Section 1: A New Wave of Immigration

USHX 7.1 A New Wave of Immigration/ Non-Factory Workers


Drill: Gold Standard & Populist Party

Gold Standard - meant that money had a fixed value in gold.

Populist (Political) Party – was an alliance of labor and reform groups.

OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to explain the reasons for immigration (foreign people) to the United States in the late 1800s by identifying the countries from which foreign people arrived.


1. New immigrants came to the United States in search of a better life and better jobs.

2. Other immigrants came to the United States in search of political and religious freedom.

3. Immigrants worked as unskilled laborers in steel mills or garment shops.

4. Women worked as maids or cooks, or ran boarding houses.

5. Immigrants worked as bakers, blacksmiths, butchers, carpenters, masons, or tailors.

6. Immigrants also started businesses, such as barbershops, laundries, and restaurants.

7. In 1882 Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act.

8. Nativists wanted to restrict immigration.

Terms to know:

• portholes (210): openings in the side of a ship

• anticipation (210): looking forward to something

• looming (211): appearing impressively great

• awe (211): a sense of admiring wonder

• deporting (211): sending out of the country

• reaps (214): gathers

|Classifying Information |Identifying Concepts |MULTIPLE CHOICE |

|1. N 6. N |1. b 4. f |1. c |

|2. O 7. O |2. d 5. c |3. d |

|3. O 8. N |3. e 6. a |4. b |

|4. N 9. O | |5. c |

|5. N 10. O | | |

Summary: Today, I learned that many of the new immigrants came to the United States in search of a better life and better jobs. Other immigrants came to the United States in search of political and religious freedom.

Homework: Steerage & Benevolent Societies

Steerage: the area below a ship’s deck where most immigrants traveled

Benevolent Societies: organizations formed by immigrants to help each other in cases of sickness, unemployment, and death

Name __________________________ Class _______________ Date ________________


USHX 7.1 A New Wave of Immigration/ Non-Factory Workers

Terms to Know

• portholes p.210

• anticipation p.210

• looming p.211

• awe p.211

• deporting p.211

• reaps p.214

CLASSIFYING INFORMATION Mark each description O if it applies to old immigrants or N if it applies to new immigrants.

______ 1. arrived after 1880

______ 2. included many who spoke English

______ 3. mostly from Britain, Germany, Ireland, and Scandinavia

______ 4. a large percentage from southern and eastern Europe

______ 5. some seeking to escape religious or political persecution

______ 6. included many different religions

______ 7. arrived before the 1880s

______ 8. many entered the United States through Ellis Island

______ 9. mostly Protestant

______10. many skilled workers

IDENTIFYING CONCEPTS Match the letters of the descriptions with the appropriate terms or names.

______ 1. Chinese Exclusion Act ______ 4. industrial growth

______ 2. Immigration Restriction League ______ 5. unions

______ 3. Henry Cabot Lodge ______ 6. nativists

a. argued different languages and backgrounds would prevent immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and Asia from becoming good U.S. citizens

b. prohibited Chinese people from immigrating to the United States for 10 years

c. opposed immigrants because of fear they would take away jobs

d. demanded all immigrants prove that they could read and write before being allowed into the United States

e. senator who supported immigration restrictions

f. labor provided by immigrants helped make this possible in the late 1800s

MULTIPLE CHOICE For each of the following, write the letter of the best choice in the space provided.

______ 1. People who moved to the United States after 1880 seeking economic opportunity or political or religious freedom were called

a. old immigrants.

b. nativists.

c. new immigrants.

d. steerage.

______ 2. After 1880 many of those who moved to the United States came from countries such as

a. Germany and Scandinavia.

b. Britain and Ireland.

c. Italy and Poland.

d. Canada and Mexico.

______ 3. Where did the majority of the new immigrants settle?

a. small towns

b. rural areas

c. suburbs

d. large cities

______ 4. Why did groups of immigrants establish benevolent societies?

a. to encourage friends and relatives to immigrate to the United States

b. to provide assistance to their community members in times of need

c. to lobby local governments for better urban services

d. to preserve their cultural heritage

______ 5. The poorly built, overcrowded apartments many immigrants lived in were called

a. steerage.

b. sweatshops.

c. tenements.

d. benevolent societies.

In your own words, summarize today’s lesson:


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