Everything you need to engage your employees and promote ...

Telehealth Toolkit

Everything you need to engage your employees and promote Telehealth video visits

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

Telehealth services are convenient, easy to use,

and easy to promote!

Use this toolkit to make sure your employees understand their benefits.

You can download any of the documents listed below to distribute to your employees.

Introducing Telehealth

Your Telehealth benefits will be launching soon, so it's time to get your employees excited. Let them know about the value and convenience of Telehealth services by using the resources suggested below.

Announcement Letter--(30?45 days prior to launch date)

? Download the letter from bluecrossma/ ? Letter is available in print and email formats ? Send letter to your employees

Member Brochure Mailing--(30?45 days prior to launch date)

? Download the brochure from bluecrossma/ ? Brochure is available in print and email formats ? Send brochure to your employees


? Option 1: Use this as a low-cost alternative to sending a brochure--(30?45 days prior to launch date)

? Option 2: Send the postcard as a reminder follow-up to the brochure--(15 days prior to launch date)

? Download the postcard from bluecrossma/

Intranet Copy

? Visit bluecrossma/ to download our description of Telehealth to explain and promote the benefit on your intranet.

Please note: Behavioral health services are currently available in all 50 states in the U.S., however at this time American Well doesn't offer medical services via Telehealth in Texas and Arkansas, per state laws. These laws are expected to change, so please stay informed with up-to-date information by referring to the map on the bottom of the American Well website ().

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

Telehealth is launching!

The effective date of your Telehealth benefits is here. Encourage your employees to register for Telehealth, so they're ready to use the service anytime. The materials listed below will remind your employees of the value of the "modern house call"-- doctor video visits.

Intranet Copy

? Download our description of Telehealth to explain and promote the benefit on your intranet

PDFs for Your Microsite

? Add PDFs such as the Member Brochure and Get Started Guide to your microsite

In-Office Poster

? Download poster from bluecrossma/. ? Print and distribute in common areas.

Video Tutorials

? Video #1: A quick, engaging intro to how Telehealth video visits work ? Video #2: A deeper dive into the registration process, plus a simulated video visit ? Access the tutorial links from bluecrossma/ for promotion on your intranet or microsite

Email Series

? Download emails from bluecrossma/ ? Send emails to your employees. ? Email #1: Covers Telehealth basics--send on launch date ? Emails #2 and #3: Send after launch date--see next section for details

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

Keep engagement going!

Once your Telehealth program is in place, keep your employees motivated to use this great benefit. Sending out these materials will continue to promote Telehealth--and make it easier for your employees to stay healthy!

Email Series--Emails #2 and #3

? Download emails from bluecrossma/. ? Send emails to your employees. ? Email #2: Explains how to use Telehealth as an alternative to in-person visits. ? Email #3: Encourages making a video visit, as well as getting registered for

Telehealth to save time when a video visit is needed. ? Your Sales Representative will work with you to set up a schedule.

We recommend conducting a mailing twice a year for increased employee engagement.

Health Fairs

? Download marketing materials from bluecrossma/. ? Use during new hire orientations and health fairs.

Keep in Mind...There's also a Telehealth site!

Your employees can learn more about Telehealth and all it has to offer by visiting telehealth or by contacting Member Service using the number on the front of their Member ID card.

Here is a sample timeline to help you plan your Telehealth communications throughout the year.

Announcement Letter Member Brochure Mailing Postcard (as a reminder) Postcard as Initial Communication Intranet Copy Intranet Copy PDFs for Your Microsite In-Office Poster Video Tutorials Email Series (1) Email Series (2) Email Series (3) Health Fairs

Prior to effective date (days)




Effective date

Post effective date (days)





Employers who follow best practices for engagement can expect to see utilization rates above and beyond 10%. * Source: American Well e-book Employer Best Practices inTelehealth.

Ongoing Communications

? Registered Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ? Registered Marks of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc., and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts HMO Blue, Inc. ? 2017 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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