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I. Call to Order

• The meeting was called to order at 9:33AM

II. Approval of February 9, 2017 Meeting Minutes

• The minutes were approved and will be posted as written.

III. Principal’s Report, Mrs. Frost

• Battle of the Blue Stem - we had 12 teams. There are 2 teams going on to the cross town battle that is Monday at MayWatts at 4:30.

• The Science Fair was last night. We had a great turn out. Sci Tec was hear to do some hands on demonstrations on the stage.

• There was the Robotics Competition in the district. We had 6 teams compete. One of our teams brought home the judges trophy. That was funded by IPEF

• Some testing has been finished. The data will be in the home access system. You will see where they scored in the Fall and in the Winter. Contact the teachers if you have questions about the data.

• Citizenship breakfast will be on 3/23/17. The end of 3rd quarter will be 3/17/17. Final quarter grades will be released right before spring break.

• Wheel of Wisdom will be here on the Friday before spring break. It is a fun academic activity. Teachers are able to submit questions as well. The company has changed owners. As a result we will see if we go with them again next year.

• Some clubs will be starting as the weather gets warmer. One is Running Club and the other is Garden and Conservation Club.

• The rock wall is scheduled for installation over spring break.

IV. President’s Report

• IPPC Update

• IPPC is looking for volunteers to look at applications for the scholarships beteen 9:30-2:30. They would like people to take 2 hour periods to look at teh CEC building. It is a great opportunity to see what they are writing about and how they are evaluated

• 3/21/17 is the summer activity fair.

• 3/10/17 Matea is having a movie “Most Likely to Succeed” sponsored by PDAC

• The 2018-2019 calendar had been approved and is on the website.

• The residency verification process has changed. They have contracted with an outside vendor. The process has been streamlined

• Chrome Books - Next year Middle school will be 1:1. The following year 4th and 5th will be 1:1

• IPEF Kids Marathon - the paperwork will be coming out after spring break. It is for kids 5-13. On the day of the race event they will run the last mile.

• Nominating Committee - President: Megan Fastabend, VP Administration: Shannon Adcock, VP Enrichment: Carrie Giacobbe, VP Finance: Stephanie Rodebaugh, Secretary: Ellen Creaves, Treasurer: Yan Lee.

• May Meeting will be to appreciate volunteers.

• We will post openings in April for chairs.

V. Treasurer’s Report

• Register Balance $24,499.19

• Income Highlights - Pot Belly $337. Traverso’s $250.

• Expense Highlights - Sock Hop $515, $10793.99 for school enhancements.

• Projected Income: Buffalo Wild Wings $106.08

VI. VP - Enrichment/Social

• Science Fair - was very successful

• Steam Day - April 27th. They need volunteers for that day. It is to help out the teachers. It is not presenting. There are 3 sessions this year. 2/3 9:15-10:30, 4/5 10:45-12:15, K/1 2-2:45

• Family Skate Night - April 8th from 5-7pm it is free. There will be food for purchase. It includes your skate rental.

• Variety Show - forms will be coming home before spring break.

VII. VP - Administrative/Service

• Teacher Appreciation Week - May 1-5. They are doing a barista and a taco truck. A candy bar and school supply bar on other days. They are looking for donations for the supply bar.

• 5th Grade Celebration - there is a google drive on line for collecting pictures. And they are looking at t-shirts.

• Year book form will be coming out soon. There will be a 2 week window to fill it out and return.

VIII. VP - Finance/Fund Raising

• Restaurant Nights - 3/22 Oberweis (also 2nd Grade Musical Night), 4/11 Sharko’s, 4/19 Chipotle, 5/2 Mod Pizza, 5/17 Yogurt Beach. Trying to do Dairy Queen the last day of school. Will look at Cold Stone possibility.

• Square 1 Art - order forms should be coming home soon.

IX. Old Business

• There is no old business

X. New Business

• There is no new business

• Meeting is adjourned at 10:14.


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