Unit: English Colonies - State University of New York ...

Unit: English Colonies

Lesson: N.E. Colonies |Date: Thurs. 9/26 |Subject:

Soc. St. |Materials: Social Studies Text, lined paper, pen | |

|Objective: The Learner Will Demonstrate Evaluation of the differences of Pilgrims and Puritans by writing a letter describing why he/she thinks being a Pilgrim or Puritan is the best in America. |

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|NYS Standard: |

|Social Studies 1.1 History of United States and New York State~~ know roots of American culture |

|Set: |

|~ I came to America because I wanted to worship in my own way and separate from the English Church. Who am I? (Pilgrim/Separatist) |

|~ I also came to America, but I wanted to purify the English Church. Who am I? (Puritan) |

|Procedure: |

|~ Ask for other observations and learning from reading the previous night. (pages 122-124) |

|~ We are going to make a flip chart of important facts and things to remember from this part of the chapter |

|~ Make a flip chart. Fold a piece of paper in half (hot dog style), but leave a 1 inch margin on the right hand side. (see example) Divide flip side into three sections and label them: Pilgrims, Puritans, Life in|

|New England Colonies. Label the left over on right-hand side, New England Colonies. |

|~ As a class write 1 piece of information in Pilgrims and 1 in the Puritans section underneath the flap. |

|~ Have students discuss/share 1 other piece of information for Pilgrims and Puritans with a partner and write those pieces in the sections. |

|~ Bring class back together and ask for some examples of what they wrote. |

|~ Let students then finish writing more information under flaps independently. |

|~ Bring class back together and ask for some examples of what they wrote. |

|~ Each student must have at least 3 things written for each the Pilgrims and the Puritans |

|~ If you lived back in colonial times what would you rather be, a Pilgrim or a Puritan? (let a few share and share your own opinion) |

|~ Students can decorate with pictures. If needed, the classified students can draw pictures and words inside their flip folder. |

|Guided Practice: |

|~ Each student has to choose to be a Pilgrim or a Puritan. |

|~ Each student will have to write a letter to a friend left behind in England. It should include: information about their people, their trip to America, and why they think being a Pilgrim or a Puritan is best. |

|~ Review needed items in a letter: salutations, introduction, body, closing and signature. |

|~ Allow time for students to start working on this in class. |

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|Independent Practice: |

|~ Homework: finish letter to friend in England; Due Monday Sept 30th |

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|Closing: |

|~ Review things needed in the letter: Information about their people, their trip to America, and why or why they don’t like being a Pilgrim or Puritan. |

|~ Due Monday September 30th |

|Unit: English Colonies |Date: |Subject: |Materials: Social Studies Text, New England Colonies Flip Chart, pen |

|Lesson: N.E. Colonies |Mon. 9/30 |Soc. St. | |

|Objective: |

|The Learner Will Demonstrate Evaluation of the differences of Pilgrims and Puritans by writing a letter describing why he/she thinks being a Pilgrim or Puritan is the best in America. |

|NYS Standard: |

|Social Studies 1.1 History of United States and New York State~~ know roots of American culture |

|Set: |

|~ In your letters you wrote, was there anyone who said they would like to be a Pilgrim? – have a student share what they wrote in his/her letter |

|~ In your letters you wrote, was there anyone who said they would like to be a Puritan? – have a student share what they wrote in his/her letter |

|Procedure & Guided Practice: |

|~ We are going to continue reading about the Pilgrims and Puritans in New England. We will read about their settlements and how they lived their lives in N.E. |

|~ Read pages 125-127 together as a group. Switch reading a little; out loud, independently, teacher read, etc. Stop and comment on interesting facts and vocabulary words. |

|~ As a class, fill out things to remember and important facts about what living in the New England Colonies was like in the flip chart made on Thursday. |

Name: ___________________________ Pilgrim/Puritan Letter

| |Criteria |Points |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |  |

|Chose to be a Pilgrim or a | |Pilgrim or Puritan is not |Being either a Pilgrim or |Clearly written whether |____ |

|Puritan. | |mentioned in the letter. |Puritan is not clearly |he/she is a Pilgrim or a | |

| | | |stated. |Puritan. | |

|Include information about |No information stated |Gives 1 piece of |Gives 2 pieces of |Gives 3 or more pieces of |____ |

|his/hers people |about his/her people and |information describing |information describing |information describing | |

|(Pilgrims/Puritans) and |trip. |his/her people and trip. |his/her people and trip. |his/her people and trip. | |

|their trip to America. | | | | | |

|States why he/she thinks |Doesn't state any |Briefly touches on being a|Tells 1 reason why being a|Gives 2 or more reasons |____ |

|being a Pilgrim or Puritan |advantages. |Pilgrim/Puritan. |Pilgrim/Puritan is the |why being a | |

|is the best. | | |best. |Pilgrim/Puritan is the | |

| | | | |best. | |

|Neatness, Punctuation, |Letter is illegible and |Letter is sloppy and has |Letter is fairly neat and |Letter is neatly done with|____ |

|Complete Sentences |has 5 or more misspellings|no more than 5 |has no more than 3 |no misspellings or | |

| |or grammatical errors. |misspellings or |misspellings or |grammatical errors. | |

| | |grammatical errors. |grammatical errors. | | |

|Letter was received on |Received more than 2 days |Received 2 days late. |Received 1 day late. |Received on time. |____ |

|time. |late. | | | | |

| Teacher Comments: |Total----> |____ |

|  | | |

|  | | |

Name: ___________________________ Pilgrim/Puritan Letter

| |Criteria |Points |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |  |

|Chose to be a Pilgrim or a | |Pilgrim or Puritan is not |Being either a Pilgrim or |Clearly written whether |____ |

|Puritan. | |mentioned in the letter. |Puritan is not clearly |he/she is a Pilgrim or a | |

| | | |stated. |Puritan. | |

|Include information about |No information stated |Gives 1 piece of |Gives 2 pieces of |Gives 3 or more pieces of |____ |

|his/hers people |about his/her people and |information describing |information describing |information describing | |

|(Pilgrims/Puritans) and |trip. |his/her people and trip. |his/her people and trip. |his/her people and trip. | |

|their trip to America. | | | | | |

|States why he/she thinks |Doesn't state any |Briefly touches on being a|Tells 1 reason why being a|Gives 2 or more reasons |____ |

|being a Pilgrim or Puritan |advantages. |Pilgrim/Puritan. |Pilgrim/Puritan is the |why being a | |

|is the best. | | |best. |Pilgrim/Puritan is the | |

| | | | |best. | |

|Neatness, Punctuation, |Letter is illegible and |Letter is sloppy and has |Letter is fairly neat and |Letter is neatly done with|____ |

|Complete Sentences |has 5 or more misspellings|no more than 5 |has no more than 3 |no misspellings or | |

| |or grammatical errors. |misspellings or |misspellings or |grammatical errors. | |

| | |grammatical errors. |grammatical errors. | | |

|Letter was received on |Received more than 2 days |Received 2 days late. |Received 1 day late. |Received on time. |____ |

|time. |late. | | | | |

| Teacher Comments: |Total----> |____ |

|  | | |

|  | | |


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