
[pic] Community CSI: Otzi the Ice Man[pic]

On a recent vacation, a few friends of your friends decided to go mountain hiking. They were hoping to see the remains of a glacier that has been melting during the past 70 years. They dressed warmly, packed a backpack with snacks, and headed out for the summit.

After hiking along the trail that many others had traveled that day, your friends decided to go another way, just for the sake of exploration. As they walked along, they saw something sticking out the ice. At first, they thought it was a doll that someone left behind, but it didn’t have any hair. They walked closer and saw that it was not a doll at all, but a human body. But instead of having waxy skin like most corpses, the body looked yellow and felt like leather, almost like a mummy. It was pretty obvious that he froze to death, but how long was he there? Did he recently lose his way? One of them chose to take a closer look and saw a hole in the back of his head. An eerie feeling settled over the group and suddenly everyone started to ask if he was murdered. They then tried to dig him out from the ice with their ski poles.

One of your friends even found a large stick in the ice and began to dig with it until he discovered a metal axe in the ice. They also find what looked like a tiny dagger made from flint and wooden handle and a few other items. They took some pictures with their digital camera for later reference. Just in time too! Before too long, the authorities came to take the body and artifacts away for inspection. Your friends are dying to know though-who is this guy and when/why/how did he die?

Since you’re a new archaeologist, your friends sent you the pictures they took and their five different theories of what they think Otzi (the name they had given him) died. Which of your friends is right?

The reason they contacted you is that you’ll be attending the annual Community Archaeological Society’s Hominid Conference, and this discovery could really help your presentation. Your mission is to work with your fellow archaeologists and use the pictures of Otzi and the artifacts found with him to persuade everyone how you think Otzi died using a PowerPoint presentation. You’ll receive a packet and all the information! Good luck! (

Questions Task Analysis

|What was the location where the |Below are the latitude & longitude your friends sent; use the |Directions: Your team must describe the area as well as possible |

|body was discovered? |map in the box to determine the location of the iceman. |(country, nearby city, river or sea): |

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| |46°N | |

| |10°E | |

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|Who might have been his species?|Use your previous handouts like the hominid chart to evaluate |Which species of early human may have reached this location: |

| |this question. | |

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|What do we know about his diet? |In the days before his death, Otzi had been eating gruel, a |Observations (at least TWO): |

| |vegetable soup made of barley, some kind of deer meat, many | |

| |types of seeds, and edible weeds. | |

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|What do his tools and weapons |Analyze and describe the pictures of the tools and weapons and |Observations (at least TWO): |

|say about him? |indicate to which species these items most likely belonged. | |

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|What does his clothing reveal |Analyze and describe the pictures of the clothing and indicate |Observations (at least TWO): |

|about him? |to which species these items most likely belonged. | |

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| What do the body and the skull |Consider the shape and size of the skull and the appearance of |Observations (at least TWO): |

|tell you? |the body and indicate to which species he most likely belonged.| |

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|Given your observations and |Write the species of the victim and the three strongest | |

|inferences, to which species |inferences or observations that led you to this decision. |Species: __________________________ |

|does the ice man belong? | | |

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When you’re finished, check in with your head archaeologist/teacher. Next, you need to:

• Read the letter from your friend explaining what he/she think happened.

• Work with your group to determine how you will work the PowerPoint presentation (who will click through the slides, who will make which slides, etc)

• Look at the How-To Sheet for creating effective Power Points!

Remember to be persuasive AND use your friend’s arguments in your presentation!

Emma’s Explanation of Otzi’s Death: Hypothermia

Hey friend,

Isn’t it crazy that we found a mummy?!?! I thought you would be impressed. We even gave him a name-Otzi! The guys are saying that they think he was murdered, but I think he died from the cold, or hypothermia. Here are some of the reasons why I think so:

*His body was so well preserved that most scientists think that he froze quickly after his death. The cold turned his body into a mummy with yellow, leathery skin.

*Because the weather can change rapidly in the Alps, some scientists believe that Otzi could have died of hypothermia. Hypothermia occurs when the body temperature drops significantly. In other words, many think Otzi froze to death.

*Many claim that it is easy to become lost in the mountains. Could Otzi have lost his way and developed hypothermia?

*Otzi’s muscle tissue was badly decomposed, as was the outer layer of his skin. This can happen when a body is submerged in very cold water. Did he fall through thin ice and was not able to escape?

*When suffering from hypothermia, sometimes a warm sensation can overcome a person’s body. Otzi was found without his clothes on. Did he remove his clothing he felt this warming sensation of hypothermia?

*The hole in the back of the head probably came from a pecking bird.

So help me out and prove me right! Let me know how the analysis goes, I can’t wait to hear your inferences and presentation to the other archaeologists.

Your friend,


Jake’s Explanation of Otzi’s Death: Robbery


Hope things are well in archaeology school. I can’t believe we found a frozen dead guy; we even gave him a name, Mr. Otzi. The whole experience was beyond crazy-the police even came to take him away. Everyone has their own theory of how he died, but I think he was attacked. Who says they didn’t have muggings in ancient times? Here’s why I think so:

*Many villagers back then were shepherds. Was Otzi a shepherd, too? Otzi had on a cloak and leggings that would have kept him warm in the Alps as he was moving his flock.

*During that time of year, it was common for shepherds to move their flock to pastures in the Alps. Was Otzi in the mountains at the time with his flock?

*Otzi had pollen in his stomach. This pollen was found in the spring on trees where shepherds commonly led their flocks. Was Otzi leading sheep through that pass?

*A one-inch arrowhead made from flint was found in the iceman’s left shoulder. The arrowhead tore though the nerves and the blood vessels, shattering his left shoulder blade and paralyzing his left arm. There are signs of heavy internal bleeding. Medical examiners have determined that the iceman probably died three hours after he was shot with the arrow and that his death was probably very painful.

*The robbers saw his flock and wanted it for their own profit. When Otzi saw the men coming after him, he ran away. Did the robbers pursue him and shoot him in the back with an arrow, kill him, and then take his sheep?

So think about my hypothesis and good luck with your presentation.

Your pal,


Isabel’s Explanation of Otzi’s Death: Assassination

Hey friend!

We really missed you on our vacation. Can you believe we found an ancient mummy? I bet you’re really jealous! I think that he was murdered, though everyone else has some silly idea of how he died. Here’s why I’m right:

*Otzi’s joints had very little deterioration, which means he probably did not perform many physical tasks. What kind of job did Otzi have? Was Otzi a community or religious leader?

*Otzi could have been assassinated in a power-play conflict. He did not suspect the arrow that came from behind. Did some of the village people not like his politics or religious service to the community? Maybe one of his followers had a disagreement with him and murdered him.

*Otzi also had some mushrooms known for their medicinal value. Was he a medicine man, like a shaman (religious leader), who used his powers to heal people?

*Otzi had mysterious tattoos on his body. Did these markings have religious significance? Was he a religious leader?

*Copper axes were very valuable and a sign of power. Some say that only a leader would own an axe like this one.

So, obviously our man Otzi (that’s the name we gave him), was pretty high ranking and people would naturally want some of his power. That means he was probably murdered, and this is the theory you should use in your presentation.

Good luck,


Rohan’s Explanation of Otzi’s Death: Ritual Sacrifice

Hey buddy,

So not only did we discover a mummy today, I actually got to touch him! I kept thinking how much you would have loved being there for this great find. But don’t get too jealous, this ice man (we named him Otzi) is really creepy looking, plus I think he was killed in a sacrificial ceremony. I’m so glad we don’t do things like that anymore! Here’s why I think he died so horribly:

*Otzi’s arrows in his quiver were broken. Societies back then were known for breaking items in ritual ceremonies. Were his arrows broken in a ritual killing?

*Otzi had a very valuable item left with him: his axe. Why was it not stolen? Could it have been placed with his body during a ritual killing? Was it a gift to serve him in the afterlife? Otzi’s possessions were carefully arranged on a nearby ledge. Were these arranged as a part of a ritual killing?

*The tattoos could have been placed on his body to prepare it for sacrifice. Was he the sacrifice of the community to suck up to the gods?

*Otzi’s body was found at the peak of the mountain, alongside beautiful landscape. Beautiful locations have always been a part of ritual sacrifices. Was it a coincidence that Otzi was at that particular point on the mountain?

*Otzi had twine-and-grass shoes, which were not practical for hiking in the mountains. He was carried there.

Pretty convincing, eh? I hope you can use this stuff in your presentation and persuade the other archaeologists that poor Otzi was sacrificed.

See ya soon, Rohan

Suchira’s Explanation of Otzi’s Death: Death in Battle

Hi old friend,

You will not believe the crazy time we’re having-who would have thought a simple hike would turn into discovering a mummy? Everyone is coming up with crazy theories of ways the ice man (we named him Otzi) could have died but I have the best one since I was actually paying attention in history class. We both know that wars were common then, so he obviously died in battle. Here are some reasons why:

*There was an intense border dispute between the people at that time, and a battle occurred to solve it. Otzi fought in this battle.

*DNA samples were gathered from the weapons, clothing, and tools. Blood from four different people was found on these items. The blood on the dagger was from one person. The arrows had blood from two people. The coat carried the blood of yet another person. How did this blood get there?

*Did Otzi catty an injured companion to safety before being hit himself? His injured friend bled onto his coat as he was carried. His DNA was found in the samples.

*Otzi used his two good arrows to kill two others in some sort of boundary dispute. He retrieved these arrows and was trying to fix his other arrows for another attack. Before he could do so, he was shot in the back.

*Before he died, Otzi arranged his belongings on the ledge around him and then slumped over.

This information should help you solve the mystery of his death and convince your archaeologist friends of how Otzi died. Good luck and I’ll see you soon!

Your friend,


Welcome to the CMS Archaeology Society’s

First Annual Hominid Conference


Your Group’s Names: ____________ _____________

______________ ______________ _____________

Please Look Inside To Find All The Materials You’ll Need To Prepare For The Conference!


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