
Name:_________________________________________Class:________Communication StylesDirections: In class we have been discussing how it is important to have effective communication in order to build a healthy relationship with others. Many of the problems that happen in relationships can be avoided if people are assertive in their communication and clearly explain their views in a respectful way. Read the following situations around the room, and create a statement showing you have an understanding of the 3 communication styles. (Passive, Aggressive, Assertive). You are at Wawa and you are waiting in line to pay, when another customer walks past you and asks to get checked out since she is running late. The young woman behind the counter goes ahead and helps her in spite of the fact that you were next in line. What do you or say to effectively communicate?The talk of the school is the big party that Zach is having over the weekend. Anyone who is anyone will be there. Your friends are nagging you to go but you have a bad feeling about it. You don’t really want to go to, but they insist that if you are a true friend, you will go. “Come on you what’s the problem are you scared? If you are really a true friend you will come with me.” What do you say?Your boyfriend/girlfriend has forgotten to study for Mr. Haverstick’s big exam. You on the other hand have been a good student managing your time and studied for countless nights. Your boyfriend or girlfriend knows this and is pestering you to let them cheat off your test during the exam. “ Boyfriends and girlfriends are supposed to help each other out!” The problem is Mr. Haverstick will definitely catch us cheating. What do you do or say?Your parents don’t like one of your friends because they think your friend is sneaky and trouble. You are worried your parents will try to make you stop hanging out with this person. It’s Saturday night and your worries become reality. A couple hours before you go out your parents tell you, “We just heard that your sneaky friend is going to be out with you. You are not allowed to go! What do you say?There is a new student that has just arrived to Cherokee. They are struggling to make friends and you notice your friends are not helping the situation. Every day at lunch and learn you see them go out of their way to make fun of the new student. One day they say to you “Let’s go find the new kid and have some fun.” You know what they are about to do so what do you say?You and your best friend have been talking all week about hanging out at the movies on Friday night. It is Friday night and you can’t wait to go see the new Hunger Games movie. Late Friday afternoon your friend texts you that they are not feeling very well and you will have to reschedule. Being a good friend, you say “Not a problem, I hope you feel better.” Later that night you see your friend in an Instagram photo at a party having a good time. What will you say to your friend in result?Examples1.Make the statement, “Well, I guess she is late so go ahead and help her.”PassiveYou push yourself to the counter and demand to get help. “I’ve been waiting for the last 5 minutes, you self-proclaimed diva -wait your turn!”AggressiveTell the young lady behind the counter “Excuse me, maybe you did not notice, but I would appreciate if you help me since I was next in line.”Assertive2.“Hey you jerk, stop bothering me. You know I don’t want to go to that party I have told you a thousand times.”Aggressive“Guys I know you want me to go to this party, but I just don’t have a good feeling about it and if you are truly my good friends you will respect my decision.”Assertive“Since you are my good friend, let’s go to the party.”Passive3.“(Boyfriend/Girlfriend), I understand that you are in a tough situation because you forgot to study. I can help you study real quickly, but I don’t think it’s fair of you to pressure me because you know we will get caught.”Assertive“I know you probably have been dealing with a lot of stress, (boyfriend/girlfriend). I might be able to slide you the answers and help you out.”Passive“(Girlfriend/boyfriend), I am going to break up with you if you don’t stop asking me to copy my test answers”Aggressive4.“You guys are so stupid! You have never even met him/her. Aggressive“I just got a text from them, nobody is going out anymore so I will just stay home.”Passive“I don’t think it is right that you are judging him/her without even meeting him. Can I have him/or her over for a little to show you what he/she is like?Assertive5.“Hey, if you guys bother that kid one more time I am going to have to show you why you shouldn’t!”Aggressive“Guys, how would you feel if you were new to the school and had people picking on you? Why don’t we go introduce ourselves and find out what he/she is like.”Assertive“I think I am going to go to the media center to finish my homework, you guys go ahead.”Passive6.I feel disrespected that you went behind my back and lied to me about being sick. I thought we were good friends and had each other’s back.Assertive“Looking at Instagram, it looks like you got better real fast you jerk!”Aggressive“Hey do you think we can go to the movies this week?”PassiveName:_________________________________________Class:________Communication StylesDirections: In class we have been discussing how it is important to have effective communication in order to build a healthy relationship with others. Many of the problems that happen in relationships can be avoided if people are assertive in their communication and clearly explain their views in a respectful way. In order to avoid aggressive and passive communication we need to be aware of what they are. Read the following situations around the room, and create a statement showing you have an understanding of the 3 communication styles. (Passive, Aggressive, Assertive).Scenario 1StatementStylePassiveAggressiveAssertiveScenario 2StatementStylePassiveAggressiveAssertiveScenario 3StatementStylePassiveAggressiveAssertiveScenario 4StatementStylePassiveAggressiveAssertiveScenario 5StatementStylePassiveAggressiveAssertiveScenario 6StatementStylePassiveAggressiveAssertive ................

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