New Product Development Current Events

New Product Development Current Events

Name _________________

Period ______

Date _________________

Instructions: Select an article of at least 300 words or more from a newspaper, news magazine, or Internet site. Choose an article that relates to New Product Development from the past 12 months. Older articles are no longer “current.”

After carefully reading the article, complete the following questions and attach a copy of the article to the back of the assignment sheet. Be prepared to present your article to the class. You will be pre-scheduled for your current event and will be reminded one class period ahead. In the event that you will be absent on your current event day, you must pre-notify Mrs. Hartnett or you will take a zero for your grade.

1. Title of your Article: ______________________________________

2. What newspaper, magazine, or Internet site did the article appear in? ___________________________________________________________

Date ___________________ pages __________

3. Summarize the article. Do not simply copy a news event. Explain the event in your own words. USE ALL OF THE SPACE PROVIDED.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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