

In the 16th century the English king had a conflict with the Pope in Rome. In a way he forbid the Catholic Church on British ground and founded a new one – the Anglican Church, a kind of Protestant religion. Some very religious people - called the Puritans - didn’t like that, they wanted religious freedom and left England in 1607 for the Netherlands. Although they were allowed religious freedom, they didn’t get citizenship in the Netherlands. That’s why they couldn’t get good jobs and were badly paid.

Some Puritans made arrangements with the Merchant Adventurers (a London company) to move to America. The company borrowed the settlers money for their voyage and they promised to give it back later, plus a percentage of future profits made by the settlement.

35 Pilgrims boarded the Mayflower with 67 other passengers (total 28 women, 74 men) and set sail for Virginia on September 16, 1620, about 100 years after Columbus discovered the continent. The voyage across the stormy Atlantic Ocean lasted 10 weeks. When the Mayflower finally landed in America, it was not near Jamestown or Virginia. On November 11, 1620, the Mayflower reached land of present-day Cape Cod, a place where the Europeans hadn’t stopped before.

The Pilgrims decided to sign a document which they called the Mayflower Treaty. It guaranteed the equal treatment of all settlers in the new colony “In the name of God ... and our king”). 41 male passengers sign the treaty and decided to stay on the place they had reached. The settlers organized themselves into a group known as the Council of New England. They called the area New England, and their settlement Plymouth, after their homeport.

2. Decide which sentences are true and which are false.

1.Match the headlines with the paragraphs. Write the numbers 1-4 in the little squares.

1.The first written document

2. A good deal?

3. It wasn’t Jamestown

4. The Puritans. Who were they?

1.Puritans couldn’t get good jobs because their religion wasn’t tolerated. ___

2. Puritans could pay for their voyage later. ___

3. There were 102 Puritans on board. ___

4. The settlers reached the land after 10 weeks at sea.___

5. All the passengers signed the treaty. ___

6. The settlers agreed to stay on the land they had reached. ___

3. Look at the photos and label them with the titles below.

a)Location of the colony b) New settlers c) Mayflower d) The Mayflower Treaty

At the end of the 16th century the English navigator, Sir Walter Raleigh landed in North America. He named the new land Virginia, after Queen Elizabeth I. Some years later a group of people wanted to live in America forever. The left England and founded the first village Jamestown. They named their settlement James after the new British King. Of the 105 English colonists who founded Plymouth, 73 died within months. The winter was very hard and only some of them survived with the help of the Native Americans.

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In the 16th century the English king had a conflict with the Pope in Rome. In a way he forbid the Catholic Church on British ground and founded a new one – the Anglican Church, a kind of Protestant religion. Some very religious people - called the Puritans - didn’t like that, they wanted religious freedom and left England in 1607 for the Netherlands. Although they were allowed religious freedom, they didn’t get citizenship in the Netherlands. That’s why they couldn’t get good jobs and were badly paid.

Some Puritans made arrangements with the Merchant Adventurers (a London company) to move to America. The company borrowed the settlers money for their voyage and they promised to give it back later, plus a percentage of future profits made by the settlement.

35 Pilgrims boarded the Mayflower with 67 other passengers (total 28 women, 74 men) and set sail for Virginia on September 16, 1620, about 100 years after Columbus discovered the continent. The voyage across the stormy Atlantic Ocean lasted 10 weeks. When the Mayflower finally landed in America, it was not near Jamestown or Virginia. On November 11, 1620, the Mayflower reached land of present-day Cape Cod, a place where the Europeans hadn’t stopped before.

The Pilgrims decided to sign a document which they called the Mayflower Treaty. It guaranteed the equal treatment of all settlers in the new colony “In the name of God ... and our king”). 41 male passengers sign the treaty and decided to stay on the place they had reached. The settlers organized themselves into a group known as the Council of New England. They called the area New England, and their settlement Plymouth, after their homeport.

2. Decide which sentences are true and which are false.

1.Match the headlines with the paragraphs. Write the numbers 1-4 in the little squares.

1.The first written document

2. A good deal?

3. It wasn’t Jamestown

4. The Puritans. Who were they?

1.Puritans couldn’t get good jobs because their religion wasn’t tolerated. __T_

2. Puritans could pay for their voyage later. _T__

3. There were 102 Puritans on board. __F_

4. The settlers reached the land after 10 weeks at sea._T__

5. All the passengers signed the treaty. _F__

6. The settlers agreed to stay on the land they had reached. _T__


3. Look at the photos and label them with the titles below.

a)Location of the colony b) New settlers c) Mayflower d) The Mayflower Treaty







At the end of the 16th century the English navigator, Sir Walter Raleigh landed in North America. He named the new land Virginia, after Queen Elizabeth I. Some years later a group of people wanted to live in America forever. The left England and founded the first village Jamestown. They named their settlement James after the new British King. Of the 105 English colonists who founded Plymouth, 73 died within months. The winter was very hard and only some of them survived with the help of the Native Americans.

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