
TOWN OF BIG FLATS - TOWN BOARD MEETING February 11, 2020Call to Order:Chairman Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM, the Pledge was recited.Bills and Payroll:Supervisor Reed made a motion to pay bills, Chairman Peterson 2nd, all in favor.December Meeting Minutes:Supervisor Reed made a motion to accept minutes with a correction (John West comment – he was not present), Chairman Peterson 2nd, all in favor.Treasurers Report:Treasurer read balances, debits and credits for all town accounts. No comments or questions were made, Chairman asked the reports be filed for audit.Fire Department Report:Chief Meyers could not be present, Tom Hinko reported on the calls for the month of January. There were 7 calls in Big Flats one call in the Town of Monroe, and one that was cancelled. Tom also reported that the FD was purchasing three CPR machines with the funds raised from the annual street dance, and that four FD personnel attended Cold Water Rescue training. He also stated that the FD has removed all of their gear from the hall coat mittee Reports:Mike Clark, the Zoning Administrator reported there were a nine phone calls regarding zoning or land applications, further stating one third of them were from realtors. He also stated he did one inspection and approval of a modular home at an address on 10th Ave. Mike reminded the board of the Re-Zone hearing on February 26, at 6 PM as well.Board Laptop:Chairman Peterson identified the board PC, stating possibly purchasing a new laptop or having some IT work done upgrading the current laptop. Discussion took place of having a local town resident who has been the clerk’s go to for IT support take a look at it. Chairman Peterson made a motion to have this resident see what he can do, Supervisor Reed 2nd, all in favor.Salt Sand Purchase:The board discussed the need for additional salt sand for town roads. Chairman Peterson stated he received a call from Fenners wondering if the Town needed any. Chairman Peterson made a motion to purchase 220 tons of salt sand from Fenners, Supervisor Reed 2nd, all in favor. Robin to contact Mike about delivery. 2020 Highway Work Meeting:Chairman Peterson discussed the need for the board to meet to discuss 2020 Highway work. Board designated Tuesday, March 17th @ 5 PM for the meeting.Meteor Timber Contract:Chairman Peterson presented the contract from Meteor Timber for right of way permission for ditching. Chairman Peterson made a motion to sign contract and pay the $100.00 fee, Supervisor Reed 2nd, all in favor.Election Place Contingency Plan:Town clerk identified the need for a back-up polling place in case of a disaster or other disruption at the town hall. Clerk had contacted the owner of the Spring Green business on Hwy 13 for this option. Bruce Mohns the owner, agreed to allow the town to use the building should the need arise. Chairman Peterson made a motion to proceed with the MOU (Contingency Contract), Supervisor Reed 2nd, all in favor.Election IT:Town clerk identified the requirement to have IT support for the town computer that accesses the WisVote Website to insure proper firewalls and protection. A copy of a contract was given to the board for review with Madison Computer Works. Supervisor Reed made a motion to contract with MCW, Chairman Peterson 2nd, all in favor.Correspondence:None.Citizen’s Input:Robin from the Hwy dept. inquired about the need for t-posts. He identified different pricing from two sources. Board stated to place on next meeting agenda. Jay Jocham expressed concern about town website host changing, as he uses same host and he had to migrate all his website information to a new format. He will forward the email to town clerk to check if town website will have same needs, which he offered to migrate. The need for a repair to the FD breaker panel was discussed, board will place on future agenda. Flooding relief was discussed, along with timeline for Buttercup to the Town of Preston. Resident inquired about the road right of way footage, footage it was identified as 33 ft from the centerline of the road. Supervisor Beck discussed the need for replacing the shop door lock as too many keys were out, he would like to start with new keys. Unleaded gas usage was discussed, clerk asked if FD could submit usage monthly. Town treasurer inquired if she could still present new window covering quote for the town hall, this was approved earlier in 2019. Adjourn:Chairman Peterson made a motion to adjourn, Supervisor Reed 2nd, all in favor.Citizens Present:(15) ................

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