
Tullow Area School Completion Programme

Child Protection Policy


Tullow Area School Completion Programme (SCP): Child Protection Policy

For further information please refer to our Child Safeguarding Statement (see Appendix 1)

This policy statement recognises that the School Child Protection Policy takes precedence over the SCP Child Protection Policy during normal school term and other times when the Designated Liaison Person (DLP) for the school is available to deal with issues that arise.

The Management Committee of the Tullow Area School Completion Programme recognises that child protection and welfare considerations permeate all aspects of SCP and must be reflected in all of its policies, practices and activities.

Accordingly, in accordance with the requirements of Children First Act 2015 Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017), and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice. and the Department of Education and Skills’ Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (DES, 2017), the Management Committee of Tullow Area SCP has agreed the following child protection policy:

1. The Management Committee of Tullow Area SCP has adopted and will implement fully and without modification the Department of Education and Skills ‘Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools’ as part of this overall child protection policy.

2. The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) of Tullow Area SCP is Local Coordinator __Michael Byrne___________________

3. The Deputy Designated Liaison Person (Deputy DLP) of Tullow Area SCP is __Denise Nolan___________________

The Designated Liaison Person will act as a liaison with the school(s), outside agencies and as a resource person to any staff member or volunteer who has child protection concerns. The Designated Liaison Person should ensure that he/she is knowledgeable about child protection and undertake any training considered necessary to keep them updated on new developments.

When the DLP is unavailable, for whatever reason, the Deputy DLP shall assume responsibility for child protection.

4. In their daily practices and activities, management and staff[i] of the Tullow Area SCP will

adhere to the following principles of best practice in child protection and welfare:

The management and staff of Tullow Area SCP will

• ensure that they are familiar with Children First: National Guidance for the Welfare and Protection of Children 2017, the Tusla Children First - Child Safeguarding Guide 2017, the Children First Act 2015, and the Department of Education and Skills’ Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools (DES, 2017),

• recognise that the protection and welfare of children is of paramount importance, regardless of all other considerations;

• recognise and work in accordance with the child protection policy of relevant schools in its area as laid down by DES Child Protection policy 2017.

• fully co-operate with the relevant statutory authorities in relation to child protection and welfare matters

• adopt safe practices to minimise the possibility of harm or accidents happening to children and protect workers from the necessity to take unnecessary risks that may leave themselves open to accusations of abuse or neglect;

• develop a practice of openness with parents and encourage parental involvement in the education of their children; and

• fully respect confidentiality requirements in dealing with child protection matters.

• ensure that in the interests of protecting anonymity no details of the case should be disclosed. DLP’s are required to ensure that there will be an adherence to maintaining confidentiality. Information regarding concerns or disclosures of abuse should only be given on a “need to know” basis in the best interests of the child.

The Tullow Area SCP will also adhere to the above principles in relation to any adult accessing our service, with a special vulnerability.

5. Procedures to be followed

5.1 In- school activities

It is the responsibility of the staff of Tullow Area SCP to familiarise themselves with the child protection policy and DLP/ deputy DLP of each school they are working in. They must also become familiar with the child protection policy and DLP for the SCP project.

• All concerns/ disclosures involving child protection and child welfare issues will be reported in the first instance to the DLP of the school where the child is enrolled. It is incumbent on the school DLP to act in accordance with the Child Protection procedures in this instance.

• Each report to a school DLP will be dated and signed by the person making the report.

• The DLP of Tullow Area SCP will be informed by the SCP employee that a report has been made to the school DLP. The DLP of Tullow Area SCP shall make contact with the school DLP to ascertain what action is being taken. No details of the case will be disclosed in the interests of protecting anonymity.

In this regard the school DLP will inform the DLP of the SCP what action has been taken following a report of a child protection issue to them.

A written record of the reported action signed and dated, shall be made by the Tullow Area SCP DLP.

5.2 Out of school supports / Holiday time supports/ after school supports

Please note that the following procedure only applies if the school DLP / Deputy DLP are not available or contactable.

• All concerns / disclosures involving child protection and/or child welfare issues shall be reported to the DLP of Tullow Area SCP

• Each report to the DLP of Tullow Area SCP will be dated and signed by the person making the report.

• The DLP of Tullow Area SCP will assume responsibility for following the correct procedures, seeking advice, reporting the matter on to TUSLA and parents if appropriate

• The DLP of Tullow Area SCP will inform the school DLP as soon as possible to update them on the matter and the action taken.

5.3 DLP report to the Management Committee of Tullow Area School Completion Programme

At each Management meeting the DLP of Tullow Area SCP shall

a) State the number of reports made to TUSLA by the DLP since the last Management Committee meeting

b) State the number of cases, since the last management committee meeting, where the DLP sought advice from TUSLA and as a result of this advice, no report was made, or

c) Where there were no such cases at (a) or (b) above, state this fact.

The minutes of the Management Committee meeting shall record the above.

5.4 Allegations against staff

Where an allegation of abuse is made against a member of Tullow Area SCP staff the DLP of Tullow Area SCP shall immediately inform the Chairperson of the Management Committee of Tullow Area SCP.

It is incumbent on the management committee to ensure that all relevant procedures are followed in relation to ensuring that the matter is reported and investigated. These may include agreed procedures that apply in schools in respect of allegations against teachers or other staff. The Chairperson of the management committee and the DLP of the SCP should therefore familiarise themselves with such procedures.

5.5 Garda Vetting / Statutory Declaration:

The Tullow Area SCP will ensure that all staff, students on placements and volunteers will be Garda vetted before taking up their position. (In line with National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons Acts 2012-2016). All members of staff will be required to complete and return all necessary forms and declarations required for the Garda Vetting Process to the DLP of Tullow Area SCP before taking up employment. All staff will be re-vetted at least every 5 years or as per time outlined in the relevant Regulations (see section 20). Staff are obliged to notify their employer of any offence should it occur during the agreed period. To ensure that their

6. Practices and Activities relevant to Child Protection:

This section of the child protection policy should be used to list Tullow Area SCP policies, practices and activities that are particularly relevant to child protection e.g. Dealing with toileting; one to one support/ teaching; Visitors and Guest speakers; Trips, Visits and Outings; Supervision).

An outline of the procedures / protocols adopted by Tullow Area SCP should be contained in an Appendix to this policy document. The Management Committee of Tullow Area SCP has ensured that the necessary protocols or practices as appropriate are in place in respect of each of the above listed items.

7. Dissemination of the Child Protection policy

The Management Committee of Tullow Area SCP has made this Child Protection Policy available to

• All SCP project personnel.

• All school boards of management where Tullow Area SCP staff are working

• TESS (TUSLA Education Support Service) National Management Team

A copy of the policy will be made available to the DCYA and DES if requested.

This policy will be reviewed by the Management Committee of Tullow Area SCP annually

This policy was reviewed by the Management Committee of Tullow Area SCP on 4th February 2020

Signed: _________________________ Signed: __________________________

Chairperson of Management Committee of Tullow Area School Completion Programme

Date: __________________________ Date: __________________________

Date of next review: ________________


[i]Staff refers to all adults, paid or voluntary, who are involved in the operation and activities of the SCP.

Appendix 1

Tullow Area School Completion Programme

Child Safeguarding Statement

Who we are: Tullow Area School Completion Programme is a school retention initiative, funded by TUSLA as part of their Education Welfare Service.

Our Mission: To provide support to students and parents, from Junior Infants to Leaving Certificate.

Our Aim: To increase the numbers of young people staying in primary and second level school and in doing so improve the numbers of pupils who successfully complete the Senior Cycle, or the equivalent.

Nature of service: We provide a range of supports to both children and their parents, in either a one to one or group setting. These supports can take place; during school hours, after school, and/or during holidays.

They include: Homework clubs & Study groups

Thematic Workshops

In-Class Personal Development Programmes

Family Programmes & Daytrips

Parenting support

One to one or small group mentoring

Volunteer training

Mental Health & Resilience Programmes

Bereavement support

Support for young people Out of School

iScoil Hub

Breakfast and Snack Clubs

Activity camps & Holiday Programmes

Our commitment to safeguard children from harm

• Our Service is committed to safeguarding the Children and Young People in our care and to providing a safe environment in which they can interact, learn and develop.

• Our service believes that the welfare of the Children and Young People attending our supports is paramount. We are committed to ‘child’-centred practice in all our work with children and young people.

• We are committed to upholding the rights of every child and young person who attends our service, including the rights to be kept safe and protected from harm, listened to, and heard.

• Our policy and procedures to safeguard children and young people reflect national policy and legislation and are underpinned by Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017, the Tusla Children First - Child Safeguarding Guide 2017, and the Children First Act 2015.

• Our policy declaration applies to all paid staff, volunteers, committee/ board members and students on work placement within our organisation. All committee board members, staff, volunteers and students must sign up to and abide by the policies, procedures and guidance encompassed by this policy declaration and our child safeguarding policy and accompanying procedures.

• We will review our child safeguarding statement and accompanying child safeguarding policies and procedures every 2 years or sooner if necessary, due to service issues or changes in legislation or national policy.

• Designated Liaison Person for Child Protection

|DLP: |Deputy: |

|Michael Byrne (087)8239819 |Denise Nolan (086) 7710581 |

1. Risk Assessment

We have carried out an assessment of any potential for harm to a child while availing of our services. Below is a list of the areas of risk identified and the list of procedures for managing these risks.

| |Risk identified |Procedure in place to manage identified risk |

|1 |Poor Supervision |Staff training, Staff qualifications monitoring |

|2 |Inappropriate treatment by Staff |Staff training, Behaviour Policy |

|3 |Unreported Incidents |Staff training, Incident reporting procedure |

|4 |Inappropriate contact with Adults |Garda Vetting, Staff training, Ratio’s policy |

|5 |Bullying by peer or adult |Anti-bullying policy and procedure |

|6 |Inappropriate communication |I.T (AUP) Policy, Staff Boundaries Policy |

|7 |Inappropriate access to devices |I.T. (AUP) Policy, Staff Training |

|8 |Inadequate code of behaviour |Behaviour Policy |

|9 |Being alone with an adult |Supervision and Ratio’s policy |

|10 |Inappropriate content shared during workshops/activities|Staff Training, Programme and Facilitator selection protocol |

|11 |Poor staff behaviour |Staff Code of Conduct |

|12 |Appropriate Ratio’s |Supervision and Ratio’s Policy |

|13 |Sharing of personal information and/or images |Data Protection Policy (as per key principals enshrined in the General Data|

| | |Protection Regulations – GDPR 2018) |

|14 |Inadequate checks on third party providers (eg, bus |Garda Vetting, Programme and Facilitator selection protocol. |

| |driver, coach) | |

|15 |Walking out, leaving early, appropriate permissions for |Behaviour Policy, Admissions Policy |

| |collections | |

2. Procedures

Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2015, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017), and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice. In addition to the procedures listed in our risk assessment, the following procedures support our intention to safeguard children while they are availing of our service:

• Procedure for the management of allegations of abuse or misconduct against workers/volunteers of a child availing of our service;

• Procedure for the safe recruitment and selection of workers and volunteers to work with children;

• Procedure for provision of and access to child safeguarding training and information, including the identification of the occurrence of harm;

• Procedure for the reporting of child protection or welfare concerns to Tusla;

• Procedure for maintaining a list of the persons (if any) in the relevant service who are mandated persons;

• Procedure for appointing a relevant person.

All procedures listed are available upon request.

3. Implementation

We recognise that implementation is an on-going process. Our service is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our service.

This Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed on 6th March 2021, or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which the statement refers.

Signed: ______________________________ (Chairperson)

[Provider’s name and contact details]

For queries, please contact Nicola McEntee, Relevant Person under the Children First Act 2015.

Appendix 2 – Tullow Area School Completion Programme Protocols and Procedures

i. Induction

Tullow SCP is committed to make all new employees/volunteers and students on placement feel welcome and provide them with all the assistance needed for a smooth workplace induction. Induction training for any new staff/volunteer student on placement will include training on the Tullow SCP Child Protection Policy and Code of Behaviour.

ii. Training

All staff of the Tullow SCP will be expected to participate in relevant training from time to time. Those working directly with children/young people must have completed a minimum of the e-learning certificate in Child Protection.

Tullow SCP Local Management committee will co-ordinate the training needs of all staff, students and volunteers in relation to Child Protection.

Where young people, under 18 years, are assisting in the work of Tullow SCP, they will receive appropriate information on the Tullow SCP Child Protection Policy and Code of Behaviour at a level suitable to their age and experience. These young people will always work in partnership with or under the supervision of a Tullow SCP employee.

Induction training for any new staff will include training on the Tullow SCP Child Protection Policy and Code of Behaviour. All staff, students, volunteers whether temporary or permanent are required to sign up to the Child Protection Policy.

iii. Safe Practice

While we recognise that sometimes it is appropriate for staff to work on a one to one basis with a target student, staff/volunteers should not spend excessive amounts of time alone with an individual child/young person. Staff/volunteer leaders need to be sensitive to the potential risk of false allegations and to their personal safety, which arise when they meet alone with a young person in a room. Where it is feasible they should leave the door slightly ajar, work in a room with a window or glass panel, or inform another colleague/school staff member that they will be alone in the room with the individual in question.

Staff / volunteers are not permitted to give lifts in their cars to individual young people alone.

Staff/volunteers must not become over involved or spend a great deal of time with any one person. Staff/Volunteers need to be clear about the purpose and nature of their relationship with any client/young person e.g. is the relationship constructive in building up the independence and autonomy of a person or is it being used to satisfy some need or desire of the worker/volunteer?

Where a staff / volunteers has such a concern about the nature of a particular relationship with a young person, they should discuss it with someone competent e.g. supervisor or experienced colleague. Similarly long term ‘helping’ or ‘support’ relationships, which arise in one’s work, should also be reviewed on a regular basis by each project.

Staff/volunteers should always be respectful of the privacy of young people in dormitories, changing rooms, showers and toilets. When present in such areas, workers are advised not to spend time alone with a young person.

When working with children who may have a disability, SCP staff are required to be aware of specific considerations including behavioural and communication issues, intimate care needs, access to buildings, range and choice of activities and any other matters that may need addressing. Where appropriate, specific training, including disability awareness and child protection training, should be undertaken by staff/volunteer leaders.

Staff/volunteers should also ensure in so far as is reasonably possible that buildings or facilities, which they use for activities with young people, are safe, secure and comply with insurance requirements at all times. All occupied parts of the building should be monitored and parts not in use should be isolated or secured.

Staff/volunteers should always know in advance who is running/ facilitating / on duty with a group – this information/schedule should be displayed clearly for leaders.

There should be no unnecessary physical contact between an adult and a young person although there are times when for example, placing a hand on a distressed child/young person’s shoulder to comfort him/her would be appropriate. Physical contact should only be in response to the needs of the child and should be appropriate to the age and the level of development of the child.

iv. Inappropriate Behaviour

Staff/volunteer leaders should be sensitive to the risks involved in participating in some contact sports with young people and exercise particular caution in areas such as swimming pools.

Staff/volunteer youth leaders should be sensitive to the fact that jokes of a sexual nature may be offensive to others and should ensure that such jokes are never told in the presence of children and young volunteers.

Staff/volunteer leaders should never touch a young person unnecessarily. This should not exclude normal expressions of warmth or happiness provided they are acceptable to all parties concerned. Physical contact should only be in response to the needs of the child and should be appropriate to the age and level of development of the child.

Staff/volunteer leaders should never physically punish or in any way be verbally abusive to a young person.

v. Volunteers

Definitions: Volunteer – A person who is involved in SCP activities i.e. camps etc and does not receive payment.


• All volunteers are requested to fill out a detailed application form, asking them to explain the reasons that they have chosen to volunteer and providing all relevant information.

• All volunteers must be Garda Vetted

• All volunteers must undergo a basic induction programme which includes information on Health & Safety, age and role appropriate information re: Child protection, Leader protection, relevant reporting, and dealing with a disclosure.

• Additional training will be provided in the area of programme planning and relevant activity ideas.

• Volunteers are never allowed to work alone under any circumstance.

• New volunteers must shadow a more experienced volunteer recommended by the SCP staff until such a time as it is felt that their practice is of a standard necessary for this work.

• Volunteers will be supported throughout the volunteer process and offered supervision where appropriate. They will have full access to SCP staff if required to discuss any issues or concerns. All activities will finish with an evaluation meeting in order to provide a forum for support for the volunteers.

• The training will encourage the volunteers never to take a chance and to always shift the responsibility back on to the SCP staff.

• In the event of a participant disclosing any child protection concerns to a volunteer, they will be trained to pass the information directly to the Co-ordinator. They will then document the disclosure. SCP will provide ongoing support and direction for them throughout the process and will provide counselling support if required.

• If a volunteer is injured in an activity, they must make contact with their programme co-ordinator who in turn must contact the SCP co-ordinator. The SCP will cover any potential medical costs subject to the discretion of the board and SCP co-ordinator. They will also be asked to write the incident up.

• Volunteers will be covered by SCP insurance when working as directed by the SCP staff.

vi. Visitors and Guest Speakers

Any visitors or guest speakers will not be given access to young people without at least one member of Tullow Area SCP staff being present. Adult visitors to the SCP offices will be monitored by SCP staff at all times. The purpose of their visit will be clearly identified and in the event that they wish to speak to a young person attending one of our activities, the parent/guardian and the young person will be consulted before any contact is permitted, if the visitor is not a designated contact person (named on permission forms). Guest speakers will be asked to provide evidence of Garda Vetting, they will be kept under the supervision of SCP staff at all times of contact with young people. Credentials and references will be checked before they have contact with young people.

vii. Supervision on trips and outings

When taking young people away on trips leaders should always be attentive to matters such as:

Adhering to Tullow SCP’s child protection policy and procedures primarily, and those of any partnering organisation, or the rules of the venue/destination.

Safety – in organising all activities, in the use buildings of facilities and when using all forms of transport.

Insurance – ensure it is adequate to cover all aspects of the trip.

Parental/Guardian Consent – leaders should have written consent from parents and or guardians before taking young people away on trips.

Ensuring that they are made aware of any medical information which might be relevant e.g. allergies, medication, dietary requirements.

Sleeping arrangements – In the event of an overnight trip, sleeping areas for males and females should be in separate and supervised quarters and should be supervised by two (if possible) leaders of the same sex as the group, which they are supervising.

viii. Internet usage

Internet use will be monitored at all times during SCP activities. Participants will be permitted limited access to their phones and computers during SCP activities. Tullow SCP will provide information on what the agency expectations are with regard to appropriate conduct when accessing the internet. Any inappropriate conduct that may cause harm for an another individual will be dealt with immediately. Volunteers and members of staff will be reprimanded for inappropriate use of the internet and social media. (See Tullow SCP AUP policy)

ix. Home Visiting

Only designated members of staff will be asked to make home visits on behalf of Tullow Area SCP. Volunteers or Students on placement will never be asked to visit a home unless for some reason they are required to accompany the designated worker. In such a case the designated worker in this case will have approved this action with the Tullow Area SCP Local Coordinator. Home visits will be terminated if there are children (under 18) and no adults present at the house at the time of the visit. Gardai or social services will be informed immediately if the young person alone is too young to be home alone. If any conversation takes place with a young person home alone, the worker will not enter the house and will conduct the conversation at the front door. The worker will also inform the parent as soon as possible afterward the time and purpose of their visit and advise that the young person was there at the time of the visit. The designated staff member will inform their colleagues when they are visiting homes, specifically naming what area or house they are visiting at a particular time.

x. Parents and Guardians

Tullow SCP will keep parents and guardians informed of all aspects of the programme that their child is involved in. It is our policy to share information relating to the programme of activities, trips away, transport to and from events, etc. with the parents/guardians.

Parents / Gaurdians will be given detailed information about SCP programmes and activities in advance of providing consent. In the event where information needs to be shared with TUSLA or An Garda Siochana, parents will be notified unless doing so is likely to endanger the young person.

A full copy of the Tullow SCP ‘s Child Protection policy is made available at the Tullow SCP office.

Information about Tullow SCP and its activities is also available at the Tullow SCP office.

xi. Anti Bullying Policy

Tullow SCP will not tolerate any bullying behaviour by children / young people or adults. All complaints in relation to any incidents will be taken seriously and will be dealt with immediately in accordance with the Tullow SCP anti-bullying policy when working with children and young people. This information will form part of the induction training programme for all staff and volunteers. (Anti-bullying policy available on request)

xii. Adult Leader to Young Person Ratio

The minimum adult leader to young person (post primary) ratio in any group should ideally be one adult per group of ten plus one other adult. With primary school participants the ratio should be one to five plus one other adult. Local circumstances, the needs of the young people, disability considerations, safety and the nature of the activities being undertaken may require that these adult/young person ratios be even lower.

When dealing with a group of mixed gender, it is important that workers have sufficient leaders to properly manage all activities for both groups. If the teacher is present for an in-class activity, there will only be a need for one SCP worker.

xiii. Photographs

Permission must be sought prior to the making of any photographs of a Tullow SCP programme or activity involving young people. This is clarified in registration forms with a check box declaration. Official photographs may only be taken in a planned manner in which the staff/volunteer team and the young people / parents have given their informed consent.

xiv. Procedure when dealing with an allegation against staff

This procedure recognizes that there is a Dual process, that of the Child Protection Referral and the second being the HR/Organisational disciplinary procedures. The principle that the welfare of the child is paramount to ensure that there is no delay in reporting to the HSE Children and Family Services and / or to An Garda Síochána

1. The DLP will report the allegation to the Chairperson of Tullow Area School Completion Local Management Committee. If the allegation is being made against the DLP then the deputy DLP will contact the Chairperson.

2. The Chairperson will convene a meeting of the HR and General Purposes Group to decide on the appropriate course of action. The role of this subgroup will be to agree the protective action to be taken with regard to the employee (e.g suspension from work etc). That protective action should be proportionate to the level of risk to the child. Any action taken should be guided by agreed procedures, the applicable employment contract and the rules of natural justice. (Childrens First C.F. Appendix 9). The committee sub-group will have no more then four members to protect the privacy of the worker/employee, and should include; the Chairperson, Wexford Education centre representative, either Garda or Social Worker committee members and/or another member of the committee with training or expertise in Child protection matters.

3. The Chairperson/other designated member of the committee will privately inform the employee of the following:

(i) the fact that an allegation has been made against him or her;

(ii) the nature of the allegation.

The employee should be afforded an opportunity to respond. The employer should note the response and pass on this information if making a formal report to the HSE Children and Family Services.

(C.F. Appendix 9)

4. The Chairperson/designated member will ensure that notification to TUSLA Child Protection Services or An Garda Síochána will take place where there are reasonable grounds for concern. The Chairperson/designated member will liaise closely with investigating bodies (TUSLA / An Garda Síochána) to ensure that actions taken by the organisation do not undermine or frustrate any investigations

5. All stages of the process will be recorded.

6. Parents will be informed of the actions planned, having regard to the rights of others.

7. Other members of the Tullow Area School Completion Local Management Committee will be informed that an allegation has been made against a member of staff. No specific information will be shared at this point as they may be required to form an impartial appeals committee should the staff member feel they have not been treated fairly by the process undertaken.

8. Every attempt will be made to ensure that this process is prioritized and followed promptly within an appropriate and reasonable time-frame.


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