Parkland College

Astronomy 101 Project: AnalysisName: _____________________Synodic Period Estimate 1 - Phases:first quarter Moon, date 1first quarter Moon, date 2Estimate #1: days elapsed between phasesSynodic Period Estimate 2 - Rise Times:Weekchosen observation dateestimated rise timeWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6observationsnumber of daysrise time difference (minutes)rise time change per day (minutes/day)1 and 22 and 33 and 44 and 55 and 6average rise time change per day (min/day)Estimate #2: days to change rise time by 1,440 min.Synodic Period Estimate 3 – Stellarium:New PhasedatetimeEstimate #3: Stellarium date 1Time elapsed (days, minutes)date 2STOP! Have your lab instructor approve your work.Initials: ______Estimates Converted to Minutes:Synodic PeriodConverted to minutesActual Synodic Period: 29.5306 daysSynodic Period Estimate #1: PhasesSynodic Period Estimate #2: Rise TimesSynodic Period Estimate #3: StellariumSynodic Period ErrorPercent ErrorError For Estimate #1Error For Estimate #2Error For Estimate #3List all the constellations traversed by the Moon during the six weeks of observations:Sidereal Period Calculations:Use the first five constellations the Moon entered during the six weeks of observations.Entered ConstellationDate 1Date 2Sidereal PeriodAriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoAverage Sidereal PeriodActual Sidereal Period27.322 daysPercent Error ................

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