
WEEKLY REMOTE LEARNING PLANNING FORM ROOM #38 WEEKOF: 10/19-10/23 TEACHER’S NAME: Nechamah Reich Day of the WeekDAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- Daily Focus Question/ Lesson)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Insert 4 additional DETAILED center ideas/ activities DAILY- this does not include art, writing, literacy]MondayDate: October 19Good morning songRead book- What Can I FeelVisual- Small, medium and large pumpkinToday we will review the five senses. We will also go over what we discussed about seasons, specifically the Fall. For example, the weather is a little cooler and windier and the leaves fall from the tree. Also, in the fall there are certain foods that are ripe and ready to pick such as pumpkins, corn and apples. Then we will introduce a medium size pumpkin to the class. Students observe it. Then, teacher shows a larger pumpkin which makes the medium pumpkin the smaller one. Finally, the teacher shows the smallest pumpkin and students learn the difference between small, medium and large. They will also be encouraged to use the words bigger, smaller, while comparing the pumpkins. Then we will let the children touch the pumpkin. (Heavy or light)Math- the children will take a paper and cut it into small, medium and large pieces. Then they will find three items in the classroom and decide on which paper they belong.Blocks-the children will be encouraged to build with the different blocks and describe how they feel. Then they can add vehicles and feel the different puter- They will play math games involving heavy and lightScience-Using a mirror we will encourage the students to identify body parts and then have them identify what is the function of the body part and which part is smaller or bigger.Writing- we will encourage the students to create and write five senses and parts of body from around the classroom.Literacy/ Library- The children will use books to identify words that begin with the letter p. Art-The children will be encouraged to create a collage using many different textured craft supplies. The new words for the different textures will be modeled for them. A variety of materials will be provided with teacher scaffolding.Writing-Word of the Day- touchTuesdayDate: October 20Good morning songRead book- Growing PumpkinsVisual- Small, medium and large pumpkinToday we will review the five senses, specifically touch. What do we touch with? How do different things feel when we touch them? Do you remember how the pumpkin felt? That was the outside of the pumpkin. How do you think the inside of the pumpkin feels? Then we will ask the children to predict what they think is inside a pumpkin?We will chart their responses. Dramatic play- The children will pretend to create a farmer’s market. Have students pretend to sell pumpkins at the farmer’s market. Incorporate sizes of pumpkins. SAND AND WATER/ SENSORY- we will add toy pumpkins to the sand and encourage the students to explore the sand. What do you see? How does it feel? Can you count the pumpkins?Fine Motor- Have students explore and create their own Mr. Potato head. Discuss the different parts and how they are used for their senses.Blocks- the children will be encouraged to create a pumpkin farm. How big should it be? What kind of vehicles, people and animals will be on the farm?Literacy/ Library- Children will use pictures they draw or cut out to create a collage of words that start with the letter p.Writing- The children will use the writing folder or the children will look around the room for write five senses and parts of body from around the classroom.Art- The children will be encouraged to draw pictures of pumpkins. They can use the real pumpkins as a visual. A variety of materials will be provided with teacher scaffolding.Writing-Word of the Day- pumpkinWednesdayDate: October 21Good morning songRead book- The Pumpkin BookVisual- pumpkin life cycleToday we will review the five senses, specifically touch. What do we touch with? How do different things feel when we touch them? Then we will remind the children about the touch of the pumpkins. We will show the poster of how pumpkins grow in sequence. First, we need to plant a seed in the soil. Then the roots, thick stem and leaves begin to sprout (grow). Then the flower blooms. Last a pumpkin grows on the ground (in a pumpkin patch). Review the physical characteristics of a pumpkin such as color and stem. Dramatic Play-the children will be encouraged to pretend to be a farmer taking care of a pumpkin patch- what does a pumpkin patch need to help them grow? How do we take care of a pumpkin patch? Why does a farmer need a tractor? What is the tractor used for on the farm?Science- today the children will open the big pumpkin. Once the pumpkin is opened, the students smell and observe the inside. Students also explore the texture and size of the seeds.Math- Encourage students to count the seeds of a pumpkin. They will have 2 pumpkins and seed cut outs. They will place the seeds on the pumpkins. Then they will count the seeds. They will determine if the pumpkins have the same amount of seeds or more or less.Table Top- children will use Legos or building blocks to create pumpkins and a pumpkin patch.Literacy/ Library- The children will walk around the classroom (house) identifying objects that start with the letter p. Writing- The children will use the writing folder or we will encourage the students to write the words that have to do with a pumpkin such as seeds, soil, patch, farmer, grow and etc.Art- the children will draw the life cycle of a pumpkin. They can use books or the teacher poster to remember its cycle. A variety of materials will be provided with teacher scaffolding.Writing-Word of the Day-vines and stemThursdayDate: October 22Good morning songRead book- Pumpkin PumpkinVisual- Venn Diagram of an apple and a pumpkinToday we will review the five senses, specifically touch. What do we touch with? How do different things feel when we touch them? Then we will remind the children about the touch of the pumpkins. We will ask about the apple. Did the apple and pumpkin feel the same? Did they look the same? With the children’s help we will create a Venn diagram to record the similarities and differences of an apple and pumpkin.Math-the children will work with a pumpkin patch. The teacher will place numbers 1-5 in a bag. The children will pick one number and then place that number of pumpkins in the patch.SAND AND WATER/ SENSORY- Encourage the children to explore play-doh and create pumpkins, seeds, stem and puter- They will play math games involving heavy and lightDramatic Play- we will encourage the children to go pumpkin picking. Remind children that some pumpkins are quite big what can they use to carry the pumpkin? How about the smaller pumpkins?Literacy/ Library-They will look at an alphabet book and listen to music to review letter p sound and words that begin with the letter p.Writing- The children will use the writing folder or they will trace the letters of their name or items they in the class that are the same color of a pumpkin.Art- The children will be encouraged to draw a pumpkin with a window. When they open the window, they will see seeds in the pumpkin. A variety of materials will be provided with teacher scaffolding.Writing-Word of the Day- seedsFridayDate:October 23Good morning songRead book- What Can I FeelVisual- What’s in the bag gameToday we will review the five senses, specifically touch. What do we touch with? How do different things feel when we touch them? Then we will prepare a variety of items in a bag. The children will try to predict what is in the bag only with touch. Then they will try to describe the item to their friends. Then we will ask if we can use our other senses to describe the item. Dramatic Play- teacher with children will create recipes that incorporates apples and/or pumpkins. Then we will encourage the children to create a meal from a recipe.Science- the children will have another opportunity to play the what’s in the bag game. This time they will place an item in the bag and have their friends or teacher guess what’s in the bag by touch.SAND AND WATER/ SENSORY- the teacher will use a large Ziplock bag, add different gels, soap or shampoo and have students touch using their feet. What does it feel like? Do they like it or dislike it? Math- we will introduce the concept of heavy and light. The children will predict which is heavier the pumpkin or apple? Then they can measure the pumpkin with other objects they see in the classroom.Literacy/ Library- The children will choose a book and identify words that start with the letter p They will write it down and draw pictures besides it.Writing- the children will use the writing folder or the children can use the chalk and chalk boards to write the different textures they find in the classroom. (They can also use paper and writing instruments such as markers or pencils).Art- The children can create a pumpkin from a brown paper bag. They can use paint, crayons, or tissue paper to decorate the pumpkin. A variety of materials will be provided with teacher scaffolding.Writing-Word of the Day-apple, stem, and seedsSocial/ Emotional- Week to Review # 5 of the Week-follow directionsM- We will remind children that we use self-talk to focus and now we can also use it to help remember to follow directions. Give your child different scenarios and see how they can use self-talk to remember. Example are washing your hands, getting dress, brushing your teeth, cleaning your toys.T- We will show poster of Danny who forgot what his teacher told him to do. What should he do? Ask his teacher again then use self-talk to remember the directions.W- We will play a listening game and then use self-talk to remember what to do. Gather different items from around the house and put it on the table. They give your child directions. For example, put the ball on a chair. Then your child will use self-talk and repeat what you said. Then they should follow the directions. If they followed your directions praise them for listening and following directions. Continue this with until all the items you gathered on the table are used. If your child is having difficulty then help them use self-talk and follow directions.TH- we will review listening rules and then play a different listening game. You will give them movement direction and see if they can follow. For example, you can say jump 3 times. Your child repeats what you said and then jumps 3 times. Continue giving directions such as turnaround, tap your head 5 times, clap our hands, touch your toes, bend your knees…..F- Listen better lesson- New York STATE PREKINDERGARTEN LEARNING STANDARDS:Domain1.PK.AL.1. actively engages in play as a means of exploration and learning Indicators: a. interacts with a variety of materials and peers through playDOMAIN2.PK.PDH.5. Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills.Indicators: a. demonstrates ability to use fine motor skills (e.g. engages in finger plays, uses materials such as pencils, paint brushes, eating utensils and blunt scissors effectively).Domain3.PK.SEL.1. Regulates responses to needs, feelings and events Indicators: c. demonstrates an ability to independently modify behavior in different situations.Domain 4B.PK.ELAL.7. Developed and answers questions about characters, major events, and pieces of information in a textWork Sampling Indicators:WSI: I.D.1: Interacts easily with one or more children.WSI: VII.A.2 (sensory)WSI: III.A.I / III.B.I/ III.B.2/ III.A.4 (math)WSI: VI.A.3/VII.B.3 (art) ................

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