2019 Start of School Makeup Summit - Washington, D.C.

2019 Start of School Makeup Summit

Monday, August 5, 2019


Updated Duplicative Enrollment Resolution Policy and Process

Office of the Enrollment and Residency ? Aaron Parrott Division of Data, Assessment, and Research ? Paul Corbett

2019 Start of School Campaign Priorities

Audience ? LEA Data Managers ? LEA Enrollment Audit POCs Goal ? Reduce the overall number of duplicative student enrollments

at the start and throughout the school year ? Have one process for resolving all duplicative enrollments How We'll Get There ? New duplicative enrollment application ? New duplicative enrollment policy ? Resolution on a rolling basis


Session Agenda


5 minutes 10 minutes 25 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 2 minutes


Opening + Objectives Policy and Process Overview Duplicative Hierarchy Forced Fun Appeals Process Q + A Closing + Next Steps



Session Objectives

By the end of this session, participants will understand:

1. The new Deduplication Resolution Policy and Process

2. How the new policy and process will work for SY19-20

3. Responsibility of LEA in resolving duplicative enrollments


5 Things YOU Should Know

Duplicative enrollments will be uniformly resolved throughout the year

New application created to resolve duplicative enrollments

OSSE determines enrollment and LEA is responsible to appeal

LEAs responsible for review of duplicative determinations 4 times a year Adult LEAs will be a part of the application but not the new policy or process


Policy and Process Overview

Goals of updated policy

Create a year-round deduplication resolution process

? In the past, duplicative enrollment was handled in different ways at different points in the year ? Enrollment Audit, Assessment, End of Year

Increase efficiency for LEAs and OSSE in resolving duplicative enrollments

? Automating part of the resolution process allows for less action to be taken by the LEA and OSSE.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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