
369697033083500PROBLEM SOLUTIONEssayExam DetailsDate: _____________________Timing: _____ minutes, 250 words, _____ paragraphsWeight: ______ % of FP Level 3 markPORTFOLIO TASKS (Tentative)Any classroom activities/assignments could be evaluated. Example Portfolio Tasks include: Workbook Tasks (in class and homework)Practice ExamJournal Group presentation Study SCHEDULE (Draft)In Class AimsHW/Out of classTHU: write & analyze model essay (junk food), analyze, preview Google doc projectAnalyze 2nd essay (remembering Vocab)Journal – 250 words (Movies, due SUNDAY)ONLINE Grammar exercisesSUN - Organization & Writing the IntroductionunemploymentWORKSHEETSONLINE Grammar exercisesMON - Writing the Body & ConclusionWORKSHEETSTUE – Grammar and Vocab – Linking wordsFocus on form / Conditionals / althoughWORKSHEETSWED - Practice Exam, althoughVocab worksheet (unemployment) Common errors worksheetSUN - Error Correction & RevisionError Correction worksheet (by type of error)MON - Group presentations - PORTFOLIOTUES - FINAL EXAM – 50 minutesWED – RECAP / ONLINE GRAMMAR PRACTICEONLINE – Grammar – although - – Solution ADJECTIVES - – Solution NOUNS - – Solution Verbs AND REMINDERSAdd sentence typessystematic yet flexibl homework assignments that include 1 journal + 1 essayQuick spell quizzes throughoutAdd VTL – makea separate workbook for Grammar/Vocabadd full essays for checking verbs, etc. (used edited calibration sripts)*******************************417957029845center-3175EXAMPLE Exam00EXAMPLE ExamEnglish Level 3Exam Timed Writing Examination Exam Time: 40 Minutes 57150127000There is one writing task in this exam.At the end of the exam, all exam materials must be given to the proctor.00There is one writing task in this exam.At the end of the exam, all exam materials must be given to the proctor.Present a written argument or a case to a non-specialist audience on the following topic:Today, many people like to go for a picnic in the desert. However, they leave their rubbish there. What are some solutions to this problem?You should write at least 250 words.You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.You can make notes in the space below.Explore Topics Discuss: What problems are shown in the pictures below? Match the problems below with solutions. (One of the problems has two solutions)PROBLEMS SOLUTIONSair pollution ____ build more public transportationnowhere for children to play ___ provide more litter binsrubbish in the streetsmove factories out of the citybuild more parksMake sentences with the ideas aboveExample: One solution to the problem of air pollution is to build more public transportation.Another solution to the problem of air pollution is to __________________________________________________________________________________________________________One solution to the problem of nowhere for children to play is to __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________RESULTS – After you solve a problem, you will have a [good / bad] result. Match the solutions in A. above to the results below. 1. there would be fewer cars on the roads _________2. the streets would be cleaner __________3.the air would be healthy to breathe _________4. children would have somewhere safe to play ________5. people would be able to move around more easily _______ Complete the paragraphs below with RESULTS given above. example: The first solution to the problem of air pollution more public transportation. This is because if people are using buses and trains, they will not cause extra traffic on the roads. As a result, there would be fewer cards on the roadsAnother solution to the problem of air pollution is to move factories out of the cities. This is because these buildings put a lot of poison into the air, and they are extremely dangerous. If the factories are located far from homes and people, ________________________________________________________________________________________One solution to the problem of rubbish in the city is to ________________________________________________________________________________________________. This is because most people want to help keep their neighbourhoods clean, but it is difficult because there is no place for their trash. If the governments puts more rubbish bins in the city,____________________________________________________________343916032258000left42164000DEVELOP IDEAS (Brainstorm)Discuss ExpressionsWhat is the problem? Is it a big problem? ….. is a big problem / issue What are the causes of this problem? This happens because ………. happens because of What are the results of this problem?Because of this problem….As a result of this problem, …..…. junk food leads to….What about solutions?One solution to …. is …..One solution to this problem is…If this problem continues, what will happen?If this problem continues, …If we solve the problem, what will happen?If we solve this problem, …MODEL ESSAYDirections: Order the words in the sentences, and write the example essay on the following pages.(Introduction)1) at fast food restaurants. / In many countries, /often eat / people 2) because / heart disease and diabetes. / may develop / people who eat too much junk food / serious illnesses, / such as / This is a problem / 3) are / However, / several solutions / there / to this problem. / (Body 1) 4) healthy food / is / less expensive / should make / than junk food. / that / The first solution / the government / 5) cheap fruit and vegetables. / could give / farmers / for example, / it / money to grow / 6) and / As a result, / less junk food. / might eat / more cheap and healthy food / people / (Body 2)7) A second solution / about nutrition. / children / is that / schools / should teach / to the problem of junk food / 8) all the time, / because if / children / eat junk food / health problems./ may develop / they / This is important / 9) children become obese, / could get / diabetes and need medicine./ For instance, / if / they / (Body 3)10) eat / families / Finally, / more healthy food./ should make sure that / their children / 11) a healthy lunch / could give / For instance, / giving them money / instead of / parents / their children / to buy lunch. / to take to school, / 12) would not have money / to spend on junk food / those children / eat healthily./ Because of this, / and they would have to / (Conclusion)13) there are solutions to this problem. / the issue of people eating too much junk food / In conclusion, / although / affects many countries, / 14) The government / should make / schools should give their students / nutrition education / healthy school lunches./ healthy food / cheaper, / and parents should give their children / 15) is very important./ I believe that / good health / everybody should eat more healthy food / because / INTRO123BODY 1456BODY 2789BODY 3101112CONCLUSION131415245 words Analyze the essayWhat is the problem? _______________________________________________________Why is junk food a problem? (What are the results of junk food?) ________________________________________________________________________________________________How many paragraphs are in the essay ? _______ How many words _______ What are the solutions?Body 1 solution: __________________________________________Body 2 Solution: __________________________________________Body 3 Solution: ____________________________________________What will happen if parents do not give money to their children for lunch?Practice Analyzing an essay3898900449199000HOW TO REMEMBER NEW VOCAB IN ENGLISHDo you spend hours studying new words in English, only to find that after a few days you have forgotten them? Many students have this problem and it can cause a lot of stress, but you mustn’t give up hope. Here are a few ways to help you remember new vocabulary.One useful solution is to write down each new word or phrase on a small piece of paper. This is because they are easy to carry, and you can put these papers around your room and on your walls, where you can see them. In this way, you will see the new words every day and you’ll soon learn them. Another technique is to select twenty words a week to learn. For example, you can ask a friend to test you on their meanings. By learning ten words a week, you will soon build up your vocabulary.The best way to learn new words, though, is to use them! When you find a new word or expression, look it up in the dictionary to find out what it means, and make sure you include it in your next composition, or in a letter to a pen friend, or even in conversation. After you have used it a few times, you are sure to remember it.In summary, I hope you find these tips useful. Remember, learning English vocabulary can seem difficult, but if you write down the words, learn new ones every week, and use them regularly, it isn’t impossible!! If you try these tips, you’ll pass those tests!! (257 words)Use the essay above to answer the questions below. What is the problem ? ____________________________________________Why is this a problem (causes and/or effects)? What solutions does the writer give? What examples/results are used to give to support the solutions?SUGGESTIONS Examples & RESULTSIf we solve the problem, what will happen?Example topics ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________problems for UAE / UAEU/students ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________righttop00Journal Writing - Sometimes, you will have to think about different problems at the same time, and then give solutions. Choose one topic below and write at least 250 words. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar, but try to make your ideas clear and organize your thoughts into paragraphs (use your own paper)The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it has also created problems that did not exist before. What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what solutions can you suggest?What are the negative impacts of playing computer games, and what can be done to minimize the bad effects?Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one or two serious problems caused by overpopulationExample Exam topics Also see “Speeding” ppt: 2 Prob Solv Study Mat-A - Exam -Topics - speeding pptDirections: Read and mark the key words. Which topics look the most interesting? Mark * next to these. Which ones look difficult? Write ? next to theseUAE Problems There are many car accidents in the UAE.Today, speeding on roads is a major problem in the UAE.Many people like to go for a picnic in the desert. However, they leave all their rubbish there.We are using too much water these days, and we may not have enough water in the future. Health ProblemsIn many countries today, obesity is a growing problem. All over the world, many people smoke and this is causing huge health related problems.School ProblemsSome students at universities in the UAE find studying for their major very difficult because most of their courses are in English. Today, many universities have a major problem with cheating.Many students feel tired and do not want to continue working hard towards the end of the semester. In some universities, students miss too many lessons because they are absent too often. Some students find it difficult to make new friends when they go to university. City ProblemsThere are not enough parking spaces in large cities. Some cities are becoming overcrowded. As cities get bigger, crime increases. Today, many cities have a growing problem with pollution.Global ProblemsToday, global warming is a major issue in the world.Modern Life / TechnologyModern technology can make our lives easier but is not available to everybody. Everyone most peole their smartphones, but electronic addiction is a big problemToday, mobile phones are very popular. However, they can be a problem in public places – e.g. in hospitals, mosques & classrooms.These days, we live in a busy world, and people find it hard to relax.4495165top00Brainstorming & PlanningWhy? Brainstorming & Planning are very important, because you will (choose one answer, below):Plan ideas for the introPlan ideas for the body paragraphBoth a and bHow? Ask yourself questions to get ideas Questions to Ask yourselfLanguage you can use…The problem is X X is one of the biggest problems in the world/university/UAE/etc.Why is it a problem? / Why should we care?X is a problem because ………We should care about X because……..What causes it?X happens because……..What happens as a result?X causes (result)Because of X, ……………………. (result)Grammar and SpeakingWith a partner, practice asking & answering questions with several different topics. For example.Student A: I hear that there is a problem with X (use a Noun phrase)Student B: Oh, yes, X is one of the biggest problems in the ______Student A: Really, What causes it? Student B: X happens because …………Student A: What happens as a result of X? 4733925585660500Student B: Because of X, ………………………………….. (clause) TopicsLack of waterGlobal WarmingPractice Brainstorming Directions: organize solutions for three different topics, using ideas in the boxes below. You may use solutions more than once if suitable.Public places are becoming very noisydamages the environment for everyone. MOBILES IN PUBLIC PLACESteach recycling in schoolpopulation is growing dailymore car parksfine people who do thisblock phone signalscharge tax for cars to enter the city.take them away from people who don’t use them correctlyput more bins in the desertmore public transportationProblem #1What is the Problem? PEOPLE LEAVING RUBBISH IN THE DESERT Cause and/or Effect: Damages environment for everyoneSolution #1:Solution #2:Solution #3:Problem #2What is the Problem? ____________________________Cause and/or Effect: Public places are becoming very noisySolution #1:Solution #2:Solution #3:Problem #3What is the Problem? NOT ENOUGH PARKING IN CITIESCause and/or Effect: ………………………….Solution #1:Solution #2:Solution #3:Read this article about the parking problem at ZU in DubaiBrainstorming – Group Practice Directions: Complete sections a-c of the topics below. Use some of the vocabulary that you’ve seen so far for other topics. Finally, with a partner or group, choose one topic and complete section d. & eTopic #1 Exam Stress for UAEU students a-What is the problem ? ____________________________________________b-Why is this a problem (who / causes / effects)? _________________________________________c-What are some solutions? Give at least 4 solutions (ideas: government / the university / teachers / schools / parents / families / individuals / education campaign / raise awareness)12345d-Select the 3 best solutions. Circle them above and develop them in the chart below. SolutionExample, Explanation, or personal experience (why/how this will stop the problem)Result (if we use this solution, what will happen/change)1.23456799e- In the future, what will happen if we do/don’t solve this problem? _____________________________________________________________________________Number of words _______Topic #2: a-What is the problem ? ____________________________________________b-Why is this a problem (who / causes / effects)? _________________________________________c-What are some solutions? Give at least 4 solutions (ideas: government / the university / teachers / schools / parents / families / individuals / education campaign / raise awareness)12345d- Group Work: Select the 3 best solutions. Circle them above and develop them in the chart below. SolutionExample, Explanation, or personal experience (why/how this will stop the problem)Result (if we use this solution, what will happen/change)1.23456799e- In the future, what will happen if we do/don’t solve this problem? _____________________________________________________________________________Number of words _______Topic #3 (problem for the WORLD) a-What is the problem ? ____________________________________________b-Why is this a problem (who / causes / effects)? _________________________________________c-What are some solutions? Give at least 4 solutions (ideas: government / the university / teachers / schools / parents / families / individuals / education campaign / raise awareness)12345d-Select the 3 best solutions. Circle them above and develop them in the chart below. SolutionExample, Explanation, or personal experience (why/how this will stop the problem)Result (if we use this solution, what will happen/change)1.23456799e- In the future, what will happen if we do/don’t solve this problem? _____________________________________________________________________________Number of words _______Topic #4 (problems for people who live in CITIES) _____________ ____a-What is the problem ? ____________________________________________b-Why is this a problem (who / causes / effects)? _________________________________________c-What are some solutions? Give at least 4 solutions (ideas: government / the university / teachers / schools / parents / families / individuals / education campaign / raise awareness)12345d-Select the 3 best solutions. Circle them above and develop them in the chart below. SolutionExample, Explanation, or personal experience (why/how this will stop the problem)Result (if we use this solution, what will happen/change)1.23456799e- In the future, what will happen if we do/don’t solve this problem? _____________________________________________________________________________Number of words _______Topic #5 (problem for TEACHERS) _____________ ____a-What is the problem ? ____________________________________________b-Why is this a problem (who / causes / effects)? _________________________________________c-What are some solutions? Give at least 4 solutions (ideas: government / the university / teachers / schools / parents / families / individuals / education campaign / raise awareness)12345d-Select the 3 best solutions. Circle them above and develop them in the chart below. SolutionExample, Explanation, or personal experience (why/how this will stop the problem)Result (if we use this solution, what will happen/change)1.23456799e- In the future, what will happen if we do/don’t solve this problem? _____________________________________________________________________________Number of words _______5638800-9525000Organization There are 18 pieces to this essay. Write the name of each piece (e.g. topic sentence / example / result etc.) from the box on the left into the box on the right. The first one has been done as an example. Then, underline / highlight the words in the essay which show you what part of the essay each piece is.*background & problem *problem detail #2 *problem detail #1 *thesisIntroduction1) In almost all countries of the world today, unemployment is one of the biggest problems that governments and people have to face. 2) It is a problem for the people because without a salary it is very difficult to provide enough of the essential things for life for the family. 3) For the government, it affects the economy, because if people cannot buy anything, then many businesses will fail. 4) However, there are several solutions for this problem.1) Background & Problem 2) 3) 4) * Example * Explanation * Result * Topic sentence – solution #1Body Paragraph 15) The first solution is that the government should support new businesses. 6) If the government offered loans to people to set up their own business, this would provide employment for all the people employed in the business. 7) For example, businessmen could use the money to pay office staff and workers to work for them. 8) As a result, the government would make money from the business in taxes created by employment.5) 6) 7) 8) * Example *Result *Topic sentence – solution #2Body Paragraph 29) A second solution to the problem of unemployment is that the government should provide work schemes for people. 10) For instance, unemployed people could work for a company instead of just getting money from the government. 11) Consequently, they would learn new skills and could apply for new jobs.9) 10) 11) *Example *Explanation *Topic sentence – solution #3 * ResultBody Paragraph 312) Finally, the government should make young people do a period of job training after they finish their studies. 13) Sometimes a university degree is not enough to get a job because employers want their employees to have training or work experience too. 14) For instance, law students need some work experience to develop their ability as well as their knowledge. 15) Because of this, graduates with work experience may get jobs more quickly.12) 13) 14) 15) *Signal word + thesis *Repeat solutions (#1, #2, #3) *AdviceConclusion16) In conclusion, although the problem of unemployment affects every country, there are solutions to this problem. 17) The government should help new businesses with financial support, and provide more training for unemployed people and students. 18) I believe that the only way to solve this problem is to spend money.16) 17) 18) Analyse Use the essay above to answer the questions below.What is the problem ? ____________________________________________Why is this a problem (causes and/or effects)? What suggestions does the writer make? What examples/results does the writer give to support the solutions?SUGGESTIONS Examples & RESULTSLinking Words - Which LW are used to explain:give examples:show a result:Practice: Combine the sentences with “although” or “because”Example #1: We were tired. We continued workingAnswer: Although we were tired, we continued working. (OR) We continued working although we were tired. Example #2: We were tired. We took a break. Answer: Because we were tired, we took a break. OR We took a break because we were tired.1. We are a very small company. We sell five million machines a year.___________________________________________________________________________________2. He is a millionaire. He has a simple house.___________________________________________________________________________________3. Janet is much happier now. She has a better job. ___________________________________________________________________________________Complete the sentence: Even though they are very rich, ______________________________________More practice (because/although) - INTRODUCTIONThe intro has three main parts:Part 1. Topic & BackgroundPart 2. Problem details (1-2 sentences) – see more info below.Part 3. Thesis - “However, there are several solutions to this problem.” (or something similar)Intro Part 1. Topic & Background (1-2 sentences)state the problem & why it is important. Was there a big change from the past? Does it happen worldwide? Tip – Use the info from the exam paper. (but use different words)Examples (check for grammar):_________________ is a big problem in societies all across the world.__________________are becoming very popular/common these days._____________ is important for ________________, but it has caused some problems.Intro Part 2. Problem detailsin the 2nd part of your intro, explain the problem. For example you can give causes and/or effects. causes Style 1: “This happens because” + (clause) example (junk food) This happens because people are busy and they don’t have time to cook.Style 2: “This happens because of …” + (noun) example (lack of sleep) This happens because of stress in society(Notice: after the preposition NOUN)effects (of smoking, car accidents)Style 1: This is a problem because X _________many health problems, such as cancer and diabetesStyle 2: This is a problem because car accidents _________ a lot of deaths every year)Part 3. Thesis – “However, there are several solutions to this problem.” “Fortunately, there are some excellent remedies for this problem (or something similar – use correct spelling!)Guided Practice with Introductions: (answers) Use the brainstorming notes below to write an intro for the topic of SMOKINGBACKGROUND & IDEAS (cause/effect): many people smoke, children, addiction, disease, deathSELECT SOLUTIONS – Circle the three best ideas to use in your BODY: Education – especially for teenagers. Show pictures and invite speakersBan advertising from TV and internet – they try to make it look cool for kidsRaise the price of cigarettes (tax)Make a law that children cannot smokeNo smoking in publicWRITE INTRODUCTION: Complete the intro, and write a thesis. Use the words in the box. One of them is not used. dangerous - Everyone - causes - This is a problem - know - knows – people – smoke____________ ________________that smoking is very _______________________, but ______________________ all over the world continue to ________________, even teenagers. _______ _______ _____ ____________ because smoking ______________ serious diseases and early death. Fortunately, _____________________________________________________________More Practice with Introductions - Put the words into order. Check your answers. Problem 1 - Rubbish in the desertThis time of the year, many to people visit like desert the with their family. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Unfortunately, they leave their rubbish, such asplastic bottles and food containers there when they return home. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This environment is problem for animals which the the a and live there.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________It is also who for unpleasant people want visit to the desert.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________However,are there three solutions to this main problem._____________________________________________________________________________Problem 2 - Mobile phones in publicThere are mobile more world phones the than people in today. _____________________________________________________________________________They are certainly very useful / disruptive, / they can also be / especially in public places, / such as / buthospitals and mosques. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________However, solutions several for problemthere are the _____________________________________________________________________________Problem 3 - Not enough parking spaces in citiesThe number of today huge in the world cars is need and they all a place to park. _____________________________________________________________________________This is a very problem much in big cities because of the land is used for accommodation. _____________________________________________________________________________As more people move into cities the to park there are places fewer and people park start to in places unsuitable, such as on pavements. _____________________________________________________________________________This problems for and traffic pedestrians. causes_____________________________________________________________________________However, solutions to there problem are several this._____________________________________________________________________________Introductions – (TOPIC): These days, we live in a busy world, and people find it hard to relax. What are some solutions to this problem?right762000Details (causes / effects)…………………………………………….…………………………………………….Write an intro - DOUBLE SPACETOPIC : Details (causes / effects)…………………………………………….right1524000……………………………………………. Solutions ideas…………………………………………….…………………………………………….…………………………………………….…………………………………………….…………………………………………….Write an intro - DOUBLE SPACEGrammar Errors – Correct the errors in the sentences below:There is three main solutions to this problem. (sva)There several solutions to this problem (V)This happens because people busy. (V)People are very busy and it hard to relax. (V)Select the correct expression to complete the introduction (change capital letters if needed):this happens because – this is a problem because - causesIn almost all countries of the world today, people are very busy and they don’t have time to relax. (1) ……………………………………………….. people are very busy with work and family responsibilities. Unfortunately (2) , ………………………………………….. lack of relaxation (3)…………………………………… health and other problems. However, there are some excellent solutions for this problem.Online Practice with Cause & Effect - - On Your Own (YOUR GROUP TOPIC): These days, we live in a busy world, and people find it hard to relax. What are some solutions to this problem?right698500Details (causes / effects)…………………………………………….…………………………………………….Solutions ideas…………………………………………….…………………………………………….…………………………………………….…………………………………………….Write an intro - DOUBLE SPACECHOOSE ANOTHER TOPIC : Details (causes / effects)…………………………………………….41262301151255FIND A PICTURE THAT ILLUSTRATES YOUR TOPIC400000FIND A PICTURE THAT ILLUSTRATES YOUR TOPIC……………………………………………. Solutions ideas…………………………………………….…………………………………………….…………………………………………….Write an intro - DOUBLE SPACEWriting the BODYYou should write ___________ Body Paragraphs (1 body paragraph for each ____________)Each Body Paragraph has THREE MAIN PARTST______________ S____________Supporting Sentences (like E______________ or E____________)R_________________Practice. Write SENTENCES for the Body PARAGRAPHSBody Paragraphs have 3 Basic Parts:__ (TS) Clear Topic sentence gives first / second/ third solution (styles below)Review Steps 1-2: Brainstorm MORE IDEAS for THREE TOPICS.ObesityMobile PhonesSmokingSol1Schools – no fast food on campus – rules at home – limitsSchools – show pictures, bring visitors Sol2Food at home Encourage active lifestyleRaise the price of cigarettesSol3Sol4Style 1: Firstly / Finally, + clause examples: (problem of obesity: B1 – no fast food at school; B2 – exercise; B3 parents)(Body 1 TS) Firstly schools should not sell fast food on campus. (Body 2 TS) ____________________________________________________________(Body 3 TS) ____________________________________________________________Style 2:The first solution is that + clause . (problem of smoking: Complete the clauses below for the topic of Smoking(government) The first solution is that the government should ____________________________(companies) Another solution _____________________________________________________(families) _____________________________________________________________________The best solution is that individuals can _____________________________________________ The first solution is + N (ex: “The first solution is fines.”) The first solution is to + V (ex: “The first solution is to educate young people”)The first solution is for schools to + V Style 3Using the styles above but include the problem in the topic sentence) The first solution [to the problem of X] is / is to / is that (ex: “The first solution to the problem of X is X .”)Practice: Match the sentences below with the styles above. ___ The first solution is finding good ways to use phones at school.___ The first solution is to educate children about the environment.___ The second solution to the problem of expensive weddings is that young people should pay Write TS sentences other topics, using the styles aboveStyle 3 (speeding)(Body 1 TS) ___________________________________________________________________(Body 2 TS) ___________________________________________________________________(Body 3 TS) ___________________________________________________________________Topic Sentence ErrorsThe first solution is the government should provide bins, this would help people clean. (P)Secondly, we need educate programs. (F)The second solution is the parents should teach their children at home, this would support the education from the schools. (P)Finally, the government should fines the people who leave rubbish (V)Finally, we should make fines, if people have to pay, they will stop doing it. (P)SUPPORTING SENTENCESSS (supporting sentences) – just give 1 or 2: Example patterns for supporting sentences:give example: “For example + clause; “For instance” + clauseTo explain: “This means (that)….+ clause” Or “This is because + clause” or “If… + clause” “This would….”CS (concluding sentence): RESULT – just one sentence - Result of your solution - connection between solution and problem Example patterns:“As a result + clause… ““If …. + clause, clause”“Consequently…”Practice - Discuss the problem of stress. Then complete the ESSAY PLAN using the ideas below for “EXAMPLES” and “RESULTS” EXAMPLESexplain your problem and hear another opinion about it.meditate or do something you enjoyuse a notebook or diary appwalk for 15 minutes in your favourite parkRESULTSe. feel more relaxed f. clear your mind g. see things differently h. deal with problems individually (one by one)PLAN SOLUTIONExamples & explanations (at least 2)RESULTBody 1talk to friendsBody 2take more exerciseBody 3find an hour a day for yourselfBody 4make a list of your worriesPractice – Write short paragraphs about STRESS using the ideas in the PLAN above. Example. The first solution to the problem of stress is to talk to your friends. This is because your friends let you explain your problem and give you another opinion about it. As a result, you can see things differently, and you can solve your problem. Linking Words53816255270500Essay Analysis - Answer these questions by scanning the text.Why is speeding a problem?How many solutions are there?What are the solutions?4629150157480Who is responsible for the education programs?What kind of people would students visit in hospitals? What happens to people who are caught by speed cameras?What do some speeders not care about? Today, speeding on roads is a major problem in the UAE. What are some solutions to this problem?Put the words from the boxes into the correct places in the paragraphs:because however butThe UAE has an excellent system of roads and motorways, 1) _____________ many people drive much too fast. This is a problem 2) ____________ speeding causes terrible accidents that injure and kill many people. 3) ____________, there are several solutions for this problem. consequently for example first ifThe 4) __________ solution is that the government should start an education program that teaches people about the dangers of driving too fast. 5) ____________, schools could have special lessons where students go to hospitals to visit people who have been in traffic accidents. 6) ______________ those students see the horrible results of accidents, they may understand the risks of speeding. 7) ______________ , they might be more careful about their speed when they are driving. so if second because for instanceA 8)____________ solution to the problem of speeding is that the government should have more speed cameras and higher fines for speeding. 9) ____________ everyone who drives too fast is caught by the speed cameras, they will have to pay a lot of money to the government in fines. 10) _____________, on the Al Ain to Dubai motorway, there are many speed cameras, 11) ________ most people don’t drive too fast 12) ______________they don’t want to lose their money.as a result such as finally because 13) _________ , the government should take cars away from people who drive too fast. 14) _____________ some people don’t seem to care about money or other people’s lives, neither fines nor education will change their driving. The government needs another way to keep them off the roads, 15) _______________ removing their cars. 16) _____________ , the number of speeders on the roads would decrease and everybody could travel by car more safely.Because althoughconclusionIn ______________, ______________ some people drive much too fast, there are solutions to this problem. The government should educate people about the risks of speeding, put in more speed cameras with higher fines, and take cars away from people who speed too much. ______________ everybody’s life is precious, we should all drive safely.Vocabulary BuildingFind the words in each paragraph that match the meanings below. Write the words in the spaces below. Introductionvery goodvery badhurt badlymore than a fewBody 1risksparticular or specificattentive or cautiousBody 220078704508500money you pay if you break a rule or a lawBody 3taking awaypeople who drive too fastdrop or reducecarefullyConclusionwhilevaluableWhat is wrong with the linking words that are underlined?The first solution is that students should study early in the morning. This is because morning is the best time of day for thinking. Consequently, universities should give students a break or something fun to do.Another solution is that everyone should make time to relax once a weak to feel more comfortable because the brain needs time to rest and forget the problems of the day. As a result, people can play nice music or practice a hobby, such as photography.Read The Title and Match Suggestions to Results. 5667375-24892000“How to avoid stress before exams”SOLUTIONSRESULTSTake regular breaks. be healthy and able to concentrateStudy with a friend. work be more organizedMake a study plan. Eat properly and get enough sleep. mind be clear and study time be more productivecan discuss any difficulties that come upGuided Practice: Write sentences for 3 body paragraphs on the topic of Mobile Phones.Mobile Phones / StressFind good ways to use phone in school rules at home – limitsEncourage active lifestyleTS1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SS This is because__________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________CS: As a result___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TS2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SSa This is because_if_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________SSb For example_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CS: Consequently ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TS3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SS This is because__________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________CS: If ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Writing Practice: Body Paragraphs – Practice Writing in class Topic _________________________________ (default: Smoking)INTROBackground& TopicProblemDetailsThesis/PlanBODY 1 - Solution #1TS (topic sentence)SS (support sentences)Explain/Example:CS (concludingSentence): Result:BODY 2 - Solution #2TS (topic sentence)SS (support sentences)Explain/Example:CS (concludingSentence): Result:BODY 3 - Solution #3TS (topic sentence)SS (support sentences)Explain/Example:CS (concludingSentence): Result:Example AnswersYour topic: With you partner, write BODY PARAGRAPH sentences for your original topic. Use your plan from pp. 6-9 TS1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SS This is because__________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________CS: As a result___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TS2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SSa This is because_if_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________SSb For example_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CS: Consequently ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TS3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SS This is because__________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________CS: If ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The ConclusionTo write an excellent conclusion, remember the following:__ use a Signal word (“In summary, …” to sum up… ) + problem + thesis In summary, X is a problem but there are several solutions. In conclusion, although X is a problem, there are three main solutions__ repeat paragraph topics (solutions) – use different words__ suggestion, advice, prediction__ NO NEW SOLUTIONS!! - __ clear grammar for each sentence.Exercise #1 Complete and a conclusion about speeding – 5 minutesand - although - conclusion – this – so In 1) _______________ , 2) ________________ some people drive much too fast, there are solutions to 3) ________ problem. The government should educate people about the risks of speeding, put in more speed cameras with higher fines, 4) __________ take cars away from people who speed too much. All lives are important, 5) ________we should all drive safely.Exercise #2 Complete the conclusion about fast food In conclusion, although the issue of people eating too much junk food affects many countries, there are solutions to this problem. The government should make healthy food _________________, schools should ____________________________________________ and parents should ______________________________________________. I believe that _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Exercise #3 – MORE CONCLUSION PRACTICE (answers available) Put the words in the sentences below into correct order. The first & last words (bold) are OK. Problem 1 Conclusion - Rubbish in the desert revisedIn conclusion, people / in the desert / but / they / leave rubbish behind / and / enjoy spending time/ this is a big problem.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The government should / and / place large bins / in the desert / for picnickers / to / fine people who litter / put their rubbish in.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If people took / a beautiful / would remain / their rubbish / home with them / the desert / place to visit.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Problem 2 Conclusion - Mobile phones in publicIn conclusion, / the use of mobile phones / in public / places / is / a big issue / are / there / although / three main solutions / to this problem. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Organisations block can phone signals, safety boxes provide for or take away from mobiles mobiles people. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Most people cannot live their phone they consider without should but the around people them when they use it. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Problem 3 Conclusion - Not enough parking spaces in citiesIn conclusion, although /the lack of / in cities / parking spaces / is / a worldwide issue / three major solutions / are / there / to this problem. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Governments should build more public transport, provide money more car parks and charge for private vehicles to enter the city. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I believe if want to travel people stress without in the city they use public transport. should________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Exercise #4 - Write a Conclusion for the essay on ___________________ that you wrote earlier. Practice Exams5314950-219075003008663-685899English Level 3Practice Exam Timed Writing Examination Exam Time: 40 Minutes 57150127000There is one writing task in this exam.At the end of the exam, all exam materials must be given to the proctor.00There is one writing task in this exam.At the end of the exam, all exam materials must be given to the proctor.Present a written argument or a case to a non-specialist audience on the topic (CHOOSE ONE):Today, many university students feel a lot of stress. What are some solutions to this problem?Today, many people like to go for a picnic in the desert. However, they leave all their rubbish there. What are some solutions to this problem?In many countries today, obesity is a growing problem. What are some solutions to this problem?You should write at least 250 words.You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.You can make notes in the space mon error: NOUN FORM Sometimes, we know the approximate meaning of a word, but we use the wrong FORM. Complete the table with as many more forms as you canNOUNVERBADJADVeducationeducatedxxxsolvablexxxadviceadvisablexxxpreventablexxxlawxxxxbanbannedxxxdangerendangerdiepollutionxxxgovernmentgoverngovernmentalgovernmentallyTIPS on WORD FORMAfter preposition NOUNThe first solution to the problem of (pollute / pollution) is education.The problem of leave / leaving rubbish has several solutions. (F)SUBJECTS & OBJECTS must be nounsWe must respect (nature / natural).The second solution is (recycle / recycling ) old things in new ways. (F)GERUNDS (- ing form of a verb) – you can make a noun from a verb by adding “-ing” (drink drinking; work working). They can be used for subjects or objects.(Cheat / Cheating) is a big problem in most universities.After will/would/can/could/may/might base formOTHER - WHAT FORM IS NEEDED AND WHY?Secondly, we need educate programs. This will develop respect for the nature world. If we learn to respect the natural world and recycle, the environment will be more health. If people leave their rubbish, the environment will be (polluted / pollution ) Useful verbs for problem solution essays:To educate someone about something (e.g. One solution is to educate children about the dangers of smoking)To encourage someone to do something (e.g. One solution is to encourage children to eat healthier food.)To discourage someone from doing something (e.g. One solution is to discourage children from eating fast food.)To advise someone to do somethingTo stop/prevent someone from doing somethingTo raise awareness about (the dangers of) somethingTo fine people who do somethingComplete these sentences about children smoking using the verbs in brackets:We can stop children smoking by __________________________________________________(To educate someone about something)One way to stop children smoking is to ______________________________________________(To raise awareness about (the dangers of) something)If we ________________________________________ , our children will have a healthier future.(To prevent someone from doing something)Another way to solve the problem is to __________________________________________(To fine people who do something)By ____________________________________________ , children will be safe from cigarettes.(To make someone aware about (the dangers of) something)Error CODES – Problem Solution Essay – Reviews the mistakes. Answers in ()codeMEANINGNoteEXAMPLE OF MISTAKE (correction)#singular/pluralCheck every nounThere are several solution to this problems. (solutions / problem)?Other word missing/extra, or unclearBecause of this, the accidents are increasing. (The number of accidents….).aarticlea – an – theIf we stop leaving rubbish, desert will be clean. (the desert)fformnoun – verb – adjective – adverbSpeeding can causes accidents and death.We need education about the dangerous of speeding.ppunctuationfull stop or comma – missing or extraSchools should ban junk food, this would help the students to eat better. (food. This)proThe problem is increasing because many people use there own cars. (their)spspellingkeep a list of YOUR mistakesdingirus – becouse – proplem – Nowaday – humen – socity (_______________ , _____________, _______________, _______________, _________________, ___________)susubjectmissing, or extra, etc.We should prevent speeding because is a big problem. (because ___ is a big problem.svsubject verb agreementcheck carefully!I/you/we/they + work/haveHe/she/it + works/hasThe UAE have a wonderful system of roads. (___)Speeding cause a lot of deaths. (________)There is several solution for this problem (__________)VverbMissing, extra, or wrongThis problem because many people speed and cause accidents. (This is a problem)People often left rubbish in the desert. (leave)wwwrong wordWe must learn the children. (________________)Error Correction Practice (by paragraph)Intro errorsThis is a problem because if people leave their rubbish, the environment will be pollution (F)Nowaday, people love to go on picnics in the desert. (sp)There are several solution to this problem. (#)Body 1 ErrorsThe first solution is that schools should start education programs that teaches about the environment (sva)The first solution is the government should provide bins, this would help people clean. (P)As a result, the desert will be clean all people will want to go there. (P)The first solution to the problem of leave rubbish is to education students. (F)Body 2 ErrorsThe second solution is recycling and used the old things in new ways. (F)Secondly, we need educate programs. (F)The second solution is the parents should teach the children at home, this would support the education from the schools. (P)This will develop respect for the nature world. (F)The recycling project in UAE use old tools and make them new. (SVA)A second solution is school should give educational program. (#)Body 3 ErrorsFinally, the government should fines the people who leave rubbish (V)This people should learn about their wrong behavior (#)The schools should learn the students about this problem. (ww)After they finishing, they should collect the rubbish and recycle it at home. (F/V)Finally, we should make fines, if people have to pay, they will stop doing it. (P)Conclusion errorsIf we recycling and learn about rubbish, our natural areas will be clean. (F)Sometimes we forget to respect natural. (F)As we can see, there is a solutions to this problem. (#)If we learn to respect the natural world and recycle, the environment will be more health. (F)In conclusion, some people throw rubbish in the wrong places. But there are solutions to this problem. (P)Error Correction Practice (by type of error)(P) errorsThey enjoy a BBQ then when they leave, they don’t clean up their rubbish. The first solution is the government should provide bins, this would help the people clean when they go. As a result, the desert will be clean all people will want to go there. (P)Finally, we should make fines, if people have to pay, they will stop doing it. The second solution is parents should teach the children at home, this would support the schools. In conclusion, some people throw rubbish in the wrong places. But there are solutions to this problem. (F) errorsThis is a problem because if people leave their rubbish, the environment will be pollution. The first solution to the problem of leave rubbish is to education students. If we recycling and learn about rubbish, our natural areas will be clean. Sometimes we forget to respect natural. The second solution is recycling and used the old things in new ways. Secondly, we need educate programs. This will develop respect for the nature world. If we learn to respect the natural world and recycle, the environment will be more health. (SVA) & V errorsThe first solution is that schools should start education programs that teaches about the environment If we recycling and learn about rubbish, our natural areas will be clean. The recycling project in UAE use old tools and make them new. (SVA)Finally, the government should fines the people who leave rubbish (V)After they finishing, they should collect the rubbish and recycle it at home. (#) errorsThere are several solution to this problem. (#)A second solution is school should give educational program. (#)This people should learn about their wrong behavior (#)As we can see, there is a solutions to this problem. (#)WW errorThe schools should learn the students about this problem. (ww)(sp) errorsNowaday, people love to go on picnics in the desert.Checklist - Problem Solution Essay= good (4-5) X = not OK (0-2) O = needs work (2-3)CONTENT/ORGANIZATION ( _____ 10 points)(Introduction)__ General Background & topic (what is topic and why is it important)__ Problem details (such as causes or effects) __ THESIS – (“However, there are several solutions to this problem.”) (Body ParagraphsBody 1Body 1Body 3Clear Topic sentence gives first / second / third solution (styles below)Linking Words- (This means … This is because …. ) (For example,… For instance, … ExampleGood supporting ideas (explanations, examples) Result of your solution - connection between solution and problem (As a result,… If … Consequently, ...) 3-5 sentences that are clear / not repetitive (try relative clauses/modals)Conclusion__ Signal word (“In summary, …” to sum up… ) + problem + thesis (ex: In summary, X is a problem but there are several solutions.) __ repeat paragraph topics (solutions) – use different words__ suggestion, advice, prediction__ no new solutions __ Clear ideas/grammar - (try to use relative clauses/modals)VOCAB/GRAMMAR ( _____ 10 points)__ (C) capital letter __ (su) subject – every sentence, not extra__ (V) verb – every sentence, no extra__ (SV) subject verb agreement__ (P) Punctuation__ (#) singular/plural__ (A) – article: a - an – the__ (pro) Pronoun__ (prep) Preposition__ (F) – Form: noun, verb, adjective, adverb__ (voc) need more variety of vocab.__ (ww) wrong word__ ^ words missing__ (F) – word form___ ? ideas unclear/word missing__ (sp) spelling__ rel = use more/different relative clause (who/which/where/when)__ mod – use more/different modals (can/could/will/would/may/might)[ ] = word/idea is wrong or not necessary. Delete it PROBLEMS with IDEAS and ORGANIZATION rep = this is repetitive. Think of new ideas? = not clear. Think about your words and meaning.ord? Check the order of your sentences/ideas.ex = give a (more) specific example or explanation here[ ] = word/idea is wrong or not necessary. Delete it LW = linking word is missing or wrong. Example Student paper and mark (see below)Script 1 In our ever changing world, we are today faced with many issues in socity. One of the most common issue is that many young people spend too much time playing games on the Internet. However, their is many negative effects for this problem such as, they weast most of their time, they may stop thinking about other important things like their family, friends and their education too. In this essay, I will explain my view by mentions some exampls and I will write many important solution for this problem.One of the most important solution for the government is to raise public awareness. For example, the government can creat new activeties for the young people like open new clube to play sport or to learn new subjects, not just playing games on the Internet. Another solution for the government can do is to engcourage and support the young people to open their own pissness and the government can support them by give them what they need to start like money, place and other staffe they need. I believe if the government work in this way, the young people will stop this bad habit, while the country will have a successful generation can relyed on them to developed the country.Another strong solution is that we can use the media. For example, we can highlight the problem on social website like facebook and twitter, and that will help the perants to know more about this problem so they will stop this bad habit from their children and they will give them advice to use their time in many usefull things like reading, play sport or visit friend. Another solution is for the school. They can teach the children how they use their time in a good way and not weast it in playing games on the Internet. I think that if young people learn how to use their time, they will be more clever and sccessful in their futer life.Throught out this essay we looked to the problem and solution for the young people who spend most of their time playing games on the Internet. I mentions the most important solutions for this problems like the government can creat many new programs for the children and the media can aware and adverties about this issue in many way to the public. Moreover perants and school can teach the young children how to use their time in useful way. My advice for the young people is to look for the other useful activities that could helped them a lot in their future and stop weasting their time on the Internet games.440 wordsTask 4.5Prompt answered satisfactorily with main components (eg thesis sentence, topic sentences) includedSome support not directly relevant to main ideas.Other supporting ideas could be extended to illustrate main points betterCC 4Message can be followed without noticeable strainSome ideas between sentences not fluently linked (eg, use of ‘however’ in para 1)Voc 4Meaning is generally clearSome attempt at less frequent vocabulary (public awareness) but mostly restricted range of vocab.Few non-intrusive spelling errors (weast, sccessful, futer,)Gra 3.5Some attempt at grammar from course including modals, conditionalsHowever, constructions with modal verbs (can aware, could helped) problematic at timesBasic sentence level grammar correctTotal = 165641975-125095More Vocabulary Practice Unemployment is a serious issue for many countries today. What are possible solutions to this problem?Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box. Use each once. (answer)13335108585governmentexperienceworkeconomytaxeslearnproblemsfinancialjobsquicklymoneyaffectssolutionstrainingunemployed020000governmentexperienceworkeconomytaxeslearnproblemsfinancialjobsquicklymoneyaffectssolutionstrainingunemployedIn almost all countries of the world today, unemployment is one of the biggest 1)______________ that governments and people have to face. It is a problem for the people because without a salary it is very difficult to provide enough of the essential things for life for the family. For the government, it affects the 2)______________, because if people cannot buy anything, then many businesses will fail. However, there are several 3)______________ for this problem.The first solution is that the 4)______________ should support new businesses. If the government offered loans to people to set up their own business, this would provide employment for all the people employed in the business. For example, businessmen could use the 5)______________ to pay office staff and workers to work for them. As a result, the government would make money from the business in 6)______________ created by employment.A second solution to the problem of unemployment is that the government should provide work schemes for people. For instance, unemployed people should be made to 7)______________ for a company instead of just getting money from the government. Consequently, they would 8)____________ new skills and could apply for new 9)________.Finally, the government should make young people do a period of job 10)______________ after they finish their studies. Sometimes a university degree is not enough to get a job because employers want their employees to have training or work 11)______________too. For instance, law students need some work experience to develop their ability as well as their knowledge. Because of this, graduates with work experience may get jobs more 12)______________.In conclusion, although the problem of unemployment 13)______________ every country, there are solutions to this problem. The government should help new businesses with 14)______________ support, and provide more training for 15)______________ people and students. I believe that the only way to solve this problem is to spend money.Modals PracticeUse the following modals in the sentences below. Use will for certain/almost certain, use may/might for not certain but likely and should for advice. willmay/mightshouldLearning English is easy for some UFP students but difficult for others. Many teachers believe that if students want to learn effectively, they 1._______________(have) good study habits. To begin with, students 2._______________(attend) all their classes. It is a good idea that they do their homework. If they do their homework and learn from their mistakes, they 3._______________(improve). When students are studying vocabulary, they 4._______________(keep) a notebook of the new words that they learn in class. Regular review of these words 5._______________(result) in the students remembering the new vocabulary words. A few students 6._______________(succeed) in remembering more of the words after a short time but for most students, if they do not study from their vocabulary notes frequently, they 7._______________(not learn) the new words so easily. Finally, learning a language is about having fun. Students should do what they enjoy in that language. If they like watching movies, they 8._______________(watch) these in English. The best way to learn something is by being interested in it. Students 9._______________(not learn) if they are not interested in what they are learning. However, if students have fun with English, they 10._______________(learn) better than if they are mon Errors in using modalsFind the errors in the sentences below and fix them. There is at least one error in each sentence.Students should to attend every class.Some students may deciding to stay at home and travel to and from university, even though they live far away.Other students maight wanted to stay in the university hostels.All students who stay in the UAEU hostels will be attend class at UAEU and not HCT.Some students who stay in the hostels may be not back home for the weekend.This is because they might had exams over the weekend.Some of these students may missing their families over the weekend.They should to be called their families so that they are not too lonely.Grammar: Relative clause ReviewLook at the sentences from the essay and underline the relative clauses:Unemployment is one of the biggest problems which governments and people have. This will provide employment for all the people who find jobs in those businesses. People who have no jobs should do simple work for the government.516255017335500Law graduates who have work experience may get jobs more quickly.Underline the nouns which have the same meaning in each sentence:1) Exams are one of the biggest problems. 2) Students have this problem. Join the information in these sentences with a relative pronoun so that the nouns with the same meaning are not repeated:One of the biggest _____________________________________________________________Do the same with these sentences:a) The university provides transport for all the students. b) These students live in other emirates.59055001333500____________________________________________________________________________________c) People are sick. d) These people should go to the hospital._________________________________________________________________________________e) High school students have high marks. f) These students can get a scholarship from the government.____________________________________________________________________________________601027518478500g) Cancer is one of the biggest problems. h) Smokers can have this problem.___________________________________________________________________________________i) Teachers give marks to students. j) These students do their portfolio work.____________________________________________________________________________________right27940000k) Students have problems writing. l) These students should go to the Writing Center.____________________________________________________________________________________Complete the sentences with relative clauses:1) Students who ________________________________________________________ should email their doctor’s certificate to student services.2) Drivers ____________________________________________________________ have to call SAAED.3) Students __________________________________________________ could watch movies in English.4) Diabetes is one of the worst sicknesses which____________________________________________5) The police arrest people ______________________________________________________________6) Homework is something _____________________________________________________________7) I like people _______________________________________________________________________8) Students __________________________________________________________ need to get IELTS 5.6000750244475009) Al Ain is a city ______________________________________________________________________10) Camels are animals _________________________________________________________________11) People _____________________________________________________ have to pay speeding fines.12) Choosing the right present for their wives is one of the biggest problems ______________________13) The Writing Center has tutors ________________________________________________________14) Healthy food is food ________________________________________________________________15) ______________________________________________________ often get jobs with high salaries. 575246593345005927725-12382500Grammar: Conditionals Unemployment is a serious issue for many countries today. What are some possible solutions to this problem?49428403746500Review of conditionals: Underline the subjects and verbs in the following sentences:If people cannot buy anything, then many businesses will fail.If the government offers loans to people to set up their own businesses, this will provide employment.If people work for the government, they will get work experience and learn new skills.Look at these example sentences from the essays about children watching television:If children watch the wrong programs, they may copy bad behaviour.If children just sit and watch television all night, they won’t do their homework.It is good for the children If their parents are less stressed,What kind of sentences are these? ___________________________________How many clauses are there in each sentence? _________What kind of clauses are used in these sentences ? [ dependent / independent / both]The “if” clause is [ dependent / independent / both]The “result” clause is [ dependent / independent / both]Underline the subjects and verbs in the following example and then label the clauses:If children watch the wrong programs, they may copy bad behaviour.If _____________________ clause , __________________________ clauseIf people eat mostly junk food as children, ________________________________________If families continue spending millions of dirhams on weddings, _____________________________5309235-125095 5641975-125095COMMON ERRORSThese are mistakes that were seen on Timed Writing Exams. These are the kinds of mistakes that cost a lot of points because they are not necessary.Singular/Plural Many student want to make new friends.ArticlesFirst solution is that the university should make programs for this problem.Word missingA second (?) to this problem is the family.Word orderA second solution is should the university help.(spelling)______________________ The univesity should help. ______________________ However, there are soveral solutions to this problem.______________________ This is because some friends are dengerst.______________________ Schools can give secpish lesson about the problem.______________________ As a result, the students will now how to find new friends.______________________ Consequetly______________________ For instunes______________________ The bigest problem is that students have too much homework.______________________ Eductions______________________ Shoud______________________ The university should organize actives.______________________ As a result, students can make now friends.right952500Name __________________________________ ID ______________________ Section ___ QuizScore: ________ /35 pointsSelf check: If your answer is COMPLETELY CORRECT, DO NOTHING. If it is wrong, please put an “X” at the Left. Count the number that are CORRECT and give yourself a score: __________ / 35Part A. Vocab:Score: ________ /5 pointsDirections: For each bold word, write something more interesting. 1_________________________ 2) ___________________________ 3) ______________________ 4) _________________________________ 5) _______________________________The UAE has a 1) very good system of roads and motorways, but many people drive much too fast. This is a serious issue because speeding causes 2) very bad accidents, and these accidents 3) are very bad for people. However there are 4) many solutions for this 5) topic.Part B. Linking Words / relative pronouns / modals Score: ________ /10 pointsDirections: Select the best linking words to complete the next paragraph. You don’t need to use all the words, and some may be used more than once.consequently / for example / first / if / that / teach / teaches / who / may / might / wouldThe 1) __________ solution is to start an education program 2)_______ 3) _________ people about the dangers of driving too fast. 4) ___________________, schools could have special lessons where students go to hospitals to visit people 5) ________were injured in accidents. 6) ___________ those students see the results of these accidents, they 7)________ understand the risks of speeding. 8)____________ , they 9)___________ be more careful about their driving. Finally, the government should take cars away from people who drive too fast. Some people don’t care about money or other people, so the government needs another way to deal with them, 10) [ for example / such as ] removing their cars or taking their license.Part C. Error CorrectionScore: ________ /20 pointsDirections: Correct the errors in the sentences. Each sentence as one error. The codes and bold can help.601980025463500Intro errors ____ (su) Unfortunately, sometimes people they leave their rubbish after they go home. ____ (V/F) Unfortunately, speeding can causes accidents and death. ____ (#) Fortunately, there are several solution to this problem. ____ (V) This a problem because many people speed and cause accidents.APPENDIX ................

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