757 ;RDINO WANTED--A widow E? ? S
to foe
obtain ttioo.
(Ming princtpellyof females, sad would require a bed
roost ( f parlour, whksU aba wouM funnah herself. Ap-
iioati ?D will plea** be'mede, addraaa to P. B o i No
I. P >? Office.
uon, in CuttomHou**,
6 "
"JE .*y.
! ?
? S
? "
a^' -y--
t^uSnn^v ? ? " ?AY,
tSSlFVU! 29th Marsh.
? * ? ???*?? will by June* Seto*.
b . eold ?? Atnv Auctfonror
Nem-York. mttk Fmhruary 1830
SAMUEL 8 W A R T W O U T . Collector.
M 4 aa s 4M? M I;M ?c as.
l W - J a n ' r , 14 t5T
1 OH
" 26 1189
1 do 1 demijohn 8 barrels 1 case
Bng Constitution
Ship Camillu* 8ch Gen. Jackson
?ta?Taaa. F w H a a i raosi
| Bnatstn
Peek Snow Robmson
St. Havre
,, . N. tlJO.a
JJRY," now reedyforthe pre**, and to be published immediately succeeding the adjournment of the present Congress, as it is intended toettshttsoe In the work all law* p****d thiesaeswo.anfeiiogtheextoungTartfl'.orinanymanner a?ppppeerrttaaiinniinngg ttoo ccoommmmeerrccee..
TThhee oobbjjeecctt oofftthe publisher in presenting this work to
rthe pubUc, and particularly to the aasi seahT* community,
!BDas*ituuonal laws, that the dassfsrss not
I think I have now shown that the right of a stale to judgaof infections e f the oonetitolion, on tax* part of
power will be veaasaeJy easttfosal, baa that she
the federal government, results from the very nature of the compact, and that neither by the *iprea* provMen* of that instrument, nor by any fair implication, ie such a power excl.usivel.y reserved tot l M.F--a?s=W.?.O u r .i w m
Of any o f it* department*--exocutive, legislative, or judicial. But I go farther, and contend, that the power in
A State will be resuaisssd by e .sanea* leva e f the Union. Tha,Faepatof the United Stela, cherish a davutiuo to tho Uoieax. m short do any ihinet that saoy poeeabry en Jtiajar U. ' % , there
| ] 0 L A R D . -- R S S R5bedruomacan be had, with
O I areakfest and tea, W board where there are only
t * o r * three gentlemen. Term* moderate. Appppl l e t
130 B Mad way.
M" R. A R N O L D , 8urgsoo Itentist, Member of S t Royal College of Surgeon*. London, (lata assistant to Mr. Newton, Veaey street.) announces to the pub ? l.c ih it hi* Office i* No. 195 Fulton *traet. North River tide. Hour* of attendance from 9 to 5 o'clock. * 17 tf
M~ R S . M. PADDOCK'S MILLINERY & D R E S S MA KINO E S T A B L I S H M E N T , removed from
No. I.M to 119 Fulton street, b u r doora below Nassau
?tier t.
i )R S A L E , a good neat second hand Buggy, but 1 iula the worae For ware, made of the beat material*,
February 4 Jsmee Minora
" 24 J G 1
" 12 C in a diamond 3 a 18
H Burgy FAST
" 16 C H liarbey dt Co
? ? March 20 Grant Thorbura
*' 11 TStok** 20 D 4 banc Phillips 88 N in diamond J J Todd 28 McDonnell
28 R HewiSom
23 N N 1 0
April 3 3
W,,T 3, in m diamond
f ? 5 p 1 barrel
1 do 1 sword lease
1 do 1 do 1 chest 1 box lease 1 cask 1 case
Ship Brunswick Napoleon Henri IV Howard France
Brig Mattewan
Ship Robert Fulton Corinthian
Sehr Ranger Brig Dromo Ship Fabiua
Potter Beatjeaa
Smith HKiddy Weiderholt Funek Heald Britton Chadwkk Eldredge Morgan Thompson
EdwQuesnel Hawkins
Bark Columbue
Drink water
Greenock Bordeaux Liverpool Havre
Havre St. Bart'raew* Greenock I^ondon P au Pnnoe Havana Belfast
Ham Antwerp
iiss ttoo aaffffoorrdd aallll ppoossssiibbllee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn eevveerryy ssuubbjjeecct tr.e--
lating to the present mode by which dahet are laid on
foreign tmporu. particularly inch designated and distin-
guished under lb* rusting law* aa measurement good*.
To simplify a system, complicated in its character by
the various and difficult calculations necessary to ascer-
tain th* rates of duty which certain descriptions of good*
are liable to pay, will embrace a principal feature of this
work, in the hop* that it wilt be rendered, not only a
eourca of information, bat also prove useful to that por-
tion of the people throughout the United Stales engaged
in commercialpurtuit*.
' "?
Th* Tables, which will ha embodied in this publica-
tion, will relate to all goods subiecttoduty by measure-
ment, imported from England. Ireland and Scotland,
Germany and the Netberlande. In their arrangement,
they will be presented in a shape ae easy to be compre-
notation may be fairly considered ea reserved to the beat**, by that clause of th* constitution before relerred
nenu. wtueh ?aeelt froaa a e l m manisJaa of all the
to, which provides, " that all powers not delegated to the United State*, S M reserved to tbestaiee respectively or to the people "
That wall due* a St
N o doubt can exist, that, before the states entered into the compact, they poaiattid the right, to the fullest extent, of determining the limits of their own powers--ii is incident to all sovereignty N o w , have they given a w a y that right, or agreed to limit or restrict it in any I respect? Assuredly not. They have agreed, that car-1 tail specific powers shall be exercised by the Federal Government, but the moment that Oovemmenttiteps beyond the limits of it* charter, the right of the states
gee that iinnaalati, A sity of consulting twhl broad, before *be ran raetar. 81a* will
be abandoned a*a_ fail in th* object ahc ha* in t the declaration of i v*d thai mankind t sre sutferable. thantoi
?' to interposeforarresting the progress of the evil, and should thia earn be aa eieaplfotl, %?---- -
for maintaining within their respective limit*, the au- nonal monve* roust always be foand for
thorities, right* and libertie* appertaining to them," is look at our own experience on tiuaaubja
with n ttoot sua top. For particular* apply at the I ,iv-
3 ?? o
1 trunk
hended, that the amount of duty on any article of mea- as full and complete ae it was before the Constitution and Kentucky, so far bach a*'fS. i
?ry > (table of J. BttOCHWAY, Varick .treat, opposite
4 TD1
surement goods, may be ascertained, by a simple refer- waa iormed. It wa* plenary then, and never having for which 1 have bean eeaxasxtdu
the ' tichmond hrll houae.
?W1LL1AHS E T WOOD.Copiates etTradueteur* Francai*. Aoglai*. Espanols, AUeraaud*. Itali-
ans, be. No. 44 Ccdar-at. New-York.
1" 5 " i . * I L Y VAULTS.--For rale, ait vault*, in the . Kpiscopal Cemetery in Hudsonst.,8feet by lOeacb,
furni 1'ied OH tho plan of tho *afety vanlta. Inquire at the
Trinity Church Veatry Office, corner of Fulton and
Choi t-h ???? from 10 A. M. to i P. M.
d81 dtf
m i 5 LIME BURNERS.--The New York dt fcchuyl
I kill Coal Company have for aalea quantity of fine
Con), suitable fur burning lime, which they will it'll a
riergeln if applied for imtoediately. Office foot of Mor-
n* sti vet, (late Beaver lane.)
W A L T f . f t N E X ^ E N . Secretary.
CIlUKCllVAULTSinitieyardolSt.Luke*?Church, on Hudion street, may be had on accommodating
term*, by applying at No. If Maiden lane, or at 393 Hud-
ton at. the next door to the Church.
j30 2aw3m
ORGANIZED HORIZONTAL GRAND PIAN O FORTE.--Tobeeold,amoatsup*rband bril-
hint t/inad Organised Horizontal Gr ind Piano Forte,
with flute, flagolet, drum, cymbal, and other accompa-
niments, forming a band of music of itaelf. Apply at
the Masses Cowan*' Music Establiahment, 32 Fourth
street. Washington Square.
M. Do^lty has the honor to submit to the ladies of New York her selection of elastic and self-adjusting Corstts, from her houses in Pari* and London, which she engage*
? , 4 PI 9 JW1 9 N8 9 WPA
8 JMdtCl S P2 22 W G 1 82 A P 6 0 9 27 John Johnston 13 14 F in a diamond 1 29
Mey 3
.1 ,,j
28 Peixotto 1 II Hadlow
4 R D 229.210
5 TD187 18 C114
21 C D V 4 . 5
27 M Pin a star 4
June 22
1 1 " 27 4
11 Pittman
cw i
22 JdtA BrownforJSEaton
1 do 1 bundle lbe, 1 barrel 1 cas* 1 do 1 do 1 do I half barrel 1 box 1 do
1 do 2 do 2 do 1 bundle lbag 3 bundles pane 2 cases 1 do
1 do 2 do 1 do 1 box 1 chest 1 bundle lkeg 1 case 1 do
1 do 2 bag* coffee 1 barrel tugsr 13 bottle. 2 jars
Brig Ham,pton
Ship Edw Bonaffe Hathaway
Francois 1st Skiddy
Brig Devrion Kch Ann How-land
Canton Brig Napoleon SchrPheaton
Atlas Splendid Ship Mt. Vernon Wm. Byrnes Cbarlemange Montano Brig La Plata Ship Chaa. Carroll Europe Brig Jane
Madawaska it
Brilliant Ship France Brig Dido Ship Josephine Schr Columbus
McGill Fisher Wiilard Budd
Clark Snow Thompson Robinson Bnckup Wing Robinson
At water
Funek Eaton Britton Carey
Greenock Parr* coa P au Prince Curaroa Toba?co St. Croix Porto Cabello Liverpool
?? , Havre
n foghorn Havre Hamburg Rio Janeiro Greenock
Bordeeux Havana Bordeaux Belfast St. Thomas
ence. DETAIL
lit. A compendium of the Revenue Law* regulating the usage* of our Custom House, and such as are neeee?ary to convey information, useful to Merchant* and tkip matter*, with construction* given by the Treasury Department on paint* of doubtful character.
2d. A full and correct Tariff, or Rate* of Dutte*, designating all articles paying by the aquare yard, distin?[uisbing suchexcluded from the leaser (Woollen) duty of ourteen cent* the equare yard, aa well a* other* liable to an increase of duty, prospectively.
3d. Atmbmof BrituktterHng, with 10percent added exhibiting any given amount in dollars from ? 1 to ? 1000 ?uccessively, and from the latter aum up to ?10,000 acaccording to the rale of value affixed by the government.
4th. An A une table from one to three thousand Aune* reduced into yards at the rate of forty seven inches each, as sdopted by our Custom House.
5th. A table particularly adapted to ascertain the dutie* on Merino Shawls and Handkerchief* proportionate to their respective size*, as well as similar articles paying duty a* Woollen.
eih. A table specifying the duties which Cotton good* invoiced in St. Gull Florin* are liable to pay, either by the aune or yard proportionate to their respective widths.
7th. A rate of Dutiable charges usually added when none are apparent on the face o t invoices, or when such as may be affixed are conceivedtoolow.
8th. A table of Foreign Money*, with their value aa estimated by the government.
been surrendered must be plenary n o w . But what then asks the gentleman ? A state is brought into colli-, ?ion with the United Stales, in relation to the exercise oft unconstitutional powers: who ie to decide between them ? Sir, it is the common case oCditference of opinion between sovereigns as to the trad construction of a compact. Docs such a difference of opinion necessarily produce war? No. And if not among rival nations, why should it do so among friendly states? In all such case*, some mode mutt be devised by mutual agreement for settling the difficulty: and most happilyforus, that mode is clearly indicated in the Constitution itself and results indeed from the vary form and structure of the Government. The creating power is three-fourths of the statee. By their decision, the parties to the compact have agreed to be bound, even to the extent of changing the entire form of the government itself; and it follows of necessity, thst in case of a deliberate and settled difference of opinion between the partiee to the compact. a* to the extent of the power* o f either, resort must be had t i theircommonfsuperior--that power which may give any character to the Constitution they may think proper, viz t three fourths of the state*. Tins is the view of the matter, taken by Mr. Jefferson himself, who in 1821 expressed himself in this emphatic manner: "It is a fatal heresy to suppose, the*, either our elate governments are superior to the federal, or the federal to the atate; neither it at.tboriaed literally to decide what belongs to itself, or its copartner in government, in differences of opinion between their different sets of public servants, the appeal Ie to neither, but to their employers peaceably assembled by their representstive* in convention."
have never since bean abandoned r\_ yet occurred, in which it has bean practically to exert the power asserted la I lions.
If th* alien and sedition Iswa had not been y -- ? the lore* o f public opinion, there can be no doubt, I the Stale o f Virginia would have interposed to protect her citizens from its operation. .And if the apptrhenaaoa of such an interposition by a State should nave the otfort o f restraining the Federal Government from acting, except in caae* clearly within the limit* of their authority . etirefy no one can doubt the beneficial operation o f auch a real raining influence. Mr. Jeffereon aaaurss a*, that the embargo wa* actually yielded up. rather than force N e w England into open opposition to it. And it was right to yield it. ?ir. to hon**t conviction* of it* unconstitutionality entertained by to large a portion of our fellow cilisem. I f the knowledge that the state* possess the Constitutional right to mlerpoee, in the event " of gross, deliberate, and palpable violations of ths Constitution." ahoiild operate to prevent a perseverance ut sHch violstions, aurely the effect would be greatlytobo desired. But there is one point of view, in which thia matter repreaente itself to mind, with irresistible force. The Supreme Court, It is admit led, may nullify aa act of* Congrea*. by declaring it to be uncotwtituttonal. Can
Congress, after such a nullification, proceed to enxbi the law, even if they thould differ in opinion front the Court ? What then would be the eff?et of *ach ? decision? And what would b* the remedy in inch a caae? Congress would bo arretted in the exercise of thee
ted power, and the only remedy would be, an app the creating power, three-fourths of the State*,fora a
M fit i n a superior slyie ofelegtc.ee, however difficult the figure. Also, her much approved patent Relief Belt*, which reciify spinal curvature*, support and eure persona awry, invisibly making the form appearabapely without steel, padding or pressure, reducecorpulency, v iscer*! enlargenient, umbilical hernia, local dropsy, relieve debility, and give comfortable support before and after accouchement.
Madame Doyley tenders her beet acknowledgements a those ladies who have been so liberal of their patronge during the very short period she has been in this country, and begs to inform them that she ha* removed torn 399 to 287 Broadway, opposite Washington Hall, , where) they will invariably find ease and elegance comnned with economy.
Merchant* and country dealer* (applied on auch terms at no other houae can oiler.
Cheap Corset* for Domestics just received. Drees making In all the varieties of modem fashion. at the following reduced charge*:--Plain dress, f 1 SO; fcslf trimmed do. t t 5 0 ; full do do, 1 3 ; cloak, f j . F19
FA S H I O N A B L E D R E S S MAKING, 287 Broad, way, directly opposite Washington Hall --The
1827--Dece'r 18 1829--Jan'ary 9
March 9 23
April 17 ?? 28
May 1
21 21 21 June 2 18
19 19 19
87 27
Plnadiamond 13a37
" Aall FR FD D L (*toree) W L Hudson
A In a diamond 1 2 3
1 C 8 Romeo
lkeg ibale
1 2 hi 12 empty jars 1 bag chains 25 cases 9 bap salt lease 4 pea machinery 7 cases 2 bundles 1 do du lbox 2 keg.
4 barrels lcask 1 banal 1 trunk
8 Indian barrels 1 bag sugar lkeg
Schr Golden Age Brig Rebecca Ship Birmingham
Silas Richards New England Bayard Hudson
Nones Bernard Harris
Holdredge Doane Butmin Champlm
Cttracoa Santa Martha (.Liverpool
Havre London
*J:ig La Plata
8hi|i James Bng Thatcher 8cbr Penope Ship Richmond
Sheckford Thatcher Hawes Crabtree
London Gibraltar Aug Ca)aa London
Brig Mentor Jane
Sinclair Jone*
Madeira Guadeloupe
9th. A table of Fee* affixed by law with the terms of credit allowed on bonding.
19th. Formsformaking out the various papers required at the Custom House.
1 ltb. A table of Tare* and Draft*, with whatever else may appertain to the offices of the Weighers, Measurers aadPGuagert attached to the Custom House.
12th. All municipal laws and regulations of the city of New York, appertaining to the operations of Com
i f th. The laws ofthe Southern State*, as relatetothe introducing of or carrying off any slave or free person of color.
14th. Rules snd regulation* of the Chamber of Commerce of New York.
15th. The Health Law* of the city, applicabletovaeeels entering the port of New York.
16th. A hst of name* of O^torrt and ofeert attached to the Custom Houae, detailing the respective situations
But it has been asked, why not compel a State, objecting to the constitutionality of a law, to appealtoher sister states, by a proposition to amend the constitution ? 1 answer, because such a course would, in thefirstinstance, admit the exercise of an unconstitutional authority, which the states are not hound to submit to. even for a day, and because it would be absurd to suppose that any redress could ever be obtained by such an appeal, even if a etate were at liberty to make it. If a majority of both house* of Congress should, from any motive, be induced deliberately toexerciee "power* not granted, " what prospect would there be of arresting the progress of the evil by a VOM of three foirtbs ? But the constitution ? !oea not permit a minority to submittothe people a proposition for an amendment of tbenonstituinn Such a proposition can only come from "two third* of both house* of Congreee, or the Legislature* of two thirds of the states." It will be seen, therefore, at once, that a minority whose constitutional rights are vi-
amendment of the Constitution. And by whom moat such an sppeal be made ? It must be read* by the party proposing to exercise th* disputed power? Mow, t w i n ask, w nether a sovereign atate may not be eafcly entrusted with the exercise of a power, operating merely as a check, which is admitted to belongtothe Supreme Court, and which may be exercised every day, by sny three of its members? Sir, no ideas that can be formed of erhstrary power on the one hand, and abject dependence on the other, can ha earned further, than to suppose that three individuals, mare men, " subject to like passion* with oursel vea,*' may be safely entrusted with the power, to nullify an act ofCongress. because we conceive ittobo unconeth utional; but that a sovereign and lliihlitllt'txai atate.aventh* great state of flaw York, U bound, implicitly, to aubmit to its operation, even where it violate*, in the grossest manner, her own rights, or the liberuee o f bereitrcene. But we d.> rwt r^ownd that a coramon cm
would justify th* interposition.
which they fill.
olated can have no redress by an amendment of the con- This i s " the extreme medicine of the Stale." and can-
17th. Of all Officers under (civil) appointment of the stitution When any state r* brought into direct colli- not become our daily bread.
General Government, within the state of New York.
sion with the Federal Government, in the case of an at- Mr. Madison, In his report, saya--" It does not follow,
18th. Of the Head* of Department* at Waihtngton, tempt by the latter to exercise unconstitutional powers, however, that because the statee, aa *uv*i*agn partiee
Lttj.e* o f N e w York are respectfully informed, that ell
" 27
their respective branches, and the chief Clerks of each. the appeal must be made by Congress, (the party pro- to their conatitutional compact, mutt ultimately decide
trder* in the above business will be promptly executed is the beet manner, and according to the lateet fashion*,
27 I V L
1 case
19th Of all StmiUeri, Contul* and Agent* represent- posing to exert the disputed rower) in order to have it whether it has been violated, that auch a decision ought ing the United Suites abroad, as well ae such resident expressly conferred, and, until so conferred, the exercise to be interposed, either in a hasty manner, or on doubtful
{under the management of an English lady o f the first
N tiferwnc*, w h o has for many years conducted the boei-
Ma otf n- of the most fashionable houses in London,}
A u the following reduced cbergesr--
Plain Drese.
tl M
HolfTtlmmed Drees,
2 00
Pull do. do.
9 00
M r A n I laaamsnassiiiimaat ofreactapproved French
snil E nghah Corsets, selling 30i par cent under the i.n-
cas of any other house in town
ipree micss wanted
L I^O rit'E.--Tie-copartnership heretofore existing be-
j \ t ween the suhacrihers, under the firm of Stephen*,
Ltppi'tclt if Co. is this day dissolved by mutual con-
sent. T h e unset'led business will be attended to by
?ither o f them. N e w York. January 1, 1830.
M r T h e eoperaership between the subscribers, under
the firm of Hadrrook o retite home early during the present season. Terse, ? 10 per quarter for either of the said languages- or 8 5 for both. For thirty private Ueeoni, 815.
T h e instruction of Ladies (day erkoUm) islivtded, aa usual, into four section*; The flrttcomprisng all the branchee of a polite English education--terra, $10 per or. T h e 3d. the French. 8pani*h or Italian Itnguage-- f t par qr. T h e 3d, Singing and Muaic on th) piano or
logues can he had on appplicetion. A liberal discount made to those who buy to sell again
IJ1NT1RE STOCK O F L A C E S , EMBROIDE!i R1ES A C U T G O O D 8 . selling off at coat, and
under.--Bate*, Tainlor Sj Co. 68 Maiden lane, intend
leaving the retail buainee*, and offer their entire stock
of rich F A N C Y G O O D 8 , at cost, and under, oonsist-
ing. in part, of the following Good* :--
Rich embroidered Cepee, Caps ox Band*
Do English Thread Lacee St Edging*
Do Bohbinett do do
Quilling*, all widtha
Lsc* Cap* A Cap Crown*
Black Bob. Lace Veile
4-4.5-4 A 6-4 blk A white, plain it ng'd Bobbtnetta
4-4 rich Barege Scarf* A Hdkfe
Linen Cambrics
Also, a large lot U n a s Cemb. Hdkfa, extra rir*
Jaconet A Camb. Muslins
Madison's report on the** resolution*, that it rs not only tend thst the decision of every brooch of t e a Faster*! Go-
" the right but the duty of the States" to " judge of in- vernment in favor of auch lawscnnld aaavent the etate*
fraction* of the constitution." and " to interpose for from declaring I hem null and void
maintiintng within their limit* the authoriiiet. right*, citizens from their operation ?
and Iwertut, appertaining to them "
Sir. if Congress should ever attempt to enforce any
Mr. Jeffereon, on vanoti* occasion*, expressed him- such Is ws they would put themeeivm an clearly l a the
eelf in languege equally strong. In the Kentucky reso- wrong that n o otw could doubt tha right of th* state m
lutions of 98, prepared by him. it i? declared that the exert its protecting power.
federal government " wa* not mad* the exclusive and final judge of the extent of the power* delegated to itself, since that could have made its discretion, snd not the constitution ths measure uf its power*, but that a* in all other caste of compact among parties, having no common judge, eet h party ha* an equal right to fudge for >t**lf, ea ?axV ofmfractkmta* th* mod* and memntr*
Sir. the ge>ntfetnan haa alluded to that portion of the Militia of Sooth Carolina with whisk 1 h a t * the honor to be connected; and asked h o w they woald sot In ths svent e f th* nolliflncation o f the tariff law, by t i n State o f South Carolina? The ton* of the gemtlesMa on thia subject did not seem to ma aa respectful ae I could have desired. I hope, sir, no imputation w m In
In the Kentucky resolutions of '9?, it ie even n o t e explicitly declared, " that theesveral Statsa which formed the constitution, being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right m > 4 r e of it* infraction, and
IMT Wssmter--"Notat all; jnst the revxane.'1 Well, air, ths gentleman asks what tbeir leader* would he able to read to them out of Coke upon Little-
I r n o PRINTERS: The subscribers have just com
pMrin. tippnilgetperdesas.
machine for It require*
inking type on but one person,
the common in place of a
man and boy as now worked, and is attached to one of
wrir pressee. They invite printer* and other* to call
TH E ?ub*criberhaa received and will open on Mon- gtnt*r--12 per or. The4th, Drawing or Paining, in all day next, one case printed muslin for ladies dress**, Its branch**-- #18 per qr. Music end Dawing ere
the most beautiful and costly article of the kind ever taught also in the afternoon. Those ladiee tho study
offered in this market. Ladiee are particularly invit . in one of the firat three sections, are entitled ? study in
to call and examine the goods. M A R K BANKS,
the other two at half price.
Plain A fig'd Scotch A Swiss Mulls Do Gros de Naples Silk, cotton A worsted Hosiery Fine camel's hair Berem Irish Linen*, Sheeting A hirdaey* Diaper*, fine
that a nulltjkatum by those soveraigntie* o f all unauthorised acts done under color of that instrument hi the
But the gentleman My*, this right will be dangerona Sir. 1 insist, that of all the check* that have been pro-
ton, or any other law book, to justify their enterprise? Sir, letmeaaauretbegentfeman, >bat whan any attesspt shall he made from any quarter, to enforce imtsltxttWa tienal laws, clearly violating oar tmsntisl rights, eor Itaasra, (whoever they may be) will net be foand reed-
?H examine it.
R O B E R T H O E S% CO.
comer Broad way and Canal st.
Ladiee, hoarder*, pay $50 per quarter for eoatding, Col'd Marcellrnes. blue A jet blk do
vided by the constitution, this is by for the safest, and ing brack letter from the atatty pages of old law hoeha.
31 Gold s t
1 V O R S A L E by the subucriber.a choice collection o ? Pratt Trees, Grape Vines, Ornamented Shrubef *?? at the Bowery Hill Nureery, on* and a half mile, "wnurwn, upon th* middle road, and at the Green Hous ?nd Seed Store corner of Fourth and MeDoUgal streets, *" eitecsrive collection of Green Houae Plants, Garden ^P^ref8eade.
8I G N S O F T H E T I M E 8 -- Formerly no one thought washing, fuel, use of the piano, and the insfpctlon in of naytng leee than 30 or 935fora coat, price waa all the branchee of the first three section*. FoiDra wing
no object--money waa plenty. Alee, now a days it is very soaree, and economy is the object of the day. Notice ia therefore hereby given that superfine coats are made to order from 13 to SIS, tuner kereitnere and cloth pantaloons from 4 to f t , black silk velvet end other vests from 8 to | 5 . die Ac in proportion, at the new Exchange
or Painting, a separate charge. Their eduction, not-
withstanding the excessive lowness of the terns, will
ha in every respect not inferior to that whichcnuld be
expected from any other institute of the krndpther in
America or In Europe, Unexceptionable Mercnoae
given and required.
C Jill 9t*
WILLIAM WILSON. Clothing Emporium. No lift Chatham street, a few
doors from Pearl et.
I -TllfEauhecriber. Agentand Collector, formerly of the N.B. Gentlemen may have their cloth made to me*.
*i ' f e w Yet* Enquirer, offer* his earvice* to hit friend* rare, vis i coat* 84 50. pantaloons t l 25. and vain t l
? ^ ? h e p u h l i c a* Agent for the collecUon of rent* snd 50, or may purchase them ready made of euperior work-
l?T"vonte in general. Orders left at the offieeof Mr. manehip and analiUas at the above prices
rax St
I * " " * BUeekme. No 87 Merchants' Exchanee, or at the
2000 bags Java Coffee, of *up*rlor qnelitUntitledDocument
4000 do Manilla Soger.
80 tone Manilla Hemp
ft oases Turtle Shell--for sale by
N. L St. 0 . O R 1 8 W O L P . 8 6
lis..i.sii of the ?ubeeriber, No. 13 Jay at. will meet with ?V A \ U IRISH" M i M l M - J i g * ree'd , lew U E A VER--A email lot, itttreomvaxfand
Denhle Damask Table Cloth* A Napkins
Table Diaper A Double Damask
Also, a great variety ofother rich Goods,toonamarous
to mention.
t*3* The above Mock ntnat be sold in a few weeks, and
Isdass will find great fnducementa offered them to pur-
' h y leaking throngh the assortment. m 8 f t
--*g'".. J8BL l_J,J*'JM'w"TM,^*1e*x?xe*i*ex*i
AT P R I V A T E S A L E - T h e Mock o f the Every Stable, No. 34 Cherry at. consistMinBg Iof horse*,
carriages, g i n , huggiee, sleighs. A c Apply to
E. A / B R I N7C_ JK:EERRHH C0 F F , Assignee.
328 Pulton street.
CO T T N H O S l i - ? 8 e ? e e s V t M n C M t 4 ? I l a a ^ f t c
Thomas M. Tryniski
?ale by J. D O W A C O 119 Pearl et 309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
T ? L K BAR A G E . - f t piece* blk Bawae,forsal* by
the least liable to abuse. It hi admitted by the gentle- They will look to the Conttimfion. and whan called
man that the Supreme Court amy declare a l a w lb ha upon by the sovereign authority of the State, to pre-
unconstitutional, and cheek your further progr---- serve and protect the rights ?eenrsd to them by the
Now, the Supreme &Mrteorj**sts of only seven Judges; charter of thter liharti**. they will socraad in daaendtng
four are a quorum, three of whoaa a t * a txaxjerity, and them, ar "parish In th* last ditch " Sir, I will put
may exercise this mighty pawet. N o w , the Judges of | ths eaaa borne to the gentlamen. k them aay vfoht-
this Court are without any direct rswposk* felity. in atat- lation o f t h e constitutional right* of the State*, and th*
tors of opinion, and stay eartainly be gen .?nod by any liberties of the eitixan. (mnettonsd by Cotafrem snd the
o l t h e motives, which it ie itajpapd w i t isxflaaac* s f * o p C o e ^ ) w a i e h U w t r o W b W s s ^ t i t o t ? B t h * r k h t A
State ? "??rasing the mtm ef the
dstv o f a State to, resist? Doe* hs contend for th*
Sir, it is Supreme
not my Court.
for the individual* who compose that axszWrnal, bat I be-
We*rt3 h* j t a J f y e n open retattatiti te aa art ef Cetv groro sammtoofd b y the Cestte, tshmhsheaM sheik*
have they hava rendered l u r ^ - .
^ _^_
try; and that, nenflned within thaw ?eysvjerfet* *px*af
(thederiafon of questions " o f l a w > ? equity") '
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