


1. This is a template and as such the information contained in various sections of this document is a representative sample of the type of information to be included. The information should be tailored to the specific project, agency and associated requirements.

2. The RFP number is assigned by the agency.

3. All information in the template must be reviewed and modified as required. All sections highlighted in yellow must be completed, modified and/or verified for correctness prior to release of the RFP. Edit “Footer” to include the RFP title and number.

4. The following sections within these instructions provide information / instructions to help in completing the RFP.

5. All references to section numbers and attachments are in bold/italics for easy reference.

6. All section references should be verified prior to finalizing the RFP for release.


1. Modify all sections in “yellow” with the appropriate information.

2. Verify that the section numbers referenced are correct once the RFP is complete and prior to issuance.


Once completed by the vendor, this will provide you the appropriate contact information for the vendor. This page replaces the old cover sheet that vendors used to sign and return.


Create the table of contents once the document is complete and prior to issuance.


1. This section should provide a general idea of the project.

2. An extract from this section should be used for the Project Overview document that is sent to vendors.


1. The acronyms / definitions included are standard for every RFP.

2. Evaluation Committee – verify that the appointed committee has the authority to make decisions; i.e., recommendations to a Board.

3. Additional acronyms / definitions should be included as they pertain to the specifics of the project and agency.


1. The information in this section should be defined in detail, including objectives, activities and deliverables (i.e., outcomes, goods, maintenance and warranty, etc.).

2. The more detailed the scope of work and deliverables are, the better the product will be.

3. Language should be included that identifies how the vendors should respond to this section in their proposal.


This section includes the following subsections:

1. Vendor Information

a) This section requests information from the vendor regarding their company profile, business license information, former State employee information, ongoing contract failures, insurance compliance, etc.

b) Section 4.1.11 - Please remember to use discretion when requesting financial documents, not all procurements will require financial records.

2. Subcontractor Information

This section will be completed by the vendor if their proposal includes the use of subcontractors and if so, the same information that is requested of the primary vendor must be provided regarding any and all subcontractors.

3. Business References

a) The section includes instructions to the vendor regarding their business references.

b) The number of business references to be requested should be modified as appropriate.

c) The references will be submitted on a standard Reference Questionnaire that has been embedded within the template.

d) Agencies should review the Reference Questionnaire to make sure it covers questions appropriate for the specific project.

4. Vendor Staff Resumes

a) Vendors will be required to complete a resume for each proposed individual.

b) The resumes will be submitted on a standard resume format that has been embedded within the template. This allows for all resumes to be submitted in a consistent format for easy review and comparison.

c) Agencies should review the resume template to make sure it covers all areas required for the specific project.


1. There are two (2) options provided in the template.

2. Agencies should select the appropriate option to use for the vendors cost proposal submittal.

3. Agencies should prepare the appropriate cost schedule/matrix for vendors to use when preparing their cost proposal which allows for consistency in format and subsequent review and comparison of cost proposals.


This section details both the payment and billing process and guidelines for the vendors. It also offers them a place to provide alternative payment options.

1. There are two (2) payment options provided in the template.

2. Agencies should select the appropriate payment option for the specific project.


1. General

a) An agency can elect to have one (1) or two (2) sets of question and answer periods.

b) The size and complexity of the RFP will determine if an agency elects to have one (1) or two (2) sets of question and answer periods.

c) Keep in mind that if you elect to have two (2) sets of question and answer periods, it will add to your timeline.

2. First Set of Questions and Answers

If an agency elects to have only one (1) set of questions, then the words “first set of” in Section 7.1 must be deleted.

3. Second Set of Questions and Answers

This section must be deleted in its entirety if the agency elects to have only one (1) set of questions and answers.


The table reflects the RFP timeline and should be modified accordingly, removing those items that are not applicable.


This section addresses the following subsections and address how vendors should format their proposals and the content of each appropriate part, tab and section.

1. General Submission Requirements

This section addresses the general submission requirements that vendors should follow when preparing their proposals.

2. Part I – Technical Proposal

a) This section addresses the submission, format and content of the technical proposal to allow for consistency of proposal submission by vendors and for ease of review by the State.

b) Section (B) – Number of identical copies is determined on the evaluation committee; must receive one (1) copy for each committee member.

c) There are specific tabs to be utilized within the proposal response to clearly separate the content.

d) The technical proposal must not include cost and/or confidential information.

e) New tabs should be added if there is additional information required by the agency.

f) Included within the technical proposal is Attachment B, Technical Proposal Certification of Compliance with Terms and Conditions of RFP. If an exception and/or assumption require a change in the terms or wording of any section of the RFP, the contract, or any incorporated documents, vendors must provide the specific language that is being proposed on this attachment.

3. Part II – Cost Proposal

a) This section addresses the submission, format and content of the cost proposal to allow for consistency of proposal submission by vendors and for ease of review by the State.

b) Section (B) – Number of identical copies is determined on the evaluation committee; must receive one (1) copy for each committee member.

c) There are specific tabs to be utilized within the proposal response to clearly separate the content.

d) Cost information should not be included in the technical proposal.

e) Included within the cost proposal is Attachment I, Cost Proposal Certification of Compliance with Terms and Conditions of the RFP. In order for any cost exceptions and/or assumptions to be considered, vendors must provide the specific language that is being proposed on this attachment.

4. Part III – Confidential Information

a) This section addresses the submission, format and content of the confidential information to allow for consistency of proposal submission by vendors and for ease of review by the State.

b) There are two (2) parts to this part: Confidential Technical and Confidential Financial.

c) Section (B) – Number of identical copies is determined on the evaluation committee; must receive one (1) copy for each committee member.

d) Vendors only need to submit information in Tab II of this part if their proposal includes any confidential technical information.

e) The confidential financial information includes the vendor’s Dun and Bradstreet number, federal tax ID number and any financial statements requested.

5. Confidentiality of Proposals

a) This section advises vendors that as a potential contractor of a public entity, full disclosure is required by law and that it is their responsibility to act in protection of the labeled information and agree to defend and indemnify the State for honoring such designation.

b) Vendors must submit Attachment A, Confidentiality and Certification of Indemnification demonstrating that any material marked as confidential conforms to regulations.

c) Vendors are required to submit two (2) CDs as follows:

1) One (1) Master CD that is an exact duplicate of the technical proposal, cost proposal and confidential technical proposal information.

2) One (1) Public Records CD which must include the technical and cost proposal contents to be used for public records requests.

6. Proposal Packaging

The tables within this section can be used by the vendors as labels for ease and accuracy of proposal packaging.


1. This section describes the proposal evaluation and award process. The presentation section highlighted in yellow should be removed if presentations will not be a part of the evaluation process.

2. Evaluation criteria should be updated if modifications were made to the standard scoring criteria.


1. Procurement and Proposal Terms and Conditions

a) This section addresses the general terms and conditions regarding the procurement process and advises the vendors that if they have any exceptions and/or assumptions they must identify them in detail on Attachment B, Technical Proposal Certification of Compliance.

b) In order for any exception and/or assumption to be considered they must be documented on Attachment B.

c) The State will not accept additional exceptions and/or assumptions after the proposal submission deadline.

2. Contract Terms and Conditions

a) This section addresses general contract terms and conditions not specifically address in the contract form.

b) In order for any exception and/or assumption to be considered they must be documented on Attachment I, Cost Proposal Certification of Compliance.

c) The State will not accept additional exceptions and/or assumptions after the proposal submission deadline.

3. Project Terms and Conditions

a) This section addresses project type contract terms and conditions. The agency should review them to verify that the information/requirement is applicable to the specific project. The terms and conditions should be modified for the project/contract or deleted, as applicable.

b) In order for any exception and/or assumption to be considered they must be documented on Attachment I, Cost Proposal Certification of Compliance.

c) The State will not accept additional exceptions and/or assumptions after the proposal submission deadline.


Once all sections of the RFP have been verified and the response format finalized, update the submission checklist.


Following are the attachments included within the RFP template:

1. Attachment A – Confidentiality and Certification of Indemnification

2. Attachment B – Technical Proposal Certification of Compliance with Terms and Conditions of RFP

Vendors must use this attachment to identify any exceptions and/or assumptions they have to the terms and conditions relating to the contractual and/or technical aspects of the project/contract.

3. Attachment C – Vendor Certifications

Vendors must read and sign this form. Some of the certifications that used to be in the body of the RFP have been consolidated into this one attachment.

4. Attachment D – Contract Form

a) Instead of attaching or incorporating the contract form into the body of the RFP, you can embed it on this attachment page.

b) To obtain the most current contract form, go to the Purchasing Division’s website.

c) The process to embed the contract is:

1) Save the contract form in Word

2) Once in Word, click on “Insert”

3) Click on “Object”

4) Click on “Create from File”

5) Browse to find the file

6) Click on “ Display as Icon”

7) You can rename how the Icon will display (below is a sample of what the embedded document looks like


5. Attachment E – Insurance Schedule

a) Prior to release of the RFP, embed the appropriate contract insurance schedule as established in Risk Management Division’s “Insurance & Indemnification Requirements for Contract” and posted on their website.

b) Instead of attaching or incorporating the insurance schedule into the body of the RFP, you can embed it on this attachment page (refer to Attachment D above for instructions to embed the document).

6. Attachment F – Reference Questionnaire

a) The cover page for this attachment provides the instructions for proposing vendors on how to properly submit their business references.

b) Enter the appropriate information highlighted in yellow.

c) The reference script has already been embedded in the template. Agencies will need to open it and modify as appropriate.

7. Attachment G – Proposed Staff Resume

a) The purpose of providing a resume form for them to complete is so that all resumes submitted will be in a standard format and easier for evaluation committee members to review and compare.

b) The proposed staff resume has already been embedded in the template. Agencies should open it to make sure it covers all of the information required.

8. Attachment H – Cost Schedule

a) A cost schedule/matrix should be provided for use by vendors in preparing their cost proposal; this will facilitate the evaluation process and comparison of costs across proposals.

b) The cost schedule/matrix should include the RFP number and a place for the vendor’s name.

c) The cost schedule/matrix can either be a table in Word or an Excel spreadsheet, depending on the complexity of the costing requirements.

d) The cost schedule/matrix can either be placed on this page or as an embedded document depending on the size and complexity.

9. Attachment I – Cost Proposal Certification of Compliance with Terms and Conditions of RFP

Vendors must use this attachment to identify any exceptions and/or assumptions they have to the cost aspects of the RFP. Only cost exceptions and/or assumptions should be identified on this attachment.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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