Council Bluffs Fish and Game Club

Board of Directors Meeting

April 9, 2019

President Julie Bowen called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Board Members Present: Julie Bowen, Rose Dalton, Paula Woodard, Aaron Simons, Ted Baker, Mary Kay Peters, Tom Tews, Bill Campbell, & Jon Barnes.

Board Members Absent: Larry Cooper and Jay Wilson.

Other Members Present: Kathy Baker, JoAnne Tews & Blake Nelson.

Minutes for the Board Meeting of March 12, 2019 were reviewed. Tom Tews made motion to approve the Minutes with Aaron Simons second. All present in favor.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Rose Dalton provided the accountability statement for the period ending March 31, 2019. She reported income and expense for the month. Ted Baker made motion to approve the treasury report with Bill Campbell second. All present in favor.

Presentation of Vouchers: The vouchers from the vendors were passed around, and Tom Tews made motion to accept the vouchers with Jon Barnes second. All present in favor.

Approval of New Members: The following new members and families were reviewed for approval. The new members and their families are: Vic Plowman, Noah Hahn, Gary & Teri Goester, Doug Kabourek, Roger & Becky Collier, Nicole & Andrew Murray, Matt Boehm and Gwen Kenyon. Motion was made by Tom Tews with Bill Campbell second. All present in favor.


Building: Per Warden Tom Tews:

1. The heat tape was on frequently this winter. Tom is going to check the shingles on the roof for any possible water damage.

2. We have been contacted by Daryl Sechrest, a loss control consultant, who wishes to inspect the club property for liability survey of our insurance. Tom will call him to schedule a meeting if necessary.

Grounds: Per Warden Larry Cooper provided by Tom Tews:

1. Ed Washa leveled and moved gravel using his own equipment. He did a wonderful job of smoothing out the parking lot. The club is grateful for his time and effort.

2. The bird houses are ready for occupancy.

3. When the ground is not so soft, and more parking is needed for boat trailers, Bill Campbell will move the dumpster back to the corner as the existing spot takes up two parking spaces.

Boats & Docks: Per Warden Bill Campbell:

1. All of the water craft have the new 2019 licenses. We have one paddleboat without backs to get rid of. It might be used for parts.

2. The docks are in good shape, and survived the winter very well. There are no major repairs needed at this time.

3. Julie Bowen suggested we recommend that parents/grandparents have life jackets on their children when they are on the docks. Jon Barnes will confirm what the boating laws are, and then Mary Kay Peters will note the information/suggestion in the April Newsletter. We also are considering putting a sign at the docks with this suggestion. This will be tabled for the May Board Meeting.

4. Paula Woodard noted that we had received a suggested from a member that snow be shoveled off some of the docks area for fishermen. Bill Campbell will tell the caretaker for next year.

5. Jon Barnes asked about doing something to the docks to protect the bodies of member’s boats. Bill Campbell noted that at a prior meeting last year, one of the members came to a meeting with the same concern. He has checked into this, and believes we need to add 10 posts to the dock area, and then put on bumper sleeves. He believes with our volunteer members doing the labor, it should cost under $2,000. Bill Campbell made a motion that he be given permission to purchase the posts and boat sleeves, which should be under $2,000. Jon Barnes seconded the motion, and all present in favor.

Rose Dalton made motion for the above Warden Reports to be accepted, with Jon Barnes second, and all present in favor.


1. Raffle in Summer? – A possible summer raffle was discussed again. It was determined if a raffle is held, we would probably use the funds towards a special savings fund for future necessary improvements of the caretakers house. We wish to be prepared so the club will not have a large financial debt unexpectedly. Mary Kay Peters suggested the raffle be held during the 4th of July Fireworks Display event. Rose Dalton is going to confirm the status of our gambling license/stamp before the next official raffle is held. We will table this until the May Board Meeting while we are confirming the license situation.

2. Club Historical Items to Dodge House? (Jon Barnes) – Jon Barnes confirmed that he obtained copies of some of our old photos of the Lake Manawa history displayed upstairs. These copies were framed and put in a special display case at the request of the Dodge House. The originals are being stored in a safe manner, and the copies will be returned to us at a later date.

3. Preservation of upstairs photos – Jon Barnes showed several original photos he has recently copied which are stored in special boxes with special paper. He will be going through the remainder of the upstairs photos and will create a catalog for the club.


1. Toys in upstairs side room for entertaining children during rentals – Jon Barnes suggested that we collect some toys and put them in the upstairs east room to help entertain children while their parents are renting the upstairs area. Paula Woodard suggested we put in a bookcase to store reading books, color books and crayons, a few children games, cars and trucks and a couple dolls. We all have children and grandchildren that have outgrown toys, and perhaps they can be donated to the club. Bill Campbell noted we will need to check on the room periodically to see it is kept neat. Tom Tews suggested a hop scotch.

2. Micah House Fundraising Event - Rachel Morehead of the Micah House called to ask for the donation of a 1 year membership for their upcoming annual fund raiser in May. She has provided formal letter and flyer of the event request. The Board approved Paula Woodard to provide a Certificate to the Micah House.

3. Jennie Edmundson Fundraising Event – Rose Dalton noted that she has received a letter from Jennie Edmundson Hospital also asking for a 1 year membership for their upcoming annual fund raiser. The Board approved Paula Woodard to provide a Certificate to the Jennie Edmundson Hospital.

4. 4th of July fireworks - Connie Blietz left a message asking if we knew the date of the upcoming 4th of July Firework Display. Julie Bowen said she was told by Marge Shoemaker it will be held the Saturday prior to the 4th of July. That would be June 29, 2019.

5. Easter Egg Party: Paula has bought the candy and the prizes. Six large and six small prizes. 1,250 pieces of CHOCOLATE candy. The ladies will be stuffing the plastic eggs over the lunch hour on Wednesday. Norma Sturm is donating juice drink boxes for the children.

GOOD OF THE ORDER (Comments from Board Members and visitors):

As Paula Woodard is going to be gone during the May board meeting, she asked if the May Board Meeting can be changed to May 7th in place of May 14th so she can take the board meeting minutes. There is a precedence for this when another months meeting was changed in the past because of lack of quorum. The Board approved this change, and Julie Bowen noted that we need to notify our members.

Mary Kay Peters asked Rose Dalton to confirm the bill for our web site domain was paid. Rose made the payment, and she will provide Mary Kay with the date and amount of check, along with the mailing address the check was sent to.

Adjournment: With no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 PM by Rose Dalton and seconded by Ted Baker. All present in favor.

Respectfully submitted by: Paula Woodard, Secretary


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