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“Partners in Perinatal Quality”

The TIPQC “Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Opioid Exposed Newborn (OEN)” educational modules are designed to provide additional resources to care partners in caring for the OUD and OEN patients.  The modules consist of the video and post-test.  To obtain CME credit for your participation, you must complete each step and pass the post-test with a score of at least 80%. Your credit will become immediately available online.

TIPQC OUD OEN: What’s New in NAS Overview Video


Tennessee is in an opioid epidemic which mirrors much of the national epidemic. Leading expert, Dr. Stephen Patrick, discusses the history and current trends in Tennessee regarding OUD and OEN.

Learning Objectives:

• Learn how NAS data in Tennessee and the US is trending and why the data are not that clear

• Understand the complex issues surrounding NAS and their extent beyond hospital walls

• Identify how to best partner prenatally and after discharge to improve outcomes


Stephen Patrick, MD, MPH, MS is the Director of the Vanderbilt Center for Child Health Policy, an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, and an attending neonatologist at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

Dr. Patrick’s National Institute on Drug Abuse-funded research focuses on improving treatment for opioid-exposed infants and women with substance-use disorder and evaluating state and federal drug control policies. He is a member of the AAP Committee on Substance Use and Prevention and has testified about the impact of the opioid epidemic on pregnant women and infants before both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. His research has been published in leading scientific journals including the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Pediatrics, and Health Affairs.


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