
New Client Information

Owner’s Name: ________________________________________________________________

Street Address: _________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________________________

Home Phone: (________)_______________________

Cell Phone: (________)_________________________

Employer: _____________________________________________________________________

Work Phone: (_______)______________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________________

License State & Number: __________________________

Spouse/Significant Other: ________________________________________________________

How did you hear about us? Ad: ___________ Facebook: ____________

Friend: _________________________________________________________________

Office Use

Chart number: ___________________


New Patient Information

Pet’s Name: ________________________________________________ Dog _____ Cat ______

Male ____Female____ Spayed/Neutered: Y____N____ Pet’s Birthdate/Age: _____________

Breed : ______________________ Color or special markings: ___________________________

Previous Veterinarian: ___________________________________________________________

Previous Vaccinations (mark all that apply): Rabies _______

Distemper/parvo (dog) ______ Lepto (dog)_____ Bordetella (dog)_____ Lyme (dog)_____

FVRCP (cat)_____ Leukemia (cat)_____ FIV (cat)_____

Is your pet sick today?: _________________________________________________________

History of previous lllnesses: _____________________________________________________

What food does your pet eat?: ____________________________________________________

Does your pet have a microchip?: Y____N____ Number (office use): _____________________

Is your pet on Heartworm prevention?: Y____N____ If yes, what kind?: __________________

Does your pet go outside unattended?:Y____N____

Fenced in yard?:Y_____N_____ Tie-out?:Y_____N_____

Does your pet visit pet stores, boarding kennels, dog parks etc.?: ________________________

Has your pet had a fight with another animal recently?: Y_____N______

If yes, Explain: _________________________________________________________________

Have you found ticks on your pet?: Y____N____ Is your pet around children?: Y____N____

Does your pet drink from or swim in lakes, creeks, ponds etc?: Y____N____

Do you take your pet camping or hunting?: Y____N____


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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