CrossBridge Prayer List - Clover Sites

CrossBridge Prayer List


Continue to pray for the CrossBridge friends expecting a little one(s): Eric and Sarah Hughes (baby girl due this month!), Matt and Sumer Jones (having a baby girl!), Jeremy and Lora Retherford (expecting twins- one boy and one girl!) and Philip and Sarah Arthurs (baby due in December!).

We praise God for the Buchanans as they celebrated their son Charles’ wedding over the weekend.

Please give best wishes to the Wagner Family. They are moving to Chattanooga as Marcus begins a new job there soon. I personally am so thankful for this family as they have worked tirelessly in LifeWalk Group Leadership and have been nothing but a blessing. Please pray for the transition for Marcus, Rachel, Caleb, Ethan and Lydia. We love you all and wish you God’s greatest blessings. We will miss you but are glad you are not too far away!

Prayer Requests

Please cover Cathy Troxler with your prayers as she faces breast cancer. We need to pray that there is no cancer in additional lymph nodes which they should know soon. Please pray for an immediate and sustained healing from God. Please pray for Brad and Tabitha and Liam. The Troxler’s moved to a new house over the weekend so there is all of the challenge of that as well. Please continue to cry out to God for this family.

Ernie Davis will begin taking additional chemotherapy pills this week. Please pray these are effective with minimal side effects.

Paul Lewis writes, “My uncle, Roger Harp was working at Regions in Fairfield and fell off the roof. He is currently in critical condition at UAB.”

Alana Lindley asked us to pray for the Black family. Laura passed away over the weekend and the family needs prayers for peace and comfort.

Amanda Cockrell writes, “I would like to request prayers for my Father, Don Jackson. He is going through many struggles and could sure use some prayer warriors.”

We continue to be in prayer for Michael Schroeder, the Sabens grandson. He received some sad news as he has been diagnosed with a disease called ‘noonan’. Let’s lift up little Michael to our God and pray that He would heal little Michael. He has been through so much.

Julie LeNoir writes, “Test results showed that Joe's dad (Clyde LeNoir) who lives in Meridian, MS has cancer. He has begun chemo. Please pray for healing. Thanks!”

Kristi Bramblett writes, “I would like to add the Anders family to our prayer requests. My friend Pam Anders's husband Rob was one of those killed on Wednesday in an accident on CR 11. They never had children and Pam's brother and father passed away recently. Her mother is in poor mental health as well so Pam really has no family to fall back on. I know she would appreciate our prayers at this time.”

Andy Long writes, “A coworker’s wife had a mastectomy last August. Sandy Yerby was told that it appears the cancer is back in other areas of her body. Please add Sandy and Richard in your prayers.”

Keep praying for Amy Sokol’s sister in law Sophie Slate. She was diagnosed with esophageal cancer but treatments are working. Please continue to cry out to God for healing.

Please be in prayer for the Dill family. They have moved Sandi's Mother (who is 95 years old) in with them. Please pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit as they make this transition.

Gerri Basic- Julia Brackeen’s step-mom has been moved to an assisted living facility to continue therapy and rehab from a head trauma and surgery. Please pray for healing.

Sarah Rodas asks for prayers for her father Keith Tice. Please pray for healing for him.

Leah Eagle writes, “My sister, Paula Duncan, was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. She is undergoing chemo treatments. She will have surgery in late summer followed by radiation. Please pray for her as she embarks on this difficult journey and pray for complete healing.”

Please pray for Holly Beth and Blake Harris. Holly Beth is the Heffington’s granddaughter- daughter of their oldest, Laine. Holly was due to deliver the Heffington’s first great grandchild. Sadly before delivery, the baby has gone to be with Jesus. Please cover the Harris’ with your prayers and lift up the Heffington’s as they grieve and minister. The Harris’ attend at Homewood so pray for that church family as they surround this family with their love. It is in moments like these where we grieve- but we grieve with hope.

Cathy Troxler writes, “Please add someone to the prayer list. My sister-in-law, Kate, is an army doctor who is being sent to Afghanistan. She will be there for at least 6 months. I'd really appreciate prayers for her safety and also for the well-being of my brother (her husband) Alex and their 18 month old daughter Penny.”

Paige Sullivan writes, “Would you please add my dad to the prayer list, Cecil Newman. He has a wound on his foot that is not healing and also is a diabetic. Pray for dad to do as the doctor has ordered so he will not have to have his toe removed. Thank you.”

Steve Lawrence writes, “On the prayer list, please add my mom Darlene next to my dad. Dad is doing well. He is going to get a full body scan to find out where the cancer is left in his body. He has aged a lot from all the treatments. My mom has recently had a lot of health related issues, but seems to be doing a lot better.”

Mandee McDonald’s Mom Mrs. Gerchow is home under the care of Hospice. Please continue to lift her up to the Lord.

Bob Gerchow (Mandee’s Dad) is undergoing radiation treatment for prostate cancer. Please cover him in prayer.

Sean Boogard asks for prayers to be freed from his Asperger’s symptoms.

Emma Jamison is having some health complications.  Please pray for complete healing.

Clark Ogle has asked for prayer for macular degeneration. Please lift him and his family up to God this week and ask for healing and help.

Please edit or add to these requests. They will be distributed by e-mail on Monday.


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