Possible Evaluation of Student Learning:

Junior Cycle Coding Year Plan1st Year - Term 1 – August – Mid-Term – Approx. 9 weeks Short Course in Coding: Specification for JC - LinkStrand 1: Computer Science IntroductionUnit of Learning 1 – “My digital world 1:”The importance of computers in modern society and my life Learning Outcomes:(lesson 1-3) Introduction & set up Office 365 & Teams (Communication & ePortfolio). 1.1 (lesson 4) present and share examples of what computers are used for and discuss their importance in modern society and in their lives. 1.2(lesson 5 -8) describe the main components of a computer system (CPU, memory, main storage, I/O devices, buses). Unit of Learning 2 – “My digital world 2:”The importance of computers in modern society and my life (3 weeks)1.3(lesson 8-9) explain how computers are devices for executing programs via the use of programming languages.Key Concepts:Computer systems, input/output devices, CPU, memory, main storage, buses.Statements of LearningSO: L 16, 17, 20, 23Key Skills1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.Wellbeing IndicatorsC, D, E, FKey Concepts:Machine Code, binary, I/O, execute code, programming languages e.g. Java, python, C+, JavaScript.Assessment-Observation and questioning during class discussions. - (Group) - presentation of reports/posters, etc. to their group and teacher observation of individual decision making within groups.-Research what computers are used for and components. Report in MS Word online. Using the digital record of Office 365/OneDrive to evaluate the learning.-(Group) -Display and explain their report/poster.-Questioning (AFL), KWL, 2 stars & a wish.ReflectionLearning Experiences: 1.1-1.3; - Teacher input and teacher-initiated discussion.1.1; - (Group) - Creation of posters, storyboards or other methods showing the use and importance of computers in modern society and in their lives.1.2 - Group / class discussion to describe the main components of a computer system (CPU, memory, main storage, I/O devices, buses – creating a digital record of the discussion (Office 365)Possible Resources: on youtube (watch videos) do research document (ePortfolio) CAN DO FOR ALL THEORY Input, output November – Christmas - Approx. 6 weeks Unit of Learning 3 - “Being a Coder 1”Being a coder?step by step: How to start programming and to develop basic algorithms Learning Outcomes1.4 (lesson 1) develop appropriate algorithms using pseudo-code and/or flow charts (Getting ready) use shapes in Ms Word1.5 (lesson 2) write code to implement algorithms (Intro to Scratch) Key Concepts:Computational thinking, logical reasoning, decomposition, abstraction and generalisation, to design algorithms using pseudo-code and/or flow charts. Using programming language, coding.Key Skills1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.Assessment-Questioning, discussion around Algorithms.-Presentation within group of Algorithm (pseudo-code/ flowchart).-(Group) -Display and explain their worksheet answers/poster/reportQuestioning (AFL)Worksheet (AOL)ReflectionLearning Experiences:1.4-1.5 - (Group) watch YouTube. Intro to Flowcharts SEE algorithm unit of LearningLink to Big Bang Theory Video BBC Bitesize Flowchart Resource sheet and task1.4 - (Group / Individual) Crazy Character Algorithm1.4 - (Group / Individual) write pseudo-code/pseudo-code for basic activity in ScratchPossible Resources: Programming Algorithm Logical …?& barefoot worksheets for algorithms(Scratch Storytelling Theme)Activity 1: DialogueActivity 3: SettingActivity 5: CharacterizationActivity 7: Personal NarrativeActivity 2: Check it OutActivity 4: PremiseActivity 6: Interactive StorytellingActivity 8: Your Innovation Story1st Year - Term 2 – January – Mid Term – Approx. 6 weeks (Games Theme)Activity 1: Gaming StoryActivity 3: Maze GameActivity 5: Escape GameActivity 7: Quest GameActivity 2: Racing GameActivity 4: Platform GameActivity 6: Launcher GameActivity 8: Cave Surfing GameUnit of Learning 4 - “Being a Coder 2”Being a coder?step by step: How to start programming and to develop basic algorithms Learning Outcomes (Data Structures)1.6 discuss and implement core features of structured programming languages, such as variables, operators, loops, decisions, assignment, and modules. (called functions and/ or procedures), if-else blocks, while, for loops, etc., 1.7 test the code 1.8 evaluate the results in groups of two or three.Key ConceptsData Structures: Variables, operators, loops, decisions, assignment, modules. Debugging.Key Skills1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.Assessment:-(Group) feedback on their discussion of programs. -Student runs/debugs program to achieve badges (self-assessment).-Teacher can see progress of shared work on cs-first website. Showcase random picked work to group and give stickers/badges after each activity completed.-All 8 activities completed, teacher gives Google Cert. from pack.-Questioning (AFL)-Book, DK, (coding for kids). (AOL)-Workbook - AOLReflectionPossible Learning Experiences:1.6 - (Group) Watch Videos from Activity 1 – Teacher explain process, sign in, my badges, activities, to watch videos with earphones, pause, remix, share, sign out. Teacher explains computer science concepts, to ensure all the following achieved at this stage. Teacher can give hard/digital copies of Book to reinforce concepts. Data Structures: Variables, operators, loops, decisions, assignment, modules. Debugging.to group. Workbook for assessment.1.6 - (Individual/pair programming) Interpret problem and implement code to tell story/make game. 1.7 – (Individual/ pair programming) Test/debug code.1.8 – (Group) – Random Showcase selector of student work on teacher big screen. Watch/evaluate- Discussion of programs, peer feedback.Possible Resources: Give Club Code, Passports, stickers, earphones. Videos: Storytelling & Games Design Themes.664337012446000 Starter Project Links from Google CS first. Remix, use same username & password for both websites. Share: Random Showcase Selector Structures: variables, operators, loops, decisions, assignment, and modules (called functions and/ or procedures) Techniques (covering sequence, selection and repetition). VideoBBC Bitesize programming tutorial ‘How do we get computers to do what we want?’ available at: bbc.co.uk/guides/z23q7ty. ? Cracking the Code clip, available at: bbc. co.uk/programmes/p016j4g5. ? Scratch multiplication test, available at: http:// scratch.mit.edu/projects/26116842/#editor. 1.7-1.8 Creative Computing, ‘An Introductory Computing Curriculum Using Scratch’, available at: http:// scratched.gse.harvard.edu/guide/ (Workbook for evaluation/assessment). – Easter - Approx. 6 weeksUnit of Learning 5 – “Being a Coder 3”: YR 1: Scratch Projects (Coder 1 & 2) & Learning Outcomes (1.3, 1.6-1.8) &3.1-3.7 (CBA) PracticeDocumenting the code: Documentation and code analysis 3.5 document programs to explain how they work 3.6 present the documented code to each other in small groups 3.7 analyse code to determine its function and identify errors or potential errorsKey ConceptsInput, processing, output. Data Structures: Variables, operators, loops, decisions, assignment, modules. Debugging. Log errors, pseudocode.Key Skills1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.Assessment- (Group & Individual) Questioning and discussion around projects.- (Group with individual components) Sharing success criteria for the project, self-assessment and providing ongoing feedback. Presentation of findings -within groups.Teacher assesses documented/shared work (AOL)ReflectionPossible Learning Experiences:(Group) Activating prior knowledge around computer science, computational thinking, programming, coding – developing our understanding (Individual & Group) 1.6 - (Individual/pair programming) Interpret problem and implement code for Scratch1.7, 3.7 – (Individual/ pair programming) Test/debug code.1.8 – (Group) –evaluate- Discussion of programs, peer feedback.3.5 - (Individual/pair programming) Document programs to explain how they work. Use MS Office (upload and share with teacher).3.6 - (Group with individual components) project – presentation of work.Possible Resources:Report Template/features of quality Motor with ScratchEaster – Summer - Approx. 6 weeksUnit of Learning 6 - “Being a Coder 4”Learning OutcomesPhysical Devices (Micro:bit/Arduino)1.6 Discuss and implement core features of structured languages such as variables, operators, loops, decisions, assignment and modulesKey Concepts Input, processing, output. Data Structures: Variables, operators, loops, decisions, assignment, modules. Debugging. Log errors, pseudocode.Circuits, wires, transistors, LEDs etc.,Key Skills1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.Assessment:- (Group & Individual) –Use of Office 365 to collate work.- (Group & Individual) - Presentation within groups of projects.- (Group & Individual) - Submit report on project.Possible Evaluation of Student Learning:-Feedback from groups on the project - teacher and peer questioning.-Observations of group discussions -Teacher observations and feedback from groups - digital record ReflectionPossible Learning Experiences:(Individual/pair programming) projects (intro block to JavaScript)(Group & Individual) – download code to device, record, and present work. (Individual/pair programming) projects.(Group & Individual) – connect circuit, wires, leds etc., download code to device, record, and present work. Possible Resources:Physical Devices: Micro:bit, Arduino/RaspberryPi - Examples of related learning in the course:SOL 17: The student devises and evaluates strategies for investigating and solving problems using mathematical knowledge, reasoning, and skills. Problem solving and computational thinking are central to this course. Students use their mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding when figuring out, evaluating, and implementing solutions to problems. SOL 16: The student describes, illustrates, interprets, predicts, and explains patterns and relationships. Students interpret and describe patterns and relationships as they solve problems and create projects using algorithms and programming languages. SOL 20: The student uses appropriate technologies in meeting a design challenge. Students, either individually or as part of a team, research and discuss the most appropriate technologies to use, to solve problems and deliver solutions. SOL 23: The student brings an idea from conception to realisation. Students engage in brainstorming and planning activities, move on to the design, development, and test phases, culminating in the creation of a project solution to a problemKey skill element in Student learning activity:Being literate; Expressing ideas clearly and accurately Students create a website to display the results of a topic they have researched. Managing myself; Setting and achieving personal goals Students take responsibility for personal learning by setting goals and seeking help when necessary from classmates, the teacher, or other appropriate sources, and by reflecting on the feedback they receive.Staying well Being safe; Students become aware of the wellness, health and safety issues associated with working with computers, and of practical ergonomic issues regarding the use of computers. Students learn to be responsible, safe, and ethical in using digital technology. Managing information and thinking; Thinking creatively and critically Students explore new and different ways of answering questions and solving problems. They use a variety of tools to access, manage and share information such as flow-charts, design documents, code documentation and bug lists. Being numerate; Developing a positive disposition towards investigating, reasoning and problem-solving Students create short programs which demonstrate their use and understanding of mathematical and computational ideas. Being creative; Implementing ideas and acting Students brainstorm and generate ideas for design and implementation of solutions and projects. Working with others, Cooperating; Students develop good working relationships with others and appreciate the value of respect and cooperation in reaching both collective and personal goals. They learn to appreciate diverse talents and how to engage in collaborative municating; Discussing and debating Students discuss ideas, evaluate the pros and cons of different approaches, and propose possible solutions. They report on projects and provide feedback to others. Wellbeing IndicatorsA – Active, B – Responsible, C – Connected, D – Resilient, E – Respected, F - Aware ................

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