interoperability communication issues throughout the entire State. He felt that they should also look at giving NDOT some funding so they would not have to abandon asphalt highways roads which would bankrupt the counties trying to keep care of the asphalt. Commissioner Ellison noted they had discussed that in Las Vegas yesterday. He reported there was a 3.6 million dollars deficit in the State Highway Fund. Commissioner Ellison felt it should go toward infrastructure rather than become a tax rebate. Commissioner Myers felt that everyone got a rebate this year and last year; then the taxes were too high. Commissioner Myers noted the bigger budget the more they would spend. Commissioner Nannini asked that this be brought back for discussion. Commissioner Myers asked for an action item because he felt a letter should be sent.

Commissioner Russell asked that Commissioner Ellison bring in a formal report on the Blue Ribbon Committee meeting.

Robert Stokes noted Cash Minor attended the Multi Agencies’ Committee meeting at 7 a.m., regarding fire suppression efforts. He noted the fire season came in thirty days ahead of the normal schedule. Commissioner Myers noted there were fires still burning. He asked for notification on the progress of the fire suppression because of the numerous public inquiries he received. Robert Stokes noted Commissioner Eklund-Brown and Commissioner Ellison had attended some of those MAC meetings. Robert Stokes noted they would try to keep the Commissioners updated on the information from the MAC meetings. He stated the eastern side of the State was under a red flag warning for thunderstorms.

Commissioner Nannini left the meeting room at 4:24 p.m.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated that at the PLUAC meeting they had heard some of the counties in the West had gone to a self-funded fire department agency within their counties and were no longer under the Nevada Division of Forestry Agency. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that there was still a national agency where counties had a base so that their equipment needs were being met. Commissioner Eklund-Brown questioned if it would be as smooth to get equipment here as when NDF was running the fire protection in the west. Robert Stokes stated that there was a high level of cooperation between the Forest Service, the BLM and the NDF. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that on the Chance Fire there was fire response from Idaho and Wendover, Utah through the national response system. Cash Minor commented that there were two different teams of smokejumpers on fires, aerial tankers and the Ely heli-tech in the region this morning fighting fires. He reported that they were responding to the fires rapidly for fast containment.

Kristin McQueary stated she would be on vacation next week and Jennifer Spencer would handle the Planning Commission on Thursday night.

Commissioner Nannini returned to the meeting room.


MOTION: Commissioner Ellison moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Myers seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.






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